Does President Mohammadu Buhari Have A Conscience? - FFK | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 28 November 2015

Does President Mohammadu Buhari Have A Conscience? - FFK

Article by Femi Fani-Kayode 
''Aside the 105 soldiers killed by Boko Haram, additional 34 soldiers were killed 2 days ago but it wasn't in the news''- Deji Adeyanju. I concur with Mr. Deji Adeyanju. The most heartless and reprehensible thing that our government could have done is to cover-up the fact that 105 of our soldiers were killed by Boko Haram a few days ago. To do such a thing is simply evil.

A soldier ought to be honored in death and this is especially so if he dies in the course of doing his duty and fighting for his nation.
The government has not only dishonored them by not acknowledging their sacrifice but they have also buried them in the wilderness like rabid dogs.
This is wickedness of the highest order and President Buhari, his Chief of Army Staff and his Minister of Defense should bury their heads in shame.
Anyone that buys the lie and propaganda that the 105 soldiers never died and that they are still alive is a compound fool or village idiot.
Will the military also deny the fact that a few days ago 34 of our soldiers were killed by Boko Haram? These boys died for their country. Why deny them?
I am outraged by the fact that a soldier will sacrifice his life for his country yet the citizens and authorities of that country don't even appreciate it.
Pictures of the dead bodies were posted on social media. Everyone in the military knows that those soldiers are dead. It is an open secret. Yet because government denies it so many people just choose to believe them.
The truth is that Boko Haram must have used chemical weapons in the attack.When you look at the pictures of the dead bodies this is obvious. It was probably mustard gas.
All we want from the military is the truth. If 105 soldiers were not killed then how many actually were?
The whole episode happened last week in Borno state and the military authorities are denying it. I am sickened by that.
If others cannot appreciate the importance of honoring our dead soldiers, I can.  I will not be intimidated and I will not remain silent.
Tell us where our boys are buried and if you refuse to do so we will keep asking. There must be accountability and respect for those that have made the supreme sacrifice just to keep the rest of us safe. Our soldiers deserve that much.
Finally let it be said loud and clear that since President Buhari came to power he has not bought one bullet for the military. Considering the fact that we are in the middle of a protracted and very bloody war I believe that this is utterly shameful. If you say you want to fight and defeat Boko Haram then why are you not buying arms for your troops?
This brings me to other matters and raises other questions about our President's sincerity of purposes and commitment.
You say that you are fighting Boko Haram yet you are travelling the world drinking tea with world leaders whilst your soldiers are secretly being slaughtered.
You say you are fighting Boko Haram yet you were nominated as their spokesman and chief negotiator 2 years ago in proposed peace talks with the Federal Government.
You say you are fighting Boko Haram but the man you appointed as your National Security Adviser was retired from the army a few years ago for ordering the release of Boko Haram terrorists under suspicious circumstances.
You say you are fighting Boko Haram but the first thing you did when u came to power was to remove military checkpoints.This guaranteed Boko Haram free movement and access to the entire country.
You say you are fighting Boko Haram yet last year you told the world that an attack on Boko Haram is an attack on the north.
You say you are fighting terror yet since you came to power Boko Haram has grown in strength, has regained lost territory and has been declared the ''worlds number one most deadly terror group'' by the Global Terror Index.
You say you are fighting terror yet since you came to power Nigeria, according to the Global Terror Index, has been declared as not just having ''the first most deadly terror group in the world'' which is Boko Haram but also of having ''the fourth most deadly terror group in the world'' which is a group that the Index describe as the ''Fulani militants'' and that we call the Fulani herdsmen.
You say you are fighting Boko Haram yet since you came to power Nigeria has been declared the world's ''third most terrorised country'' by the Global Terror Index after Iraq and Afghanistan which were declared first and second respectively whilst Syria and Pakistan were declared fourth and fifth.
You say you are a ''born again democrat'' yet you voted against the protection of human rights at the United Nations alongside Iran, Zimbabwe and North Korea.
You say you respect human rights yet you barricade Colonel Sambo Dasuki, the former National Security Adviser, in his home, endanger his life, deny him medical attention, flout court orders and make him critically ill.
You say you respect human rights yet you arrest Governor Boni Haruna simply for standing as surety for Dasuki and you try to force him to abandon his friend.
You say you respect human rights yet you raid  Governor Attahiru Bafarawa's home and arrest and detain his son simply because he is friends with Dasuki.
You say you respect freedom of speech and human rights yet you lock up Nnamdi Kanu indefinitely and your security agents shoot two unarmed and harmless pro-Biafra youths to death in Enugu simply because they were involved in a peaceful demonstration.
You say that you are a believer in the rule of law yet you ordered your secret police to storm a sitting governors official home in Akwa Ibom knowing that he enjoys immunity from such matters.
You say you love Nigeria yet a bomb goes off in Kano killing over 21 people and instead of coming back home to mourn with your people you continue junketing around the world.
You say you know how to run Nigeria but according to Paul Wallace and Michael Cohen of the United States magazine known as Bloomberg Business your ''bounce has become bust'', your ''policies irk investors'', you have ''destroyed Nigeria's economy'' and you ''do not have the capacity to move the country forward''.
You say that you know how to manage the economy yet stocks and shares have crashed, small businesses are folding up, our foreign currency has dried up, industries are collapsing, agricultural output has decreased, our foreign reserves have been spent and the value of the naira has depreciated since you came to power and it continues to fall.
You say you know what you are doing and how to manage Nigeria's affairs yet the U.S,-based Washington Times newspaper says that you lied to America about your so-called good intentions for Nigeria and that you have ''duped the United States of America'' with your false promises and empty words.

