Stacy Dash fires back at BET | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 22 January 2016

Stacy Dash fires back at BET

Earlier this week BET clapped back at actress Stacey Dash after she called for the end of the Black TV network, claiming they promote segregation. BET reminded Stacey of her appearance on their show, The Game, where she cashed much needed cheque. Taking to her blog yesterday, Stacey fired back...See what she wrote after the cut

Stacey writes on her personal blog,
Ever since I said THIS on Fox yesterday, Black Entertainment Television has been throwing shade. They reminded me — and the rest of America — that I appeared on a show called The Game, which appeared on BET.
Well, here’s the thing. Thank you for reminding me, since most people have never heard of that show. Why? It’s on BET.
Quick. Name the top shows on BET.
Drawing a blank?
I think I’ve made my point.
I’m thankful for all of the acting jobs I’ve had. But I look forward to the day when people don’t self-segregate based on skin color, while loudly complaining about a segregated society...
BET lies to American black people by telling them that the rest of America is racist, so stick close to your own kind. Anything that promotes segregation is bad!
And they’re absolutely mortified that someone like me — an independent-thinking black woman — dares call their bluff.
That might be hard for the people at BET to understand, especially after I read this quote from a BET exec about the Oscars: “It would be great if the Oscar nominees represented even closely the percentage of moviegoers who are of different ethnicities, but they don’t,” said Stephen Hill.
Wow. Apparently, Mr. Hill doesn’t understand what an Oscar is. Oscars are awarded to the actors and actresses who excel… not the audience. What’s next? Awarding $1 million to the guy sitting in his pajamas on the couch watching Survivor? Giving a blue ribbon to the kid who stayed home from field day? Giving a Nobel Peace Prize to a President who escalated wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
No, that would be unreasonable. My problem goes back to the notion that every area of life needs to break down exactly according to demographic ratios except in those areas in which black people have decided they want to have their own space. I don’t have a problem with black people having their own space. I have a problem with the folks at BET absolutely freaking out when other institutions don’t match up to what they think is best. At National Review, they put it this way: 
From their undisputed cultural heights, progressives have sold the American people on a fantasy that says America is racist unless every demographic group enjoys the benefits of its life and shares its burdens in exact proportion to their numbers — except, of course, when it comes to areas of the culture dominated by African-Americans.



    1. I don't dis on this blog but I just can't help but notice how u couldn't rap ur mind around this piece... or unable to fathom it and all you could say is "LOL"... at what exactly please? Geez!

    2. God bless you. You can tell Angel whatever is a great Fan of Telemundo and the likes. I guess LOL is the new term for "I no kuku sabi wetin dem they talk"

    3. @dudette - I like your comment.

      Thumbs up Stacey dash, love her response.

    4. Pls this I'd American drama and I am not American... so #fuckdahshit.. Nigeria take over

    5. Aunty it's "wrap"..

    6. Oyibos and their yeye trouble.Abi linda!

  2. This woman has a point but blacks don't know how to critically analyze things. They always speak and think with their emotions. Use your brain for once!!! Jeez!!

    1. Exactly. I've always wondered why there is a black entertainment television! There's no White entertainment tv so why are we self segregating. This whole think started because Jada Pinkett is upset her hubby didn't get recognised.

  3. This girl is a complete idiot

    1. No Mr, u are. U don't want sagregation,well then set an example.

  4. The black community will come for her so strong... this battle of words ain't over

  5. Oya let it begin

  6. Lol, pls will she return the money or not? We are not concerned about all ds talk. Shameless bleaching black wannabe


  7. She' so right. Imagine if there was a channel like white entertainment television. Either blacks set their minds to integrate with the rest of America and scrap BET,or they shut up. After all,Oscars started out all white and they integrated blacks into it. BET should do the same...or shut their racist mouth. African americans are the worst racists anyways...I rather have a white, Hispanic or asian friend.

    1. Fucking A!!! Blacks really r the biggest racist/hypocrites

    2. Dummy in case you haven't noticed there are many! All other channels. My Nigerian brothers are so ill informed and we comment like we know! Learn some history before you all speak sometimes you sound ridiculous! If you live in a country where ppl that look like you are under represented in almost every aspect of society

    3. Now you make silly statements like I'd rather have white or whoever friends you have a serious inferiority complex! Somehow you are better for associating with the lighter hue. That statement in itself promotes a prejudiced sentiment! Smh

  8. She' so right. Imagine if there was a channel like white entertainment television. Either blacks set their minds to integrate with the rest of America and scrap BET,or they shut up. After all,Oscars started out all white and they integrated blacks into it. BET should do the same...or shut their racist mouth. African americans are the worst racists anyways...I rather have a white, Hispanic or asian friend.

