Factional Boko Haram Leader, al-Barnawi, accuses Abubakar Shekau Of killing Muslims, says its against the Quran | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 5 August 2016

Factional Boko Haram Leader, al-Barnawi, accuses Abubakar Shekau Of killing Muslims, says its against the Quran

The factional leader of Boko Haram sect, Abu Musab al-Barnawi, who was recently named Boko Haram leader by ISIS, has released an audio statement attacking his rival Abubakar Shekau.
In the audio recording, al-Barnawi said Shekau had violated Islamic tenets by killing fellow Muslims, including members of the terrorist Islamist group, living a life of luxury with his wives, neglecting starving women and children, and failing to provide food and weapons for insurgent fighters.

Read the excerpts from al-Barnawi’s audiotape after the cut

“[Shekau] was boasting that if we attempt to escape from his empire his men will kill us. He is a liar. I am not the only one that left, but eight of us left, all kitchen cabinet members. And right now two other top members are on the way to join us. We are all here. The issue of Islam is not personal, there is no sentiment in Islam, and that is why we are here. Nobody can dare us or stop us from it, no matter how he brags. Here we are on our own. Can’t you see how we left your empire? We left women and everything and just left with guns on our shoulders. We would have crushed anyone that stood on our way. 
“We said we would not touch anyone but just go on our way to our religion. We will fight for the cause of Allah and work against personalizing Jihad and against unjustifiable killings and shedding of blood. We are out because you came out with your own cassette. We want our people to know proper Islam because Allah in the Quran forbids killings without justification. Just like Allah gave us power to kill infidels, there are those he said we shouldn’t kill without reason.
“In the Quran, Allah forbade Muslims from killing one another…and he also taught against killing in secret. If it is serious punishment, it must be public for people to know and witness it. But once you see killings in secret, there is something fishy and this is what we noticed with Shekau. What he is doing is not Islam. He said we should follow him and we agreed, but we later realized it is another thing and we said no. We have to stick to the Quran and what Allah said, not [follow] someone’s waywardness.
“We have vowed to say the truth. If we will be killed, let us be killed. If we will be eaten, let us be eaten up and if we will be roasted, let us be roasted. We will not leave our fellow brothers in the dark; this message of mine will get to Sambisa Forest. It will get into Shekau’s house. We have agents that will convey the message no matter how he dislikes it.

“Almighty Allah is against killings of Muslims. Allah is saying better heaven and earth fall than innocent soul of a Muslim, but you have Shekau who likes killing our own people. He is always boasting that he will kill, he will kill. Okay, continue to kill, you will also be killed. Who will dwell here forever? Everybody will die. You will also die some day. And there is no one that will die without reaching his day of death. You can see we are here alive, all of us here sitting. Anyone that Allah did not kill you cannot kill him. The same way, you cannot stop anyone Allah willed his death.
“That is why when someone boasts to kill a man, the man asks him, ‘Why are you in a haste?’ The man says, ‘If my time has come, you will not stop me from going.’ There are several verses that forbid killing of a fellow Muslim unjustifiably. Our vow that we will practice Islam is real. That is why we left our parents, homes, our cars and everything and came to this forest. How can we then agree to see you bringing strange ideologies?

“In one of our Shura meetings, someone asked Shekau how he felt about Muslims running away from their own land to the land of the infidels for their own safety. Shekau said [the Muslims] are also infidels and should be killed like the infidels. These people are not infidels, they are Muslims running for their lives, and he insisted that they are infidels and should be killed. Shekau is ignorant of the fact that it is forbidden for a Muslim to be killed after being chased out of Islamic Caliphate to a strange land and [when the Muslim] has not taken part in any conspiracy against Muslims. [Shekau] is ignorant and needs to be taught the rudiments of Islam. Islam is not his creation. Only Allah defines who is a Muslim and who is an infidel. Even if you travel to a foreign land, you have no jurisdiction to say who is who until you have a basis. Anywhere you go you can’t say who is who. You can’t kill and take away people’s properties.
“We fled from him with our religion for good. It is there in the books, when you are not allowed to do Islam you have the liberty to flee and follow what you know is right. Shekau, we did not touch you, don’t touch us. If you touch us we will touch you and we are many against you. We have people in your house and even your present hideout. You don’t know us enough; we are ready for anyone to kill us, even if it is infidels, for so long as we will make heaven and be before Allah. That is why we are countering the false ideology you are spreading.

