Extremely sad news! West African Idols star Eric Arubayi has died | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 11 February 2017

Extremely sad news! West African Idols star Eric Arubayi has died

Just received an extremely sad news this evening. West African Idols 2007 runner-up, and gospel artist, Eric Arubayi, has died. He died this evening February 11th at Delta State University Teaching Hospital after battling an illness.

The singer who celebrated his 3rd wedding anniversary on Dec. 28th 2016, leaves behind a wife, Chinonso and a son. He was just in his mid-30s. What a sad, unbelievable loss. May his soul rest in peace, amen.

 This is something he posted three weeks ago

This is the last photo of himself he shared on instagram 4 weeks ago...


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    1. How callous of you to post this shit on this particular page. C'mon man, someone just died. Show some respect!

    2. You are such a retard. Have you no sense at all?? Did you see the post to which you left this ridiculous response. Fuck out of here with your stupid advertisement. Somebody just died.

    3. Like seriously you are heartless. Linda pls post my comment cos am annoyed with this idiot

    4. This person has no class. How can you be so callous??

    5. Ur a senseless bitch n a painful waste of sperm

  2. Chai SUCH A HANDSOME TALENTED HEAVENLY DUDE eww freeborn wept. Since terrorist buhari died every body don dey die as if DEATH NA INVITATION DUDE MAY UR SOUL REST IN PEACE extend my greeting to terrorist buhari and abacha in hell

    #sad indeed

    1. Your stupidity beats me. You're either extremely depressed or mentally unstable. No sane human should take you serious.

      Rip to the dead.

    2. You are indirectly saying Eric is going to hell too? May you experience painful death. I blame Linda for publishing your comments.Animal

    3. What do you mean?. You must be mad

    4. Aren't u the most stupid, Ill mannered slimy son of a bitch on earth? Like u won't die too. Goat!!! Ur father will bring greetings to u from hell and ur own invite. Fool!

    5. Freeborn dumb fuck, kemi olunyolo younger brother, your place is in Aro. Idiot

  3. Sooo sad. May God comfort the family he left behind. Rest in peace, Eric.

  4. Chai SUCH A HANDSOME TALENTED HEAVENLY DUDE eww freeborn wept. Since terrorist buhari died every body don dey die as if DEATH NA INVITATION DUDE MAY UR SOUL REST IN PEACE extend my greeting to terrorist buhari and abacha in hell

    #sad indeed

    1. You are indirectly saying Eric is going to hell too? May you experience painful death. I blame Linda for publishing your comments.Animal

    2. You are so stupid. Who told you he is going to hell?

    3. Are you really ok???

    4. You are a very Foolish nde nmadu!

    5. Freeborn, spewing rubbish since your mother's womb! He is not going to hell. Go and greet Buhari and Abacha by yourself when you get there!

  5. Eric? I know him Omg this is heart breaking 💔May God give his family the fortitude to bear their lost sad!

    ~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

  6. So sad, mat he rest in peace.

  7. So sad, may he rest in peace.

  8. Ha, this is soOoo sad!
    May God rest his beautiful soul & comfort his loved ones- AMEN.
    #TBW x

  9. This man has loved and served God from way back.... We grew up together in Abraka. I believe God called him at this time for a purpose, otherwise God wouldn't allow it. RIP Brother...

  10. Speechless...My thought and prayers are with his wife,son and indeed his extended family.
    May God Almighty succor you all as you go through this grieving period.

  11. He was my inlaws nephew. So sad. May his gentle soul rest in peace.


  13. Sometimes life in the limelight is not for everyone, but then we can't all live in hiding. Please people pray always. The wicked is getting more wicked, the prayerful should more prayerful....

  14. House on the rock guy, oh my God

  15. Ah i really loved this guy and i never forgot how handsome he was. What a loss

  16. Awwww. He was the son to my vice chancellor back in delsu, abraka. RIP Eric.

  17. Omg this is sad...Can't imagine what the family is going thru. May God accept his soul and grant him eternal rest Amen

  18. OMG! He came to PH not up-to 3 months ago. Can't believe he died. This is so heartbreaking!!! 😢😢

  19. Hmmm, the manner to which young people are dying saden my heart. 2017 just came with spirit of death everywhere. Shows we should all get closer to God, endtime is really near!

  20. I am saddened by this news.i ran into him last year in Utako when we were both looking for a functional ATM to use. I was happy seeing him and I told how much of a fan of his I am. I also asked him what he was doing now and he told me he does gospel music. I was very happy for him because very few of them remain in gospel, most would rather do secular music because it gives fast money. Lord accept the soul of your own. He remained steadfast during his time on earth. Eric, rest in peace. Though we are sad, heaven gained an angel.

  21. This can't be real. Are you serious? This is a joke. What happened? What type of stupid Illness? This hurts deeply.

  22. So sad. May God comfort his family.

  23. Freeborn, it's unethical and unpatriotic to talk about your president in that manner it's unacceptable. somebody just died a young fellow it's best you pray for his soul and also know that we are all mortal anybody can die at anytime so take stock of ur life.

