Stop living your life based on what you see on social media- Event Blogger, Helen Ozor | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 25 February 2017

Stop living your life based on what you see on social media- Event Blogger, Helen Ozor

I've come to realize that we ladies do a lot just to keep a man and get married . How long will we continue to cover up the flaws we notice while dating all because we want to get married at all cost? And in the end, we still end up being hurt. Celebrities display the 'perfect life ' on social media and make young ladies waste time waiting for a ready made man.
Why post pictures of things your man never bought for you? Who were you trying to impress? The signs will always be there while courting. If you compromise on a lot of things while dating, you will face the same things when you're married. Trust your instincts while dating.

An irresponsible boyfriend won't be a responsible husband unless he's willing to be responsible. A man who will never go all out for you while dating would not go all out for you when you're married unless he is willing to.

Put love aside, face the reality in your relationship and address the issues in your relationship. Addressing the issues will save you a lot of headache to an extent in your marriage. Never live your life based on what you see on social media. A lot of people fake it here.. it's just perception and what they want you to see and believe which isn't exactly as it is.

If you've been in a 1 year relationship and your boyfriend has never spent a dime on you, ask him for money even when you know you have money to sort out yourself. If you don't ask, how will you know if you're dating a stingy man?

If you're lucky enough to find a guy who gives you from the little he has, who makes you a priority on his list , hold on to him. You don't come across such guys these days. A lot of ladies fall for the wrong guys based on their fake lifestyle on social media.

There are a lot of things you can achieve while you're still single. Marriage is not the ultimate. Stop counting the number of your friends that are married, a lot of them wish they were still single. Live your own life, do you and do what makes you happy. If you live your life based on what you see on social media, you will only kill yourself. Late Bimbo Odukoya once said  'Love is blind but marriage is the eye opener'.

Why wait to be married when you can open your eyes while dating?

BE WISE! Not all that glitters on social media is gold in real life.


  1. Replies
    1. Its really sad what happened to tonto. Now I dnt know want to believe on social media again!!! Fakes everywhere!

      Long live LIB

  2. Thats true. most people do this. it is really disheartening. Most people on social media are fakers. be warned.

  3. So men who are not fortunate to have deep pockets cannot love. This write up is all about men being generous! If you can't love for love, then come and be going.

    1. It amazes me when same women that preach gender equality rant, on how a man is suppose to provide whenever the woman asks for it! Why speak from both side of the mouth? I thought we do not complement each other but independent sexes or genders!

  4. "Put love aside, face the reality in your relationship" Lols, without love can you achieve that goal of putting things right? Love they say beareth all things, when you keep love aside nothing good will come out during your correction. Men don't like it when women are trying to change them, you can only change a man with your love not leaving it aside in order to face the reality. Hope am making sense..Ladies are trying when you talk of patients in any relationship like wise men too. When a man is displaying what you don't like(ladies) figure out a way to stop such, and you can only do that with love..Humans can easily change when emotions are involved... Commenting from

    1. You are a genius for this response. Without love i cant even Listen to any lady much more change for her own happiness against mine?

  5. Why can't ladies leave us alone. We are not your lords and personal saviours.

    Why not give your boyfriend money even if you know he has money? Why not just surprise him with gifts? How else will he know he's dating a stingy woman?

    Ladies, leave us alone.

    Do not force marriage on us.

    Do not attempt to use us to compete with your ex or contemporaries.

    Do not attempt to use us to compensate for your insecurities.

    Do not attempt to use us to meet your marriage time table, i.e. I must get married before 25, 28, 30, 39 or before my classmates or before my ex boyfriend or before sister Caro or whatever.

    We have our own dreams/expectations from life and some of these expectations will be triaged over you. Life does not revolve around you.

    A man's hard work is not to yield fruits to be used to make your life comfortable. Go out and earn your own and make yourself happy by yourself. Don't be a semi-adult, rather, be the full-fledged adult feminists want you to be.

    Men don't owe you shit. Don't force marriage on us.


    1. So much sense in this comment. She seems to be giving advice but bad one at that.

    2. Bro, you deserve 3 gbosa,even More.

    3. Tell her, our girls copy white people on feminism, they forget that white feminists don't rely on men for financial assistance. Money doesn't show love. A man can buy you the whole world and still kill you, cheat on you, just name it. I hate ladies who lay much emphassy on what a man will give her. My dear sister what are you giving men in return. Nothing, yea nothing that the man can't find anywhere. At the long run you women loose big time and the fault is all yours.

