Barbaric way children are punished for coming late to school in Cameroon. Photos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 5 November 2016

Barbaric way children are punished for coming late to school in Cameroon. Photos

These photos have been trending online of recent, showing how little Cameroonian children in a primary school known as Ebang neighborhood, Yaounde; are being punished by the director of the school for coming to school late. According to reports, the director by way of punishing the late comers, force them to kneel or crawl in the mud, irrespective of how little they are. More pictures after the cut...


  1. Replies
    1. See height of insensitivity. I pray he gets punished for doing this to these poor kids

      Long Live LIB

    2. This is too bad na. When whites call them animals, they will take offence. Meanwhile they maltreat children like animals. Stmcheew

  2. Or should I say Africans don't?

  3. Chai God hav mercy on us. Shodnt d director b punished as well for running a skol dat looks lik war field

  4. We crawled on top granite and cement when I was in secondary school. It's a crazy thing

  5. Lol. I was punished dis way in sec sch o

    ...merited happiness

    1. God bless you same as me..

    2. Sorry you both had to suffer these indignities. You are better than that! I have scares to attest to far worse "punishment" than this, I wear them with humility and a sense of responsibility, that those I love and any others, must not be exposed to the same.

    3. The fact that u faced the same treatment during your days in school does not justify this ungodly act. U were punished by an animal and that's d more reason why u have to stand against evil teachers that still treats school pupils this way. These are primary school pupils we are talking about, yours was even better u were in secondary school then.

  6. How cruel.... Poor kids fah!

  7. What is barbaric here huh? So kneeling down is now evil huh?na wa oh. So we should not flog or discipline children again cause we want to be like white huh? SO THE TEACHERS SHOULD HUG THEM WHEN THEY CAME LATE HUH? tell me if they ddint get this kind punishment how the will know that latenesssss is good huh? AFRICANS ARE GOOD IN DISCIPLINE THEIR CHILDREN WE SHOULD NOT ALLOW THE USELESS CIVILIZATION TO DESTROYE OUR KIDS OO
    freeborn warns.

    #sad indeed

    1. Even if you want to tell them to kneel down, it should not be inside mud na. Haba!

  8. What is barbaric here huh? So kneeling down is now evil huh?na wa oh. So we should not flog or discipline children again cause we want to be like white huh? SO THE TEACHERS SHOULD HUG THEM WHEN THEY CAME LATE HUH? tell me if they ddint get this kind punishment how the will know that latenesssss is good huh? AFRICANS ARE GOOD IN DISCIPLINE THEIR CHILDREN WE SHOULD NOT ALLOW THE USELESS CIVILIZATION TO DESTROYE OUR KIDS OO
    freeborn warns.

    #sad indeed

    1. Plain stupid. We hav been punished this way as well buh dat was in secondary skol n nt in primary an secondly, dat was many yrs ago nt in dis recent year where beating a child in skol is becoming an issue. Punishment lik dis shod nt b allowed period.

  9. Which 1 b barbaric way? Dem fuck us up like dis dat year naa! Even told us to roll with our uniforms, na dis 1 b baberic? Mtheeewww

    1. So because we had to go through it, in your mind, it's normal? Or as we like to argue "it's natural, and it is our culture"?!

      School should be a safe haven for children, parents don't pay, sometimes extortionate fees, for their children to go to school, and be abused in ways, even parents don't treat their own children.

      It is not acceptable, that a child fears going to get an education, going to school should not be a traumatic experience.

      It is not right to bully children, because you've been entrusted with their wellbeing, it's an abuse of power, and a betrayal to the welfare and wellbeing of those children.

      Let's hope you are never put in any position, where you're required to take care of children or infants.

    2. How many pple ever stopped school cos of punishment. This thing is a part of us and we should accept with all sense of responsibilitu to be a better person.

  10. ***************************Akuko !!!!! Dem no do us pass dix one ????????

  11. ***************************Akuko !!!!! Dem no do us pass dix one ????????

  12. Aint nothing babaric here young lady

  13. The director of that school should be punished over 10 times hadder he had done to these kids. He must be very heartless.

  14. Wickedness....wat goes around comes around. Surely he will get his share from his children.


  15. Only in Africa. Linda take note!

  16. Don't like this
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

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  19. This is absurd! And parents allow their kids there??

    1. The parents definitely won't be aware that this is how these kids are being treated.

      If anything, the parents are responsible for the tardiness of these kids, to punish them is just wrong on so many levels.

      The state of the roads, it's enough to cause delays.

  20. Its good its shapes african children to be de best

  21. Nothing barbaric here,we shuld stop all dis western life dat is destroying us. So punishing children by asking them to kneel down has become bad. Shame to all d people dat termed dis babaric

    1. Kneeling down is different from kneeling down and crawling inside mud. The child could get titanus infection. Lets be civil and objective for once abeg

    2. Kneeling down is different from kneeling down and crawling inside mud. The child could get titanus infection. Lets be civil and objective for once abeg

  22. Why not tackle the route cause of their lateness and also advice the parents on the negative effect.

  23. Gosh! See how fast we are losing are values to westernisation. This is neither cruel nor barbaric. If you ever attended any public school in Nigeria especially in the 80s and 90s you will know that this was a daily routine kind of punishment. How come we allow the west to now determine what is good or bad for us. How to train or punish our kids. No wonder we are here and our children of nowadays are not well brought up.

