Looks like Donald Trump won't do a lot of the things he promised he would do when he becomes president | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 12 November 2016

Looks like Donald Trump won't do a lot of the things he promised he would do when he becomes president

He is reconsidering doing a lot of the things he promised he would do when he becomes president, which was the reason the white supremacists voted for him.


  1. Replies
    1. I just arrived the United States
      To cover the rally
      Fellow me on LIS
      For updates

    2. I used to think food don't really matter but now I know better after drinking garri and groundnut for close to a week.I hope my 3months salary will be paid on Monday. Can anyone help me with 3000 naira to cook a meal and transport myself to work on Monday. Pls chiochio9014@yahoo.com thank you

    3. Haba Linda. That's not the only reason. They were also largely against the signing into law the same sex marriage and the open door immigrant policies. Please be careful with what you insinuate Madame

    4. I knew he wasn't going to do most of those things, they were all propaganda.

      Your comment will be visible after approval.

    5. Anon 12.13, so because of same sex marriage, and immigration, Trump can uproot all of liberty, equality and liberty? You're clueless. You think he will stop at those two issues? Lol,.keep dreaming. People like him, will make everyone suffer.

      All intelligent people reject him and his mandate. You are clearly not one of them.

    6. Better o

      Lib addict#just passing#

    7. It is written.

      The false message about the rigged election to run through the city stopping the broken pact; voices bought, chapel stained with blood, the empire contracted to another one.”

      The city of liberty made servile:
      Made the asylum of profligates and dreamers.
      The King changed to them not so violent:
      From one hundred become more than a thousand.

      Some of those most lettered in the celestial facts
      Will be condemned by illiterate princes:
      Punished by Edict, hunted, like criminals,
      And put to death wherever they will be found.

      (America during Obama's presidency) Peace and plenty for a long time the place will praise:
      (Through Trump's elections) Throughout his realm the fleur-de-lis deserted:
      Bodies dead by water, land one will bring there,
      Vainly awaiting the good fortune to be buried there.

      The great army will be chased out,
      In one moment it will be needed by the King:
      The faith promised from afar will be broken,
      He will be seen naked in pitiful disorder.

      Beneath the holy earth of a soul the faint voice heard,
      Human flame seen to shine as divine:
      It will cause the earth to be stained with the blood of the monks,
      And to destroy the holy temples for the impure ones.

      Ignorant envy upheld before the great King,
      He will propose forbidding the writings:
      His wife not his wife tempted by another,
      Twice two more neither skill nor cries.

      Towards the deserter of the great fortress,
      After he will have abandoned his place,
      His adversary will exhibit very great prowess,
      The Emperor soon dead will be condemned.

      The year that Saturn and Mars are equal fiery,
      The air very dry parched long meteor:
      Through secret fires a great place blazing from burning heat,
      Little rain, warm wind, wars, incursions.

      “The great Senate will ordain the triumph For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out: At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.”

    8. ***************************kee nke gbasaa mu kwanu....

    9. Exactly, propaganda is different from real governance. During campaign, Trump dished out what a core American wants to hear...

    10. Gd 4 dem
      -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  2. Tell us something we don't already know. What's new ? Politrickcians r the same everywhere..

  3. What if I tell u dat d president is just a front man, he is used to distract u from d actual ppl dat run d govt....

  4. Lies from the pit of killary supporters,linda blog and Muslims pit. DONALD TRUMP WILL DO IT, I KNOW THE MAN WE SUPPORTED AND VOTED FOR. Lets wait an see after his swearing in,thunder will fire the devil.THE PRAYERS OF LINDA AND MUSLIMS IS FOR HIM NOT TO DO WHAT HE PROMISE BUT U GUYS HAS FAILD LIKE APC CAUSE HIS GONNA DO IT LETS GIVE HIM A TIME. His not yet the president an u guys are complainning eww shame.
    Linda be ready to be carrying evil scam news against trump this is morning oo be ready.

    #sad indeed

    1. Get out what do you know abt politics ?? You this useless and senseless being.
      Just to let you know he had withdrew most of his campaign promises.
      Jamie Dimon who is the C.E.O of JP morgan,one of the most successful banking institution in the state.
      Had been on the eye of Hillary for Treasury Secretary of the state.
      Donald Trump had critized him during campaign of being the worst bank in the bank but now from the Trump Camp,he had been chosen to be the Treasury Secretary.
      You just sit down for that ur useless creek in niger delta,making useless and baseles noise..

