Ibinabo Fiberesima's son writes emotional open letter, asks Nigerians to pray for his mum | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 13 March 2016

Ibinabo Fiberesima's son writes emotional open letter, asks Nigerians to pray for his mum

Sean Coughlan is the first son of actress and AGN president, Ibinabo Fiberesima, who is facing 5 years in prison after losing an appeal to overturn her 5 year jail sentence by a High Court over an accident that happened 11 years ago that took a man's life. Ibinabo was charged with dangerous and reckless driving. Her son is now asking Nigerians to pray for his mum in an open letter he released yesterday. Read after the cut...

People of Nigeria, This is Sean, first and proud son of Ibinabo Fiberesima, I write on here today to plead with all Nigerians to pray for my mother. She is going through the toughest of times right now, and so are we, her family. I’ve been reading heartbreaking comments on her matter that ‘she thinks she’s above the law’, ‘she doesn’t feel sorry for the family of the deceased’, ‘she was drunk and deserves this punishment’, let me get a few things straight with you now.

My mother is the most humble woman I know, I was not aware she was a celebrity until I was about 14 and that’s only because my uncle told me, she does not see herself or act as if she is above any other person. She is a proud Nigerian who loves her country and its people.

Secondly, she has been carrying heartbreak around with her for the past 11 years after the accident. She understands the pain for the deceased family and is very hurt about what happened herself. She has tried her utter most to console with the Family, so don’t ever think she does not care.

Thirdly she was not drunk, the charges are reckless and dangerous driving, first of all I refuse to believe my mother was driving recklessly or dangerous, as I’ve been in a car with her countless times and nothing has happened.

On this occasion it was unfortunate, she was unlucky, her car flipped over which happens to a number of cars and another car smashed into her. She was in a comma for days, she could have easily lost her life, but thankfully, by Gods strength only she survived.

She did not set out that day trying to kill someone or herself. Right now my mother is broken, and needs the prayer and support of all Nigerians, so please put all your conspiracies about this matter aside, I know it’s between her and God now.

Join us, myself, Craig her son who is 14, Malcolm and Brian her other sons and her beautiful Daughter Zino who is just 8, and the rest of her family, to pray for my Mother. Let God decide what is just and what is not. Whatever your religion, join us and Pray for my mother as well as the family of the deceased. We can all get through this but not without God.

Thank you for reading, may God bless you all.”


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Anonymous said...

And this is supposed to be a woman talking? I weep for my nation. Women against women when they are supposed to come together and encourage one another. Chai. Envy and jealousy everywhere.

BRock said...

@Anon 5:10am, ur d stupid upon which stupidity was built..SOG spoke wit facts, counter him/her back wit facts and not mudslinging. Cheers

Nicholas said...

@BRock or whatever you call yourself, you said @SOG spoke with facts. If your truelly know the meaning of facts, you will not come out here to comment senselessly, foolishly and stupidly. If he has facts of what he said, where is the video evidence, picture evidence or signed documents? As far as i am concerned, there is nothing in his statement to prove the validity of his story. Therefore, i see it as using this opportunity of Ibinabo's mistake to tarnish her image which most people do on this blog. However, even if she drinks, what's the big deal? A lot of people drink and club to ease tension and tress and relax. She never deliberately set out to kill someone on that day. This is the point Anon 5:10AM was trying to make that's why he said you guys should put yourself in her shoes. Senseless fool.

Nicholas said...

@BRock or whatever you call yourself, you said @SOG spoke with facts. If you truely know the meaning of facts, you will not come out here to comment senselessly, foolishly and stupidly. If he has facts of what he said, where is the video evidence, picture evidence or signed documents? As far as i am concerned, there is nothing in his statement to prove the validity of his story. Therefore, i see it as using this opportunity of Ibinabo's mistake to tarnish her image which most people do on this blog. However, even if she drinks, what's the big deal? A lot of people drink and club to ease tension and tress and relax. She never deliberately set out to kill someone on that day. This is the point Anon 5:10AM was trying to make that's why he said you guys should put yourself in her shoes. Senseless fool.

Anonymous said...

BRock you said SOG spoke with facts, right? Pls can we have the tangible facts not mere talk or comments? I cannot counter him because there is no evidence attached to what you call facts. I can only counter with evidence and proofs. This is how it is done in court. If you have no evidence, they will just strike off your case. Where is the evidence that she was even drunk on the said day of the accident? Was there even a doctor's report that alchohol was found in her body system? You people just hear things and decide to spread on the rumours. Very typical of jealous and hateful Nigerians. Ibinabo lawyer no sabi anything. Make them come hire me. I will strike off that case one hand since the family is proving stubborn to forgive. Rubbish!!!. Hope you can now see that you (BRock) are actually the great grand father of all stupidity in this world because Anon. 5:10am made sense but you didnt. Brainless goat!

Anonymous said...

BRock you said SOG spoke with facts, right? Pls can we have the tangible facts not mere talk or comments? I cannot counter him because there is no evidence attached to what you call facts. I can only counter with evidence and proofs. This is how it is done in court. If you have no evidence, they will just strike off your case. Where is the evidence that she was even drunk on the said day of the accident? Was there even a doctor's report that alchohol was found in her body system? You people just hear things and decide to spread on the rumours. Very typical of jealous and hateful Nigerians. Ibinabo lawyer no sabi anything. Make them come hire me. I will strike off that case one hand since the family is proving stubborn to forgive. Rubbish!!!. Hope you can now see that you (BRock) are actually the great grand father of all stupidity in this world because Anon. 5:10am made sense but you didnt. Brainless goat!

Anonymous said...

First and foremost Sean is the rudest boy you can ever encounter it would have been better for her adopted son Malcolm to write that letter. He has disrespected so many people and he thinks people will empathise with him ? Why refer to your sister as BEAUTIFUL ?? Is that how to write a humble appeal ? Stupid boy!

Sam said...

All those attacking Ibinabo for paying a fine of 100k should not blame her because she did not give herself the fine. It was the court that told her to pay a fine of 100k. So blame the court or judge.

Pascal said...

I am sure the dead man is in heaven with God smiling and looking at all of you fighting over his matter. He may even be happy leaving this sinful world that is full evil early to join Jesus in heaven and all of you are here killing yourselves. The bible really said: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".

Anonymous said...

People should stop attacking her son stupidly. He only asked for your forgiveness and prayers. If you know you dont want to help him pray, then simply dont pray instead of insulting the innocent boy that did not do anything to you.

Anonymous said...

Abeg make una let the dead man rest in peace. The drama on this blog is too much biko.

Anonymous said...

Abeg make una let the dead man rest in peace. The drama on this blog is too much biko.

Unknown said...

It's well with her

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