“[Shekau] said he is looking for our information. We also have your information and we are close to you. What kind of thing is this? There were states we captured as part of the Islamic Caliphate and you allowed men to be looting property. We told you and you did not take action. We don’t know this brand of Jihad; you kill children, women and bomb people. We should be looking for infidels and not our own people. How can we be killing people in the mosques when there are churches, barracks? It is nonsense and Allah will ask you [about it] if you don’t repent. Another thing is, [Shekau] is interpreting verses with his own opinions and the cassettes are being spread. Stop interpreting the Quran with your own opinion. We who lived with [Shekau] knew his conduct. What is not in the Hadith, he will insist that it is there. Kai, Imam, all these interpretations are your own creation. Please go and seek education and knowledge from those that know.

“Nobody should believe him. People should seek understanding and not depend on his lies. Haba Imam, have you forgotten our past? Is this how we started? You forgot your days in our learning place with your two items of clothing, learning under the tree? And today you are arrogant and killing your own people because you have now got an empire?
“You forgot how you rushed to pass a verdict over the case of a man over sheep? And you rushed a judgment that saw the man’s hand amputated. The same thing happened in Bama. Five of us were sitting, and the issue came up of some fighters who married slaves. He quickly said they should be killed. The killings spread to eleven persons. Later on, the allegation turned out to be false. Some fighters murmured and said there would be no peace with his injustices. And all these are not part of Islam. People complained of several acts, but because [Shekau] was enjoying power he refused to take action. Who killed the Malam in Banki? Is it not you that killed him? The same thing happened to a man you brought inside and killed.

“You forgot one day I told you that your wives are not aware that their husbands are alive. You dismissed me with a wave of hand. And you said their husbands should be killed. Is it not you that killed them? Are you not the one that killed Malam Abdulmalik? He is popularly known as Baba Abdulmalik, and you killed him. And you are killing them secretly when, in Islam, there is nothing like secret killings even of an infidel. Even if it is Buhari that comes to you following an agreement, if you killed him, it is not Islam. Even if it is an infidel, if you killed him it is not Islam. If you are afraid of their treaty, tell them we are enemies, instead of drawing people close tokill them.
“Where did you see the judgment of Allah secretly done? And you said you are following Allah. Is it the Prophet that said this? This is not Islam, Shekau.
“You killed Ameer Falluja because he was close to Abdulmalik. When he entered, he never came out. The same way, you killedBagomna because he bought a house in Amchide. If someone bought a house, is that a reason to kill him? With your hand you killed him. Bagomna came on a bike, and you just killed him. When we asked you why you said since he went to war he did not return. You are a liar; you killed him on your own. Is this Islam? Are you sure it is Islam you are doing, killing war commanders, and killing clerics?

“You killed Mustapha, you killedKakaali, and you told women that they died in the war, but insiders knew that you killed them. It was Aliyu that you asked to call one of them. You remember where you used to stay in one location. On getting there one day they called the man guarding the place. When he came, you killed him. When the second [man] appeared you repeated the same. From that moment did we not start failing and losing the war? You can’t think and repent. When we fought infidels in Baga, did you remember the bravery [the men you killed] exhibited? Did you do half of their gallant fight? You are just sitting down; they will bring you cars, money, and other valuables and you still have the guts to betray them.

“The same way you killed one man on trivial grounds that he was gossiping. Yet his contribution to this cause was incredible. He was producing guns, and you just wasted him. And you wanted to kill one Aliyu and something happened. You wanted him killed, but failed and he succeeded in killing one of the two you sent to kill him. Is this Jihad? Is it not you that killed Mujaheed? Is it not you that killed Umar? Is it not you that killedAbumariam? Abumariam and Mujaheed were killed together by you. What did they do to you? Can’t people tell you the truth? That is why some of us that want to tell you the truth fled so that you don’t kill us. And now that we are away, you can’t kill us unless we kill ourselves. We believe in Allah and have our own battalions. Send your agents and see a surprise. None of them can come here; we will finish them. You also killed Abdullahi because of a dream. You keep telling people rubbish about leaders that killed their fighters. Those leaders killed in the open, but you killed secretly.

