Aww! Man fufills three wishes his wife made on the day he fell in love with her | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 16 December 2016

Aww! Man fufills three wishes his wife made on the day he fell in love with her

According to Jason Collier who shared the amazing story on Facebook, he has fulfilled the three wishes his wife made on the day he fell in love with her. He wrote on his Facebook wall;

"The day I fell in love with Ashley I ask her if she could have 3 things what would they be and in what order, she replied 1st a house (we closed on our house 2-28-15), 2nd would be a ring (October 8th 2016 I gave her my last name), 3rd would be a car being that she had been driving her 2006 Altima since college! Today I showed her I am a man of my word and I would give her the world if I could! Hard Work Pays Off! Merry Christmas Love


  1. Replies
    1. Hope ur mum and those who suffered to get u where u r have these three things too...

      Long Live LIB

    2. Wow! so beautiful

      Lib addict#just passisng#

    3. Wow!!!! Nice one... Congrats dear

    4. **********************ooooook....... I hope say u no be d type wey dey give woman seven blows inside ckme outside dey paint perfect pic***********I hope u re really like dat*********asim kam juo first********

  2. Better man! Linda take note!

  3. that is a man, true to his words

  4. heya
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  5. Awww, so sweet and lovely of him.
    I pray for this kind of men for me and Linda in Jesus name, AMEN
    LindaIkeji say amen too.

  6. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Is his wife so is allowed....

  7. What a lovely husband she got!


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