Enough is Enough: Five Star Music issues official statement on arrest of Harrysong | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 28 January 2017

Enough is Enough: Five Star Music issues official statement on arrest of Harrysong

Yesterday, Five Star Music arrested Harrysong for breach of contract. In a new statement signed by Five Star Music Lawyer, Mr. C.C Chris, they explained and narrated why he was arrested, how they paid 5million naira to buy off his former contract with Questionmark Entertainment and how Harrysong has breach the contract he signed with Five Star. Read the full statement after the cut... 

It has become both imperative and necessary to state our position on the ongoing misguided and fallacious news making the rounds in the media between our esteemed record label and Mr. Harry Tare Okri.

Sometime in 2008 when Mr. Harry first approached our record label for a music contract, we immediately declined the request when we found out that he had a subsisting contract with one Mr. Kevin Luciano of ‘Question Mark Entertainment Label’. All efforts then by Mr. Harry to influence our management proved abortive as our position was maintained on grounds of equity, fairness and professionalism.

For further avoidance of doubts on the true facts of the present situation, our management has decided to officially set the records straight, because of negative and pervasive influence being foisted on the psyche of our numerous and well meaning fans.

1.     Our first encounter with Mr. Harry was sometime in 2008 when he approached our management for a music contract. As stated above, according to our findings at that time, his contract with ‘Question Mark Entertainment Record Label’ was still subsisting and valid. Obviously we declined when we found out that Mr. Harry’s plans were ill orchestrated against his employers, by walking out on them without fulfilling the obligations clearly contained in his running contract with them.

2.     When Harry’s employers (Question Mark Entertainment) got wind of his frantic efforts to desert his contract, a stern and official public statement was issued against Mr. Harry and a certain clause establishing his existing contract was clearly published for full consumption by the general public.

3a.    The tussle continued between Harry and his employers till sometime in 2014 when Harry once again approached us, this time very desperate. We opened preliminary discussions with him but demanded an official document from his former employers relieving him of any obligation or liability with regards to his contract with them.

3b.    Our move to do things right and professionally with Mr. Harry earned us a Twenty Million Naira Legal Suit (N20,000,000.00) from Mr. Kevin Luciano of Question Mark Entertainment (Records are there for confirmation). We were joined as co-defendants with Mr. Harry.

        Juxtaposing the above with what is going on now, it is quite unfortunate because “Good intentions counts as much as good actions, and the person seeking to do good is as good as someone who actually does it.

3c.    Knowing the vulnerability of Mr. Harry on the impending legal suit, we solicited the help of certain well respected individuals in the Music industry to wade into the matter, one of which was our dear veteran Daddy Showkey. Mr. Luciano having found out our intention from inception to act in good faith, agreed to withdraw his suit against Mr. Harry and our company BUT, not without consequential and settlement fees of Five Million Naira (N5,000,000.00, records available for verification).

We paid this amount solely without Mr. Harry contributing a dime!

4.     It is often said that “When people sense that someone else is vulnerable, they tend to attack, for when the calf falls, the knives come out”. However, in Mr. Harry’s vulnerable situation, we did nothing of the sort. Rather, we whole heartedly bought all his liability off Question Mark Entertainment Label, and welcomed him as a family into Five Star Music Label, a genuine gesture and decision we are all regretting this present day.

5.     Because we are known for running our affairs professionally and legally, we signed a three year contract with Mr. Harry and certain conditions and obligations were specifically and properly spelled out apart from the terms of the contract. Most important of these were his obligations to our Music Label, which amongst others include:

i.             That he must deliver at least, three (3) full music albums on or before the expiration of the first term of his three year contract, otherwise the label solely reserves the right either to rescind or extend the contract.

These conditions were never met.

ii.      While in the employment of the Five Star Music Label, he must not engage himself in anyway whatsoever, whether directly, by proxy or through a third party in any Music or recording business other than that of Five Star Music. This condition was also repeatedly breached as Mr. Harry has been releasing music, going on tours locally and internationally without our consent or paying the agreed percentage to the label.

6.     Five Star Music wishes to state categorically that this reckless breach of contract by Mr. Harry stands contrary to our company’s work ethics and will therefore be pursued to a logical conclusion using the full instrument of the law.

In setting the records straight, let it be known that before now, the label refrained from instituting any legal actions against him for his blatant breach of contract, just because he was still considered as part of Five Star Music family. However, his posture as clearly manifested through his lawyers whom have continued to write and make all kinds of assertions and threats to the label necessitated our immediate response for the general public to know the truth and inherent facts of the story. For it is said, that facts speaks for themselves.

