TH? Police arrest two little boys aged 10 & 7 for allegedly raping & killing a 1 year old girl in Cameroon | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 9 September 2016

TH? Police arrest two little boys aged 10 & 7 for allegedly raping & killing a 1 year old girl in Cameroon

Two little boys have been arrested for allegedly raping and killing a one year old girl in Cameroon. Police in Kumbe Balindo, Ndian Division in the South West region of the country paraded the boys, aged 7 and 10, who shockingly admitted to the act. But in what world can a 7 year old boy have erection enought to rape? What nonsense?

According to Cameroon Intelligence Report, after raping the girl, the little boys forced her body into a pit latrine and then hit her with a stick until she died. However, a traditional ruler in the area is of the opinion that 'the young boys cannot get an erection and are not capable of destroying the late baby’s private as medical reports indicated.'

Some also believe that someone is possibly using the children to 'hide a ritual crime.' Watch a video for the boys admitting to the crime below...


  1. Kai...such endtime pikins,tufiakwa!!! #Evil

  2. Are they muslims?
    Cos even 1 year can rape once dey re

    Linda don't take note!

    1. Nope they're Christians just like that your demonic brother the pastor who camped 13 underaged girls....idiot smelly demonic bitch that you are!!!

    2. May God forgive you. Must all evil acts be from muslims? Always use your head. Whatever curse u lay will go back to you trillion times fold.

  3. Are they muslims?
    Cos even 1 year can rape once dey re

    Linda don't take note!

  4. Wat insolence...dis is soo jus speechless..hw dem tak rape her if I may ask? Wit wat? Prick or stick? Children of nawadays ar horrible...

  5. Wat insolence...dis is soo jus speechless..hw dem tak rape her if I may ask? Wit wat? Prick or stick? Children of nawadays ar horrible...

  6. Who says a boy of seven can't get an erection to penetrate? My dear,the question should be, what useless elders exposed these two kids to know what they know? Sex among little kids are very rampant. And,because no one watches them,they often experiment. It is a huge problem. It happened to me.I may have been 7 or just slightly above.An older girl in the flat besides ours,would invite me when her parents were out.I would such her just sprouting breast & she would play with my penis.It was my secret.No one ever knew or found us out.

  7. Someone is definitely using them

    Eva Da Diva...

  8. I can't stop crying. Look at the little one. WHat do they know? they are a product of their environment for sure. This is just too sad. The bible is not a lie afer all. ONE YEAR OLD GIRL?????????????????? Ah father in heaven. Have mercy

  9. ***************************OMG***7 and 10 ?????? Really ?????

  10. What nonsense? They didn't do it joor

    Lib addict#just passing#

  11. Isnt dis funny?

    ...merited happiness

  12. Watttttttttttt.*eyes wide open and faint*
    Ppl really need to watch out for their kids especially the female child . Help us lord

  13. O my God, wonderful. Parents please no matter how busy you are, watch over your children. What is the world turning into? God help us all

  14. Tufiakwa! What has dis world become??? Linda take note!



  16. this na story for the gods, really weird world we live

  17. How can a boy of four to eight years have erection to rape? Please these children are just victims. This is a lie from pit of hell.

  18. i dont have anything to say in this matter i shut up

  19. i dont have anything to say in this matter i shut up

  20. kaiiii!
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  21. Hmmmm.....I dont want to believe this.
    I hope these kids re not being manipulated by another adult...
    How can they conceive such Evils?? I mean the murder part?


  22. omg... i cant believe this... this is so not true

  23. Joyous Babe Lindaikeji First Cousin9 September 2016 at 17:07

    i don,t believe this story, this small boys at what age?? too bad.

  24. Joyous Babe Lindaikeji First Cousin9 September 2016 at 17:07

    i don,t believe this story, this small boys at what age?? too bad.

  25. I don't believe they did it.... Those children myt have been manipulated.

  26. They should interrogate them separately and hear their lies and truths

  27. This is called mission impossible,there is no way I can believe such story's please

  28. Pathetic to say the least. It all ties into the evisceration of womanhood by the patriarchy from cradle to grave. Everyday one turns on the news or reads one of these blogs there's a rape/violent incident by men against girls/women at all levels. Even more despicable is now young boys have joined the bandwagon. Everything considered, why not? Bcos kids/young minds are influenced more by their environment/adults/mentors than what anyone says or tells them is moral. So, in instances where most adults are set free, with no real repercussions by many African/Nigerian communities upon such a heinous crime against womanhood, it is easy to see why these monsters would get younger, emboldened and multiply. The irony is, if a man steals even bread due to hunger, the mob descends on the thief and many times expunge the bad apple. Yet, when it comes to this deplorable crime against the girl child/women, there is silence. Not a wimper nor mob action on behalf of the victim. Whatever happened to burning up these rapists/ monsters or castrating them at the very least? QED@atm

  29. Pathetic to say the least. It all ties into the evisceration of womanhood by the patriarchy from cradle to grave. Everyday one turns on the news or reads one of these blogs there's a rape/violent incident by men against girls/women at all levels. Even more despicable is now young boys have joined the bandwagon. Everything considered, why not? Bcos kids/young minds are influenced more by their environment/adults/mentors than what anyone says or tells them is moral. So, in instances where most adults are set free, with no real repercussions by many African/Nigerian communities upon such a heinous crime against womanhood, it is easy to see why these monsters would get younger, emboldened and multiply. The irony is, if a man steals even bread due to hunger, the mob descends on the thief and many times expunge the bad apple. Yet, when it comes to this deplorable crime against the girl child/women, there is silence. Not a wimper nor mob action on behalf of the victim. Whatever happened to burning up these rapists/ monsters or castrating them at the very least? QED@atm

  30. Pathetic to say the least. It all ties into the evisceration of womanhood by the patriarchy from cradle to grave. Everyday one turns on the news or reads one of these blogs there's a rape/violent incident by men against girls/women at all levels. Even more despicable is now young boys have joined the bandwagon. Everything considered, why not? Bcos kids/young minds are influenced more by their environment/adults/mentors than what anyone says or tells them is moral. So, in instances where most adults are set free, with no real repercussions by many African/Nigerian communities upon such a heinous crime against womanhood, it is easy to see why these monsters would get younger, emboldened and multiply. The irony is, if a man steals even bread due to hunger, the mob descends on the thief and many times expunge the bad apple. Yet, when it comes to this deplorable crime against the girl child/women, there is silence. Not a wimper nor mob action on behalf of the victim. Whatever happened to burning up these rapists/ monsters or castrating them at the very least? QED@atm

  31. pls dear libers, A 1 year old Baby can not be far from the mother or care-giver. Something is definitely wrong with this story. If the child was molested not these boys. The Mother/Father or care-giver of the baby needs to be question. Pls not these little children.Somebody somewhere said they should say so.

  32. This a ritualistic manipulation. The kids don't know what they are saying.

  33. Nawa ooo wonders shall never seize.End time kids

  34. Nawa ooo wonders shall never seize End time kids

  35. OooohmyGod...wat Ave dey done...dier parents should be arrested for bad exposure. I pity dem, dey just kids.


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