How fibroid has affected the homes of many women including you reading this | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 11 June 2016

How fibroid has affected the homes of many women including you reading this

Below are the different scenarios of real life women who are suffering from fibroid today. Don’t wait till yours get too complicated. Join Our Natural solution to fibroid here now at

First Fibroid Case

I have suffered for months with heavy painful periods , I then passed several extremely large clots which scared the hell out of me. That was when i knew there was a problem. Three large fibroid was later found inside me.
I have never heard about fibroid before all this started. I do feel they are not treated with the urgency they require as they actually have huge impact of all the aspect of your life.

Click on the link Here To Get The Natural Solution To Your Fibroid Issues 

Second Fibroid Case

I have been having what i would consider heavy periods due to fibroid for around 10 months now . My periods have been having a real effect on my quality of life as I would always have to leave my work due to pains and it almost cost me my job. I have had to take time off work due to the heaviness of my period and feel fed up of the whole thing I later found out that i had ovarian cyst too.

Click on the link Here To Get The Natural Solution To Your Fibroid Issues

Third Fibroid Case

I found out i had one fibroid a couple of years ago but it did not bother me as it was quite small in February 2008. I later went for an abdominal massage because i was having really bad periods. My masseuse found a huge fibroid.
At that time, i was extremely over weight and did not notice this fibroid, Only when i felt down, did i feel it. Its about 6 inches big and extremely round.
when i lie down, its like lying on a beach ball. Now that i have lost weight. It sticks out. My periods are terrible, long draw out painful affairs and i have bled so much that i am now anaemic.
I try not to go out during these two days as i find it too much of a hassle

Click on the link Here To Get The Natural Solution To Your Fibroid Issues

Fourth Fibroid Case

Am 35 years and i have been with fibroid for 7 years. I have one child who is 7 years. and i have had 3 miscarriages in 2011,2012 and 2014. No second child yet.  I have very painful periods and lot of bleeding, I dont know what to do and I need to have a second child.
Click on the link Here To Get The Natural Solution To Your Fibroid Issues

Never suffer in silence if you know that you are experience painful periods or been diagnosed of fibroid.

If you know that you experience any of this either as a fibroid victim or you usually notice all that these different women has been talking about as regards their complications, Then you need to ensure that you click here to get instant solution to your health. CLICK HERE NOW

Start your own All natural solution to Stop those heavy bleeding and also naturally shrink fibroid starting today. Click here now to get the natural solution to your Fibroid and bleeding issues


  1. Noo it hasn't affected mee

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  3. Never to me and not going to happen

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  4. Nooooo' not my home cause I'm not married...but thanks for the info

  5. Affect Who linda? Am even sure it has affected u that's why u wrote this trash

  6. It can't affect me. Please

  7. Pls If you have assymptomatic fibroid, ignore it hence it's not affecting your fertility and you are still giving birth. Take pain relief and endure till after you must ve completed the number of children you want to have, you can then remove it by surgrey but if it interferes with your fertile process with excruciating pain, still remove by surgrey to pave a way (earlier the better). Fibroid is common in women of child bearing age group because of high rate of estrogen and progesterone hormone secretion that induces fibroid growth. These two hormones are very powerful and important because they determine uterine preparation for implantation and ovulation. Any medical therapy that will reduce risk of fibroid or shrink as they said will cause anovulation(no ovulation)which will lead to infertility as well. Medical treatment are best advised on postmenopausal(old) women with little effect. Surgrey is the best treatment. Most Herbal mix concoctions therapy has rendered many women infertile, damaged organs (mostly kidneys and liver) send them to their early graves. Be wise!! Don't be deceived cos people care for money most not quality and side effect of their products.

    1. God bless u, Thank u so much

  8. quite educative, a good awareness

  9. That's is just what am suffering with Ooooo.

  10. Linda mkn money snc 2000
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  11. And meanwhile, forever living product company have distance themselves from this fibrofit, says its not their product. Why are people wicked. Linda I have been a big fan of your blog for years now but could not comment due to my device or something, now I can and I Phoebe is just so ecstatic

  12. Which kind advert dey curse readers with headline. Not every woman has fibroid. I do not and I reject it and this market in Jesus name. Fire!!!!!!

  13. forever living company has consultants and health researchers who in one way or the other prescribe the best combinations suitable for people battling with fibroid,infertility,pelvic pressure,low sperm count in men, hormonal imbalances in women, diabetes can't just work into their office and begin to tell them to give you that case why not consult the person who advertise it to direct you on the right way instead of believing that forever living company cannot give you the best.Note whatever any form of surgery you undergo for fibroid there is 95% tendency that it will reoccur again which this time around comes with lots of complications.

    1. It's 15 to 20% plzzzz and mainly on people with multiple fibroid that wasn't visible at time of surgery, positive family history and pregnancy(5%). You should ask why OCP (oral contraceptive pill) is a protective factor?? Because it's anti estrogen and progesterone drug. Pls any product that will affect the secretive level of these hormones are not advisable to take mainly on women of child bearing age group. Surgery still remain the best treatment as was commented above. TAKE NOTE!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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