HouseholdMax Supports Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 22 November 2015

HouseholdMax Supports Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria, the first Family & Household-centered Ecommerce Store in Nigeria, has reached out to support the growth of Green Peace Foundation, an NGO in Ogun State, Nigeria whose mainstay is assisting underprivileged parents to create a better life for their children and wards.

Green Peace provides support through education and health services, and works with parents to ensure their children have a roof over their heads and are at least fed. The NGO is run primarily Mr. Tokunbo Abdul-Salam but Green Peace, with the assistance of organisations like is looking to expand its capacity to run a full scale orphanage. 

The Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS, 2012), records that 67% of Nigerians – a whopping 112 Million still live on less than a dollar each day, which is below the poverty line. It is upon this reality, that organisations such as Green Peace Foundation and are working together to relieve parents and families that make up this statistic.

According to Mr Kingsley Johnson-Ogoke, Business Development & Marketing Executive at HouseholdMax,
“At Household Max, we are committed to improving the quality of family lives everywhere, in particular for Children and Women. This informed our CSR initiative with Green Peace Foundation.  We are glad to work withGreen Peace to put a smile on the faces of these parents and their children. What is a household without the well-being of the people in it? The joy of every Household is what drives us at Household Max.”
Household Max though a young company (having launched only in July of this year) has already begun, in line with its corporate objectives, to make a positive difference in the lives of fellow Nigerians and is currently working towards executing a Christmas Gifting Plan for the women and children of Green Peace.
Follow HouseholdMax on the social media accounts below for updates on all activities:
Twitter:  @HouseholdMax


  1. Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD ( November 2015 at 05:17


    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  2. Nice

    #It wiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
    #IT MuSt enD iN prAise

  3. God bless,more of this in Nigeria,this shows that their is unity. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

  4. Awwww, very thoughtful of them. God bless dem. Linda take note!

  5. Awwww, very thoughtful of them. God bless dem. Linda take note!

  6. Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD ( November 2015 at 08:57


    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (


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