Freeze questions Jumoke's instant rise to fame while Ayodele's achievement isn't celebrated | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday 27 February 2016

Freeze questions Jumoke's instant rise to fame while Ayodele's achievement isn't celebrated

Freeze took to his IG page to express his feelings on Jumoke Orisaguna instant rise to fame with various endorsements while Ayodele who finished with a 5.0 CGPA from the University of Lagos isn't getting any deal. Continue below...

Before Ayodele, no one had 'EVER' finished with a perfect CGPA in UNILAG!!! Since it was established in 1962, he made history by becoming the first to achieve such a commendable feat!

Now, so many questions come to mind. How come my dear friend Kunbi of 'April with Kunbi' hasn't styled him or recommended him for styling? How come CNN hasn't done a story on him? How come his life isn't documented on blogs daily? How come he isn't a brand ambassador for any product?

The questions are ceaseless.

Ciara put up a post of an equally beautiful traffic hawker selling some type of fruit yesterday and she was described, in Ciara's own words as 'beautiful and talented'. If these two 'hawker beauties' were discovered less than 2 months apart, it means that beautiful girls that hawk commodities aren't in short supply in Lagos.

While people who finish with with a 5.0 CGPA are almost non existent! It took 54 years to produce the first one!

While Olajumoke and this other lady are rough stones that could be polished to achieve a lustrous shine, Ayodele is a true jewel, a rare yellow diamond in its truest and purest form.

Let's not let our 'poverty mentality', that makes things of lesser importance seem valuable, cloud our judgement. I have no objection to polishing stones to bring out their shine, but please let's not do it at the expense of gems of inestimable value!

The outcome of our future depends largely on 'what' or 'whom' we invest in. If Japan, Switzerland or America invested their time and money in pretty bread sellers, we won't have the brains behind their automotive, aeronautic, horological or financial achievements today.

I'm not saying we shouldn't celebrate Olajumoke o! Before people call me a hater but like hell we must celebrate Ayodele first! Just my thought on a Saturday evening~FRZ


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anonys said...

for the very first time - well said Freeze

Anonymous said...

Adaobilinda, I totally agree with you. You spoke my mind.

Invincible said...

Ayodele will definitely get rewarded for his hardwork. Cash prizes and job opportunities. It's Unilag. Wat d hell is freeze saying

Anonymous said...

It is because stupidity sales faster than reality @amfestus

Unknown said...

Watz stopping u and mumu freezer from doing that?... dee

Unknown said...

No be sombody like u help Olajumoke, Y can't u help Ayodele too, u can do ur best with him

idehen Omoruyi said...

Mr Freeze....U not so probably Edged God Out..the Olajumuko story is an absolute picture of how Nigerian is going to be changed for the better...nothing in life is a mistake,God created all and He created all situations ...the student with the 5.0cgpa is one of his kind Olajumoke to is also the last of her kind...never underestimate a person..nobody is usless..everyone is useful..God gave us a mandate to subdue, multiply and have dominion over the ur script.Creature + Script =Scripture .Nigeria will rise from all angles..

Unknown said...

Time we tell

Anonymous said...

this is because it is not ayodele't time yet.

Unknown said...

Freeze when God's blesses one, all protocols are kept on hold, olajumoke is an example, God has got plans for us all in different dimensions. Please don't compare.

Unknown said...

Ayodele is a potential celebrity, even if Nigerian fails to celebrate him the world at large will surely do.
For Olajumoke; she's is concluded to be among the forgotten Citizen with no privilege or opportunity to amont to anything great in life.
So lets celebrate people like Olajumoke as God has already announced Ayodele Himself.

Unknown said...

I dont know why all this freeze is talking about.
First of all 90% of the guys that make wave abroad didnt have a 5.0. They where people who had ideals. So trust me Nigerians dont need 5.0 student what we need are determine and goal driving individuals.

Anonymous said...

Common sense shud tel all of u dat, Nigeria dont longer need successful pple. All its needs ar genius and creative thinkers to save dis country of d mess we ar into. Olajumoke shud b celebrated, no doubt abt dat but Ayodele shud also b celebrated and seen as one who can contribute if given proper attention to d progress and development of Nigeria. Jux wanna make common sense.

Anonymous said...

The same reason why the winner of a talent show is given N3-N10 million and the winner of an academic competition like math competition or spelling bee goes home with N20-N60 thousand naira.
its a world trend....not a very good one though.


Pep Donald said...

Its is called opportunity, education is good but it doesn't mean you would be successful, education gives u a 70% chance over talent, if u see opportunity to use ur talent, drop d degree and pursue d talent. When d talent is gone, fall back to the degree

Anonymous said...

Wat is true about his comments? Are u saying a graduate is better than a bread seller? Or only graduates should be celebrated or rich? R u saying uneducated people are irrelevant and should not be celebrated

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