Nigeria at 56 and the worship of BAAL by Femi Fani Kayode | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 1 October 2016

Nigeria at 56 and the worship of BAAL by Femi Fani Kayode

Read the statement below...
Nigeria is 56 years old today. Consequently it is time to speak some home-truths and look at where we are in the scheme of things. It is time to consider how well our governnent has fared since coming to power and to compare their record of service to previous governments that were in the saddle before them. Sadly the score sheet does not look too good.
The rigging of elections, the persecution of opposition figures, the demonisation of dissenters, the destruction of the economy, the pauperisation of our people, the introduction of famine, the humiliation of Nigerians coupled with violence, impunity, aggression, intolerance and tyranny: that is all President Muhammadu Buhari and his government have served our people since he was sworn in on May 29th 2015.  

The last one year and four months have been the worst since independence in terms of the violation of human rights, civil liberties and court orders by our government. 

We have witnessed unprecedented mass murder, butchery, carnage and barbarity by well-armed and highly favored Fulani herdsmen and ethnic militias coupled with genocide and unprecedented extra-judicial killings by our military personnel and state security forces. 

We  have witnessed the resurrection of Abubakar Shekau and the mutation of Boko Haram into two powerful new factions. We have seen them re-take towns and communities that they lost years ago and hoist their dirty black flag in parts of the north-east. 

Our government have given up on the Chibok girls and we witnessed the humiliation, insults and physical harassment by security forces that those who have fought for their return in the BBOG group have been subjected to in the last few months.  

We have have seen the rapid depreciation of the naira, the total decimation of our industrial, agricultural and manufacturing sector and the destruction and decay of virtually all our roads, airports, power generating facilities and infra-structures. 

Our government has squandered our foreign reserves. Driven away local and foreign investment. Caused the dollar to fly away. Created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty in the markets. 

Forced people to spend their life savings and capital just to survive. Reduced many Nigerians to eating just one meal a day. Caused many to withdraw their children from school simply because they cannot afford to pay fees. And they have driven many to depression, suicide and despair. 

Unemployment is at a record high. The banks and indeed the entire financial sector is dying because there is no liquidity. The naira is approaching 500 naira to one US dollar which represents an over 100 per cent depreciation in the space of one year. 

We are in the middle of the worst economic recession that we have suffered in our 56 years of exsitence as an independent nation-state.

Thousands are being laid off on a daily basis. Graduate and non-graduate unemployment is at a record high.  Food prices, the price of transport and the price of fuel, diesal and kerosene have shot up.

Finally we have witnesed the total and complete dashing of the hopes, aspirations and dreams of the Nigerian people. 

Our government is corrupt, weak, paranoid, incompetent, cowardly, fearful of criticism, terrified of a strong opposition, unable to cope with dissent, insensitive, delusional, wicked, sociopathic and psycopathic. 

Worse still they have attracted the opprobium, contempt, derision and scorn of the entire international community and the derision of major corporate investors and multi-national corporations. 

The only thing that they are good at doing is blaming President Jonathan and indeed all past PDP Presidents and governments, including President Obasanjo, for their failures and inability to perform. 

They are also pretty good at conducting media trials and witchunts and indulging in Soviet-style propaganda and the demonisation of their perceived enemies.

Yet most frightening of all is the fact that our President is out of touch with reality. He does not appear to be living in the 21st century. 

His solutions and remedies to the complex economic problems of a modern-nation state in 2016 are the same ones that he proffered and which failed him woefully when he was military Head of State between 1983 and 1985. We really appear to be going down the drain under his leadership. 

I pray that God intervenes soon and does something extraordinary because this accursed government simply has to go. 

They have divided us along religious and ethnic lines more than any government in our entire history. They have come to spread poverty and distribute shame. 

They have sought to islamise our country, demean our faith, disgrace the Church and undermine our Christian leaders and clerics. 

They have destabilised our nation and undermined our unity to such an extent that the majority of our people secretly despise and covertly pray against the continuation of a united Nigeria. 

They have brought us to our very knees, turned us into a nation of beggars and paupers and reduced us to cowardly and timid slaves. 

