Why most Nigerians don't believe in miracles - Dr. Chris Okafor | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 24 February 2017

Why most Nigerians don't believe in miracles - Dr. Chris Okafor

The General overseer of the Liberation City church, Dr. Chris Okafor popularly known as the Oracle of God, owing to his unrivalled prophetic accuracy has said that two major factors militate against Nigerians’ belief in prophecy and miracles.
The man of God who in 2016 alone held miracle crusades in more than a hundred locations around Nigeria, Africa, Europe and North America has kicked off his 2017 crusade tours with resounding miracles to show for it.

At the Chris Okafor World Outreach Ministries (COWOM) crusade recently held in Asaba, a man who has been blind from childhood miraculously received his sight even while the man of God was just preaching. Then there were diverse miracles that left people in that region thinking hard about the source of his powers.

From Asaba, the man of God proceeded to Oshogbo in Osun State where a mad man who was bundled into the crusade ground was healed. People who knew the madman and how long he’d been mad simply didn’t know what to think about what happened.

Then there was the highlight – when the man of God prophesied that there was a pastor in the congregation who had visited a witch doctor for power to grow his church membership. He prophesied that the witch doctors had made the so-called pastor to sleep in a graveyard for three whole days! At this, the mammoth crowd was thrown into frenzy. The pastor in question – Pst. Shedrach eventually came out and confirmed every word the man of God had spoken. The man of God later prayed for pastor Shedrach and destroyed the alleged “crowd-pulling” charm in his pocket, with which he intended to pull crowd away to his own church.

There was also the case of a child who had lost consciousness and was virtually clinically dead. The man of God grabbed the child and prayed fervently for life to come into its body and it did. When the news of all that had happened broke, some people reacted with skepticism. Some even said that it was all arranged. Others called it ‘Fake’.

When the man of God heard about it, he simply said
“My heart grieves for Nigeria. I kind of know why people in this part of the world hardly believe in prophecies and miracles. Go to YouTube and see the number of fake prophets who are out there performing magic and deceiving people up and down. I use to show those videos to my pastors. And I know some of these people. My heart grieves. It’s hard to see all that and still believe that anyone can be real, doing what we do. See, there’s an autobiographical documentary on me that will soon come out. I want the world to see it and know that I was born to do what I’m doing. I invite those who think we arrange people for miracles to visit our church. If I see you, the lord will use me to tell you what you’re going through, and not only that; the same God will use me to provide you with solution. That’s the difference between fake and real. A real prophet will give you solutions and that solution will be permanent. That’s what God has been using me to do in our church and I dare anybody who’s in doubt to visit. My advise to Nigerians is to not throw away the baby with the bath water. The fact that there are fakes doesn’t mean that God hasn’t chosen a few of us to do what we are doing. If you don’t understand it, it doesn’t mean it’s not real. I pray that God will help us all”
The man of God who also blamed some of Nigerians’ hostile approach to miracles on lack of sound knowledge of the bible said “rather than get angry with peoples’ opinion about prophecies and miracles, I have chosen to just bear with people, focus on what I’m called to do and then leave the rest to God. More than half the people in our church today were first of all skeptics, before they became believers in Miracles and prophecies. Let God lead.”

The man of God and his Chris Okafor World Outreach Ministries (COWOM) are scheduled to storm Complexe Jesses Jackson de Yopougon in Abidjan, Cote D’ Ivoire from Wednesday the 8 to Friday the 10th of March, 2017 for an expectedly massive crusade, and later proceed to the Ghana International Conference Center, Accra- Ghana between Wednesday 15 and Friday 17 March, 2017 for yet another impactful miracle crusade.


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  2. Long talkπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  3. Christianity in Nigeria is rapidly derailing, one need not wonder why with the many churches springing up at every corner of the country, churches opening up more than business locations, our country in still plagued by many vices especially corruption, the level of hate sickening and moral decadence on the rise.
    Because church leaders have opted for miracles instead of cultivating good manners.
    Christianity in Nigeria is now miracle based, the man of god that can perform more miracles, and their congregation leave after every service same way they came.
    Focus more on helping your members seek the face of God for who he is and everyother thing shall be added.
    Let the motivation be heaven, and not miracles that will see them accumulate earthly riches that tend to push them away from their creator.

    . ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. More like prosperity over salvation

    2. @ Bonario try and understand the word of God properly before you make comments like this. How did you know that he doesn't focus on helping his members and making them grow in the values of christaininty?.. This is exactly what he is saying people just see any person performing miracles as losing focus. Jesus Christ performed so many miracles in His lifetime and He said these signs shall follow them that believe,in my Name (Jesus) you shall cast out devils, heal the sick and raise the dead. Miracles is part of our Christian living if you don't know. If it doesn't happen it's an anomaly. Please let's be guided

  4. Until these prophets begin to demand accountability, probity and transparency from their political patrons, many won't believe them.

  5. even jesus himself people didnt bliev in him,his prophecy nd miracles..i knw dat deres nothin God cannot do

  6. I look like fresh, that God increases your powers man of God.

  7. Is this a sponsored post because u need to signify if it is..just lost good 3mins of my day to a useless article

  8. hmm
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

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  10. Miracles do exist, some critics believe is that the Nigerian spirit is gullible to believe in getting reward without working properly for it. Religion can be an out where people don't work on their relationship, don't work tirelessly on thinking about how to get ahead on their job, don't work tirelessly to be better themselves. So miracles do not solve the problem just makes the problem bigger, so many becomes bitter if the selfish reasons they flock to the churches are not manifested.

  11. Nothing but a promo

  12. And there goes gullible Nigerians and "judge not" fanatics believing everything. If anybody believes these fake money-making so-called Nigerian pastors, the person is worse than an infidel. In short, the person will NEVER make heaven

  13. Shebi he said Mugabe will die in 2015,DAT dey will ve God sent President, wat happened today,my dear are tired of fake prophesies Jor,,,, is a family business now


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