Time to re-write the APC Manifesto - By Dele Momodu | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 5 March 2016

Time to re-write the APC Manifesto - By Dele Momodu

Article written by journalist and Ovation publisher, Dele Momodu. Read below...
Fellow Nigerians, something melodramatic occurred some days ago in Doha, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, where President Muhammadu Buhari dropped a bombshell inadvertently. And what was the matter? The President in his usual candour and uncommon honesty announced that one of his major campaign promises was no longer feasible and practicable; the plan to pay unemployed youths a paltry sum of N5,000 monthly stipend was thus summarily jettisoned.
Or so it seemed. To be accurate, what Mr President said with a wry smile was that this was a campaign promise of his Party and was one of the cardinal points of his Party’s Manifesto but he had not personally campaigned about it and it was not going to be a priority of his administration in view of other more significant and important challenges.

However, all hell broke loose on social media because the President’s body language actually suggested that the pledge was dead in the water and had not just been demoted from the list of priorities. There were several reasons why social and popular media became instantly agog with activity on this issue. Nigerian youths took great risk to get Major General Buhari elected. They trusted him with their lives and expected the change mantra to become reality as soon as the People’s General regained power after being sacked as a military ruler in 1985. Truth is there are already some loud whispers in many quarters that lofty expectations are turning to a mirage and that things are already falling apart. Every explanation that it is too early to expect miracles is hardly treated with belief.

Thus when the President delivered this seemingly bad news to the expectant nation, it did not go down well with many people. First the location was wrong. I agree that such monumental decisions should not have been announced while sojourning abroad. To some it would appear as if the President was taking the easy pusillanimous way out. Perhaps, the President should have addressed the nation on home soil. Maybe the President could have requested his ruling APC party to take the bullet for him by getting the Party Chairman, Chief John Oyegun, to talk to the nation about the need to revise the manifesto that was sold to the electorate with so much glee. There is nothing wrong if fresh realities have necessitated a change of plans. There is usually a world of difference between the idealism of opposition and the reality of being on the hot seat. It is one of the reasons I don’t envy the President on this present job.

Mr President and his Party would have to sit down urgently to reappraise things and come out with a tidier and clearer agenda containing the realistic plan for Nigeria and Nigerians in this dispensation. Sooner rather than later, the first year of this administration will come knocking. It would be disastrous if by May 29, 2016, we still cannot have a glimpse of where the government is headed or heading. The staccato, stop-start fashion by which things are being currently handled must yield way to a smoother policy manifestation and implementation. There are many things that need to be worked on speedily.

The first and most pressing is the economy. What is on ground now has been described by a famous economist as “Robinson Crusoe economics.” Like Robinson Crusoe, our economy is being handled like one man living alone on an uninhabited island but surrounded by cannibals and vermin. The economy is on a freefall, the sort we’ve not encountered before. My humble suggestion is that the President should assemble a crack economic team immediately. Those who wish to hold conferences can still do so especially as we know where similar jamboree conferences have gotten us in the past. However, it is obvious that some people have hijacked the misfortune of Nigeria and turned it into a spectacular goldmine. “Voodoo economics” is being practised by those milking the country dry and their acolytes as well as by others wishing to manipulate themselves into the position of latter day economics experts and get a slice of the national cake. There are at this moment only a few sincere economists about and we should tap into these people but not make the mistake of putting them on the same platform with the evildoers lest we become unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. A nation that fails to consult and use its best brains is doomed and may be permanently jinxed like we seem to have been forever. In any event what is necessary now is not to make the country a debating society where esoteric and grand economic principles are postulated and propounded but a society where practical visionary and meaningful economic policies are garnered and implemented.
As young as I was in the days of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, I was aware that his best asset were the brightest brains he was able to attract and assemble. He gathered their brilliant ideas and merged them with his own. Leadership is thus an art and science of skillfully managing people and resources. It is even easier these days. In the age of advanced technology, where you can buy whatever you lack, including brains. As advanced as Britain is, the Governor of the Bank of England was recruited from Canada. No one raised eyebrows because the most important thing was getting the job done. Our parochialism will kill Nigeria ultimately if care is not taken. Many of the voodooists controlling Nigeria know nothing about modern governance or managing an economy, not to mention an ailing one. What is worse is that they know that they know not but would not agree to allow those who know something to do anything.

