Ft Lauderdale airport shooter identified as Esteban Santiago | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 6 January 2017

Ft Lauderdale airport shooter identified as Esteban Santiago

The man taken into custody after the Ft Lauderdale airport in Florida has been identified as Esteban Santiago. The name was reportedly found on military ID which was found on him. And there may even be another active shooter. So far 5 people dead, 8 injured. More later...


  1. If the attack was carried out by a Muslim man,the media will identify him with his religion than his name,but since this one is non Muslim,they call him by his name smh. Media bein spoiling Islam name since BC👎🏽

    1. Who says he's not a muslim?

  2. Just look@huh?Muslims! Soldiers of allah@work. SHAMELESS OBAMA THEIR COLLEAGUE WILL DEFEND THEM OO WHAT AN SEE. this is what obama imported in US in the name of immigration.THIS IS ONE OF THE OBAMA LEGACY.I AM HAPPY THAT TRUMP IS HERE TO WIPE OUT ALL THESE NONESENCE.
    All Muslims are terrorists and pedophiles.

    #sad indeed

    1. You are bastard

    2. If i have the chance I'll behead you freeborn.

  3. Replies
    1. Hmmmmmm,it is well o

      Li addict#just passing#

  4. This is serious. Well they should be killing themselves. Who dem epp?

  5. what is it with all senseless shootings anyway?

  6. Muslims will finish this world. Every part of it has been killing killing, fighting fighting here and there. Islam's.

    1. It seems u r deaf n blind. You don't even know d name of d person that carried out this dastardly act, all u can say is start running ur mouth. Always read before u comment! I'm not surprised, Rochas said it all

  7. Mr Freeborn, how is Esteban Santiago a muslim name. You need to use some brain at least once in a quarter

  8. Senseless killings ....all in d name of what???

  9. The dude was suffering from schizophrenia.what do you people know? Always blaming Muslims.Further more, if people were being treated fairly regardless of their race, then maybe life would be better for everyone. Have you people ever considered that? Hey freeborn. I wept. After reading your bias wrote up.

  10. nawa
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds


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