Saudi Arabia sentences woman to death by stoning for adultery but the man gets off with just 100 lashes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 28 November 2015

Saudi Arabia sentences woman to death by stoning for adultery but the man gets off with just 100 lashes

A married 45-year-old Sri-Lankan woman who has worked in Saudi Arabia as a maid since 2013 has been sentenced to death by stoning for committing adultery with a fellow Sri-Lankan migrant, the man meanwhile gets just 100 lashes because he was single at the time. Sri Lanka is calling for a pardon.

Upul Deshapriya, spokesman for the country's Foreign Employment Bureau, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that the bureau has hired lawyers to file an appeal in the shocking case.

'She has accepted the crime four times in the courts,' Deshapriya said. 'But the Foreign Employment Bureau has hired lawyers and have appealed against the case.

'The appeal is going on. Also from the foreign ministry side, they are in negotiation with the Saudi government on a diplomatic level.'

In Saudi Arabia, adultery, smuggling and witchcraft carry the death penalty.

Ironically, Saudi Arabia is the current chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council Panel, the nation which follows sharia or Islamic law has executed over150 people this year mostly by public beheading.


  1. Subuhannallah, how evil! These animals are so dame heartless, my goodness.

    1. Guy that's the law plus she confessed herself she can withdraw her confession if she wants to live.

    2. Idiotic thinking @Mubarak not surprised. The apple really doesn't fall too far from the tree

    3. Dirty law....demonic religion called islam



  3. What a cruel world, men playing God.
    I pray she wins the appeal.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  4. How I hate to hear stories like this coming from an assumed holy place where millions of people are attached. SHARIA LAW my shithole.

  5. Replies
    1. Since you don't know, you can be lectured. According to Islamic law, if any unmarried person commits adultery, they get 100 lashes of whip. If any married person commits adultery, they get stoned to death. From the news read, the woman was married, while the man was single. Hence the difference in judgement.

    2. Common on!

      Wht sort of injustice and country carry out such a barbaric justice system in dis modern era...?

      Dis is surely backwardness and world leader'shav to intervene.

      Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

    3. Or shouldn't we say the hypocrisy in the world is alarming.
      ~D great anonymous!

    4. What is injustce, why would she commit adultery, is she not married to a man? Thought he has paid her price, then she shud had closed her leg, dealth harsh, but 1000 lash should have being alright, men and women are not equal, and am sure you support cheating by saying injustice

    5. What is injustce, why would she commit adultery, is she not married to a man? Thought he has paid her price, then she shud had closed her leg, dealth harsh, but 1000 lash should have being alright, men and women are not equal, and am sure you support cheating by saying injustice

    6. Ndi iberibe! Linda take note!

    7. Ndi iberibe! Linda take note!

    8. Thanks for the clarification.

    9. Well i'm a devoted Muslim, but i blv the man's punishment is a joke. My reason is eventhough he is single, he must have knownbhe was sleeping with another man's wife. That in it self calls for a harsher punishment.

    10. Yes oh she should had closed her leg......Another shallow minded Muslim freak!

  6. Islams are hypocrites...while the so-called prince travels around the world, molesting women...ndi-ara!!!

    1. You sound fucking retard! Are you retarded? You think you can just come here with your black ass christianity sh*t and insult other people's religion? While are living the REAL cunt live... you are the real dumb sh*t I heard in a minute.

    2. Use ur head u Foolish retarded bastard @ anonymous.... Islam is nothing but a religion of FOOLS!!! *spit*

  7. JESUS IS LORD. Don't post, you don't believe.

  8. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Bunch of foolish assholes...

  9. How can a country that abuses human right so much, be the current chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council ?