They seek to break us, cause us to crawl, crush our spirits, torment our souls and compel us to accept a North Korean-style system of government with its cultic worship of a maximum ruler who sees himself as a demi-god and deity that must be obeyed and worshipped  by all. 

Such is Mr. Presidents desire and craving for worship and such has the spirit if narcissus seized and possessed him that he even had a man arrested, detained and prosecuted for daring to name his dog after him. 

Yet thankfully they will fail in their quest because the Living God, from whom nothing is hidden, will not allow them to succeed. They will fail because ultimately good will always prevail over evil. 

They will fail because no matter what they do they cannot separate us from the love of the Lord. They will fail because the God that we serve is mighty and He is faithful to His own. 

Permit me to digress. I have been reliably informed that my life and liberty has become a major source of irritation and anger for the maximum ruler. 

I have been told that he hates me so much that he has issued orders that his gestapo should come for me again and this time around to torture me or even poison me whilst I am in their custody. Yet I count it all as joy. 

I laugh them all to scorn. If only they knew the God that I serve. If only they could comprehend the nature of He who sent me and who works through me. 

If only they knew the source of their numerous problems and why they are going through all that they are going through. If only they knew why they are groping in hopelessness, dancing with failure and hobbling in the dark. 

If only they knew that you cannot fight against the Holy Spirit or battle against the Lord. If only they knew the power of God and the efficacy and power of the scripture that says "touch not my annointed and do my prophets no harm".

As long as they seek to do nothing but pursue, demean, misrepresent, destroy and kill the defenceless and innocent who have done no wrong, the Angel of the Lord will continue to pursue them along a dark and slippery path. 

He will frustrate all their efforts, plagues shall torment them, failure shall trail them and peace shall continue to elude them. 

For the record the bottom line is as follows: yours truly would rather die than be silenced or be compelled to bow down and worship Baal and his accursed disciples. 

As long as there is breath in me, no matter what, I will exercise my God-given right of expression and I will fight and oppose the evil soul that presides over the affairs of our nation because he has brought nothing but suffering, hardship, pain, shame and tears to our people and to our land. 

He is the proverbial "darkness that seeks the darkness". Yet, in the end, his own darkness will overwhelm him and the light and power of the Living God will bring him down to his knees and remove him from his exalted and dizzy heights.  

And if I should fall before that time, posterity will be kind to me and men will know that there once lived a man who spoke the bitter truth about the powers that once were and who saw tomorrow

Yet the beast remains as relentless as ever because, like satan, his time is short. Worse still he has turned on his own.

It is no longer Goodluck Jonathan, his wife, his loyalists and leading members of the PDP that are being targetted anymore. 

Now the erstwhile allies and friends of Baal's tiny cabal within the ruling party itself have also been listed for "special attention" and the torments of the evil eye in the next few months and years even if they don't know it yet. 

Such is the nature and way of Baal. He simply does not know when to stop. Like Pharaoh his heart has been hardened unto destruction so that, at the end of the day, when nemesis catches up with him,  the name of the Lord will be glorified. 

Like Nebuchadnezzar, he will be brought to his knees and he will crawl like a grass-eating beast in the forest until his eyes are opened and he acknowldges the majesty and awesome  power of the Lord God of Hosts and the Ancient of Days. 

Happy independence day.


  1. Dis great country must survive dats my ultimate hope

    1. As long as FFK was arrested,detained unlawfully,charge to court,gained his freedom and still has energy and pride to write like this then I don't think they stole any money really..I don't think they are guilty in the PDP of all d crimes and propaganda..



  3. sure you skip your drugs again...madman on the lose

  4. sure you are among the BAAL which is symbolised by the last administration

  5. I believe in God to Mae us do well again

    ...merited happiness

  6. I believe in God to Mae us do well again

    ...merited happiness

  7. Oshe Mr toroto mouth.

    1. He has proved himself to be a religious/ethnic bigot so I don't care to read his jagons again. Wasted sperm.

    2. I can't deal biko. Linda take note!

    3. FFK is a son of God. Nothing will happen to him. My only prayer today is for God to Break Nigeria. 'To their tents O'Isreal'. Nigeria is a disgrace to humanity. Buhari is the worst type of evil. There are no words to describe his dark soul. May he never have peace in his life and may he die the most painful and sorrowful death. Amen.