The time has come to declare an emergency on an evil economic apparatus foisted on us by selfish people that may end up ruining our otherwise great country. I believe we should rise above partisan politics and bring our past and present geniuses together including The Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, The Minister of Finance, Mrs Kemi Adeosun, The Governor of the Central Bank, Mr Godwin Emefiele, The Emir of Kano, His Highness Lamido Sanusi, Professor Charles Soludo, Mrs Oby Ezekwesili, Professor Part Utomi, Mr Bismark Rewane, and some of our brilliant University dons to fashion out a way out of this scandalous debacle.

The next thing is for this government to reflect true frugality and shed the toga of prodigality that is already rearing its ugly head. The President should be alerted about how those outside now believe he has already joined the psychedelic class by wasting resources on flights of fancy and excessively flamboyant and ostentatious airport ceremonies. The social media caught fire last Monday as the pictures of our Brigade of Guards in Scottish kilt fully piped up welcomed the President on his arrival from his Middle East tour went viral. Such frivolity did not reflect the mood of the nation. The President’s winning formula had always been his simplicity, humility and childlike innocence. He must resist the temptation of being corrupted by the carpetbaggers who litter our corridors of power. Running the different tiers of government has been a major drain on our economy. It is also the reason the citizens would not change their ways when government refuses to set good examples.
Everything humanly possible should be done to empower and encourage Mr Babatunde Raji Fashola to give us power. There will never be any meaningful development and progress until we can generate enough electricity and be able to transmit and distribute this effectively. When people shout that we should patronize made in Nigeria products they conveniently forget that most of what we use in making the made in Nigeria products were fabricated and made abroad. At best we are only an assembly line for these products. An average company loses its profit to what should have been provided ordinarily by government. I cannot begin to overemphasise the importance of electricity. Nigerians will never forget whoever can put an end to their life in perpetual darkness. It is worth every effort and investment.

It is heartening to note that there are those ready and willing to partner with Government at little or no cost to make our dire power situation a thing of the past using both conventional and sustainable energy solutions. All that seems to be required is for government to discard any policy that would be a stumbling block to the utilisation of these opportunities. Nothing must be seen as set in stone. National development requires not only flexibility but a willingness to think outside the box. It is time to seize the moment!

In the name of God, we must revamp our educational institutions. It is disgraceful that we watched them collapse and we have refused to do anything tangible to bring them back to par with their counterparts elsewhere. The APC should tell and demonstrate in concrete terms what it intends to do to restore the lost glory of our schools from primary to tertiary institutions. Mercifully, the Vice President comes from a scholarly background and hopefully should be able to activate and actualize what the former President Goodluck Jonathan, himself an academic, could not achieve in the five years he spent as substantive number one citizen of Nigeria.

Without quality education, most of our graduates would never be employed or even become employable. Our school curriculum must now be redesigned in such a way that it can be relevant to the needs and requirements of our tough situations. Entrepreneurship should become a compulsory subject. This is why we must commend and recommend the great initiative by Tony Elumelu’s foundation that seeks to locate and situate hidden talents and future captains of industry. Innovation and inventiveness must be encouraged. There are Nigerians undertaking breathtaking research in many fields of human endeavour within the hallowed precincts of our university communities but they do not have the financial muscle or government encouragement and backing to be able to bring their dreams into reality. Great nations are made from developing such talents. Research and development (R & D) is the way to go. Most of our manufacturing companies hardly have any such viable R & D departments. Incentives must be given to all concerned, including funding and tax initiatives, so that our nation may truly enter the industrialised comity of nations and not just pretend that we are better than mere panel beaters!

Yes, it is time for APC and the Government to set their priorities again but this must be done with a sense of purpose and a desire to take the people to a higher level. May God help them.


  1. In the queens English "oooo shataph "

  2. Well, I always knew that Buhari only used the APC as a vehicle to reach where he wanted to reach, but I never attached all the APC promises to Buhari. I only took what I heard him say seriously...which was mostly that he would fight corruption, fight Boko Haram, and make the economy better. He has proved well with the first two so far, and with time, I would see how he would fix the economy. Right now, I have no problems with Buhari at all. I never believed the 5,000 stipends thing would work, and that was not the reason I voted for him.

