‘They have insatiable taste for women and beautiful ones at that! - Ben Bruce compares Donald Trump to Obansanjo | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 12 November 2016

‘They have insatiable taste for women and beautiful ones at that! - Ben Bruce compares Donald Trump to Obansanjo

Senator Ben Murray-Bruce took to his Facebook page today to a lenghty piece he wrote ‘Like Trump Like Obasanjo’, where he compared US president elect Donald Trump to former President Olusegun Obasanjo. According to Senator Bruce, Donald Trump and Obasanjo who can be brash and outspoken undeniably have an insatiable taste for women and beautiful ones at that. Read his post after the cut

‘Like Trump Like Obasanjo
On the morning of Saturday the 20th of February, 2016, I was having breakfast at Eko Hotel with a friend of mine, Reno Omokri and one of the top Democratic Party strategists in the US and an argument ensued. Omokri said Trump would go all the way while the American said he was not going anywhere. I joined the conversation by saying that Trump is a phenomenon and no one knows how far he will go.
Today, I sit here writing this piece pleasantly stunned that what the mainstream media, what the establishment and what the powers that be said could never happen has happened due to this phenomenal man's belief in himself when others did not believe in hm.
I have met Donald Trump one on one before and what I clearly remember about him is that he is a White and younger version of former President Olusegun Obasanjo.
The two of them can be brash and outspoken but they always seem to come out on top by some sort of divine arrangement that makes whatever they do turn out for the best even if it began with controversy.
More similarities between the duo is that they both undeniably have an insatiable taste for women and beautiful ones at that!
Then again, they are both men who have succeeded in business and, even though they were political outsiders, they extended their business success to politics.
And even though there is a lot of anxiety in the Black world and especially Nigeria, I believe that a Trump Presidency would be better for Africa and Nigeria than a Hillary administration.
For one, Boko Haram are now afraid. Very afraid! This is a man that is not afraid to use the word radical Islamic terror and to declare to all who care to listen that he will be their nemesis.
Nigeria needs such a partner!
We are spending way too much of our resources on fighting terrorists. We need a big strong hand to help us fight them. A hand that will not be afraid to sell us weapons and will not make us grovel before it is willing to help us destroy our enemies who want to destroy us.
But secondly and very importantly, Nigeria is an oil producing nation and though I believe that it is what is between the ears of our people that will make this nation great, we still need foreign exchange and Hillary's plans for alternative energy was not going to see the price of oil go up anytime soon.
But Trump won in Texas because the oil industry knows that they have a friend in him, and any friend of Texas big oil is a friend of Nigeria.
And forget about all that talk about immigration reform. Trump will not stop Nigerians from entering the US. The US needs Nigerians more than Nigerians need the US.
Without Nigerian healthcare professionals, the US health industry would collapse overnight. Neither Trump or Hillary wanted that.
Trump's rhetoric was directed more at Mexican immigrants because of the immediate threat posed to the US by illegal immigration from Mexico.
Having said that, let me add that the last similarity between Trump and former President Obasanjo is that they both look not very intelligent, but their looks betray their vast knowledge and deep wisdom. You meet them and size them up by their looks and end up underestimating them.
But when they reach into their reptilian brain and come out with strategies it becomes too late to do what you should have done.
I am glad that Trump won and I cannot wait to see how he will change the world positively.
But one thing is clear, any politician who underestimates the role of social media in the battle to win the hearts and minds of the people is a politician that is going the way of the dinosaurs.
Social media and particularly Twitter was the weapon Trump used to fight the mainstream media. Social media is the ultimate form of democracy in that it gives the underdog a vehicle to amplify his or her voice against a biased media that wants to suppress it.
Senator Ben Murray-Bruce is the founder of the Silverbird Entertainment Group and the Senator Representing Bayelsa East


  1. I pray he changes the world positively too

    Long Live LIB

  2. LOL ABI!



  3. This is common sense
    Trump won the election as the president of United state of America,the strongest country in the world without any *POLITICAL EXPERIENCE*.... and yet one small company in Nigeria that wants to pay 30k monthly salary will be asking for 6 years experience ....The Trump that will tramp you is still doing press up

  4. Hilarious article!PLEASE MY SENATOR DON'T COMPARE HEAVENLY TRUMP AND HELL OBASANJO TOGETHER AGAIN PLEASE I BEG U OO u may compare him with Jonathan not apc obasanjo. America must be great@last.I am happy that men like Ben,Reno,FFK,freeborn and co exist in Nigeria. hausa will not be happy with this great article oo but shame shall be their meal.

    #sad indeed

  5. Hilarious article!PLEASE MY SENATOR DON'T COMPARE HEAVENLY TRUMP AND HELL OBASANJO TOGETHER AGAIN PLEASE I BEG U OO u may compare him with Jonathan not apc obasanjo. America must be great@last.I am happy that men like Ben,Reno,FFK,freeborn and co exist in Nigeria. hausa will not be happy with this great article oo but shame shall be their meal.

    #sad indeed

  6. And who no like better things?~Nwa_Nsukka

  7. "Reptilian brain" is Ben Bruce trying to tell us something here. Reptilian is alien guys. Is obasanjo an alien?

  8. Na u talk am

    (Linda d Kim K's fan)

  9. Is there any man that doesn't have an insatiable taste for women and beautiful one at?

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

  10. Let's COMPARE and COMBINE the THREE:
    1. PRESIDENTS - 2 persons
    2. BEAUTTY QUEEN PROMOTERS - 2 persons
    Who are those individuals???

  11. Mr Bruce, i can now see you have very little knowledge of human mind. It would had been better off if trump ran his campaign without hate speeches. What you and some people don't is Trump strengthen a weak, defeated and angry Dragon and so many people will the wrath soon. The Victory of Trump is not for the world or Africans or Nigerians but for the White Supremacist. Except Trump becomes the leader he was chose to be and denounced all the hate Statement, i am sorry to tell you No immigrant is safe whether you are documented or not.

  12. Hmmmmmmm,strong article. I just pray that issue of boko haram and immigration issue is true sha

    Lib addict#just passing#

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  14. I can't denynthe common sense in this!

  15. ***********************ah dun wanto read biko......

  16. Bonita you always make my day.

  17. This Ben Bruce na idiot. A real attention seeker.

  18. Mtchew
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

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  21. Senator Ben, this has got to be one of the weakest if not the weakest analogy you've ever written. This just makes me doubt the authenticity of anything you will ever say again or even the ones you have posited in the past. This is very disgraceful coming from a common sense senator as you.

    Trump may have won but myopic people who stand for nothing will ditch their sense of morality and applaud anyone who gains the upperhand even if they were xenophobic, sexist with no regards for anything but themselves. Mr. Trump has given no indication he will care about anyone else not especially a 3rd World like Nigeria. He is an isolationist, an opportunist and a ferocious capitalist. Go back in history and see where people like that in leadership will land the world. Not to be pessimistic, if this man Trump doesn't tone down a lot, those who survive would envy those who didn't. Trump is nothing but a very dangerous man who took advantage of the anger of various sects of minorities.

    Senator Ben, Common sense really is not common. I shalln't waste my time on you ever again. Godspeed!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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