  8. Well well said sir.
    i dont even know what nigerians are celebrating oo when the economy is dead,fulanis are butchering ibos,people dying of hunger and people losing their job shame to terrorist far freeborn is concern Nigeria independence is a sham

    #sad indeed

    1. Son of a stray dog and mad woman. Them never kill you?

    2. Wasted sperm alwayz yearning dust @slaveborn

  9. I believe in God to help us stand again

    ...merited happiness

  10. No one needs to tell you, remind you or convince you that you are Biafran. No sensible person should be asking you to give them a reason as to why you are Biafran, or to justify your Biafran-ness. You and your ancestors have owned and resided on this piece of geography and real estate for as long forever, centuries before the colonial overlords grabbed up Africa for breakfast, carved it up at lunch time and left only named bones after supper. That’s your heritage: nothing—neither life nor death—can take that away.

    By such doing, Biafra was forced into Nigeria even though the colonialist knew quite well that it was a huge mistake, a fruitless and futile effort. Unfortunately, what they knew so well has eluded Nigerians and their leaders: they pretend that Nigeria is one or can be made one: what an illusion and self-deception. They pretend that banging a square peg into a round hole will make a fit, given enough banging or enough time, or even doing nothing else at all.

    Now that we have all awoken, let us state it clearly. We are Biafrans. There is no dispute and we are not going to quarrel or argue with anyone on that, nor are we going to apologize or hide what we are. We are Biafrans. Being Biafran neither wages war nor peace with Nigeria. Nigeria didn’t make us Biafran and cannot unmake us Biafrans. Nigeria did not make us what we by nature are and has no way to unmake us what nature makes us.

    Simply stated, in actualizing Biafra, we neither make war nor peace with Nigeria. If Nigeria feels offended that we are Biafrans, that’s pure racism on their part. If Nigeria wants to continue to unilaterally wage war against us because we want to be who we are—Biafrans—that’s pure unprovoked aggression. We have nothing that belongs to Nigeria; we seek nothing that belongs to Nigeria, and we are holding nothing that belongs to Nigeria. When we reside anywhere else in Nigeria, we are considered alien and constantly reminded of it and openly made to feel that way, and marked for poor and vicious treatment, and are constantly reminded in so many ways that neither our property nor our business nor our person is welcome or safe or secure. This is so bad and has gone unchallenged long enough that Nigeria has extended the same treatment to us even in our own ancestral land, our own homeland, Biafraland, their unjustified and unjustifiable excuse being that we lost the Biafra war. Yes, the Biafra war: we will take this up in a later broadcast.

    We do not seek war with Nigeria in actualizing Biafra. We do not intend to either; we do not have to go to war with anybody over Biafra, for that matter. Our right to Self Determination—to be who and what we are and what we decide we are—is consistent with and guaranteed by both UN and AU resolutions. We stand by those rights and will exercise them. We are exercising those rights at this time. Nigeria is legally bound to respect those resolutions. It will, not because we say so, but because Nigeria knows so; the world expects Nigeria to be a responsible member and will certainly hold Nigeria to the law on this.

    The universally accepted non-violent / non-confrontational and non-controversial method to work out Self Determination uses the tool of a Referendum. This is our preference. Therefore, Biafra prepares for a Referendum. In future broadcasts, there will be more information on the matter of this Referendum.

    To summarize:
    We are Biafrans. Biafra is our right. We exercise that right. A referendum, will complement the process.

    1. God bless you for this write up.

    2. It is well with you and Biafrans in Jesus name

    3. U are Bless For this well Articulated write up...

  11. MR FFK always on point. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE Day to you SIR.

  12. God bless FFK...

    Like Nebuchadnezzar, BUHARI will be brought to his knees and he will crawl like a grass-eating beast in the forest until his eyes are opened and he acknowldges the majesty and awesome power of the Lord God of Hosts and the Ancient of Days. AMEN

  13. God bless FFK...

    Like Nebuchadnezzar, BUHARI will be brought to his knees and he will crawl like a grass-eating beast in the forest until his eyes are opened and he acknowldges the majesty and awesome power of the Lord God of Hosts and the Ancient of Days. AMEN

  14. God bless FFK...

    Like Nebuchadnezzar, BUHARI will be brought to his knees and he will crawl like a grass-eating beast in the forest until his eyes are opened and he acknowldges the majesty and awesome power of the Lord God of Hosts and the Ancient of Days. AMEN

  15. Go and have several seats lousy fellow and allow us celebrate our country at least today.
    It is not about you and can never be about what you think.

    . ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Ffk is jst tribal bigot nd a confusionist only fool will read diz gibberish cause he isn't alway on point

    2. You are the lousy one with your head up buhari s arse. Animal

  16. God bless FFK...

    Like Nebuchadnezzar, BUHARI will be brought to his knees and he will crawl like a grass-eating beast in the forest until his eyes are opened and he acknowldges the majesty and awesome power of the Lord God of Hosts and the Ancient of Days. AMEN

  17. Talkative FFK. Hit it big! Get your expert soccer prediction tips for Saturday & Sunday, 1st & 2ndOctober  2016 @  

  18. mtchew
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  19. ffk should just shut it. There isn't much difference between the state of affairs now and the last 8-10yrs.

    1. Enough difference tinubu brother

  20. you are one of the problem of the country and your dad former part of it as well. you stole almost #1b during the last Admin without been a political office holder. can u tell Nigeria your major business for the past 20 years. you can only brainwashed some few ignorant Nigerian

    1. You are nothing but suffering and smiling

  21. Well articulated. May God bless you for this hard truth

  22. This guy is truly very sick.Who led this country to this path that it is today? Who mismanaged & looted it's resources? Who brought ethnic & religious divide into the last campaign? FFK and Fayose should answer this last question.The same worship of baal made you aviation minister? The same worship of baal made you Presidential campaign spokesman for the PDP where you got the 800 million naira you are living on now.This man is clearly stark raving mad.This is self righteousness at it's height. May God judge all of you that looted Nigeria.

  23. Certainly, there is nothing to celebrate.Only for all Nigerians to go to God in prayers that God should pull down every edifice that is blocking get our success in Nigeria.

  24. I'm having goose pimples.. Fani truly is vessel.. God will continuously be with yu and inspire yu to continously say truth and fan equity and justice to the opressed

  25. Ffk is sick, overdose of substance. May God help him

    1. God is already wit him,its you that need heaven intervention

  26. This guy is truly very sick.Who led this country to this path that it is today? Who mismanaged & looted it's resources? Who brought ethnic & religious divide into the last campaign? FFK and Fayose should answer this last question.The same worship of baal made you aviation minister? The same worship of baal made you Presidential campaign spokesman for the PDP where you got the 800 million naira you are living on now.This man is clearly stark raving mad.This is self righteousness at it's height. May God judge all of you that looted Nigeria. so as you rant & bark like the rabid dog that you are,your morbid fear of your shadow anticipates arrest? Hahahaha! Truly one of the fearful yoruba breed.So you are now a prophet? A prophet with wives & concubines all over the place? I pity youths that clap for you.I especially pity the igbos who hail you.If only they realised how much contempt you have for us? By God's grace,we will all be here.You shall yet again call igbos names.sebi it is because there is no 'food' for you to chop? We shall see where you truly stand.Everyone on this blog will see the real you soon.

    1. Bro u re nothing but scumbag,we know your type.

  27. Avengers ooo!! I hop u fake guys will not fuck up this time on your empty threatening . fake avengers !!! . I waiting for u guys to declare your independence today as u promised Nigerians.

  28. FFK my ideal man, words has failed me how to describe you braveness in the midst of this carlous government. It is so bad of this country that you are the only man standing but I want to assure you that we are praying for you. God will preserve and protect you from any harm. God will intervene in this nation because of his children. It is well with you dear! Buhari is the worst thing that has ever happened to this nation. God will punish tinubu and amechi for bringing this curse to the nation.

    1. What Change did u made when you were in charge of aviation as minister? Saint FFK now apportioning blame and pointing accusing fingers. God will judge us all.