    1. It is clear you are a woman that will cheat when you get married, why stress him to pay your bride price if you will not keep your legs closed. Plus men and women are not equal, stop deceiving yourself

    2. It is clear you are a woman that will cheat when you get married, why stress him to pay your bride price if you will not keep your legs closed. Plus men and women are not equal, stop deceiving yourself

    3. Killers!! Datz wht u re! It runs in ur blood.ull all go to hail fire!!!

    4. Anonymous 6:15 AM, your ego is so fragile it cannot think straight. One could dissect your stance on so many levels and show you just how insane it is. However, suffice to say, the True God, Lord over all the kingdoms of the earth, is no respecter of persons nor genders. QED@atm

  10. Injustice all over and alwz against women

  11. These people are heartless beasts! How can they let the man off the hook with just a 100 strokes, and the woman sentenced to death? Na wa o. I really do hope and pray that help comes her way before its too late.


  12. I blame the rest of the world for this.
    Because of Saudi Arabia's oil and wealth, many nations turn a blind eye to this stupid and barbaric country's barbaric acts.

  13. bringback my wilheminamoses28 November 2015 at 22:43

    Ndi ara... up chelsea any way..

  14. "'Just' 100 lashes," Linda? That sounds excessive to me too.

  15. This is cruelty. I have done worst and God has been merciful. No wonder the world is in can a country like the Saudi Arabia that is known for cruelty chair human rights arm of the United nations? This is awkward. God please come heal planet earth.

  16. I
    Who ever has not committed any sin b4 should cast in the first stone and all of them put their stones down.
    That's why


    That vuvuzela P guy

  17. Mad religion with their useless laws.

    1. Ode! Is the mad country law,it has nothing to do with the religion,see as u dey wag ur tongue like thirsty dog.

    2. Ode! It's the mad country law,it has nothing to do with the religion,see as u dey wag ur tongue like thirsty dog.

    3. Don't say that. Remember that this is a religion to others. May God have mercy on us.

    4. Mumu Aboki says is their country law not religion yet your Mumu brethren are trying to force same law on us in the name of religion. Get educated and stop defending rubbish.

  18. Where there is no Law, Definitely there is no Sin.. Chikenna.


  20. Its a Man's World (James Brown).
    Jst singin.

  21. Just imagine injustice, hate this people nau

  22. No wonder President Puntin was outrightly against the UN human right hoax.. yh das ryt! a big hoax!!

  23. That's not fair What's wrong with these Islamic countries with their judicial system, a man gets 100 lashes and the woman to be beheaded, why?

    1. Am not supporting them n am a Christian, but, the law is clear, if u ain't married u get 100 lashes (hoping that applies to both men n women though), if u r married, u get d death penalty (also hoping it applies to both genders), so d woman knew this n still couldn't keep her legs together, it's harsh though!

  24. It's well with her soul. One way or another, we all going to die. IMp

  25. Sacophants,The adultery their king did nko.

  26. thats why the women should resist all forms oof manipulation from men.. they alwaz get awaywith such crime leaving the woman dead.let them roost small