“When Malam Umar was going to honor [Shekau’s] invitation, he called me and explained that Shekau had sent for him, but he had sent words pleading for forgiveness. When he told me, I said he should believe in Allah and submit to his faith. When Umar went, [Shekau] came out and asked for a knife and a dagger. Very close to the river [Shekau] killed Umar. Is this Allah’s verdict? This is Haram for Shekau to make Muslims kill their brothers. Shekau be careful, we are not part of this; I repent and will never follow you. I will never go back. If you fear Allah, you should better repent. We have revolted against your ideology and now cling to the real ideology of Allah. We are not part of a caliphate of injustices and shedding of blood. We are not part of a religion that is not dictated by Allah. We are with our leader, [ISIS commander] Al-Baghdadi. If you say you will not follow him, we will know the truth. Anyway, you have revolted and are deceiving people. You even said it in your cassette that you were forced; that you only bear fake allegiance fearing that there would be an internal revolt against you. Shekau killed many fighters, and we have exposed a few [of his victims].
“Another case of Shekau’s insensitivity is abandoning fighters to hunger [as well as] women and children who go without food while he is enjoying with his own family.
“Last year, 20 children died of malnourishment. Recently, 15 babies died in one day due to starvation. I have a recorded message here, and I will play it here for all to hear.

(The audio was played and Shekau was heard saying the following: “That children are dying, let even 100, 000 die now. Nonsense, am I the one holding them? I can only do what I can. Am I here to breed babies? You came disturbing me. Who told you my duty is to look after babies? Who told you my duty is to look after fighters? If this is what you are talking about, then it is you that should look after me. Is this what Quran said? What do you mean?”).

Abu Musab al-Barnawi message continued:
“Hear him saying that it is not his duty. Let us teach you, Imam. It is your responsibility to look after fighters and ensure their welfare. Go and study the Quran. It is not me that wrote, but it is there in the Quran. Anything that was given to you, you must provide for the welfare of the fighters. Imagine him in the cassette I played saying Allah said fighters should feed him. Tell us where in the Quran Allah said we should feed you? We know it is your responsibility to feed us and give us money for chicken and all our needs. This is the truth, Imam.
“Even [when fighters] advance towards enemies, [Shekau] doesn’t make logistics available. The other time, we lost plenty of gas and fuel tofire. Before, you ruled over us, but now we are free. Another thing that made us leave you is because you don’t listen to your cabinet. If we follow Shekau, we will never make heaven. That is why we left. Stop giving opinionated fatwa.
“You don't listen and accept our views. Even [Boko Haram founder, killed in 2009] Mohammed Yusuf, he would write his Friday preaching and table it before us for debate and scrutiny. We would collectively go through and work on it. But you refused [to do the same]. Are you more educated than Mohammed Yusuf? Is it not in my place that you were studying with your two items of clothes and under a tree in Maiduguri?
“Another thing is Shekau doesn't make weapons available for fighters. People fighting a war are left with no weapons. We have lost many territories in our emerging Islamic caliphate to infidels because of your laxity. You are the cause.
“This was the beginning of our revolt against you. If you leave us alone, we will leave you alone. If you continue antagonizing us, we will also continue. If you repent, we will accept you and embrace you. You should repent and fear Allah. This is the open letter to you.
“In our Shura meetings, there was a complaint that jihadists’ wives were taken away while they were fighting for Allah. What did you do? You did nothing, and fighters saw how you don't bother about their welfare. You just go home and sleep with your wives and slaves while we are suffering. We are not with you.”