  29. Tell'em manest G! #CantSeriouslyDeal

  30. I dint even bother to read. He who must come to equity must do so with clean hands. Ffk served as a minister in this country, what legacy did he leave? Abegi

    Long Live LIB

  31. Who did you guys ask before going to create this Biafra????? Biko myself and my family didn't ask for that. FFk you be Olodo, go and park well Jor. Happy Independence Day my brothers. One nation,one Africa

  32. FFk you need better slap e be like say your head dey touch. Make I catch you for area. Olodo!! I cant believe you even held a post in our great country.

  33. 'The last one year and four months have been the worst since independence in terms of the violation of human rights, civil liberties and court orders by our government'

    FFK is smoking!!! What the hell is he saying. Worst human rights wince independence keh. OBJ's time was worse sef

  34. Am so weak as am here, maybe am not thinking straight. Well I got married to my husband at a very late age at 36years why husband was 38years, I never thought I would ever find someone to get married to because I was this type that when growing up it was just church all through and nobody has ever approached me even for dating talk less of leading to marriage . so I see myself like one that is condemned and one that God has forgotten about. Even during when I was posted to a village school for this 2years UBE programme, that was when someone boldly asked me out but I was so naive to know he wasn't interested in me but the little salary I was earning then as a teacher so I gave in on him, because I really wasn't the exposed type. I thought it was love. we started dating but along the line I got pregnant mind you I was a virgin before I meant him that was at age 33years. Initially he asked me to get rid of it that he wasn't ready yet but I told him I can't because age wasn't on my side and I was thinking if I should keep the pregnancy that might change his mind so he later agreed on me keeping it I never knew what was going on until finally I went to put to birth where my family were by then it was remaining about 2months for my

  35. 2years contract I have with the UBE to be over so I went to my family in order for my mum to be able to take care of me. When I gave birth and that was when the camels back was broken, he never show up at the hospital, my family kept calling and calling he kept on lieing he is on his way, when I was fully recovered and had given birth but not yet discharged, I was bold enough to call some of his family. then the elder bro had to send me 20k to add to whatever I have on me to sort out the hospital bills, including what my family had to raise to add to it as well. That was when I saw my babies father at the hospital While my little sis was busy having a conversation with his step bro that has been checking on us and my sis was trying to let him know my family is not happy the way my baby's daddy had treated me and this step bro is never happy with my baby's daddy, so conversation went from one level to another and that was when the camels back was broken that my baby's daddy has got other children (7 children) from different women as well who he never ever take care of. that was what he told my sis and that he came purposely because of the 20k he heard they are bringing today to see if it will be given to him so he can run away with it but as God could have it, it was given to me directly . My story is very lengthy but I will try to brief it. That was the first and ever last time at the hospital my baby's

  36. daddy set his eyes on my baby, he never called or check on us, he don't know how my baby looks like and can even pass my lovely child on the way and I feel so much for my baby sometimes because he so wish for a father but what to do and my lovely kid is 4years old now had been managing to bring him up through the help of my family whom they don't even have a good job and are struggling as well to make ends meet why am on the other hand struggling as well to get jobs that their salaries are never up to 15k. And I never knew I would still partially be passing same road. I later got married to my husband whom I was introduced to thinking I would never find someone else due to have had a baby before and that was how we patched everything during my marriage and it was not an elaborate marriage just the bride paying and things to bring to my family, my husband couldn't provide them, borrowed here and there because age wasn't in his side as well though husband is just a private driver even our wedding video casset we couldn't claim it as well up till now. We ignored it because the marriage video isn't our problem for now, to feed was now our problem. So we started patching life, normally I will run to my family house to eat, sometimes bring the little food stuff they are having as well, we would share it because it wasn't too far from my husband's place because of my child that was living with my family but along the line I got pregnant for my husband and as God could have it I had my baby successfully but through a CS and to sort out the hospital bills became a big problem just like the first one for us, initially we registered at a government hospital central and was directed by one of the doctors to his hospital to give birth because they said the generator of that government hospital was having problem and that was how we found ourselves here and was charged 130k but have been able to pay 40k remaining 90k, someone had helped me with 20k now remaining 70k. Today is making it a week and three days I gave birth and am supposed to be discharged but I don't know where or how we would get that kind of a huge money. Please am pleading to help me out. Am just sitting down here and am asking myself where on earth have I wronged God ? or where on earth have I gone wrong? Things aren't going well with me at all and I ended up marrying someone I was a little better off than, I asked it's this how I will be patching my life all through? I feel so discouraged as am here because I find it difficult feeding even as am breast feeding, nothing at all sparking about my life. I just feel like pouring my mind to make it a little lighter. I know it's never too late for God to amend my ways.