We therefore advice the general public to tread with caution and desist from transacting any business with Mr. Harry Tare Okri, as same is both illegal and a total breach of his existing contract with our record Label, ‘Five Star Music Label’. Notwithstanding what propaganda he feeds the public, we further advice that proper verifications are made from us, as there is no iota of truth emanating therefrom.

Mr. C.C Chris
Five Star Music Limited    


  1. Replies
    1. Kcee no get talent joor..harrysong is dope.his voice is original.am sure harrysong was writing all kcees songs as well.harrysong is talented wether u like it or not emoney n kcee take note

  2. Desperation lead to this buhaha,Harry song ain't loyal to people helping him and that's is a very horrible mark.Their problem anyway.

    ~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

  3. Kaycee has been on that label for years without an album yet u want three albums from Harry in less than 31/2 years. I hail o.

    1. @Anonymous 10:36 Was he forced to sign the contract at gunpoint? What has Kaycee's productivity got to do with the terms of Harry's contract?

  4. NaiJa music contract be like selling your soul to d devil...d demons called label owners continue to suck the artiste's blood and won't let dem go...bloody Vampires...Harry fight for your life!

  5. Harry am waiting for ur side of the story.

  6. I will like to hear from Mr. Harry before I conclude!

  7. I will like to hear from Mr. Harry before I conclude!

  8. I will like to hear from Mr. Harry before I conclude!

  9. Wait let me get this straight, you arrested Harry Song for breach of contract(a civil wrong) and go on to publish this in justification of your act? I'm overtly in condemnation of your move. If Mr Harry is in breach of your contract with him, you have no legal right whatsoever to arrest and detain him in any way or by any means whatsoever. The best to do is institute an action in court, serve him your writ. A contract is an agreement between two parties and the police or any other public security agency has no right to even meddle in it. You are a lawyer, and should know better other than putting this long story to justify your action Mr CC Chris.

    1. My learned friend u have said it all for me. I was just going through comments wondering if anyone had this opinion. If Mr. C.C Chris orchestrated this, the bar should have him sanctioned!

  10. Let's be reasonable. A contract is supposed not to be breached.thats y its a contract.didnt he read it before signing it or was he too happy to read it before signing it

    1. @clinton nnamdi abeg boss tell them

    2. This is a clear case of unlawful arrest

  11. Ghen ghen this statement is quite concise ...Waiting for the response Sha

  12. So mr harry you want to bite the hand that fed you in fact the hand that is feeding you. Five star pls deal ruthlessly with him so other ungrateful idiots in the industry will learn. I remember an interview where harry said kc picked him up from a local bar. So now u feel say u don arrive idiot. Emoney abeg teach am sense

  13. Joyous Babe Lindaikeji First Cousin28 January 2017 at 11:06

    their headache!

  14. Joyous Babe Lindaikeji First Cousin28 January 2017 at 11:06

    their headache!

  15. Is that why u called police. Only touts call police for civil issues, please next time use the courts, there is no fraud here, just breach of contract. Overzealous police abeg re-arrange ur errands abeg. E get the kain send dem go send u, u suppose refuse

  16. ...then you got him arrested and intimidated for 'breach of contract terms'? Lol...only in Nigeria. He should sue your company for one of those stars. Your action(s) is definitely not five star worthy. Animals in human skin

  17. They all look for a middle ground and settle everything amicably.

  18. If indeed Mr Harry has breach the contract he had with this 2 labels. Then he is not worthy of the public sympathy. But as usual, there are two side to a story.

    In such a matter as delicate as this; precaution and professionalism is required. We hope they come to a good conclusion.

    HarrySong - It is not all about the "Song" respect to contracts and relationship is indeed in the business world.

    Many thanks.

  19. kc with all the money you have you still look local. money cant buy school.

