Kanye West reveals to concertgoers he would have voted for Donald Trump, receives backlash from fans | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 19 November 2016

Kanye West reveals to concertgoers he would have voted for Donald Trump, receives backlash from fans

On Thursday night, rapper, Kanye West arrived an hour late to his San Jose concert. Instead of jumping straight into his set list, he started to rant about this year's US presidential election. He said:
"I told y'all I didn't vote, right? But if I were to vote, I would have voted on Trump," he told the crowd, who immediately began booing him.
He continued to talk about why he supported the president-elect before transitioning into his song, "Heartless."
Shortly after starting Heartless, he stopped again to rant some more. He said:
"I just said that I would have voted for Donald Trump and then I did a song and y'all sang it at the top of your lungs". "That doesn't mean that you're a Trump supporter. That just means you ok with a celebrity having their own opinion. Or that someone else is ok to have their own opinion. 
That might not be your opinion but you can still like that person or still like that person's music."
He went on to call out last week's Saturday Night Live host, Dave Chappelle, saying:
"Dave Chapelle, it's ok. We can have opinions as celebrities. I know you said we couldn't, but thank you for breaking the ice on a mentality of a generation."
Then he talked about racism in the US. He said:
"Specifically to black people, stop focusing on racism. This world is racist, ok? Let's stop being distracted to focus on that as much. It's just a f**king fact. We are in a racist country. Period… Not one or the other candidate was going to instantly change that."
Kanye West also confirmed that he still plans to run for President in 2020 saying:
"I will take position in 2020 and do it myself."
“I wanted to say that before the election, but they told me, ‘Whatever you do, don’t say that aloud,’” West explained.

The Grammy-winning rapper also spoke about how he admired the Trump campaign.
“Not only did I not vote, but there were a lot of things I actually liked about Trump’s campaign,” said West, who later added: “His approach was (expletive) genius — because it worked.”
Twitter exploded with people leaving all type of critical comments like:


  1. Nonsense

    Meenah_wakil on Instagram

    1. Stupid!
      -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  2. Nonsense

    Meenah_wakil on Instagram

  3. Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin19 November 2016 at 05:34

    Good for him.

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  5. He got people talking about him, dat what he wanted. Linda take note!

  6. Lmao...����������

  7. Official King Maker19 November 2016 at 06:52

    The world has come to a place where nobody can say his/her opinion without people with different opinion attacking or criticizing the person. We might have different opinions, I don't need to believe what you believe, you can not force it down my throat, because, of that. People need to get that, respect my opinion and live let others live.




  9. Their cup of garri

    ...merited happiness

  10. Dats his opinion, I like him cos he's straight

  11. I'm with him on the racism issue!

  12. I like this dude for one thing....He speaks his mind but he is still an asshole!

  13. Kanye! Always trying to use any faded opportunity to have an opinion but he will never be seen making impact for the movement. Sly nigga!

  14. Ass licker...he waited for him to win before claiming relationship

  15. To the admin,so it's now a "rant" for someone airing his opinion? That doesn't sound professional. However, all the people "booing" him, was it ghosts or white walkers that voted for Trump? Society and the media has a way of making people lie about their true opinion.But in secret they know what their hearts yearn for. Clinton won all the electronic polls and public support, yet when the reality came, she lost.

  16. I blame those who paid to attend in the first place. I remember the last time this idiot had a concert here in the UK, he ranted about getting married to Kim, i vowed never to attend any of his boring concerts or shows again..

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  17. My problem with people is they don't investigate or think before they talk, trump won because of the electoral college it had nothing to do with people's vote, and more than half of the electoral college are republicans, it has always been that way, Obama just got lucky when he won.....

    1. Mr FBI Obama was not lucky, it has always been Democratic to Republican presidents. Just sell your manifesto well. Check properly the party that produced other presidents in the past. And keep swimming on the electoral analysis of CNN.They forgot about the electoral college when they predicted Clinton's win?

  18. My problem with people is they don't investigate or think before they talk, trump won because of the electoral college it had nothing to do with people's vote, and more than half of the electoral college are republicans, it has always been that way, Obama just got lucky when he won.....

  19. Exactly my point @Anonymous people have that funny way of thiniking.
    Commenting from gimmehear.com

  20. That's his own cup of tea and cake


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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