  37. Nice on dear.

    Happy Independent day Nigeria

  38. Bunario u must be sick and definitely not intelligent. What hasFFK said that is not true. Can't u just appreciate brain work which u are not capable of. It is very sad. Must u say something even if it is a senseless talk? Pls watch it u can't go far in life with this kind of mind.

  39. Bunario u must be sick and definitely not intelligent. What hasFFK said that is not true. Can't u just appreciate brain work which u are not capable of. It is very sad. Must u say something even if it is a senseless talk? Pls watch it u can't go far in life with this kind of mind.

  40. Bunario u must be sick and definitely not intelligent. What hasFFK said that is not true. Can't u just appreciate brain work which u are not capable of. It is very sad. Must u say something even if it is a senseless talk? Pls watch it u can't go far in life with this kind of mind.

  41. Someone should just help dis guy with therapy before his hatred consume him.

  42. God bless and keep u FFK

  43. i hate to see post like this really annoying
    how dare he talk about the last one year that buhari had been in power
    when his party was at the realms of power all we kept hearing as its going to get better
    and for good sixteen years we were fed with those kind of lies
    and now he has the guts to speak out against his excellency
    am sorry ffk
    but i am not sorry mr ffk when i tell you to shut the fvck up
    shut you stupid a** mouth
    instead of you to promote peace all you ever do is write up stupid articles

    1. Did i hear you said FFK is insulting a dumbass,mr man you are frustrated.

  44. i am totally disappointed in you FFK
    you are just a sick mothafuka whose eyes are on power
    when your stupid a** was aviation minister what the fuck did you do then
    we only kept hearing, its going to get better and for 16yrs we believed that lie
    your stupid a** never preached about peace all you ever do is point fingers on the present administration
    why dont you just shut your stupid, frustrated a** mouth up FFK

  45. i am totally disappointed in you FFK
    you are just a sick mothafuka whose eyes are on power
    when your stupid a** was aviation minister what the fuck did you do then
    we only kept hearing, its going to get better and for 16yrs we believed that lie
    your stupid a** never preached about peace all you ever do is point fingers on the present administration
    why dont you just shut your stupid, frustrated a** mouth up FFK

  46. When someone posts a deep, analytic post that could attract serious minds you vote it off. When is your site gonna grow up? A good site should attract everyone from ragamuffins to radicals and intellectuals

  47. First i want to thank GOD for FFK,nothing do you sir ,secondly Hakwi Indefendent my pello Nijeriyas.

  48. Daniel Ekene Nkwonta1 October 2016 at 21:55

    For too long Fani Kayode has consistently insulted our collective sensibilities. His cave mentality knows no bound neither does his infantile stupidity. Here is a man or do I call him woman, who reprobates and approbates on a particular matter a day of the same circumstances. The archaic and brazen acts of corruption of the last 35 years especially of the previous administration contributed to almost 80% of current woes. A mono cultural economy as practiced b4 the current administration with out diversification and investment on education/science and math contributed also to our current situation all attributable to corruption. I support Buhari in his effort to fight corruption and recover most of the stolen wealth. So who is Fani Kayode fooling?. Ethiopia and Rwanda, two countries that emerged from unprecedented famine, Civil wars and ethnic genocide is more developed and institutionalised rule of law thereby giving Nigeria a bloody nose. What does Ethiopia have? Just coffee and well managed Ethiopia Airlines. I am ashamed of this country called Nigeria. Our elected or selected and appointed and most civil servants are nothing but thieves who should be put behind bars. But what do we have in Nigeria? Police men paid with tax payers money guarding most of the thieves. My sincere prayer is that Buhari whom I know on one on one is the only person alive in this country to take on the evil ones and there is no amount of chicanery or shenanigans by likes of Fani Kayode can upturn that naked truth. We all must come down from our high horses and tell ourselves the truth and give this unmerited


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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