  27. Hello linda, saudi is the one country that apply shariah islam in their law

  28. You people should stop picking news from anti-Islam site. Why don't you post about Pope peddling Coccaine?

  29. I dont believe that this could be happening in this our century. what a pity.

  30. Islam is evil.religion of death

  31. D God she serces wil surely save ha.

  32. So the life of a man is more important than that of a woman ....useless religion..

  33. I dnt know if most of the comments I have read so far are as a result of ignorance of both the teachings of Islam and christianity or hatred for islam. If it is the first case I would enlighten those in that category. (1) the woman is married the man is not.: in Islam stoning to death is the punishment for adultery for a married man or woman but lashes of 100 strokes is that of th unmarried man or woman and the rationale for this is simple, the right of the spouse is involved in the case of the married person and the spouse is likely going to seek extra judicial means of killing the person who slept with his or her spouse and these would lead to endless reprisal killings. (2) the woman has accepted the crime and confessed four times in court knowing falling the consequences because she prefers to be punished in this world rather than the punishment of God himself: in Islam for you to be convicted of adultery 4 person who coincidentally meets the man INSIDE the woman at the same time must testify or the person himself/herself confesses to the crime. If it is in case of 4 witnesses, no one of them must have called the other to come and see, they must all see them coincidentally or else the testimony of the person ego calls the other to come and see would not be taken and such person would be given 80 lashes for defamation. We can see how almost impossible it is to have 4 witnesses at the same time unless the adulterers are shameless people committing it in the open and then the deserve the punishment. And as for the confession. Islam allows the person to withdraw his/her confession at anytime even when the stoning has started but people who confess prefer the disgrace of this world to that of the everlasting hereafter.
    BIBLE ALSO SAYS THAT A PERSON WHO COMMITS ADULTERY SHOULD BE STONED TO DEATH. In DEUTERONOMY 22:20-21 and same provison in LEVITICUS 20:10 the bible even provides for a punishment for an offense some so called commentators should be condemning the bible provides in DEUTERONOMY 25:11 that 'if two israelites men get into a fight and the wife of one tries to rescue her husband by grabbing the testicles of the other man, you must cut off her hand' that is for holding the testicles of a man the woman's hand should be cut off. Please note that the bible was sent to only Israeli and not the entire mankind. You can never find a place in the bible that God said he sent the bible or Jesus to the whole world For the commentator that said JESUS IS LORD I can see he does not know the bible at all . If you read the Hebrew bible in book of number chapter 23 verse 18 to 19 "God is not a man nor the son of man that he should be capable of lying" in revelation 22:9 Jesus also said do not worship me" but Jesus fell on his face during prayer and prayed like Muslims if you are in doubt see mattew 26:39 and removed his shoes before prayers as contained in exodus 3:5. Lastly pls I would convert to Christianity today if any one can show me where in the whole bible where JESUS said worship me because I am your lord or where Jesus said he is the creator of the heavens and the earth.

    May God guide us all to the right path

    1. Mumu...yeye dey Una god no dey forgive,and for the record Qur'an is a remix of the bible...Mohammed was smart to have empowered males in his invented religion by making them bosses over delusional women

    2. May Allah bless you

    3. Broda all the old testament u quoted,jesus came and took care of it by His blood,that is why u wont find where they practice them presently world over.
      For your last question. Jesus said I and my father is One. Before abraham; I am. If u see me, u have seen my father. Broda jesus loves you n cares for you. Accept Him

    4. U made sense but for the JESUS part u r so wrong. Pls read the gospels. Don't focus on the old testament. He said I have not come to abolish the law but to renew it so Dat we all will be saved. Remember he said u can not come to the Father except thru me dats JESUS. Also JESUS said I am the bread of Life he who eats me has eternal life. Don't forget JESUS was a jew and Jews have similarities with Muslims. Pls read the gospels and do not blasphem.

    5. My guy u are right.if only u applied this logic to the quran u would have quit islam....there are many references from Jesus himself about him and the father being one and if u see him u have seen the father.also on creator of heaven and earth,the book of john chaper one says in the begining was the word and the word was with god and the word was God and through him all things were made.Even ur quran calls Jesus the word of God and the book of john says Jesus was the word and God.please examined ur very flawed and evil "holy" book.maybe u will find wisdom.btw I expect to see u in church next sunday.Also I agree,u do need to be guided to the right path.btw u can't justify the violence in the old law(testament).Christians don't obey the law.we obey the Golden rule which sums up the ten commandments.Find me verses in new testament supporting all this.Also the quran is full of violence so u can't judge even the old testament for that.and I'm sure u will pretend u never heard of how Jesus forced people to spare an adulterer.while in ur koran mohammed order an adulterer stoned to death....btw if u are looking for problems in koran why don't u start with how allah keeps contradicting himself all through the koran like a moron...."Live in peace then later he says kill infidels".ur entire koran is nothing more than a cheap and incorrect bible rip off.Also I know muslims foolishly believe Jesus was us where in bible Jesus was called a muslim.its not there but u believe he is.but Jesus being called one with God in bible and u ask where he said he's God....Anyway we are talking about islam cause I don't remember when last a christian community did this to anyone......Linda please this is sunday.u allowed this guy comment therefore allow all replies in.God is watching...linda again please post this

