Photos: Meet Khadija, the girl born without a face | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 6 November 2015

Photos: Meet Khadija, the girl born without a face

Khadija Khatoon Khadija, 21, from Kolkata, West Bengal, Eastern India, was born without a face and her mouth is a small slit on the left side of her face. When she was born, concerned doctors were baffled by her condition for months. Although it has never been confirmed, they believe she has a form of neurofibromatosis, a rare deformity that causes tumours to grow along nerves. Medics told Khadija and her family there was nothing they could do after extra skin continued to grow out of control.

     "She was born at home but she didn’t open her eyes. She was born with thick heavy eyelids and she looked different to my other children at birth but we didn’t think anything of it until we realised she couldn’t open her eyes properly." hermother Amina Bibi,50, said.

     "When we took her to the hospital she was admitted for six months and they did lots of tests but doctors eventually told us there was nothing they could do. Because the doctors told us there was nothing they could do we never went back to them. And as Khadija got older she refused any help. Doctors told us when she was a baby that if she attempted surgery she could die, so we have lived with that fear. Now that Khadija is much older she has decided herself that she doesn’t want to have surgery. She doesn’t want to risk dying."

Khadija said:
     "I'm made this way and I accept it graciously. I do what I can. If this is how I’m meant to be then I live with it. It’s not a matter of coping, I just live as I am"
She continued: "I don’t have any real friends but I have my family. My family is my only friend and I love them dearly. My parents are my world. I don’t talk to strangers. This is who I am and this is the life I live and I fill my days sitting and thinking, talking to my mother about life and going for walks near my home. I like drinking tea. I am happy in this life"
     "If only the government would see my position and help me, I would like that"
Dr Anirban Deep Banerjee, a neurosurgeon from Apollo Hospital, Kolkata, said:
     "I believe she is suffering from Neurofibromatosis but to confirm we would need to do a gene test. There's a possibility she has a tumour inside her face which could be fatal. Right now there is no way of knowing if she has tumour inside the extra skin and if left they could kill her."
     "If she's willing we would need to do a lot of tests to determine how successful surgery would be."

Source: Daily Star


  1. Replies
    1. Everything is as a result if the incest they practice, Same family members copulation will result in abnormal foetus

    2. You're bush. Read neurofibromatosis

    3. You're bush. Don't believe I neurofibromatosis or leprosy or malaria or headaches then. Not everything is juju.God knows

    4. All this happens only in india. Nawah

    5. You're just a full time could u be laughing your ass off..anyways you're laughing at ur stupidity.'s not funny at all...

    6. Dis is definitely not frm d Lord and if u check spiritually check d background u wil surely know d cause.

      Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

    7. This Stern guy is so daft! Must everything be as a result of juju?


  2. Blood of Jesus. What's wrong with India?
    ~D great anonymous!

    1. I wonder oooo....always India with skin conditions dat are unimaginable

  3. INDIA AGAIN? God I hope that she gets a miracle. Not from krishna but from you O Lord.

  4. Jesus Christ!

    -#iT wiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
    -#It MuSt eNd In PrAise

  5. God hv mercy. And I'm here complaining.

  6. Jesus Christ

    -#iT wiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
    -#It MuSt eNd In PrAise

  7. Eeeeeeeeeeeeyah! It is well with her. I admire her courage. Linda take note!

  8. Eeeeeeeeeeeeyah! It is well with her. I admire her courage. Linda take note!

  9. OMG*wipes tears*
    Its just not the sight of her face that touched,but also her words.They possess a ring of acceptance,gratefulness & inspiration.Oh sweet Jesus! I pray help locate her asap.
    I'm touched by her unwavering faith.

  10. Eeeeeeeeeeeeyah! It is well with her. I admire her courage. Linda take note!

  11. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

    "After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram, I am your Shield, your abundant compensation, and your reward shall be exceedingly great." (Genesis 15:1)

  12. And here we are complaining about the secondary things in life. God bless u lil girl and make u happy

  13. Heyyyy but wait ooo I wan ask smthing why plenty bad tins dey happen 4 dear God wil see u 2tru anyway.

  14. Lord have mercy and forgive me for my ungratefulness. And there I was crying over my life but I have it good. Sometimes we get caught up in our problems and fail to see that our perceived problems could be someone else's miracle. I am sure she would give anything to be me while I am busy crying over things I have and don't have. Lord let your perfect will continue to be done and help us as humans to not forget our humanity.

  15. Hian!
    Indian with mysterious deformities.
    Just pity the poor girl!

  16. So sad... But what can we do to help?

  17. I Pray God grant her peace of mind.

  18. Why this mysterious things always in Indian

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    1. Her mouth is inviting, moist, and sexual. I am intrigued. Hard as Jesus Rock

  20. Oh Jesus!!! Thank you lord for your mercies, thank you for how you created!! Am speechless. Poor girl

  21. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    God.... People are really suffering.....

  22. Why do they have these weird diseases in India? Always gory looking!

  23. Nothing person no go see and hear for this world.

  24. This India sef nah wah.

  25. This could be as a result of taking too much /many herbs. Herbs do not have dosage. Indians like natural medicine and self medication alot.

  26. My dear pls risk d surgery, wherever it leads, whether life or death, it is gain. What a world!

  27. So sad!!! Teary eyes here!!! It's well with u girl and GOD will strengthen you mentally and I pray there's a way out surgically.....GODBLESSU!!!

  28. Things are really happening in india

  29. Chai!! This is too bad, pls government shld cum to her aid..

  30. I appreciate her faith. God will see her through in sha Allah.


  31. Wonders of life, God wil be your strength Khadijat.

  32. There is nothing impossible for our God. This is for His Name to be glorify.

  33. Cases like this show that we are only healthy and physically complete ONLY by chance. We live by the mercy of God - on our own, we can do NOTHING. May God send help to you N yours young lady, Amen.

  34. Most of you complaining about India dis India dat, lemme tell U, Just be grateful to God for how he made you physically perfect, bcos such deformities sef dey Nigeria......I live in Port Harcourt and I see so many people with deformities on traffic begging for help......people are really suffering.........God I thank you for making me me, I am so grateful Lord for everything U have done for me, I might not have everything I want at d moment, but it's okay cos those things are secondary, Thank you God for giving me all the primary and fundamental things that I need......Forgive my complaints Lord....and continuously protect and Give me good health!I say these through Jesus Christ our Lord: Amen.....

  35. Jesus , i thank you, leaves me to wonder why some people want to commit suicide because they feel they are ugly or because someone disappointed them when they have a face at least while some persons whose cases are pathetic wish to stay alive no matter what it takes,May Khadija live to fulfill purpose.

  36. linda mind urself o! what kind of nonsense is this eh!

  37. I hate it so much when I complain about the things I don't have. Lord have mercy. your blessings are sufficient.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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