The Atimoh Odili Foundation goes all out for Kuchingoro Internally Displaced Persons | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 31 December 2015

The Atimoh Odili Foundation goes all out for Kuchingoro Internally Displaced Persons

The 19th of December 2015 will forever be rembered as an epochal moment for residents of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp in New Kuchingoro, a suburb in Abuja. The Atimoh Odili Foundation (AOF), as part of its philanthropic gestures donated gift items and relief materials to the residents of this camp made up of mostly women and children ravaged by the scourge of war in the North East.

The Founder of AOF, Dr. Atimoh Odili, is a man who understands the hardship faced by all under privileged people and for many years has devoted his resources to fighting the war against poverty. For those at the camp, numbering about 936, including women and children, it was quite a moving experience when they witnessed the arrival of loads of relief materials comprising of mattresses, blankets, bags of rice, milk, tomatoes and salt, all worth over N20 million.

Tagged #TouchingLivesAtKuchingoro, its aim, among others, is to offer urgent relief to Camp residents and in the future explore opportunities for meaningful re-integration into the larger society.

 “We generally take up projects that have the ability of directly improving people's standard of living. Our mission is to eradicate poverty in Nigeria. For the IDPS, once we are able to address the fundamental problem of hunger, we can help them grow and become reintegrated into the society,” said Miss Chioma Nwigwe, Managing Director AOF.

written by Dr. Edwin Ndukwe


  1. Thanks for thinking right to know that you should give back amasted stolen wealth

  2. Woow that's lovely

    ~Make I go drink one bottle of beer~

  3. So nice of dem. May God replenish dere pocket.

    Deir is God oooo

  4. kingsareborn2rule31 December 2015 at 18:01

    Enter your comment...Seen


  5. Awwwwwwwww nice one....God bless them.

  6. Nice one

    Aunty Linda Enter your comment...

  7. God bless you for your kind gesture

  8. God bless dem

    Can LIBers see me at all? Am I invisible?

  9. Very nice of them...

  10. Nice one, these peeps need all the help they can get.

    Wild flowers!

  11. Very thoughtful of dem. God bless dem abundantly. Linda take note!

  12. Good deed
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  13. Dats wat we call caring n love. God bless dem. #IamMe

  14. Dats wat we call caring n love. God bless dem. #IamMe

  15. That d reason for the season

  16. BEAUTIFUL9JADELTABABE... thank u all that contributed to help the internally displaced people may God bless u and help u all in Jesus name amen. Hmmm anyway me am Justsayingmaownohh via ma LATEST TECHNO F7.
    @lindaikeji am still waiting ohh

  17. That's so nice of them. But d most imptnt thing is 4 these pple 2 get back home,hv a better life than IDP

  18. Wow!! God blessing upon u this is sooo good


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