You say that you are fighting poverty yet according to the Business Day Newspaper Nigerians are ''getting poorer for the first time since 1999''.
You say that you will restore our countries fortunes yet the fuel queues are back and the prices of food, transport and basic commodities are soaring by the day.
You say that you are a man of your word and after you were declared winner of the election you promised not to malign, persecute, witchunt, demonize, disrespect or go after President Goodluck Jonathan and members of his administration unless you had concrete evidence of wrongdoing yet when you came to power you did precisely that.
You say you are fair-minded, true to your friends, loyal to your supporters and always reasonable yet you did not concede even one ministerial slot or approve one ministerial nominee of the two men that helped you more than any others to win the presidential election, namely President Olusegun Obasanjo and Governor Bola Tinubu.
You say that you want the country to change, that you believe in fairness and equity, that you are a progressive, that you believe in a generational powershift and that you want the country to move forward yet you are trying to destroy Governor Bukola Saraki simply because he won an election and became Senate President.
You say that you are fighting corruption yet no-one has been made to face the music or brought to book over the 25 billion naira REMITA and Systemspecs scandal and neither has the matter been clarified or resolved even though it has been established that the whole deal was struck under your watch.
You say you love Nigeria and all Nigerians yet your Fulani kinsmen, under the guise of herding cattle, are slaughtering thousands of innocent people all over the south and Middle Belt, yet you remain their Grand Patron and you refuse to utter to a word of condemnation for their actions. 
You say you respect Nigerians yet every time you travel out of the country you spend your time telling foreigners and the foreign media how useless, rotten and corrupt your people are and how you are the only saint in Nigeria.
In view of all this I am constrained to ask whether President Muhammadu Buhari has a conscience or is it that he has just lost touch with reality? Everything that I said about him during the Presidential campaign has been confirmed and in just six months he has betrayed the trust and squandered the goodwill that the Nigerian people bestowed upon him in the March presidential elections. I have to say that I am not surprised by this because his ''change'' mantra was just an illusion.
May God enable him to find the courage to retrace his steps before it is too late and may the Lord deliver Nigeria from those that are around him that fail to tell him the truth.
What he and his APC failed to disclose to the Nigerian people during the campaign is that what he meant by ''change'' was a change from light to darkness. Sadly our people trusted him and now he has plunged our nation into that darkness

I gather that they call those of us that oppose President Buhari and that are PDP supporters the ''wailing wailers''. That is an interesting expression because by the time Buhari finishes with Nigeria I have little doubt that the entire country will be wailing.
The truth is that I would rather be a ''wailing wailer'' that posterity vindicates than a ''lying liar'' or a ''howling howler'' who has lost his way and who continues to have confidence in a man like Buhari and a party like the APC that is hell bent on destroying our country and our cherished democratic institutions with their Rambo-like insensitivity and total ineptitude.
All those ''lying liars'' and ''howling howlers'' that voted for President Buhari should clap for themselves for the terrible mess our country is now in. We will remember them in our prayers too.