    Do You Have Problems Lasting Long in Bed?

    1. U r a fanatic dat's why you are lying to yourself...wat has been done in the area of fighting corruption or boko haram...pls be real for once and it wld help you.

    2. Coming from a loud mouthed idiot like you!!
      It is people like you that would die in penury since you have no problems with the Sadist President!

      To your dull brain & understanding, boko-haram and corruption has been defeated by Sadist President???

      Aren't you just another whistle blower or highly delusional?
      In this case, you are both!

  3. That's true, he ought to av get back to d country before saying such tin,but all i know is promise is promise,God wil help him

  4. He made so many salient points, but our problem in this country has never been that of making plans, but we lack the necessary action.

    . ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Buhari is a disaster...

    2. Buhari is a disaster...

    3. For their good
      -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

    4. Dele Momodu the attention seeker, promises are meant to be broken as long as it is for a good reason. Even God broke His promises in the bible several times when Moses begged Him not to destroy Isreal. He forgave them and changed His mind many times. It is better to teach the unemployed youths how to fish instead of giving them fish. Buhari has said that he will invest the money in agriculture and create employment for the youths which is a brilliant idea that makes common sense. As an unemployed graduate, i prefer to have an employment that pays me more than N5,000 than to have N5,000. The 5k can only buy toothbrush and toothpaste. Moreover, Nigeria does not have an organised platform to ensure the distribution of the money to the right candidates. Nigeria is not like UK or America that has an organised system whereby everybody's detail and finger prints are in a computer. Nigerians will lie that they are graduates and bring fake certificates as proof. Also, it will create room for embezzlement, fraud, looting etc. Buhari cannot be everywhere to monitor the distribution of the money to ensure it gets to the right candidates. So Dele be please be reasonable and let Buhari be.

    5. Dele Momodu the attention seeker, promises are meant to be broken as long as it is for a good reason. Even God broke His promises in the bible several times when Moses begged Him not to destroy Isreal. He forgave them and changed His mind many times. It is better to teach the unemployed youths how to fish instead of giving them fish. Buhari has said that he will invest the money in agriculture and create employment for the youths which is a brilliant idea that makes common sense. As an unemployed graduate, i prefer to have an employment that pays me more than N5,000 than to have N5,000. The 5k can only buy toothbrush and toothpaste. Moreover, Nigeria does not have an organised platform to ensure the distribution of the money to the right candidates. Nigeria is not like UK or America that has an organised system whereby everybody's detail and finger prints are in a computer. Nigerians will lie that they are graduates and bring fake certificates as proof. Also, it will create room for embezzlement, fraud, looting etc. Buhari cannot be everywhere to monitor the distribution of the money to ensure it gets to the right candidates. So Dele be please be reasonable and let Buhari be.

    6. Dele Momodu the attention seeker, promises are meant to be broken as long as it is for a good reason. Even God broke His promises in the bible several times when Moses begged Him not to destroy Isreal. He forgave them and changed His mind many times. It is better to teach the unemployed youths how to fish instead of giving them fish. Buhari has said that he will invest the money in agriculture and create employment for the youths which is a brilliant idea that makes common sense. As an unemployed graduate, i prefer to have an employment that pays me more than N5,000 than to have N5,000. The 5k can only buy toothbrush and toothpaste. Moreover, Nigeria does not have an organised platform to ensure the distribution of the money to the right candidates. Nigeria is not like UK or America that has an organised system whereby everybody's detail and finger prints are in a computer. Nigerians will lie that they are graduates and bring fake certificates as proof. Also, it will create room for embezzlement, fraud, looting etc. Buhari cannot be everywhere to monitor the distribution of the money to ensure it gets to the right candidates. So Dele be please be reasonable and let Buhari be.

