Donald Trump compares Ben Carson to a child molester, calls people of Iowa 'stupid | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 13 November 2015

Donald Trump compares Ben Carson to a child molester, calls people of Iowa 'stupid

Donald J. Trump on Thursday released a wave of insults on main presidential rival Dr Ben Carson in a television interview comparing him to a child molester and saying the people of Iowa must be stupid to believe Carson's claims in his book that he tried stabbing a close relative with a knife during his early years..

This twin tirades came two days after the fourth Republican presidential debate where Dr Carson moved ahead of Trump in polls by Republicans in Iowa and some national polls as well too.
In Ben Carson's best-seller book, Gifted Hands, the doctor narrated how he nearly would have killed a friend with a knife who he later referred to as a 'close relative' while he was young and struggling with 'anger issues' if not for the waist belt of the relative that prevented the knife from stabbing through.

For 10minutes, Trump went about angrily attacking his chief rival, saying the retired doctor has a "pathological disease" with no cure, similar to being a child molester.

"A child molester, there's no cure for that," Trump said. "If you're a child molester, there's no cure. They can't stop you. Pathological? There's no cure. If I did the stuff he said he did, I wouldn't be here right now. It would have been over. It would have been over. It would have been totally over," Trump said. "And that's who's in second place. And I don't get it.

"So I have a belt: Somebody hits me with a belt, it's going in because the belt moves this way. It moves this way, it moves that way," Trump told the crowd, which laughed in response. "He hit the belt buckle. Anybody have a knife? Want to try it on me? Believe me, it ain't gonna work. You're going to be successful, but he took the knife and went like this and he plunged it into the belt and, amazing, the belt stayed totally flat and the knife broke."

Many in the crowd were community college students who have never voted in a presidential election, along with teachers, local politicians and a number of farmers from the area, but Trump kept going on,gesticulating in the process.

"How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?" he asked. "He goes into the bathroom for a couple of hours and he comes out and now he's religious," Trump said. "And the people of Iowa believe him. Give me a break. Give me a break. It doesn't happen that way. It doesn't happen that way… Don't be fools, okay?"

Trump told the audience that while he might not be "a perfect Christian" like Carson, he has leadership abilities unlike Carson.

"I know how to do it," Trump said of the presidency. "I really know how to do it."

On the Islamic State,Trump says he will bomb the "s*** out of (ISIS)" ,"I know more about ISIS than the generals do," Trump said. "Believe me".

 "I would just bomb those suckers. And that's right: I'd blow up the pipes, I'd blow up the refineries. I would blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left."


  1. Mstchhhhheeeewwwww!!!!!donald go SIT DOWN!!!!JOOR,u won't win and wil not rule US.

  2. Trump is delusional, i wonder how he became a billionaire

    1. According to him, his father gave him a "small loan of $1 million" to start off

  3. Dis is not really ideal and I hope he has a change of mind wit all dis negative criticism and anger of his.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  4. And this is simply the reason why it's never advisable for adults like trump to mix a few leaves in their caffeine. Whatever Trump smokes must be very strong.

    I'm not a robot.


  5. Woke mua osi no gini mega ya?

  6. Woke mua osi no gini mega ya?

  7. Dis man is just stupid. See how he's ranting like a mad person

  8. This man is really a trump, they should check him o, madness no be until the pesin don go main road..if dis one rule USA eh? Anybody wey fuck up go be bombed the shit out of. Hmlmm.

  9. This man is really a trump, they should check him o, madness no be until the pesin don go main road..if dis one rule USA eh? Anybody wey fuck up go be bombed the shit out of. Hmlmm.

  10. Donald trump is suffering from mental epilepsy.

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

  11. The man is a big joke, I trust the people of America know what is right for them.
    Trump is a sick man.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  12. Over sabi too dey worry Trump,though I love him this days. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

  13. Donald Trump is such a great clown...can't stop laughing at his speech...lolzzzzz

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  15. This Trump guy is so foul mouthed..Leaders don't talk this he's a racist too, too bad

  16. Donald Trump Onye awuru, Americans shld beta check blood drug test of dat man, they shldnt b surprise in wat they find. It's so obvious he combines all hard drugs and takes it at once.

  17. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This man just carry bad mouth full everywhere i swear and there is a possibility he might win....

  18. When he gets to power he won't be able to do anything

  19. any one that wud vote for Donald Trump is a fool he is really crazy

  20. Always a talker.... Just wasting his time cause he is not a President Material!!!!!

  21. Shey una don see am say Trump dey mentally unstable. This one na in be some Nigerian youths role model o. Very mad man.

  22. Lol...this man's antics are funny to me. I still want him to win America's presidency. Africans need people hard on us if we want to improve ourselves. I love you ben Carson, but trust wnt be america's next president. Obama messed you guys up.

  23. This guy does not need the world to discredit him, he is doing that all by himself! America does not need a person who think self censorship is a luxury.

  24. This guy does not need the world to discredit him, he is doing that all by himself! America does not need a person who think self censorship is a luxury.