Source: Sahara Reporters


  1. I pray dem get more confuse nd fight themselvs

    1. So na Christians good to die ba?

      ...merited happiness

    2. c infidel dats is bound for hell,nigeria military pls bomb dis infidel for me,shege,kafir

    3. God don put confusion in their camp. Linda take note!

    4. Thanks to God Almighty that I am a christian. not Muslims with heart full of evil and wickedness. ... later they will claim all these is not stated in their book..... father pls forgive them for they don't know what they are doing. ...... Muslims are just confutionist. ... They don't know which way to go...... won't ever stop thanking God bringing me Into a christian home

    5. Am expected to read all that? Smh

    6. Lol
      -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

    7. Still trying to remain relevantwhen it's clear they r fighting a lost battle..

      Long Live LIB

    8. Another scam from Muslims

    9. Change of strategy... Anybody that believes this nonsense is a fool

    10. Change of strategy... Anybody that believes this nonsense is a fool

    11. Mr Man is there anything wrong if you believe? Just has how the militery came to say its a lie that shekau has been removed as boko haram commander.what is wrong if they simply believed same.well, me I believe and am not a fool.don't you see how he objectively explained their reasons.even went ahead to list how shakao killed a lot of his followers base on some unnecessary issues.

    12. Does this not explain the reason behind the dollar subsidy Buhari gave to muslims goin for pilgrimage?

  2. ******************************God tnk u for d confusion yuv brought in amongst dem **********confuse dem d money n destroy dia foundation

  3. ******************************God tnk u for d confusion yuv brought in amongst dem **********confuse dem d money n destroy dia foundation

  4. Story story storyyyyyyyyyyy.
    Who is this hausa boys fooling huh? Am sure that it clear to some fools who the hell an the party sponsoring boko harams.

    #sad indeed

  5. Story story storyyyyyyyyyyy.
    Who is this hausa boys fooling huh? Am sure that it clear to some fools who the hell an the party sponsoring boko harams.

    #sad indeed

  6. You guys are the same...!#EvilMen



  8. So bokoharam now has two factions, let them go to court na. Heartless barbaric useless Islamic bunch of fools

  9. They shall eventually fall into their own pit & drink their own blood....Islam & kill kill kill

  10. God is at work! Haleluyah !!! They have agreed to disagree finally . Expectting more factions

  11. Politics in everything, the thing even dey terrorism

    1. Lol... no be lie politics sef dey terrorism

  12. Story 4 d monkeys

    I pity any idiot who bliv diz crap
    Islam is peace nd PEACE is ISLAM
    Terrorist ar not Muslims, u don't hav any reason to take someones life in respective of his/her ideology

  13. Oya pls u guys should figjht each oda and kill urselves

  14. Tnk u Jesus....nw confusion don enter Una sector.....may the Almighty destroy dose plottin evil against christians

  15. Imagine so u people r just out to kill Christians, shameless useless thing, just like that fool aboki that was supporting Yunusa,dirty pigs

  16. So Na church people good to die abi? U dey crazy man.

  17. Thunder wey no get brother go fire all of una

  18. This is where the issue of Boko Haram start, they will start killing each other and there will rise different factions

  19. My Jehovah will continue to set confusion in the camps of this despicable rats.

  20. Wow! Islam is an evil religion frm d pit of hell. I will rather worship idol than to be a muslim. Islam will soon be wiped out from d surface of dis earth. Evil people.

  21. This is the real definition of ISLAM. Don't let fake moslems fool you that islam is peace. Islam is war to the infidels.

    Please read all of this to understand what ISLAM is all about.

  22. Yes ooo,it is written in exedus14 vs 14,the almighty God is fighting for His people

  23. Confusing will always be in their kingdom because you cannot fight the children of God and go free, you must face the law

  24. Like seriously??

  25. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand

  26. God is at work. They shall turn against themselves.

  27. Almighty God should cause confusion among yourself and you will all perish in Jesus name amen!

  28. God is working after d order He used against d builders of tower of babel.

  29. awusa people oooo smh these guys r just animals

  30. The almighty God will put serious confusion into your camp.heartless people.but I wonder why some Muslims will say dt their religion is of peace yet imams talk about war and shedding blood all the time even this one that said he has repented was still talking about killing pple in the church.God will deal with you all mercilessly the same way you have been treating pple

  31. They should kill each other off the face of the earth. God send your confusion onto their midst!!
    Fucking sickos

  32. I smelled something tricky here

  33. Holy ghost...fire..may confusion everly be in your midst.Amen

  34. confusion has set in.. .. God 'll surely intervene on our behalf..

  35. U boko aram,are miss guided,u miss understand the quran,stop killing the innocents,u people don't have the right to take any human life,well I can see your end is near the confusion in ur camp will be more than this,hell is u fin abode because the quran those not teach violence, I am a true muslim and I know it's meaning.....