  1. Replies
    1. God bless u sir, the likes of u n Fayose is really wat dis Gvt need to tell dem d bitter truth over! n over!! n over!!!

  2. Fani Kayode is a bastard and senseless human being. I will vote for Buhari one million times

    1. Fool. Northern cow

    2. Wait...++ som1 ws dismissed from army cos he ordered the release of bokoharam member. Now he now has an apointment in GMB government.....and buhari is the grand patron of fulani. Herdsmen yet those fool be killin innocent pple like cattle.....

  3. Hmmmmmmmmm clap back time for FFK and PDP...... #justobservingtins

  4. Fani Kayode in stupor again

  5. True talk! Booohari is a daft! A economic catastrophe!!!! A dictator.

  6. This is becoming really serious. FFK seems to be revealing sheer truths here. Our Nation is indeed in a state of total collapse and little or nothing positive is being done to bring things under control.

  7. You say, You say....We say SHUT UP!!.How many died under the previous govt of which you were part of? you should keep quiet

    1. Wait ws dt the only fin grabbed from wah he said.....

  8. Ffk again?what will Buhari gain by hiding them if really they are dead?u are so out of ur freaking mind mr..

    1. Really come down to maiduguri and see for urselve

  9. Ffk again?what will Buhari gain by hiding them if really they are dead?u are so out of ur freaking mind mr..

  10. FFK is seeking for attention,criticizing MB can you build a home?(after failed marriage s)

  11. Finally FFJ said his mind. What he said us just nothing but the truth. The one that us paining more us this fulani herdsmen killing innocent ppl n cherish their cow mire than human beings in d middle belt. Buhari should talk to them.

  12. End time speech, who hm think say get time to read this one finish?

  13. This is the BEST article so far. I completely concur

  14. Finally FFK said his mind. What he said is just nothing but the truth. The one that is pains me most is this fulani herdsmen killing innocent ppl n cherish their cow more than human beings in d middle belt. Buhari should talk to them.

  15. Yass!
    I leave hand use leg clap for you jareh!
    Even buttocks join

  16. We all want him to go to borno state and snap the death bodies and broadcast online than to pile on twenty-five note book lecture here, he make a lot of noise!!!

    1. It's called cover up....government does dt...buh in this case this pple are soldier covering up their death is not cool...

    2. What a stupid statement to make. Guess it's because none of your family members are not in the army or declared missing. This man is talking fact here n u still wanna believe a lie instead of embracing the truth.

  17. I dislike this demented woman called Fani-Kayode, she talks too much bullshit from a heart filled with hate and lies. The bastard is unstable. Go on YouTube and see for yourself how the hypocrite castigated Jonathan from head to toe only to shut up and start worshipping Jonathan after he was given a political position. SMH. Screw the idiot.

  18. I know people will start abusing this bright man. But know this all citizens of Nigeria, this is the country that we love this the country we grew up in. What we are experiencing has not happened before and now this is a situation where we are fight an outsider not our selves"1966" and believe me this danger is real not fiction men don die . The world don change Buhari would destroy us faster . U made a mistake voting for this guy smh , ignorance would kill how Can an un unit country win this war, till now the govt has not ban hijab,,how we wan win?