  25. Trump is a rat...Ben Carson is better than he is. He is not anywhere near Ben Carson and he will never be...

  26. Donald, you can't be president because you talk anyhow.

  27. linda there is this guy on twitter i follow @alvan_david who is raining hell on trump ever since he yabbed blacks he is a british nigerian but if you see is picture you would deny he is black.check him out

  28. Oh, please. Who doesn't know that Mr. Donald is a loud-mouth Berkeley racist.

  29. Mad man. They should help him with a psychiatrist

  30. Trump nah big time oloshi.

  31. Sometimes I wonder if Donald trump is ok mentally, what is wrong with him?

  32. Enough of dis Trump man already. He is beginning to sound like a broken record. Linda take note!

  33. Enough of dis Trump man already. He is beginning to sound like a broken record. Linda take note!

  34. Enough of dis Trump man already. He is beginning to sound like a broken record. Linda take note!

  35. Is this guy, high on drugs or something, I think they should have him examined.

  36. Lol, this man is on drugs!

  37. This Trump guy though. He lacks the diplomacy required for the sensitive position of POTUS. He should stick to what he knows best...wall street!

  38. America is certainly finished if Donald Trump wins the presidency!!!

  39. Lmao@I will bomb the shit out of ISIS!
    I love donald's audacity and boldness but from what am seeing so far; it will put him in serious trouble.
    How do you insult your opponent and indirectly call people of IOWA stupid? Hmmm

  40. God is a Good God, I am not surprised on Donald Trump accusation against Dr. Ben Carson, Carson is a man that has a unique godly character that wont shy away of his past evil deeds though he had overcome the past by Christ Jesus death, He finds it suitable to express himself as a tool to save American from a deluding and perverse state in which American has embraced the destructive plagues of sin against God and the faith of their founding fathers. Dr. Ben is right now the only candidate that can uphold the faith of the pioneers of America, else America will finally collapse under the watch of the devil, reigning in the current day administration. GOD SAVE AMERICA.

  41. If this guy becomes the president of USA, I see great danger. A full blown world war, because this guy has diarrhoea of the tongue. Ah swear!!

    Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

  42. he is at it agin after insulting africa carson iz nxt.

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  44. Donald has more anger issues than BEN. he should deal with it first before he bombs america

  45. It's very obvious trump is suffering fron parkinson syndrome and he is disillusioned I swear this man is going senile how in d hell can he say he will bomb d shit ou of isis and he knows better dan d general this guy is sick

  46. It's very obvious trump is suffering fron parkinson syndrome and he is disillusioned I swear this man is going senile how in d hell can he say he will bomb d shit ou of isis and he knows better dan d general this guy is sick

  47. Noise maker Trump, please get a sit...

  48. Trump is a Tyrant.

  49. Hmmm...this guy is just a joke!

  50. This one needs help. He is worst than a molester. He needs to go to a rehab

  51. This trump is fucking mad Hahaha his statement cracked me up

  52. This man is just a stupid old fart. He will soon get his flabby white ass killed. What a wasted human.

  53. Trump needs a psychiatrist
    ~D great anonymous!

  54. Rotflmao@Dtrump.Dude is a fucking comedian.

  55. Lol this guy sick just toooooo frank and tooo actually I love the ISIS part......he got a point there I keep wondering can't the US. Bomb the hell of of this people? And let everything end there..cause I hate when I hear news about isis.....can ISIS face the whole world.....I think they are some war marshal gaining money out of this war by selling equipment to this rebel and extremist organisation

  56. Deluded Fuck.
    Lol @ will bomb the "s*** out of (ISIS)" ,"I know more about ISIS than the generals do," Trump said. "Believe me".

     "I would just bomb those suckers. And that's right: I'd blow up the pipes, I'd blow up the refineries. I would blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left."

    lol lol lol lol.

  57. Trump, Trumpet, Trumpeter what do the they have in common? Sounds. He sounds so foolish. Foolishly, Trump Trumpets stupid sounds. Trump, Foolishly took himself out of the presidential race. I love English! Let me Trump out of here. Lol. Yeye man


  58. I'm beginning to think they're setting the stage to rig the election. No presidential aspirant can possibly be so stupid or brash unless he has been told to do so in order to explain his opponent's landslide victory.

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  59. Can't believe that a man of his status can be this crazy. .....hatred runs in his blood

  60. This guy will be a mistake not only to the American but also to the world if he becomes the United state president, cos he is going to fight a war that no American president has ever fought, he so temperament, run his mouth like tap of water, he has no regard for any individual, he always see thing differently, he talk like he is alpha and omega, he just doesn't worth being elected as a councillor how much president.
    I av an omen this guy wld be the one to initiate WWⅢ if he's mistakenly elected as United state president....May he never be elected.

  61. This guy will be a mistake not only to the American but also to the world if he becomes the United state president, cos he is going to fight a war that no American president has ever fought, he so temperament, run his mouth like tap of water, he has no regard for any individual, he always see thing differently, he talk like he is alpha and omega, he just doesn't worth being elected as a councillor how much president.
    I av an omen this guy wld be the one to initiate WWⅢ if he's mistakenly elected as United state president....May he never be elected.

  62. This guy will be a mistake not only to the American but also to the world if he becomes the United state president, cos he is going to fight a war that no American president has ever fought, he so temperament, run his mouth like tap of water, he has no regard for any individual, he always see thing differently, he talk like he is alpha and omega, he just doesn't worth being elected as a councillor how much president.
    I av an omen this guy wld be the one to initiate WWⅢ if he's mistakenly elected as United state president....May he never be elected.

  63. This guy will be a mistake not only to the American but also to the world if he becomes the United state president, cos he is going to fight a war that no American president has ever fought, he so temperament, run his mouth like tap of water, he has no regard for any individual, he always see thing differently, he talk like he is alpha and omega, he just doesn't worth being elected as a councillor how much president.
    I av an omen this guy wld be the one to initiate WWⅢ if he's mistakenly elected as United state president....May he never be elected.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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