    1. Listen to yourself you piece of sh*t
      "U Boko haram are misguided" fucking idiot. That's y Mohammed was a paedophile and rapist. You fools r so soft on terrorism that's y u can't be taken serious anywhere. Islam MUST be wiped off the face of the earth and it will.

  36. They will continue to fight against themselves in Jesus Name. Amen.

  37. The lord shall set confusion in the camp of the enemies!!

  38. A house divided against itself.

  39. Omo! Prayers don dey work o. Wipe each other out jawe ASAP...kolz

  40. When mad men argue..quite interesting #BabaA

  41. Praise the Lord! Who says our God is not alive? O how great is our God, I will sing how great is our God,.... God has certainly set a confusion in the camp of the amalekites. I give till December to have destroyed yourselves before then. For it is written, Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered, Let them also who hate Him flee before Him (Ps 68:1) Since we Christians cannot carry guns and bombs like your own religion told you to do, you and your entire murderous religion will inevitably encounter the eternal Rock of Ages. And He will grind you murderers to powder

  42. You all are evil.

  43. Ndi ara! Heaven indeed. Una never start, una go end up killing una self. Whoever said God is not seated on d throne of heaven is deceiving theirselvs. The prayers of the faithful has touched God n Muslims r yet to receive d punishment from God unless they embrace God. Unu na awa Anya! Mtcheeeew......

  44. Allah is also against killing Christians.. Dumb ass. Please go back to your boko biko. Who your announcement epp? # bring back our economy buwaari#

  45. Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin5 August 2016 at 16:33

    More problem for u guys ijn..amennn.

  46. Dear Holy Spirit,I see your work has started.send more confusion and fire.Amen.let's keep praying.

  47. Islams sucking the bloods they cannot give one and attributes it to GOD ALMIGHTY....i weep for this disgusting religion

  48. Psalm 55v9 may God confuse the wicked.....

  49. Islam simply means "blood shed," be it openly or secretly. Islam is a blood sucking religion.

  50. Fabricated news Islam is evil

  51. Lmao it has jst began. Wunna neva see anytin yt

  52. All of them will rot in he'll fire.May Thunder strike all of them

  53. Oh Lord .continue to scatter the camps of your enemies.If those who wage war against your people.Just as you did for the isreali tessy despite thier sins, you didn't forsake them. Pls don't forsake us your children in Nigeria and every part of the world.Let all those wagging wars in the land be consumed in your fiery furnace.Distabilise the camp of the enemy IJN.Amen. We talked about an Islamic agenda but some didn't belief.Hope you cannot all see now. Godd help us.

  54. This is just the beginning, u wil surely fighter n kill urselves.D blood of christians u shed in maiduguri must hunt u til u all die. Animals dat clam religion , ur end is near

  55. God confuse my enemies this way u cause confusion in bokoharam camp

  56. Buhari boys are about to change strategy. Mana ha ga eti aka na tipper bu aja. Amu zakwa ya there, Ikpu gbawa nwuye ya there.

    Linda otekwala o.

  57. "Why should you kill fellow Muslims in mosques when there are churches and barracks to bomb" abi? The God that we Christians worship will mete out the punishment that will be befitting for all of you combined. Wicked unrepentant animals. Tufa!!!

  58. God go punished una one by one una go kill una self finish by Grace

  59. Amen!!! They are all Bastards!!! How can God tell u to b killing people? What da he'll I infidels? Must everyone be a Muslim? Fools!! I pity them Cuz as they die they're going straight to rot in he'll forever!!!!

  60. So their plan is to kill christians. You wanna bomb barracks n 50-70% of ppl in d barracks re muslim.... foolish ppl. You'll die like chicken

  61. They're in a different world.

  62. God will punish this idiot... The idiot said why is Shekau blowing up mosques when there is church and barracks... Is that written in ur Quran as well

  63. But people say Islam is a religion of peace?? But here all they talk about is kill kill kill. He is confirming that it's ok to attack churches. No no no, there is no peace in this religion but death!!!!

