Toddler caught on camera silently strangling on a window blind cord as his mum filmed | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 7 November 2015

Toddler caught on camera silently strangling on a window blind cord as his mum filmed

A toddler was caught on camera silently strangling on a window blind cord as his mother filmed the rest of the family playing together in the living room.
Gavin Walla, from Wisconsin, US, can be seen in the horrifying home video hanging limply from the looped window blind cord, which is wrapped around his neck.

Gavin's mother was filming a home video of her children playing together in their front room when she suddenly notices the toddler has stopped breathing.
Immediately, she drops the camera, screaming her son's name as she desperately tries to untangle the cord.
Thankfully, her quick actions saved Gavin's life and he's heard in the video coughing and spluttering as he gasps for breath.
Gavin, who is now 17, wants people to see his home video in the hope of raising awareness about the very real dangers of window blind cords.
He told ABC News: "I'm glad that it's out there. It saved the lives of other children that have been fortunate enough to have parents who have seen the video."
It is thought more than 100 children have died in window blind cord accidents since Gavin's.

Elliot Kaye, chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission told ABC: "I see decades, and I'm talking decades, about children once a month getting hanged to death by these products and it's got to stop."
The government first identify the window blinds as a hidden danger over 30 years ago.
But the cords remain a potentially deadly hazard to this day with many manufacturers still using them on many of their products.

Ralph Vasami, the head of the Window Covering Association, an industry trade group, admitted that the hazard is still present but has been reduced by new safety features including breakaway cords and string that can be tied at a height children can't reach.
They however do not recommend that corded window blinds should be used in homes with children.


  1. Am only here to read Bonario's, Bonita's and Wilheminna's comments!

  2. Hmmmmm.

    #It WiLL oNLy gEt bETTer
    #It MuST ENd In PrAise

  3. Thank u Lord .
    Linda look alike

  4. I need a babe 28EF9582

  5. Mike tyson's daughter strangled her self@age four with a vacum cleaner cord by accident too.

  6. Na wa o! One has really got to be careful and at alert with kids around. Linda take note!

  7. Na wa o! One has really got to be careful and at alert with kids around. Linda take note!

  8. Hmmm lucky boy, and hope parents will take note to protect their children, Thank God for his life!!!

  9. Thank God for her life.

  10. Thank God he's alive to tell the story. Nice mom response...For your tech, videos and gaming check

  11. With children in a home
    Our first concern should always ensure that they are safe
    No pot handles dangling so they don't pour hot substances on them selves
    Naked wiring, management of utensils, handless knives etc should never be

  12. Thank God,oyinbo. And their problem she was filming the baby . TIMILEYIN BLESSING

  13. its a pity my friends daughter died this way in 2013. They washed their curtain blinds. The rope used to hang curtain strangled her while she was playing

  14. Thank d Lord for d gracious saving of d life of dis child if not dis wil not b d story we wil b reading.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  15. Dude..if u wanted ur blog to be osama binladened...dats nt d headline u shuld use...use like..onyx godwin exposed as gay see pics here..nd by the way u dint comment...thank God for d mum...#6

  16. Am glad he he is released that video. It will save a lot of other kids .

  17. Kids just find new ways to endanger themselves. Parents must be watchful

  18. Thank God for his life. But most importantly, thank God for his mum.



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