    1. I would normally not reply but I this case I'm going to. First of all people set up channels to meet different needs!! BET came as a result of the need to relate to black people, their struggles, their culture and so on. The same way you have Supers port channels for the sport lovers, food tv for those who love cooking, fashion tv for the fashion lovers and Nick Jr for the Kids and Telenovela channel! BET was created after realizing the need to cater to the black community and promote people of colour. Let's be honest it's not like other American channels pay tribute to blacks or Hispanics or Latinos...but we need to be reminded of black people who fought for the freedom we had today (Stacey dash would never be where she is if the likes of MLK and Malcom X and Muhammad Ali hadn't realised the need to stand up and fight for equal rights by the way). Aside from that we know there are words, actions, jokes, fashion, music and movies that black people relate to more so why bash BET? Without people like Tyler Perry who realised early enough that black actors and actresses were not getting the necessary credit and attention, what did he do? He started his own film production company employing people of minority especially blacks!! That's a bold move to stand up and take action and not whine! If the Oscars want to stop rewarding people of colour then they should be upfront about it and come clean and nobody will complain, you don't see people complaining about BET awards not involving white people because it is for BLACKS. Nobody should thank them for integrating black people into the Oscars, by all means make it White Oscars and nobody will complain just don't play dumb.

    2. Gbam! Do white people complain about soul train awards. Black people always want special doesn't work that way!!

  9. Stacey Dash is entitled to her own opinion... No need to bully her because she aired her views. Infact i even support her.BET promotes segregation

  10. Black skin buh spiritually she is white....its obvious the white are dt shrek looking bitch

  11. Engish speakers #investingfornextgiveaway

  12. Are they still on these? Na wa o.


  13. This bitch is a lindafucker. Is she mad? Bitch, can't u see?



  14. She didn't write that so why bother reading.

  15. Ha! Tori ba jeh! So FOX have shares in BET TV. Hmmmm it now makes sense in that BET needed a bit of LIFT to take off. So much to Black Entertainment Television where ironically is being guided by white-Led mega FOX Channel. Incredibly that so much is crawling out of the woodwork, a lot being exposed that we knew nothing about.

    1. Pls read again! Without black history month would Stacey dash troll her way to a monthly fox paycheck!! Fox and BET are independent! Debra Lee narrated how BET came to birth....Google it!!

  16. truth hurts people,stacy dash on top.

  17. Enough already. Gosh!

  18. I agree with her. The blacks r racist themselves n kip cryin out. Everytin is racist. U say nigga n u r call racist, refuse their greetinz u r racist. Enof already. Wats racist abt d oscar? I don't c anybody complain abt empire dts filled wt black pple. D didn't call it racist. If iyt ws white d wl say racist. Al ds black hypocrites shld tk a back seat abeg

    1. Empire is about a black family so why should white actors play blacks? The script was prepared to potray that!! The same way nobody complains about Modern Family being all white and Telenovela being all Latino. #commonsense

  19. Fox has brainwashed her. Sell out

  20. Well,I think I support her opinion....blacks always crying foul wen dey re d ones who re racist..

  21. I don't understand
    We're talking about the oscars been racist, you're talking about BET that created blacks to be recognized . Na wa ooo!!!

  22. That last quote, so true...

  23. Blah blah blah. More Instagram followers for you

  24. bwaaahaaaa @ the hashtags... the guys at BET have no chill. I used to think Stacy was hot till during the 2012 US presidential election she opted to endorse Mitt Romney as president over Barack who should have made her and all black people proud as the first black pres! Haters tho!
    She always trying to root for the white folks over her pairs...

  25. Her is right in her words.
    Linda will you marry me

  26. This Oscar wahala sef........

    Make una no spoil matter for me ohh

    I still wanna watch hollywood movies with black and white actors and actresses!

  27. I agree with her. I absolutely abhor affirmative action. Not based on merit but pity!

  28. Both have good points.


  29. God bless you!


  30. tit for tat
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  31. I get her point but she needs to acknowledge that the other side has valid points too. It's not really the Oscars but the ppl who green light (give the go ahead) Hollywood movies. They believe that movies with white leads will give a better profit margin and unfortunately that's what happens.

  32. There own palaba. Linda pls next

  33. Shes right. Its kind of similar to nigeria, boko haram, biafra,militants etc. Everybody is claiming to be marginalized when in actual sense everybody in the country is being marginalized one way or the other. One tribe is in a position, nobody talks. He is replaced after years by another person from another tribe, the others will scream maeginalization. Its all selfishness. Same wirh the african americans.



Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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