Six people, including children killed in attack on buses by suspected jihadists in northern Kenya | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 2 July 2016

Six people, including children killed in attack on buses by suspected jihadists in northern Kenya

At least six people, including children , were killed in an attack on buses in the county of Mandera in northern Kenya. The gunmen opened fire on the first bus, which failed to stop, and then on the second one which resulted in the casualties.

"Police on the scene have found six persons shot dead," said police chief Joseph Boinnet. "The hunt for the terrorists is under way."

Boinnet said two people were also injured. It was unclear whether the casualties were civilians or police officer guards aboard the buses.

The early morning ambush happened near El Wak in Mandera county, an impoverished rural part of the country where similar deadly attacks in the past have been claimed by the Somali-led Al-Qaeda group, the Shabaab.

A similar raid in December 2015 left two people dead, after Muslim passengers shielded their Christian fellows.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.


  1. Subuhannallah, when will all these jihadist sick acts stop?? It's hight time the world leaders take fast action on them,it can't continue this way!

    ~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

  2. May their souls Rip amen
    Lord isn't it time to wipe the Muslims off this surface?

  3. God please descend on all these terrorist

  4. Not even for This Ramadan season ...only God can judge u.

  5. Not even for This Ramadan season ...only God can judge u.

  6. Y is it dat in kenya dey only attack people travelling by road. Cowards

  7. Ppl die a lot dese days n d world is still overpopulated

    ...merited happiness

  8. Jesus! Terrorism everywhere

    Lib addict#just passing#

  9. All these killings..manslaughter,bombing, nd stuff lyk dat are jst d handwork of those dat are ignorant of d word of GOD..I usually say,,it's nt all dat bears muslim names are Muslim..some hypocrites wud say Muslims are terrorist bt lemme ask,,,wat are ur proofs,,,av u look into d Quran nd saw dat God encourage killing of one anoda???..if God want us 2 do dat,, den HE wud av let Ibrahim(Abraham)AS 2 av used his son 4 sacrifice instead of sending him a Ram..Dat is wat we Muslims follow,,rite 4rm all d prophets 2 d last(Muhammed)SAW,,its d same religion nd way of life which God(ALLAH in Arabic) has commanded us 2 practise...God said no 1 shud kill an animal even d 1 smaller dan an ant unless 4 a justified reason...d noble prophet Muhammed(SAW) command in war...1...don't kill an animal..2..don't kill a monk or a priest..3..don't enforce Islam...4..don't disfigure d dead..5..don't cut down a tree...6..don't kill a sick person...7..don't kill old pple..8..don't destroy a temple or a church...9..don't kill a child...10...don't kill a woman,,,a whole lot of dem which HE has command..u see aw sweet nd peaceful Islam is...nd yet d hypocrite and those dat av given their mind nd soul 2 d devil 2 take control of don't follow d above command...God av mercy,,verily, hell fire is real nd there are going 2 be lots of inhabitant there,,,cos God said d pple of paradise are few...pls go in search of knowledge,,,God said 'go in search of knowledge' nt 2 only read nt write bt also 2 know more abt dis life cos we don't belong here,,,hmm,there are lots 2 learn abt dis life oo..hmm,,things are going 2 happen especially during d last day,,I obviously know it's nt in d Bible bt it's in d Quran which God has stated we muslims are prepare 4 End time...nd no 1 wud pray 2 be alive by den cos boko haram is d smallest verson of d punishment God wud give 2 d non believer on d last day,,dat is aw it has been during d days of oda prophets,,,so go in search of knowledge....



  11. Na WA ohh this is so bad

    ~Make I go drink one bottle of beer ~

  12. Hmmmm! may their souls rest in peace.

    says, Genevieve.

  13. Terrorism is a global threat

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  14. Any were way Muslims dey.. there's bound to b killings, destruction, bomb blasts, terrorism n worse, wetin em religion dey tell em self

  15. Why must it always be north, doing the killings, bombing etc

  16. ************************** Chineke nnam kpozienu muslims oku whr eva dey are.... al of dem..... no exempt any body.....

  17. It's true that it was the subject of pain. I hope that peace will return to the earth.One day everyone will respect all religions.


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