14 year old girl hailed a hero by family members for killing her father | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 6 August 2016

14 year old girl hailed a hero by family members for killing her father

A 14-year-old girl, Bresha Meadows, has been arrested and jailed in the Trumbull County Family Court in Ohio. Bresha is facing aggravated murder charges for killing her own father, 41 year old Jonathan Meadows, but her family says she did it to protect her mother and her family. Bresha Meadows has been accused of shooting her father with his own gun in their Warren home at 4 am on July 28.
Her mother called 911 right after the shooting took place

The girl's mother Brandi Meadows said:
“She is my hero; I wasn’t strong enough to get out and she helped me,”.
With tears streaming down her face, Brandi Meadows said that her husband abused her for years but that she had endured it and was afraid to leave.
She said she had filed for a protective order five years ago against her husband but later dismissed it.
She said:
“I am so sorry she had to go through this,” Brandi said Thursday. “She is my hero. She helped me; she helped all of us so we could have a better life.”
The Bresha’s attorney, Ian Friedman, said Bresha is a child that faced years of abuse at the hands of her father, and that she witnessed her mother being abused severely by her father.
“She wanted to protect her Mom,” “Using that gun around the house, to intimidate everyone in the home was terrifying.”
Friedman said. Bresha allegedly used her father’s gun to shoot him. Family members say the father often threatened them with that very gun she killed him with.

Ian Friedman, attorney for the Meadows family, said Bresha was born into an abusive home and often witnessed her mother being abused at the hands of her father.

He said that the father would often drink, and used the firearm to keep those living in the house afraid of him.

Martina Latessa, Bresha’s aunt, who is a Cleveland police officer, said the 15 year old had no history of violence.
“From day one she was born into a nightmare,” Latessa said.
She said her brother-in-law was very controlling and would not let her visit other family members. She said that at the end of May Bresha ran away from home and came to her house.
“She was begging me for help.” “She was very, very scared for her mother and sisters.” Latessa said, she said she took the teen to Warren police and talked to an officer. She said she also contacted Trumbull County Department of Job and Family Services but the authorities insisted they could not act against Johnathan.

Juvenile prosecutor Stanley Elkins said:
“We want to get at the truth and see that justice is served,” Elkins said. “Anybody who has any information or reports should contact Warren Police.”
Jonathan Meadows' family members gathered to bid farewell the father on Friday, and rejected claims that he was violent towards his family.
'This had nothing to do with abuse,' his brother, James Blount, said. 'No. He drank a little bit, he had the way he did things, but my brother wouldn't.' 
Other family members said they want to know what happened inside the home.
'That's what's so disheartening... this was cold and calculated, my brother was murdered,'
Jonathan's sister Lena Cooper, said:
'He was murdered in his sleep, there were no signs of abuse or anything else in that house.'
Bresha Meadows is due back in court at the end of August.

The mother's family has started a Go Fund Me page to help pay for Bresha's defense.

Source: Fox 8


  1. The mom is white, so there's a higher chance of the jury believing her story

    1. True
      -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

    2. What a world! Linda take note!

    3. There's no no justification for the extermination of another's life; save, in the event of self-defense.

      Ms. Linda acknowledge


    4. Go fund me account for everything

      Eva Da Diva...

  2. Hmmmmmmmmm, two wrongs cannot make a right, at all,yes d man has been abusing u for years, but saying ur 14yr old daughter killing him was right, n u went further saying she is ur hero is d really absorb.

    1. Yes now, really absorb

    2. Absurd he meant to say "miss know all"

    3. Absurd he meant to say "miss know all"

    4. "Really absorb" lol

    5. They shud lock her ass up!! Y didn't ya file for a divorce?? Imeagen the nonsense now dt ur daughter has ended up killing the idiot abuser u want her to be free cos is ya hero!! Efi

  3. How can this little girl kill her own father......linda pls post my comment

  4. Nawa oh.. End time family!

    Na me talk am!

    Long Live Lib!!!

  5. What a sad news, but don't the mother fear for her own life as well because she might as well or any of the kids use same weapon on her one day as well.

  6. NAWA O


  7. Women who stay in abusive marriages risk this happening. All of you acting shocked. How many times did you want to hurt your abusive father? Many times so please stop acting like you do not know this child had reached her peak emotion. If you like keep beating your wives, these children are watching. Murder is wrong but do not lay the groundwork for your untimely death because you are a cowardly bully.

  8. Eyah this is sad.

  9. The mother should be the one being persecuted. How can you let your child be in an abusive home long enough for her to conceive the idea and actually kill her own father in his sleep. She has become a murderer because the woman was to weak to be a good mother. I hope they get a good lawyer that would get her acquitted. More so I hope they take this beautiful girl away from this fake woman and give her to a better family that would protect her

    1. What everyone fails to relize is the mother left her husband for almost 3 years and just recently went back to him, she also left and didn't take her children so if the father was so abusive why would you leave him and your kids with him and come back to him. This is a crock and is more to it then what is being said, the gun was registered to the mother not the father. Just so sad.

    2. What everyone fails to relize is the mother left her husband for almost 3 years and just recently went back to him, she also left and didn't take her children so if the father was so abusive why would you leave him and your kids with him and come back to him. This is a crock and is more to it then what is being said, the gun was registered to the mother not the father. Just so sad.

  10. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Mehn this stuff hard to understand shah...

  11. Some Men na domestic Hither, terrorizing there family were as they can't challenge there fellow men outside

  12. This woman should be arrested, her weakness have tainted her daughters childhood, I hate parents who hide behind their children

  13. Its very possible for the girl to have killed her father and there's nothing wrong with the mother calling her,her hero. If you have been in a violent relationship or born into one then you know the effect it has on you as a person it either breaks you or makes you stronger,the girl probably saw an opportunity and took it.

  14. It's curious there was no sign of violence at the time of shooting.

  15. he had to be killed, she did a great job. I hope she gets a good lawyer and gets out of jail. Her dad was an abusive beast and nobody helps abusive families, no matter how loud you cry. She had to handle it and i applaud her for that

  16. This is awful. If what the mum said is true, I hope the court goes in their favour. Plus, the daughter needs rehab.

  17. Hmmmm...don't even know what to say

  18. I fault the mother for not leaving and putting the child in the position to defend her. The child acted in self-defense of two idiotic parents.

  19. Forensic will tell the truth of who actually killed the man. Their story will soon crack up.

  20. She should have divorced him

  21. Very sad story. The man got what he deserves, he was served from his own pot of soup!


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