Women in Saudi Arabia call for an end to oppressive patriarchal laws with hashtag campaign | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 10 September 2016

Women in Saudi Arabia call for an end to oppressive patriarchal laws with hashtag campaign

Women in Saudi Arabia have started a wildly popular hashtag campaign calling for an end to laws that give men control of their lives. The tag #StopEnslavingSaudiWomen and its Arabic translation, has been posted thousands of times in a bid to speak out about male guardianship laws.

In the Islamic nation, women must have an appointed male guardian, usually their father or husband, who are given legal control over their lives.

They must seek permission from their guardians to carry out certain activities including travelling, studying, marrying or even having surgery. Protests and rallies in the Islamic country are banned and come with a custodial sentence but women have gotten round that obstacle by taking their campaign to social media.


  1. Replies
    1. **********************no be today****bur we must conquer

    2. Na wa o. I hope they get what they wish. Islam is evil

      Lib addict#just passing#

    3. Hmmm, I pray they won't fish out their leader and execute her for staging this protest. I fear all these Arab countries o.

      Long Live LIB

    4. Why this oppressions in the name of religion even God has given humanity the power of will and choices

    5. give your life to christ and be free.

    6. Iphie Abraham clearly you went to school but got no education! The caption says Saudi women not Muslim women...that Saudi is a Muslim country doesn't mean that they don't have their tribal cultures. Albeit it may be proper for me also to denounce Christianity since women from the east and south do not inherit property plus have no say in their matrimonial homes so long as they have no male child(ren) and theyre predominantly christians!

  2. We r enjoying o

    ...merited happiness

    1. Yes ooo youre enjoying until ur papa dies and you cannot inherit or you marry and cannot born boy!

  3. Story and waste of energy.
    When is the teaching of Islam that women must be enslave huh?
    As far Muslim is concern women or what ever is in bondage. MUSLIMS TEACHING SAY THAT WOMEN ARE ONLY FOR SEX NOTING MORE
    Pedophiles mohammed did the same so it didn't start today this campaign won't change any thing.

    #sad indeed

    1. U need to read more, u sound very ignorant.

    2. I remain convinced that you need to visit a psychiatrist.

    3. You are so ignorant because no Muslim would dare abuse Jesus but u sit there abusing Prohet Mohammed. What does that say about u?

    4. This one issue na forgone alternative! Many are insane but only a few are locked up in asylums

  4. Story and waste of energy.
    When is the teaching of Islam that women must be enslave huh?
    As far Muslim is concern women or what ever is in bondage. MUSLIMS TEACHING SAY THAT WOMEN ARE ONLY FOR SEX NOTING MORE
    Pedophiles mohammed did the same so it didn't start today this campaign won't change any thing.

    #sad indeed

    1. Hahahah, nice one

    2. @Freeborn may u die a painful death for always insulting Our Prophet on dis blog! And to U Linda nd ur workers and like u are promoting what dis Bastard is always writing.

    3. Don't mind linda,she doesn't know. What she is breeding,just be caareful.if your blog is for some certain. People let's know then. We stop visiting why on earth will. You allow this. Animal to be insulting our religion and prophet all the time,where is your sense of decency.

    4. @bashir and Anonymous 2:52pm to hell with you and your dead prophet who supports wars,chaos, killings of innocent people over nothing!

  5. In the first place that rule is too absurd. Why should such rules be existing for God sake? Someone answer me please

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    1. It's not religion, it's men and their power hunger

  6. Useless archaic way of life.

  7. Firstly women and men have to have an access to education... The prophet Muhammad (SAW) said so...... The rest of it about work n travel is complicated but not as the west depicts it as vile..... The west always want things their way.... Same way the look down on us Africans with little regard...

    1. Is it the west that is carrying out this campaign now or saudI women. Abeg go and reSt.

  8. It's jst dat some countries wud be over doing things,,it's no where in d Quran dat 1 shud enslave his wife,,God said dnt oppress so dat u won't be oppressed,,some won't even look into d Quran 4 guidance,dey wud jst make up their own laws,,normally a righteous wife needs 2 ask her husband permission or consent if she want 2 do somethings,bt he shudnt turn it 2 sometin else,making her feel oppressed,it's wrong,,d Quran is 4 guidance in dis world dat d devil is always ready 2 torment nd lead pple 2 HELL..

    1. Godbless U dear for d enlightenment.

    2. We are guided by innovations and culture sadly. The Quran places the womenfolk on a pedestal. Too bad they still find a way to get around the Quran. It's a mans world.

  9. It's jst dat some countries wud be over doing things,,it's no where in d Quran dat 1 shud enslave his wife,,God said dnt oppress so dat u won't be oppressed,,some won't even look into d Quran 4 guidance,dey wud jst make up their own laws,,normally a righteous wife needs 2 ask her husband permission or consent if she want 2 do somethings,bt he shudnt turn it 2 sometin else,making her feel oppressed,it's wrong,,d Quran is 4 guidance in dis world dat d devil is always ready 2 torment nd lead pple 2 HELL..

  10. They will receive some lashes if care is not taking.



  12. It's so unfortunate, the Lord is their muscle 💪

  13. The media also fails to address the fact that before the Quran was sent, men used to bury their daughters alive but the Qur'an forbade that
    Media dis acknowledges the fact that in Islam, the woman's rank is higher than the man's three times ... This is because wen you disrespect your mother, you getting into paradise is very narrow because the Quran tells us that love and respect your mother as she suffered to bring you to the earth, nonetheless the sleepless nights ... In Islam, women can have an education, have professions and improve society ... An example of a prominent woman is the Prophet(SAW)'s wife who was rich and Affluencial.... Now Usa and the west be poking their nose in someone's busy to ruin their reputation just because they won't give them oil ... What losers

  14. It's Muhammed that caused all these shits! ! The only solution us that ...turn to jesus and experience peace!

    1. U r obviously mad

    2. ONLY Jesus in All TheHeaven & Earth IS NOT AN OPPRESSOR. He welcomes us to check Him out on this and more...SO GO CHECK*

  15. Honestly, I think it's time we give women the freedom they deserve. I'm still wondering why the Gender Equality is yet to be approve in Nigeria....

  16. people's culture n tradition are sensitive...so i'll b observing

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  18. Freeborn your end will be catastrophic!

    1. @saihu you must be a bastard for thinking you can come online and threaten people who share their opinions here, what makes you any different clubs those terrorists who kill innocent people for expressing themselves??? You prophet preaches about violence, wars, rape, and you call him prophet o God, Jesus died, and rose again and then ascended to Heaven, Muhammad DIED and went to hell, you fucking retards could kill yourselves and join him in hell too!!!you serve as dead god that's why all of you kill for him instead of him fighting for u!!! Go and check your Koran, Muhammed is not relevant d way Jesus is, even the mother of Jesus was recognised and a chapter dedicated to her in the Koran, but it didn't talk about Muhammed or his mother or how he died or his relevance!!!

    2. You sound so miserable and frustratred!!! Obviously youre from a broken home....no parental love....eyyyahhhhhj

  19. good
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  20. Hypocrites! What about in the east and southsouth where women don't have a say except dem born boy? Women do not even inherit! Men openly turn community penis once their wives no born boy!plus recently pastor Chris just told us of how irrelevant women are in Christianity!saying God's original plan sef was not to create christian women!!! Mtchewwwwww yeye day stink!!!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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