    1. Ignore freeborn since his mum Linda Ikeji has continued to enable his comment.
      The cursed guy has mental issues and will soon run mad naked on the streets with the way he's going.

    2. Are u minding freeborn. I think Linda should STOP enabling his/her comments.

  24. Oh goodness Lord! Can't stop thinking how his family wl feel. May his soul rest in peace

  25. OMG I really liked him on idols may his soul rest in peace amen

  26. RIP bro, its so shocking beyond belief but God knows best.

  27. Oh so sad...may his soul RIP.my heart goes out to his family esp his dad prof arubayi (former vc delsu)sad sad indeed

  28. May his soul rest in peace and may God grant his family the fortitude to bear the loss.All i could think about was his song-#You're my everything#..Death why??
    .Nonso I can only imagine what you are going through. .All will be well. .Be strong

  29. What a great loss to the body of Christ. Only God has the million answer's to our questions, and He alone knows the best. May his gentle soul rest in peace Amen!! ERIC ARUBAYI, oh death your indeed a robber and you have just proved it by stealing one of the best voice, sure one day you'll have nothing to steal again.God rules over the affairs of Men.

  30. Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin12 February 2017 at 06:34

    So sad! May his soul rip.

  31. What a painful exit , may his soul RIP

  32. Linda are u having issues with playstore that your has stopped functioning? Fix d issues or let us knw is no longer working so dat i can delete it, its over a minth now

  33. Linda. You need to do something about this freeborn person. He's just too caustic

    1. You are right. Linda needs to do something about freeborn. He is full of bile and hatred.

    2. My thoughts exactly...freeborn's comments are so so annoying.sm1 just died and dats wat he can come up with..such an idiot.

  34. Ooooooo my God,he is too young and too talented to be wasted. Let his family call apostle johnson suleman to pray for him,is not too late ,God can still do something,remember he raised the dead.The world is wicked,if you are not on fire (prayers) you will die cheaply like a fool.There is still hope if only the family can shake the gates of heaven,he can't die just like that.Talking from personal experience.

  35. O my God. I can't believe this when I saw this information. Chai Eric. Such a loveable young and talented man. It a pity it went this way. I pray you make it at the throne of the trinity. And we remaining on earth would make heaven. IJN. I want to use this medium to talk to everyone about God, we don't know when our own time would come. If they told Eric that he will dead in 2016 he will rebuke it but see what has happened. I will employ all of us to know God for our self and we go back on our life an reflect on our life generally. Love God and do his well. And you will neva regret it. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Amen

  36. But why Delta State Teaching Hospital?

  37. I thought the messages gets reviewed before been posted .. why would anyone let this freeborn message through or is this part of generating traffic?

    So long Eric! We will miss you!

  38. linda you are jobless bad news carrier he release a single last year you did not post it on your blog but when died you are the first to post it

  39. linda you are jobless bad news carried he release a single last year you did not post it on your blog but when he died you are the fist to post mumu

  40. linda you are jobless bad news carried he release a single last year you did not post it on your blog but when he died you are the fist to post mumu

  41. linda you are jobless bad news carried he release a single last year you did not post it on your blog but when he died you are the fist to post mumu

    1. So all other blogs announcing his death all carried the news of his record release last year? Why not pray for his family and stop being jealous of Linda?

    2. So all other blogs announcing his death all carried the news of his record release last year? Why not pray for his family and stop being jealous of Linda?

  42. RIP
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  43. This guy has no respect for the dead. May God punish you for judging him and insinuating he's going to hell. You are so callous! Idiot.

  44. Still can't believe Eric is gone...he was d son of my former vc arubayi.may his soul r.i.p

  45. Linda, this freeborn dude is a menace. Kindly do something about him before he runs mad.

  46. RIP Éric, i don't know you but testimonies following your death is a prove you have gone to meet the Father. Goodnight.
    There are so many questionable events happening recently, don't take them for granted. Ensure you are saved in Christ. There is only one way to make rapture. Please don't be left out, get it right while still alive. Jesus is coming soon. You might be alive and you might not but the most important is that you have received Him as your Lord and Saviour. There is no repentance in hell. Please don't miss heaven, don't trade man-made materials or hustle for heaven.
    "Lord Jesus, I confess you today as my Lord and Saviour and renounce every sin. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. Come into my life and be my Lord and Saviour in Jesus name. Amen."
    Congratulations and please look for a true Christian church and grow.
    Jesus love you, go and conquer.

  47. Rip :( so sad. #blockfreebornscomments

  48. Freeborn repent now or perish.

  49. Freeborn to think that your father truly ejaculated and formed you and was ignorant enough to gather people together to do a naming ceremony for you thinking he had a child means there some form of Generational Stupidity in your lineage. First of all you were not supposed to be born, he would have used a rubber or spilled you away already. And then, having done the mistake he still had the guts to gather people together to celebrate a BIG FOOL ??? And then your mother did not even think of some pills??? Well she never knew your folly would become over riped


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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