    4. I hail you @ anonymous must be a mind reader cos you just said my mind. African women keep having that mentality of the men must be spending,am just tired and fed up of that bull shit. We men are evolving cos it's 21st century. I can't even imagine getting married to one dullard that want to depend on me, it must be 50:50.

    5. Omo ale jatijati

  6. Women should learn not to force, arm twist, blackmail men into marriage. Some women even use pregnancy (real or fake) to do this.

    No man will be happy with a woman that does this. Even if she bears 10kids for him that all end up being Chess Grandmasters and Astronauts, he still won't be happy. Even if she sucks his dick all the way to Jericho and back or cooks the best afang soup, he still won't be happy.

    Toke Makinwa tried it and learned the hard way. If a man doesn't want to marry you, you will know. Don't force him. He will never be happy and will divorce you the quickest chance he gets.

    If you like write a book for public sympathy but anybody with half a brain will realise YOU FORCED YOURSELF ON HIM, which is even marriage abuse.

    Allow men leave their lives the way they want. Stopped forcing marriage on people. Be a big girl and grow up.

    If u r lucky to date a guy that tell me he doesn't want to get married right from the onset of the relationship, you should be grateful at his honesty. Respect it. Don't pretend to be okay with him and start the relationship only to begin to pester him for marriage later. Grow up.

    1. You are very correct. We women don't know what we want. I admit we try to manipulate men into marrying us sha. I agree that's abuse. Toke makinwa manipulated maje into marrying her and is angry he divorced her.
      I don't blame us though because we are raised to tie our future happiness with a man. So don't blame us.

  7. True talk. So many fake lives- especially Lagos

  8. Sister tell the ladies oh they tend to fall for fake men cause of material things

  9. WELL...
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  10. it's so sexy when your man don't ask you for money but rather gives you anytime you ask..just saying

  11. Not really true. Some women give men most things the demand for, show love but the still become stupid, tell lies , pretend to be the best. Most times guys should be sincere to a woman at first insight rather than package lies to look big. Most times the problem isn't from women

  12. @ anonymous 08:32, honestly you are a mind reader. In fact in my mind I won't go to the next level with my GF, it's always about how much I need to give, how what I give her is too small for her level.

    The funny thing is she can't give herself what I give her. It's a chore going out with Nigerian girls. It's always about money, gifts etc. The truth is anyone that can spend on them can get them, so what's the point of saying you are in a relationship.

    I've accepted that I'm going to buy my wife, because it's all about how much you can give and how much you spend. So I will make sure I get good model with all the bells and whistles and when she wears out, I will replace her. That's my mentality right now. After all if you have money in your pocket you can always buy a new one.

  13. The comments on this issue deserve placement in an international seminar on conjugal relationship!

  14. Staying true and committed to ones life-partner has always being a serious cause for worry among high profile married people and honestly, most of the times, money usually play a central role in the in-fighting that often precede their break-up.
    But why money? For example, if only one spouse is working, or one spouse earns more than the other, it can be easy for the spouse with more income to initiate a “power play” and dictate how the money is to be spent. Some have called it financial bullying.
    But again, where is the place of commitment that precede this "together forever" journey? I think persons in love should consider other factors alongside professing love to avoid "stories that touches" in the end.

  15. Staying true and committed to ones life-partner has always being a serious cause for worry among high profile married people and honestly, most of the times, money usually play a central role in the in-fighting that often precede their break-up.
    But why money? For example, if only one spouse is working, or one spouse earns more than the other, it can be easy for the spouse with more income to initiate a “power play” and dictate how the money is to be spent. Some have called it financial bullying.
    But again, where is the place of commitment that precede this "together forever" journey? I think persons in love should consider other factors alongside professing love to avoid "stories that touches" in the end.

  16. Staying true and committed to ones life-partner has always being a serious cause for worry among high profile married people and honestly, most of the times, money usually play a central role in the in-fighting that often precede their break-up.
    But why money? For example, if only one spouse is working, or one spouse earns more than the other, it can be easy for the spouse with more income to initiate a “power play” and dictate how the money is to be spent. Some have called it financial bullying.
    But again, where is the place of commitment that precede this "together forever" journey? I think persons in love should consider other factors alongside professing love to avoid "stories that touches" in the end.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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