    1. You're very stupid, so treating people like humans beings, instead of animals, is exclusive to the Western world?

      It's attitudes like this that make people believe jungle justice is a way of life, that living in squalor is acceptable, and that because you were clearly raised like a zoo animal, everybody should be raised as such.

      Slave mentality, treating people like beast of burden, isn't African culture, and to accept that misnomer as a truth, makes you palpable in what is truly destroying ours and our children's lives.

      People have no regard for human dignity, we see people living recklessly, exposing everyone else to harm, from bad roads, top domestic abuse, to exploitation by preachers, and then you bring your stupid boko haram ideologies here, chatting nonsense, about how western culture is the problem.

      If you want to live like and treat people like animals, find your way to Sambisa forest. Sure you'll find like minded people, using latrines, tree bark as tooth brush and leaves as tissue, who are truly upholding cultural African values, that you can identify with.

      You may not be aware of it, but you've been damaged by the way you've been brought up, it's unfortunate, but it is not a given, that the cycle must continue.

      Western culture is not the problem, because you clearly were not surrounded by Westerners, when you became the heartless, morally reprehensible person you are displaying yourself to be.

      No child should have to crawl in dirt and mud, for what is clearly the amusement of their caregivers! It is dehumanizing and the longterm repercussions will not just affect that child, but the society at large.

      There are other ways to get what you want from people, than through the use of intimidation and fear tactics.

      A rich individuals child, would not be treated like this, yet a child is child, we owe our children better, and we should do better ourselves! Western culture is not the problem, human civility is universal, as we evolve, be further ourselves from our jungle behaviour, if you refuse to adapt to the changing dynamics of human behaviour, then your only choice is to go back to the jungle, and let those who want to, elevate ourselves from regression.

    2. You and your father who brought you up are both stupid. Even the bible says 'spare the rod and spoil the child'. What is inhuman about kneeling down? Its not your fault, cable tv has turned your head upside down that you can't think straight. Continue until your children will kill you themselves or bite off your ears when they are on the death row for not teaching them what is right.

    3. Using the Bible to justify violence, and you think you're somehow completely sane? Fuck you, and your religious brainwash.

      You have no leg to stand on. May the "rod" not be spared on you. Teaching them what is right, with what is clearly wrong, abuse! And you're here talking jackshit about cable TV.

      Maybe if you spent more time in the real world, instead of obsessing about fairytales, you would have a clearer insight as to why you're a certifiable mental case.

      Now fuck off.

  24. Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin5 November 2016 at 10:55

    This is wickedness, too bad.

  25. Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin5 November 2016 at 10:56

    This is wickedness, too bad.

  26. Old African way. So this things still wa oh! but painful.

  27. It's shouldn't be a problem, this is never a new thing.

  28. GOD PUNISH THAT IDIOT! EVIL PRECINCIAL! I hope the United Nations and UNICEF sanctions that idiot! Stupid! Cursed Man!

  29. We do better because we know better. Because we were treated this way doesn't make it acceptable. It's not right. I wouldn't want to see my children put through this. It's not right. Call it what it is. CHILD ABUSE!!!

  30. Wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked...

  31. this is not wickedness it's part of training, anything you do to correct a child people must talk, there is nothing bad in it.

  32. and the expect them to be leaders of tomorrow!

    I remember those days when i was in primary school,
    the teachers only flog us during exam or test periods.
    after collecting uncountable strokes of cane

    my hand will be shaking as i hold the pen.
    and so i thought to my self
    what can a kid write or remember under such circumstances?

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  33. This is how we were punished for lateness in the 80s, not barbaric there! I suspect it is the parents the school is trying to punish through the children!

  34. Pls Linda shut up jor,its normal not barbaric. What is even wrong with u sef Linda? Since this ur wealth and fame now I don't seems to recognise what is normal again. Pls I was punished like this too in sec sch so,spare me the nonsense headline about barbaric. Rubbish!

    1. Because it happened to me, it is ok for it to happen to others....

      You're vindictive and an evil wretch, when your child is returned to you in a body bag, covered in ringworm, a psychological or nervous wreck, or becomes or gets locked up for abusing others, remember the day you heartless wrote these words.

  35. No put yourself to problem.. .too bad

  36. Oh my word!! This also happens here in NigerI!!

  37. Oh my world! Only in Africa you would come across such which is not the best for their health i can remember vividly when i was in secondary school.Just because we are making noise in the class we were told to go and kneel in the sun hot sun i meant.This same scenario happened to me on countless time in secondary when they said we should go down on kneel and walk with our kneel on a well cemented floor.All these although have been stop by now when our law maker are busy stealing money and their children don't school in Nigeria,dey flocked the hell out of my body in secondary school one of our teacher's then don't use cane but what he will do to u is far worsen than cane he's going to give you like straight 3 knock on your head i really wish something can be done about it on time.You won't say because you lose your son others should lose their own too i am pass through this does not mean you should pass through too oh.


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