    6. For the sake of time that I dnt have let me just reply some highly important points. 1. How can a person who claims to be a Christian tell me I should not focus on the old testament, the old testament is what was revealed to Jesus & that should be the reference point not the new testament that some people wrote after the elevation of Jesus to heaven. Pls how can you decide to revise the words of God, that is why the Quran can never be charged. Its simply the word of God ( you cannot be a true muslim without believing in the old testament which is known as "Injil" and Muslims believe Jesus who is a prophet was raised to heaven and did not die on the cross) . In any case either in the old testament or the modern time bibles No one has still showed me where Jesus said he is God or the creator of heaven and earth. It is clear in the Quran in hundreds of places where Allah said I am God and Muhammed and Jesus are messengers. We Muslims believe in both of them as messengers. And as for those who are associating Islam with terrorism or violence. Let them know that we are no longer in doubt that it is Israel and America with their other allies in the west that pays people to kill in the name of Islam. The videos are many online where Hilary Clinton admitted to the congress that Alqeeda was established and funded by America for a special project. We have seen proofs even from the British prime minister of how Israel is funding ISIS. It pays them to label islam as a terrorist religion because of their Islamophobia and Allah who is the owner of the religion would protect the religion. When Christians kill why dnt the west tag them terrorist. ; simply because that does not fit their plan despite verses of the bible that allows people to kill. Luke 19v 27 Jesus said bring those who do not believe in me and slay them" in Matthew 10: 34 he also said " do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to earth, but a sword" in Luke 22:34 " if you Hv a purse, take it and also a bag; and if you dnt have a sword, sell ur cloak and buy one" despite all these and more no one names any Christian that kills a terrorist. Islam is a religion of peace and the Prophet has come to preach peace

    7. Mr hot why lie...the violence in the bible and hindu religion and buddhist religion is no where near that of the koran combined.its not unusual for muslims to foolishly and decietfully take a verse out of the new testament and twist it out of context.did u even read the verse that perludes those verses u posted?and did u read the verse after them?u muslims are tricky.why return when u think the christians are gone...the fact that after mohammed robbed and killed innocent jews for no reason and u call him a peaceful man shows u are a student in the school of stupidity and partiality..I'm also sure u failed to hear about jesus love ur neighbour as urself and and if u hate ur brother in ur heart u are guilty of murder...the koran is a cheap and bad bible knock of that is full of contradiction even in important things.(Like some verses claim chritains and jews will go to heaven too,while others say they won't).please what can't be changed about a book that came 400 years after the bible and stole many stories from bible incorrectly.u are a fool noni...U have seen the father u have seen me means what to ur shallow brain then?Jesus being called the word of God in both the bible and koran isn't enough for u?the bible says the word is God and is eternal and made everything.doesn't that mean creator to u or are u in nursery school?u are a blind bat finish.And ur prophet was a stupid murderer/pedophile who after killing a jew womans family was stupid enough to eat her food.and when he ate it he was heavily poisoned.ur allah couldn't warn ur so called prophet.he couldn't heal him despite mohammed praying for healing.mohammed died in pain.ur allah didn't do any miracle in koran via mohammed.u guys are so stupid.we do not worship same God.go and find ur god and stop lying that ur god is same as the jewish or christian God......useless religion that hasn't done mankind any good except how to marry 6 year old girls.and yes the old testament is history for most christians as u don't see christians scarificing rams or praying in temple.we don't obey jew laws too.and no matter what u think of judaism it is a million times better than islam................linda u let this guy comment so let this one in oh.u were fair enough to allow is comment so allow other comments please.God bless

  34. That is cruel and unjust! Why does it seem Islam is not in anyway in favor of women?!

  35. Na wah for dis people ohhhhhh

  36. World power, ND America dey back dem up.

  37. Arabs behave like animals. Mtcheeew.

  38. She was stoned because she was married and had sex with other person, but the guy was not married that is why he was given hundred lashes. And for some ignorant people among you, what she did has been forgiven by Allah, so she will not be held accountable in the hereafter. The punishment was to erase what she did in this world.