    2. Get out what do you know abt politics ?? You this useless and senseless being.
      Just to let you know he had withdrew most of his campaign promises.
      Jamie Dimon who is the C.E.O of JP morgan,one of the most successful banking institution in the state.
      Had been on the eye of Hillary for Treasury Secretary of the state.
      Donald Trump had critized him during campaign of being the worst bank in the bank but now from the Trump Camp,he had been chosen to be the Treasury Secretary.
      You just sit down for that ur useless creek in niger delta,making useless and baseles noise..

    3. Get out what do you know abt politics ?? You this useless and senseless being.
      Just to let you know he had withdrew most of his campaign promises.
      Jamie Dimon who is the C.E.O of JP morgan,one of the most successful banking institution in the state.
      Had been on the eye of Hillary for Treasury Secretary of the state.
      Donald Trump had critized him during campaign of being the worst bank in the bank but now from the Trump Camp,he had been chosen to be the Treasury Secretary.
      You just sit down for that ur useless creek in niger delta,making useless and baseles noise..

  5. Lies from the pit of killary supporters,linda blog and Muslims pit. DONALD TRUMP WILL DO IT, I KNOW THE MAN WE SUPPORTED AND VOTED FOR. Lets wait an see after his swearing in,thunder will fire the devil.THE PRAYERS OF LINDA AND MUSLIMS IS FOR HIM NOT TO DO WHAT HE PROMISE BUT U GUYS HAS FAILD LIKE APC CAUSE HIS GONNA DO IT LETS GIVE HIM A TIME. His not yet the president an u guys are complainning eww shame.
    Linda be ready to be carrying evil scam news against trump this is morning oo be ready.

    #sad indeed

    1. "Let's give him a time". Clap for your English

  6. Lies from the pit of killary supporters,linda blog and Muslims pit. DONALD TRUMP WILL DO IT, I KNOW THE MAN WE SUPPORTED AND VOTED FOR. Lets wait an see after his swearing in,thunder will fire the devil.THE PRAYERS OF LINDA AND MUSLIMS IS FOR HIM NOT TO DO WHAT HE PROMISE BUT U GUYS HAS FAILD LIKE APC CAUSE HIS GONNA DO IT LETS GIVE HIM A TIME. His not yet the president an u guys are complainning eww shame.
    Linda be ready to be carrying evil scam news against trump this is morning oo be ready.

    #sad indeed

  7. Linda, you keep showing how dumb you are. White Supremacists?? A lot of blacks, some Muslims, Hispanics and people from other race voted for him. You sound so stupid with this post, this is why you're losing your readers.

    1. Take it easy and have some respect for linda, she is just doing her job.

    2. @naija babe u r actually the dumb person here, he got most of the white votes becos of his promises.

    3. My baby isn't losing any readers
      ...you're the only one losing sleep on her matter.

    4. You that is not dumb where is your blog. Needless hatred.

    5. Are those people? Who gives a fuck at brain dead, ignorant and backwards, second hand racist. People who would prefer to eat crumbs thrown to them from their white overlords, than stand up for what's right.

      You're the dumb one, yes a black invalid can be a white supremacists, because they believe that white people are better than black people.

      Because they will never see power and influence, they choose to deny it other people, they are a self hating disgrace.

  8. America, historically speaking, has been through a lot from its first colonists, to pilgrims of mayflower 1620, then slave era, the trail of tears, Cherokee Removals, civil war (1861-1865), civil rights movement era, racist days of Ku Klux Klan and Black Power or Black Panther movements, yet it came out unscathed and in one piece from all of these. The emergence of the hardliner, right wing Trump in the 2016 American polls can never divide or split America. I believe in that saying any day, 'never bet against America'. God bless the biggest democracy! God bless America!

  9. At least Linda ain't losing me.....soldiers go soldiers come...barrack remain d same....u can still pass ur info without raining insult on her....

  10. Wat ever rocks teir boat and whatever will make america great again. its none of my business though

  11. Linda almost 40% of the people that voted for Trump in Florida were Hispanics.

  12. Hian! Linda Let this Man Breath Nah, Haba!! Ur own Cow Preside that has been in the office close to 2 years now What and What Has he done?? Biko Face ur Front and let the Man be. ogini dii??