  64. The Almighty GOD is at work,very soon they will kill themselves. There time is up

  65. May Allah punish u and evry1 of u. Who gave u d right to cal anyone an infidel, let alone kill dem? Wat u preach is still nt Islam so u r d same as Shekau. Seek fr true knowledge and pray dt yee be guided.

  66. Just trying to garner sympathy from Muslims. You fools know nothing about the Qur'an. You sick fucks r the infidels in my book, hand don meet una, una come here come they disturb us?

  67. Slaves can u imagine
    May de almighty and everlasting father destroy occult people like u all in Jesus mighty name i pray,Amen

    Linda don't take note!

  68. Buharii told u 2 write dis am very sure of dat
    U people's plan wil never work
    God wil destroy all of u

    Linda don't take note!

  69. Idiot,"killing fellow Muslims".So other lives that are not muslims don't matter. You guys have failed you will start eating your flesh as meat and drinking your blood like wine IJN. Mtewwwwww

  70. Pray more fellow believers. Isaiah 54:15.Let's take our understanding from this passage as we call on heaven to scatter the enemies of our God.

  71. Our Lord Jesus shall remain victorious in Jesus name amen

  72. I pray for more confusion in the camp os these insurgents,you can imagine that mumu too saying that churches and barracks are there for shekau to destroy,may God destroy you all.

  73. God punish Muslims with dis whole rubbish ! God has brut confusion already in ur camp

  74. Mumu people, it's not a sin to kill Christians abi, This is just the beginning, you will fight nd kill ur selves, u think God is asleep

  75. But wait a minute!! This guy is supposed to be arrested for this statement.. To kill infidels (everyone) except Muslims. And he's here wagging his lame tongue. Buwaaaariii... Oshinnnbajoooooh.. #Bring back our economy#

  76. But wait a minute!! This guy is supposed to be arrested for this statement.. To kill infidels (everyone) except Muslims. And he's here wagging his lame tongue. Buwaaaariii... Oshinnnbajoooooh.. #Bring back our economy#

  77. Pls any1 that want to comment should stop saying something that can bring about religious fight let both Muslim and Christian see each other as one and let's us all fight against all the Muslim an Christian leaders that lead the followers wrongly. Am sure if this people where not lead wrongly they would not have followed him in the first place. Thank you all God bless me, God bless you and God bless Nigeria.

  78. The offsprings of Cain, killing and wickedness shall reign in your midst in fulfillment of the Curse against your father for the murder of Abel his brother. You shall end up destroying your selves.

  79. Is Islam truly a religion of peace? I doubt and please, don't bother to convince me...

  80. Crazy. I thought they said boko harm are not Muslims. Even dumb Christians believe the lie

  81. I pray they should turn against themselves

  82. Lol @ the politics in terrorism comment. These are happy times again for the Nigerian Army, given the hardship and bad economy, the army would save bullets in our armoury if these crack heads match their threats with action and have at each other.

    On a more serious note, as an expat engr and christian living in Saudi Arabia, I couldn't but help pity a regular Joe Saudi Moslem seeking for truth because the Quran is one of the most ambiguous documents ever written according to them. In one part, you shouldn't take the lives of nonbeliever, in another part its cool to do same. And for the confused moslem that wants out, the consideration that apostasy is punishable by death by dismemberment of the...er..wait for it...head, scares the shit outta of them, as the state and religion are one and same over there.

    Like someone rightly said, thank God for being a Christian.

  83. Confusion has set in,The table has turned around them,they're killing more of themselves, The devil has lost the battle

  84. Same Way The Sony Called Mohamed Wrote The Quan With His Evil Heart.
    Thats What Boko Haram Leader Is Doing Now . Writing Wrong message .. Islam is no religion. it's just an evil group made to spread evil message.

  85. Thank God for God... Only if they can understand that God is ever loving and you don't need to go and fight for him or kill infidels.... Who made u judge over men? To bomb churches? Ooohhh my dear Christians you people have failed to reach deep to the powers you possess, powers that break guns n bombs let us stop waiting for Christian leaders to do it.... How many of u Christians pray fervently honestly? Not on Linda ikeji comments or is it because these knuckle heads have not brought it really close to you? God is at work but let me drop this here #foodforthought ephesians 3:20 reach deep and grow the power that works in us

  86. Oh lord God of vengeance, oh lord God of vengeance, shew thy self


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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