  5. Politics will always remain a dirty game.
    Win peoples heart by telling them what they want hear.

  6. Nice one
    can some one i mean the wise one like freeborn here tell me why i will waste my time to read this dodo write up by embecilic man who criticise Jonathans good heavenly government una never see any thing all terrorist buhari promises is a scam and sham so i know.
    I did not hate buhari after all i was one of his youth leader in Niger delta before i found that the have noting to offer than propaganda.
    I advice so fools here that joint freeborn to criticise buhari comment to take am easy because they have no prove like freeborn so don't do because i do.
    I am against the terrorist president no1 he lie too much no2 his hausa pedophile people hate Jonathan with passion upon all that he did for them no3 he came with Islamic agenda no4 he was one of the founder of boko haram to say blood will flow if he lose the election no5 he appointed his fellow hausas and all the corrupted men and declare them saint no6 he don't respect court order no7 his corruption fight is a scam because he base on one side and south south and south east.
    So i advice some fools here critising buhari without a prove to go an die because freeborn have a reason and evidence.
    Mr fat man you never see any thing buhari is a disgrace to Nigeria and his party is a shame to humanity.
    Buhari have no vision

    #sad indeed

    1. Freeborn you have a point there...

    2. Lol! This Freeborn go kill person 4 here o. Lmao! I so loved ur comment

    3. Too many grammatical blunder, however brilliant points made!

    4. @Freeborn So Dasuki and Bayeh that were picked up for corruption are from South-South and South East abi? Block head! Meanwhile improve on your English. I think Linda should also use good queens english as a criteria to pick those that she will give her giveaway money because there are to many touts like STERN and Freeborn on her blog

  7. It's better to say the truth. Every right thinking person knows that 5k payment will not be possible amid the current price. We should pray for MR President to have the strength and the sincere heart to lead this nation to the path of honor. PDP or APC are all Nigerians.

    1. I knew even then that the 5k scam won't be feasible. As a man running for presidency, he should be intelligent enough to know this too. And yes he knew, but still went ahead to use it as a campaign enticement, got ignorant youths to blive and vote for him now he's changing his tune? Sad.

  8. So much to say & anger to vent... but I'll shushhh for now... just looks like a deceptive govt!

    1. I make sure to read your comments to every article on this present administration and you have remained undauntedly supportive of it, I often wondered why?
      Is it that you are blind or just ignorant to the reality that beseech us??
      Atlass today your comment is truthful! And this is a true testimony that God is still God!
      I am glad that finally, you are released of every manipulative spirit from the APC and have also realized it's a deceptive and one chance government/administration!!

  9. Oga get out!!! Yes I said so am sure this nonsense Linda wouldn't post this. She's also with everyone and this present gov. Stupid people. Let all the APC action continue to elude you guys

  10. Hope so..
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  11. I'd rather resort to reading the holy bible instead of all dis rubbish....so now he has woken up from his dead sleep? Nonsense!!

    1. Lol wicked!! Abeg which chapter you dey now make I join u

    2. LMAO @ what chapter u dey make i join you😂😂😂

  12. Lovely write up by Dele Momodu

  13. This man just made so much sense. Change has eluded us, it was easier for APC to stay outside and criticise. As it is now they don't even know which they themselves are heading. So clueless.

  14. Now that's a good write-up. At least I read it half way

  15. You are souposed to be shot dead too,cuz you hyped this party,you join follow do the job see him thick lips anu ofia!

  16. God will surely see us through

  17. Ok o...but u guys have failed Nigerians

  18. By 2o19 let him try and say he wants to come back..... This government is a total Scam!!!!

    1. 💯% Scam
      Toothless lying sadist president

  19. So sorry Dele na your eyes start opening. Good morning.

  20. So sorry Dele na now your eyes start to open. Good morning.

  21. True gist.... Moral of the story.... Never trust politicians ..... Dey will say anything to get into power.... Every thing Na Wash...

  22. I stopped reading wen I didn't see Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala's name as one of d best brains to consult abt d economy...u r still playing partisan politics while preaching

  23. Omo,dis story is 2 lng...jst give d youths d 5k u promised

  24. Dele momodu!. But this is just another attempt to be in the news. Recycling same ideas others ve already presented..

  25. Its too early for an epistle. Linda take note!

    1. God punish you juliet onu kpomo

    2. This woman is shame to her family /community, do you eat from anus?

    3. This woman is shame to her family /community, do you eat from anus?

  26. It was never feasible...that was just publicity stunt to gain support

  27. You go fear PussyllAnimous way out nah. When you people sold dead brain to nigeria with your big grammer, you no remember say bad tree can never bear good fruit? PussyllAnimous! You never see anything. Stay there and be wailling systematically.