    1. ...and another thing linda. He did say he wasn't going to completely repeal Obama care. But he also added that he was definitely going to reassess and change some aspects of Obama care. American health care system is at its worse...I don't know what obama was thinking..and Americans are seriously dissatisfied with it.

      So please try and add every aspect of a conversation when you are reporting news. It makes a huge difference. Since you decided to transition from gossip blogging to reporting news, you might as well do it right.

  13. @Naija Babe He was Voted mostly by white supremacists and religious extremists.

  14. Even if Trump does not do everything he promised,
    many Americans who voted for him will be content that he,
    will at least conserve humanity culturally: he will not,
    actively promote homosexuality, abortion even at nine months,
    or cuddle and mentor terrorism. Presently, there is a
    serious moral leadership gap and Hillary was merely coming to
    continue the same Hollywood force feeding Americans their hedonistic way of life.

    While nobody should judge, at the same time,
    these deviant cultures should not be enforced as state policy
    as has been the case. Whites who are the majority voted Obama.
    But now, they do not want his strange legacy entrenched.
    Trump is equally strange but a less evil.

    As for Diaspora Nigerians, many of them are assets anywhere. even America knows that. Only illegals fear deportation.
    May God save the world.


  15. I second what "Naija babe" said. You're disgustingly biased.

  16. I used to think food don't really matter but now I know better after drinking garri and groundnut for close to a week.I hope my 3months salary will be paid on Monday. Can anyone help me with 3000 naira to cook a meal and transport myself to work on Monday. Pls chiochio9014@yahoo.com thank you

  17. I knew he won't.
    It's just politics and that's what makes him to win ~Nwa_Nsukka

  18. He'll do no damn thing he promised! He needed u folks to believe him in other to vote for him, he's achieved that now and reverse is the case! You'll have been used nd I can't wait for you'll to be dumped! #Drumpissmarttho

  19. What a naive post ....Pls what President does everything they claim? Din't ur Barrack promise path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to America and had kids whose kids have gone to school here and bcome part of the society? 8 yrs gone....Din't Obama win peace prize and vowed 2 withdraw troops and no more war? Who bombed Libya bikonu and killed Gadaffi? SMH
    Dint Obama call his Health Care affordable? Shit is so astronomically high that even Bill Clinton called it crazy ....Guess u're one of the people who do not pay attention to political statements...The key word here is " COMPLETELY" which means part of it that works or makes sense would not be repelled..Is that anything diffferent from what Trump has been saying since ehn Linda????

    Infact with this post Linda, you belong to the kitchen and za oza room

    *Linda's Future Hubby*


  20. His is not...

  21. Trump won Florida and its huge Hispanic/coloured population.

  22. Linda, make sure to get real facts. He hasn't bowed from repealing Obamacare. I know you wanted Hillary to win, not because she's a woman but because she's Hillary. That's too late now. Have you ever seen where somebody meets with his predecessor that's not his friend for the first time and all of a sudden, he's change his campaign promises? This is not Nigeria. If you want real news on Trump, please like Allen West page on fb. He's black, an army Veteran and Republican. You know why those cry babies are rioting, no free stuff for them anymore. No free phone, free food etc. They have to go get a job and it's killing them because they've had 8 years of others paying their bills.

  23. Those that had some sense knew he wasn't going to do lots of what he promised, but the way you report news at times is annoying linda.

    During Obama's elections, more than 95% of people cast their votes for me, why wasn't it tagged racism then? Even in Trump's election now, he won in Florida, a state know for its huge hispanic population. Get over it, he won by a landslide. hillary is set to win popular votes only by a hairline margin of 0.3%.

    By the way, dont throw around words like "white supremacists" a lot. statistics show that many white people also voted for obama in his election time, they weren't white supremacists then abi?

    Now they don't want someone who is supporting a less than satisfactory govt, and they are racists? even if whites have issues, not in this election. Hillary wasn't a good candidate too.. with all those corruption scandal and the scary gay and abortion laws of hers...Americans are still christians you know. And if obama had done much better in office, she would have been elected.

  24. Of course he is going to have to. No politician carries out 100 percent of his or her promise, they find out most times that it's not feasible so they have to backtrack.

    Five lessons from Donald Trump's victory

  25. It's expected, because some things will become clearer to him now. God will help him to make America Great Again

  26. Trump is actually good for america if not it will turn to France in a few years.

  27. Which white supremacist voted for him... How is it that you can just callously post something you have no proof of just in the bid of tarnishing one's image.... So much for the media being neutral... Smh


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