27 year old widow complains that her pastor has asked her not to remarry | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 6 May 2016

27 year old widow complains that her pastor has asked her not to remarry

Comedian Alibaba shared the story on his IG page. What would you advise the young lady to do?


  1. Mtcheeeeew all these fake pastors and their false prophecies....

    1. Let her remarry. She's young. If it were a man that lost his wife, he certainly will remarry. We men & women are flesh and blood. Financially, she needs one, mentally, physically, emotionally etc. Woman!! Pls remarry!! End of story.

  2. Neenu onu ya! So they shudnt taste what de want to buy okwaya? Oka isi azu afia nke GI! Single girls wey never born before full every where with very intact tight toto na em 2nd hand like u de give dis kain conditions abi? U go wait tire!

    1. My dear she's just being decent as a mother and no be child birth dey scatter toto, many wey never born get wide watery toto (I know plenty), it's all about the muscles and how u let it rest small.

  3. IS YOUR PASTOR GOD? Who is he to dictate for you whether to remarry or not?
    You better go and marry again if na wetin dey sweet you to do.

  4. Just 27??? She's still in the market ooo make dem no kill her vibe jare

  5. Your pastor ask u not to marry for what or are u his dick warmer?
    When did alibaba turn to adviser? My dear your pastor has his own reason.
    Bitch if u can hold ur self don't marry,you can be flexing around as tomorrow no dey.
    Am sure that her pastor is not sleeping with her?all this Muslims end time pastors from her at times.
    My dear better go an marry before the pastor turns u into some thing.
    Am sure that this story is true because every thing about comedians are comedy.

    #sad indeed

  6. Better for her to remarry than to commit adultery...She is still young for crying out loud.#LoveMakesLifeBeautiful #GetLoveDarling

  7. Young lady, kindly re-marry..
    I know of so many pastors who after the demise of their wives, they take up another one cos they see and know the importance of a woman in a man's life.
    So how dare that pastor of yours trying to b holier than the bible say u shouldn't? At 27? So u'd spend all ur life and die a widow in d name of wat?
    Afterall, u want another man of ur own which I don't term adultery which a lot of women would've resolved at.
    Get into another marriage, fulfil ur life, do God's will and b happy!
    Agent of Satan called pastors everywhere! Smh!

  8. People should stop listening to pastor and listen to the word of God. The word of God permits her 100% to remarry. The pastor's words and wisdom cannot be above God's.

  9. Lol... " craves a man's touch "
    thats the sole purpose of the urgent need of a man now.???
    just find somebody that would be casually giving u the D.
    Problem solved!!


  10. Go marry jor is not better than messing around

  11. For me u are free to remarry because the relationship end when ur husband die.

  12. I think she should she should follow her heart...

  13. Babe if u can find a Godly,loving and caring man,then u can go ahead.U do need a man.U too young to remain widowed forever.My aunty became a widow after 40 and is still being flooded with proposals,why should u remain a widow at this young age?Goodluck!

    1. Abeg marry
      -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

    2. Its a personal decision biko. Linda take note!

  14. Let's be honest,if it were a man in this situation, his pastor would have supported him to remarry. But I believe that she should do what she wants. Its her life and not her pastor's

    1. Abi o, it's not like she's committing a sin... To me d pastor dey eye her!!!

  15. It baffles me when people need pastors to solve their issues, make decisions etc. What is wrong with praying to your God and asking Him to direct you? Many Nigerians now worship their pastors, not God anymore. The irony is that most of these pastors aren't even genuine. Please remarry! The bible gives conditions for remarriage, death is one. Read your bible dear, pray. Your pastors aren't the alpha and omega.

    1. As in...it really baffles me. Nonsense.

  16. Ah! Ko easy rara o. Abeg, make una advice her

  17. I think we should respect her choice, if she is not Godly, she won't even consult the pastor let alone bringing it up here. Go marry and be happy again dear Sister.

  18. I think we should respect her choice, if she is not Godly, she won't even consult the pastor let alone bringing it up here. Go marry and be happy again dear Sister.

  19. Since it's your choice,i think you should go ahead bcos it's not a sin..

  20. My dear sister I feel you. Your desire is right and the Bible supports it. I think you should get something doing first so that no-one will consider you a liability. Then try understand why your Pastor thinks it's sudden. Don't bother about your sister-in-law, she isn't in your shoes. May the good Lord continue to guide your steps in Jesus name.

  21. "Follow goodwill with all men" what I mean by this statement is that... You can have a man for emotional needs now (prospective husband) but can you wait for after 3 years for marriage(sexual relationship)? You can use the time to know how the man will blend well with your in-laws wihout the sexual complication.

    1. See this one! After 3yrs? For what mbok?!

  22. My dear go ahead and remarry if you see a good man. You're too young to remain single for the rest of your life. After all your vow said till death do you and you husband part so my dear you're a free woman. Even in the eyes of God Almighty you're free. Don't mind your pastor maybe he wants you for himself.

  23. Young lady pls obey ur pastor

    1. Shut up,infact sharrap,as if u will stay,my dear your sharing this means you are a good woman,pls kindly go and remarry,leave that pastor abeg,that's his own opinion

  24. My candid opinion... I have my reservations about some men of God, as they call themselves, pls if u find a man who loves u, and ur'e sure he truly loves u, pls, go ahead...

  25. You are lucky that I don't know you personally, i for give you two hot slaps, is people like you that allow pastors to dictate their lives...I dey vex for you. You are just a baby who still needs someone to lead her. I shame for you. 27 years old my yarsh. Don't live ýour life, wait for pastor to tell you to meet him in an hotel for him to oil your body, that is when you will know that fucking Pastor don't mean well for you. Since 2014...your body na wood?