  28. Eyahh, poor Dele Momodu, he has not been compensated for supporting Buhari, now he is becoming an opposition. When did you become the mouthpiece if the youths?

  29. Nice write up.i am for you on this.What Ebele Jonathan could not actualized in his 5yrs tenure,the way PMB is going we will get there.slow and steady win the race.omooba

  30. Did APC really belived they will win,thee answer is a capital NO. Therefore they never had a plan. .may we pray that they come up with one before the four year expires. Lesson learnt men should never ask for change but for God's perfect will and change.God bless Nigeria my only country.

  31. This one is just looking for post.gerrarehere mehn!

  32. What has Sanusi got to do with our nation's economic development? He should concern himself more with the paedophilia in his palace!

  33. U have spoken the mind of the gods. It shall be well wit u.


  34. Great piece from OV, but u still sound a wee bit like an APC fanatic u are and y still bring in GEJ. We voted in this govt and we must say we are already disappointed, so something needs to be done and fast.

  35. Abeg this man dey jonz , right from Davido baby mama issue , I reason am say dis man dey on lowkey gin & juice. Since dey sideline you for minister post , you don begin hate . How do you expect Buhari to give 5k monthly stipend to unemployed youth when the country economy is going down the drain ? What can 5k a months afford for any adult ? I am not a big fan of Buhari but I accept with common sense that is better to industrialize the nation with the proposed monthly stipend , so that this unemployed folks can get a job, and that equally decrease unemployment rate . There are so many potentials in Naija but nobody to tap into them. We need to start producing almost everything we consume on daily basis . Get this unemployment folks trained to produce and not sit thier ass at the office looking at paperworks .

    1. Based on your argument is obvious you just read the headline not the article. Read the article then read the comment you posted

    2. Thank you DM!But Nigerians feel we were tricked into voting PMB. When I read those campaign promises, I knew it was not feasible.I am even a layman when it comes to economics but as a typical ABA girl that I am, there is a proverb that says, "you cannot use wasteful spending to be a wealthy man. Oil prices had already started dwindling, and instead of Nigerians to ask questions, on how all these promises would be fufilled, we jumped into the bandwagon hence our disappintmemts. PMB should tell us what he plans for Nigeria because this is the second time he is denying his campaign promises. The election brouhaha is over please sir, besides fighting corruption, what are your plans for your citizens?!

    3. Well said! Nothing more to add @ anonymous 11:18

  36. Unfortunately, Wailers form has been exhausted. By the way, why start wailing now? Just tarry awhile!

  37. You are so right Dele but the crux of the matter is; will PMB be allowed to see and read this wonderful advice of yours? And even if he sees it, won't he discard because its not from a northerner? Believe me, PMB won't act on this splendid advice because he doesn't give a damn. My conclusion, PMB is bereft of ideas and is academically unsound to profer solutions to Nigeria's many problems. And his northern kit and kin he has sorrounded himself with are not any better. May God save Nigeria. ***ATU NNEWI***

  38. You are so right Dele but the crux of the matter is; will PMB be allowed to see and read this wonderful advice of yours? And even if he sees it, won't he discard because its not from a northerner? Believe me, PMB won't act on this splendid advice because he doesn't give a damn. My conclusion, PMB is bereft of ideas and is academically unsound to profer solutions to Nigeria's many problems. And his northern kit and kin he has sorrounded himself with are not any better. May God save Nigeria. ***ATU NNEWI***

  39. Please sir finish with issues in your family ok baby mama stuff with small boy of yesterday before you tell A.P.C what to do abeg...nuel

  40. Good PR for those suggested names in the 'proposed' Economic Team. But Dele, you would have looked at the diaspora because as you rightly mentioned, the Governor of Bank of England was appointed from Canada. Image laundering for appointment is a big problem in this country. And that brings to mind, those who constitute PMB's kitchen cabinet. Much as you need intellectually-minded people, you equally need seasoned and well-grounded politicians to give both a 'blend' and a balance. The current kitchen cabinet needs to be 'overhauled'.

  41. The fact that your contributions is highly needed, we should look for way forward not bringing past leaders into how the future will mean well to Nigeria, why must Me president always drop bombshell when he's out of the country?