  39. The woman was stoned because she was married and had sex with other person outside, while the guy was not married and got only hundred lashes. If it turned out to be that, was the woman who was married and he was married, he would be stoned to death and she would be given 100 lashes. Her sins will be forgiven by Allah as she was stoned according Islamic law and she won't be held for the fornication in the hereafter.

    1. Lol @ Her sins will be forgiven by Allah as she was stoned according Islamic law and she won't be held for the fornication in the hereafter.
      Lol lol

  40. This kind of news just makes me thankful for being a Nigerian. I dont live in Nigeria but am just sooooooooo graetful I was born and bread in the Southern part of Nigeria. Where I could learn how rid a bicycle, played freely with the boys and was allowed to drive a car. In my southern Nigeria, I was almost allowed to do everything that a man can do. Thank God am a Nigerian!

  41. What an evil nation. This is just too partial. Saudi is a wicked country.

  42. This is a country with big time backwardness.

  43. No wonder the UN always defend the terrorists!
    Islam is a religion of fools and idiots.

    I wonder why people will open their eyes and still believe in the shiiits they teach.

    Seriously, the goatish islam women are the ones suffering the most. They are worth nothing in islam and mohammend made it clear in the quran of death and war.

    Oh, Nigeria slave muslims come on and defend the action of your holy land.

  44. @ hot November you are so wrong and u have also turned the bible upside down but its not your fault. You do no have the spirit of the living God in you, so you can speak cannally. The mystery of JESUS Christ cannot be understood by ordinary men like the MUSLIMS who uses HUMAN REASON. John 1: 17 for the LAW was given by MOSES, GRACE and TRUTH came through JESUS the SON OF GOD. The truth is not in the law my fellow MUSLIMS. Only JESUS can fufuil the law that is y he said he has come to fulfil the law. Muslims listen, even if you don't commit adultery or fornication bodily, the real standard of the law says once you look @ a woman lustfully which most of us are guilty of we have committed the sin of adultery. All those who stone pple check their hearts and what they do outside most of them masturbates, fantasies about naked woman and the likes. MUSLIMS and other religion who do not believe in Mercy and forgiveness, law cannot change anybody not even the consequences of the law Cus if it can 150 pple won't be killed this year in Saudi. Why don't you reason despite the harsh punishment in All the Islamic countries the people dere are still sinning. My dear Muslims JESUS is the way the truth and the life. He wants to embrace you, submit your heart to him, he loves u regardless of the live u have lived.He said he doesn't want the death of any sinner that is why he died for our sins so we don't have to die for our sins today.

    1. You made a whole lot of sense!!! Thanks for this and God bless you

  45. Sharia Law in its current state is the antithesis of Sharia. It forces us to be herded like blind sheep. It takes away our right to make the moral decision which we are supposed to be rewarded for in the afterlife. Not only is the practice of Islam not supposed to be enforced, many aspects of Sharia Law is not based on teachings of the Quran. Sharia Law is used by the Muslim government to exert control but it's not based on the teachings of Islam. Muslim governments (note I did not say Islamic governments) consolidate power by enforcing submission of their Muslim population in the name of religion. After all, who can argue with God’s law?

    The fact remains that Sharia Law is a human construct, fabricated by politicians in partnership with religious Mullahs of the day for their own authoritarian political control.

    We have cultural traditions like forced marriage and stoning that have trumped the Quran's teachings. For example, In Malaysia Adultery is punishable by flogging while in Sudan punishable by death. And there is no punishment in the Quran that states one should be punished for taking Alcohol but some countries exert punishments on their citizens for doing so.

    What is bad is bad and nobody has the right to assert themselves as the ultimate judge. God is the one and only Judge

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