  26. Even the bible says Widows can remarry rather than live an immoral life

    1 Corinthians 7:39 ESV

    A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.

    1 Corinthians 7:8-9 ESV

    To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
    There is no sin there... but Please seek the Lords face before u remarry.

  27. Tell ur pastor to read 1Corinthians 7: 7-8, 39 and 1 Timothy 5:14 and let him interpret them to you.

  28. And why is your pastor's opinion so important to you, is he God?

    Please let temper the reliance we place on "men of God" with common sense. Girl, go find your man

  29. Her pastor doesn't want her to remarry because he is interested in her. He want to gbeshhh the woman on daily basis. He wants to be taking advantage of her. End time pastors...

  30. This is sad! Well u need to move on, good ur mother-inlaw sees reason with you. You need not mourn forever. Also as the marriage vow states "till death do us path", i think u are free to re-marry. It is well

  31. Why shouldn't she marry, she's just 27. Please if u meet the right person, marry.

  32. My dear is better you remarry, but for your pastor to say no, there is a reason best to his understanding that he also need to make you understand too. He is your spiritual father respect and Oby him. But go to him and find out his reasons and then pray serious before taking any decision.

    1. The Pastor is her spiritual father and her God! What God says supersedes what any man says, Pastor or not! Some Pastors are terribly ignorant and yet lead people astray. When you say no, they call you a rebel! Your Pastor cannot replace God. You need to have a personal relationship with God because your Pastor is human. What if he backslides tomorrow? KOLAQ

  33. You have your full life ahead of you n I don't see why not,just forget your pastor and make yourself happy at most change the church.God be with you

  34. You mentioned your pastor, his wife, your mother in-law, sister in-law and friends. There is no mention of your parents. Widowed at 27, your parents should not be scarce in decisions regarding your onward progress... You seem to have considered some of the basic criteria for a proper remarriage, I must commend

  35. My dear you have to make your final decision. Every one might have an opinion don't blame them and don't judge them. Take your time and get a good man. Good luck.

  36. Abi the Pastor wan date you? Be careful o.

  37. Change ur church and marry, Ignore the female dog but invite her to ur wedding! It's not too soon! My dad re-married after a year of my mom's passing! Of which he wanted to do it sooner!

  38. You are free to marry dear.... May the Lord grant you your heart desires....

  39. The truth is that the so called pastor is waiting for his present wife to die so he can propose marriage to her (young widow).
    Let's be wise whenever advised by our so called spiritual leaders. Some may just be giving advice from Thier canal minds .
    This young widow should ask God for directions not a pastor.
    My opion

  40. My dear you don't need your Pastor's approval on what is clearly written in the Bible. Death means you are no longer bound to your husband. In this society,we tend to be hypocritical.
    This might help you in making your decision. Imagine for a second that it was you dead (God forbid) people will find reasons for your husband to remarry. That question should not even be asked. The bible frees you from marital law once a partner is dead. You are free,free to remarry. Unless of course your pastor wants to keep you as a side chic. Check 1Corinth 7v39

  41. You don't need you pastor's approval to remarry,he reasons does not make sense,just keep praying to God for a good man and believe me,when he comes your way u will definitely know.keep being your true self and things will fall into place for you.GOD knows what we need before we even ask,don't lose hope.

  42. You don't need you pastor's approval to remarry,he reasons does not make sense,just keep praying to God for a good man and believe me,when he comes your way u will definitely know.keep being your true self and things will fall into place for you.GOD knows what we need before we even ask,don't lose hope.

  43. Nne marry oo unless the pastor want to keep you for himself .watch that pastor na fake

  44. Switch Pastors.

  45. To the writer, your pastor didnt tell you not to remarry. Rather, your pastor said its too sudden according to you. I thought you would have asked him what made him feel its too sudden for you to remarry. If he has been your spiritual father, knows your family and late husband, he might have a knowledge of somethings you might not know. So why not calm down and revisit him to know what is his reason for saying its sudden. From your narrative, you lost your husband in 2014 and this is early 2016. I would advise you look before you leap so that what happened in the first place will not repeat itself again. You have not gotten any man yet, so why talk of remarriage? Have you prayed to get understanding of who next to remarry? You have too many questions to ask yourself and settle within yourself without involving the pastor. I have seen many write-ups baring fangs at the pastor. I believe some of them never read your write-up fully before commenting. Yes, your pastor will not and didnt want to stop you from remarrying. Rather, he advised you to take your time and I mean he wants the best for you if you would be reasonable.

  46. This woman is hiding some important details of why the pastor is against her remarrying.

    Personally I am with the Pastor. Make a life for yourself and your daughter since you said you have never worked in your life. Give it two years working towards financial independence of both you and your daughter and then you can consider remarrying.

    Remember that it's no longer your life alone, your daughter should not be excluded in this decision. Don't complicate your daughters future just because you want to be laid. She is as innocent in this. Take it one step at a time

  47. Esther Dangana7 May 2016 at 07:50

    What did God says in the bible? Follow God's principles not man called Pastor.

  48. Madam u don't need a pastor's .....do what ur heart tells u to do

  49. Her pastor does not want her to remarry, what biblical reasons did he give? Young lady if you knw ur Bible u wud not be mislead.

  50. She is just one of the brainwashed worshippers, its as simple as that. No man born out of a woman should be superior just because they call them pastors. 99.99% of the so called pastors are even fraudsters. I was born into chritianity but I am not brainwashed.

  51. She lost her husband and by bible principles, death has done them part she is free to get married otherwise she will be vulnerable to committing immorality, which will be fornication and adultery depending on the circumstances, if she is pretty she will fall into any of the sins,. However I will recommend she takes her time and not rush into any and make it a gradual process. She can go ahead and get married, she's free.

  52. She should do whatever she feels God is leading her to do.


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