    1. It's because he is clueless, he hasn't been in touch with realities for 3 decades and its a misconception to think to think Buhari has no agenda; over 95% of our resources is being used to rebuild the northern region turned apart by boko haram; created by Nothern elites/ failed governance by Nothern leaders, supported and shielded by Buhari. Dele's opinion makes no sense because he knows the truth and couldn't call a spade a spade its unfortunate.

    2. It's because he is clueless, he hasn't been in touch with realities for 3 decades and its a misconception to think to think Buhari has no agenda; over 95% of our resources is being used to rebuild the northern region turned apart by boko haram; created by Nothern elites/ failed governance by Nothern leaders, supported and shielded by Buhari. Dele's opinion makes no sense because he knows the truth and couldn't call a spade a spade its unfortunate.

  42. useless article by a disgruntled foolish old man seekig relevance. u wanted change, whr is d change?????? idiot! instead of u to call a spade a spade, u went about painting buhari as d only good man in d whole of nigeria despite all d evidences to his clueless and ineffectiveness. who told u he knws wht he s doing?? u still went ahead to mention past failures who has been seeking to return to corridors of power for their selfish gains. OBY EZEKWESILI, SOLUDO AND D REST MY FOOT. we r lookn at d future not behind old fool. go staright and apply for job in buhari,s government instead of chidish article up n down.

    1. So on point esp at Oby n Soludo! Its not by bn on twitter n always making noise.We have better n seasoned economists. Dey should look for dem n leave those seeking relevance.

  43. beautifully written, full of patriotism , no controvesy, well intended. A word is enough for the wise, time is running out. well done Dele

  44. Politicians and their trick... dee

  45. Go and apologise to goodluck b4 we can forgive you

  46. Gyter, more blessing, you have sense that is not so common, most people here are just a product of the Nigerian problem. Too lazy to think or even reason out issues on their own, once someone says crap, they start to clap. I listened to the president speak and I understand his arguement which was my reservation in the first place. How much is 5k when you can start an industrial facility where boys can hustle to make 10x that amount. This guy is just disappointed that the baba has refused to open the vault for him and his kind. Baba should learn from Jonathan's mistake that no amount you give to this people will save you once the people have made up their mind. We are only interested in results that affect the ordinary man, we don't need grammar or story, we get eyes and we de see wella.

  47. Gyter, more blessing, you have sense that is not so common, most people here are just a product of the Nigerian problem. Too lazy to think or even reason out issues on their own, once someone says crap, they start to clap. I listened to the president speak and I understand his arguement which was my reservation in the first place. How much is 5k when you can start an industrial facility where boys can hustle to make 10x that amount. This guy is just disappointed that the baba has refused to open the vault for him and his kind. Baba should learn from Jonathan's mistake that no amount you give to this people will save you once the people have made up their mind. We are only interested in results that affect the ordinary man, we don't need grammar or story, we get eyes and we de see wella.

  48. Simply say u need lai Mohammed's job. Loud mouthed old nigga.

  49. I thought GEJ caused this too. Nigerians wake up

  50. The voice of one crying sometimes ago somewhere in FCT and seriously shedding tears and saying there is GOD oooooh!!!!!!!

    and we all beheld her and start making mockery and jest of her and also abusing her and laying several cause on her and we didn't know that she was actually hanging our case into the hand of The ALMIGHTY, we all had then forgotten that one with GOD is majority,
    but now it's pay back time that is why when they left office was when the austerity and tribulation started.

    My FELLOW NIGERIANS! Please repent and ask GOD for forgiveness.

    To be continue

  51. Quite lengthy...May GOD help Nigeria. Want A Natural Way To Lose Weight in 30 Days Click Here To Read

  52. Dele momodu osinachi. No be by force to go dubai***in davido's voice

  53. Dele momodu osinachi. No be by force to go dubai***in davido's voice

  54. Gerawaay dele momodu. You're looking for relevance #deadcareerdeadovation

  55. Gerawaay dele momodu. You're looking for relevance #deadcareerdeadovation

  56. Hahahaha pls PMB settle Uncle Dele and Madam Oby d really worked for u, so dat they will allow u to rest.Dele may have made some points but he still playing politics with some of d names he mentioned here.