  20. Nah so, wot goes around comes around. But frankly speaking five star is killing that guy's talent.am jst saying Oo

  21. Why was he arrested? Breach of contract is a civil offence not a criminal one. How about the fraud allegations?

    1. Honestly I agree. They should proceed to court rather than using the police to intimidate Harry.




  23. that contract was bound to fail(bad faith),mere look at d first clause suggests so, release 3 albums within 3 years, hw many Kcee don release

  24. Harrysong is stupid and ungrateful fellow.

  25. Shout up. If you lawyers know the law, then they know that this matter is a civil matter not criminal. This is what happens when an illiterates are rich, they think they can prosecute the world with their money. Shout up Kcee, without Harry your music label is done. RIP to five star

    1. You are even the illiterate here,"if you lawyers know the law" it is "if your lawyer knows the law" and I thought we only noticed one lawyer (Chris C.C)from this article, so how did the lawyers emanate? You can't even type simple English, so as old as you are, you dunno the difference btw shut up and your own shout up, english man... hisssss, pls shut the fuck up biko, voice out ur opinion without insult, Anyways it's empty barrel that makes most noise

    2. When an illiterates are rich huh? Grammar! I bet u are from Mars

    3. Shout or shut up..... Thank me later

    4. Thank your mother later. Where is your own opinion. Big Bully

    5. I don't need your stupid help. When you become a Doctor in the UK, then you can speak to me. Stupid ass, keep pushing your truck.

    6. Lol who's talking about Dr in uk oh man u are just a stubborn creature who doesn't take corrections oh my gosh ignorance is disease

  26. If una know wia una baff, make una go pick una pant dia... Next please


  27. It obvious while, it strange as well, beside we whr not there whn they started it so they shuld go and end it their way nd stp given us paracetamol 4 anoda man prob

  28. It's always thesame with Nigerian artists quick to sign contracts without going through the details. He was in a haste to dump ?mark and jumped from frying pan to fire. Fulfil your contract or face the consequences, period.

  29. KAYCEE dont forget Harrysong put you in the position you are today. All these are just ways of bringing him down simply because He will beat you in just a couple of months to come with his new management. Take it or leave it.

  30. Nigerians are funny people. You will be the first to accuse Buhari of impunity, but as soon as someone slights you or owes you money -- a purely civil matter -- you will run and bribe the police to imprison them extra-judicially.

  31. Harry song should fulfill his contract and move on or he buys himself out.Before he came to 5star he was unknown poverty one end d guy career

  32. Like I said before in an earlier post, living expensively while young earns you what in old age?

    Harry probably saw the way the guys lived lavishly off his work and wanted a more equitable percentage of his earnings.

    The brothers said no.

    Harry said well F*** y'all!!


    Lesson herein?? Never be in a hurry to sign a legal contract.


  33. Why do we have court in Nigeria? If there is a breach of contract, go to court. It is only in Nigeria we intimidate people with police. Five Star or whatever you call label, be civilized and seek redress in court instead of arresting the poor guy. Make una try that one for Yankee, the Harrysong go use una make cool money.

  34. Is so unfortunate they just want to keep using Harry song and eating the fruit of his labour u want him to release an 3 album in 3 years common u guys shud live him if he wants out let him pay u guys bk d 5 million u said u spent and more over this money emoney and co dnt even need u just want to pull d guy down with ur influence is a shame.

  35. Why arrest Mr. Harrysong for a breach of contract. Oh well I see an Enforcement of Fundamental Human Right Suit wherein Five Star Music is joined as a Co-Defendant knocking at your door soonest. Five Star Music had every right to sue Mr. Harrysong for breach of contract without involving the Nigerian Police Force and arresting Mr. Harrysong.

    Mr. Harrysomg can institute a suit claiming special damages (if he had a show on the day he was arrested or other commitment that involves him losing money) and general damages for the breach of his Fundamental Human Rights as enshrinded in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights.

    Oh well it is time for the Entertainment Lawyers to smile to the bank.

    Five Star Music, your Company Lawyer for not advising your Company properly (with regards this case) or he is too timid to lose you as a client so he is just doing your bidding as opposed to putting the interest of the Company first. Furthermore Lawyers in Nigeria are always too quick to jump into litigation or arbitration, forgetting that there are other alternatives to dispute resolution. I will advse your company to solve this dispute through mediation as I believe it is the most suitable approach for resolving this dispute.

  36. If breach of contract is the sole reason for his arrest by the Nigerian police, such is wrong given that the breach of contract is a civil/private matter which does not need the intervention of the Nigerian police. It is time Nigerians and the police knew their rights and duties respectively.

  37. hmm ndi drama
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  38. Afta de reggae play the blues. The blues, the blues.

  39. Afta de reggae play the blues. The blues, the blues.

  40. Hope gala money isnt d cause of this?

  41. Harry writes all the songs so kcee is done, what else to do than revenge. losers!!!!!!! Go Harry!!!!!

  42. Shame on 5 Star Music.Trying to tarnish the image of the man cos he decided to break free from their oppression but remember, there's this "bitch" called "Karma" and she's coming for you big time.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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