  57. Dele and FFK say d truth whenever d want something from d govt.

  58. Hahahaha pls PMB settle Uncle Dele and Madam Oby d really worked for u, so dat they will allow u to rest.Dele may have made some points but he still playing politics with some of d names he mentioned here.

  59. This is what we get when u have some group of fools who think that they are leading some set of puny apes.i am very sure that if it were during GEJ this write up written by Dle Momodu wouldn't have been such an abysmal apology. it would have been a blind criticism from him

  60. Edith Chukwuma5 March 2016 at 22:33

    Dear Mr. Dele Momodu,
    Your write-up stopped making meaning to me when you senselessly somersaulted about former President Jonathan. In my opinion, you erred seriously, when you stated that Jonathan's Government did not do anything to improve the Quality of Education in Nigeria, considering the fact that he is from a scholarly background. Mr. Dele, i have been a University Lecturer for 21 Years. The reason we (ASSU) went on Strike in 1995 lingered for 18 Years until that Man Jonathan restored the Pride of Government owned University Lecturers by solving the Problems of ASSU. Our Job/Working Condition is now very beautiful. I have a few colleagues of mine who had taken up Employment Abroad return back to Nigeria. Jonathan gave the Nigerian Lecturer Hope. Jonathan created an enabling environment for the Educational Standard to thrive. He motivated Lecturers. Jonathan in 6 Years built 6 Federal Universities. I don't know how many OBJ built in 8 Years. Jonathan's Government gave recognition to Amajiri's. This set of Homeless Northern Nigerian Beggars were extended a hand of hope by a Government that cared. No Government ever remembered them since our Independence.

    Mr. Dele, Buhari has aired beyond our imagination. I personally believe that people like you should be running out of patience, feeling so helplessly disappointed, but do not know how and when to express it. The only thing keeping Buhari and his total lack of ideas and ineptitude from slaying criticism is because of his age. If he was a 50 Year old Man, Nigerians would have spewed their anger more severely than they are doing today. It is not easy for cultured Nigerian who are God Fearing to insult a 74 Year Old Man. You and i do know that the Country is completely wandering as a result of the rudderlessness of its Ship. The Captain is clueless. You talked less about his trips. Sincerely this is a shame. Do you know, Buhari was in East Africa viewing the Serengeti Plain Africa when World Leaders were in Davos, Switzerland, discussing Global Economy at the World Economic Forum in January??.

    Buhari just came back from Qatar where he tried to Woo Qatari Investors to come and Invest in Nigeria in the Area of Housing. I have been to Qatar, apart from Doha Corniche, Qatar there is nothing impressive about Qatar in the area of Development. The Qataris are less than a Million in Population. It is a shame that our President is Wooing Qatar Businessmen to invest in Nigeria. I can go on and on. But just know that we have always known that Pa Buhari was going to be a 4 Year setback to the Growth and Development of Nigeria in all Sectors. But I can only pray that God will perform a Miracle.

  61. You just wanted a job in govt. We see what you caused bim fernandez to go thru. You are looking for money from haleema. You r evil

  62. In every developed country, corruption and other society ills are fought with systems not by harassing people . If i go beyond my speed limit, no police man will chase me cus they are busy dealing with other issues, unless there was one on the motorway already. When I get home, within a week I will find a speeding ticket with my car registration number asking me to pay a fine. If I steal from the Government , financial institutions release my account statement to the government, no beating about the bush. I face the consequences. The worst mistake Nigerians made was voting someone who did not only frustrate democracy from taking its roots but ruled under tyranny and also didn't even have the academic qualification. How do you even give 5ooo naira to Nigerians when you don't have accurate details of your citizens. Do you know for certain who lives next door to you, how do you even confirm your citizens identity. Abeg naija wahala too much, you voted change , enjoy the change. If you guys are wise, you will drive all those Fulani cattle people out of your states, remember GEJ said those who were planning to get him out started planning years before the election. Those Fulani cattle people are just another type of Biko haram, keep speaking English , you will soon become like Turkey where Christianity was uprooted .

  63. Hmmmh, Can a Leopard change its skin?


  64. Dele Momodu am beginning to see that your president with toilet paper certificate is working according to his certificate. you can never give what you don't have.i remember all r utterances during the election battle.
    Enjoy your toilet paper certificate president.close your mouth.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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