  20. FFK you have a point in a way but do you think their families would have kept mute about it all this while? I feel something is amiss
    Sorry tho,I didn't read your rants lol

  21. FFK my main man... you said it again. Pls read well before commenting howling howlers

  22. Fmr. President Olusegun Obasanjo as Minister? FFK Common! Haba!

  23. NIGERIA!!!!!!!!!!!! Choi.........Vote for Change!!!!

  24. NIGERIA!!!!!!!!!!!! Choi.........Vote for Change!!!!

  25. Abeg oooooo my bby is there. I wonder how FFK get his own news.

  26. FFK basket mouth, u don start again? May God deliver u

  27. Oh yeah, he has a travelling conscience! Lol

  28. Buhari na Old Man, and He reasoned like One,he doesn't know anythin....change is Here!all d Ode west u guys Voted for Change

  29. PMB isn't the solution afterall, the man hasn't done anything yet


  30. I am tired of you will be worse

  31. Whenever i read your article Femi, what cross my mind is how u bad mouth Jonathan before u was giving an appoint. U have no single honor and u sir is a big disgrace to your kids. Bury your head in shame too

    1. Thank you! If they appoint him today he will bcom a supporter of this present govt. Lemme hear word abeg

  32. FFK and co r just idiots, who messed things up till dis point, Is it not clueless GEJ, where d Chibok girls? Pls dey should leave Buhari alone there is little he can do to a system already messed up by d past administration

  33. next

    Linda's boyfriend said so.

  34. FFK and FAYOSE have shown to me that there're still people in Nigeria that can stand for you even when you are gone, GEJ remaineth our best President ever. *****achuka*****

  35. Wow!

    Nice write up frm FFK but...
    Dis article shouldb foprwarded to PMB so dat he wil read and digest d truth thereof.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  36. I think i like howling howlers better....sounds unique....over to you howling howlers

  37. See who is talking abt conscience if u have conscience u will make ur statement short and simple, Do u xpecting me to read all diz gibberish Pls can someone summarise and tell me wat this bastard is emphasising
    Attention seeker

  38. FFK u must be very Stupid in d head. What did PDP do to our fallen hero's who were killed by boko Haram? God will punish U and that ur stupid party (PDP). Bunch of losers... Buhari is working pls watch and learn. Ole like u

  39. FFK most b high on some cheap oshogbo weed

    Weyrey yabaleft candiidate
    President buhari have more better things to focus on,

    No ireasonable person will take u serious attention seeker, pls get losr

  40. Very apt. Well said FFK. Buhari is destroying our country and economy. May God help us!

  41. FFK you have won my heart, go ahead and expose the 419 gangs in the name of party called APC

  42. Am l0ving dis man already. He has zer0 t0lerance 4 bad g0vernance. I tink PMB is a g00d presidential candidate n0t a president. He sh0uld resign n0w. Senile dullard

  43. FFK most b high on some cheap oshogbo weed

    Weyrey yabaleft candiidate
    President buhari have more better things to focus on,

    No ireasonable person will take u serious attention seeker, pls get losr

  44. Chemical weapons?! Mustard Gas?! MY GAWD!!! THIS SHIT JUST GOT REAL. What will it be next? NUKES?!
    biko Haram is like Frankenstein's monster, no longer in thrall to its master. Guess the strategy when they were unleashing was 'shoot first, ask questions later', now it's too late for Q&As. EVERY terrorist group enjoyed government support or the support of elites in society who had vested interests in its activities, biko haram is no exception. Chemical weapons, this is gonna be a LOOOOOOONG ride.

  45. Is it just me or has BBOG gone silent?
    *thinking aloud*

    1. He. Has a point....i. Stil can remeber wn boko harAm made him their spokeman......wen dey were negotiating their amnesty bulshit.....

    2. Boko harAm trusted buhari.....buh why would dey trust him dt much 2 make him their spoke person during the negotiation....buhari has a lot 2 explain...

  46. Una want change nah.


  48. This man's case is a bad one ooo. I never knew it was this bad. I heard he was a drug addict, and was rehabilitated, obviously he needs further treatment. It's so sad that he's the only one that hasn't realized that he's gone bananas. Anyway I pray that he will come back to his senses before it's too late. All he does is destructive criticism because he still can't believe that Nigerians voted him and his evil cronies called PDP, A.K.A people deceiving people.

  49. It makes sense now, now way I was going to believe that 150 trainee soldiers were killed by terrorists who don't possess the same level of training, even if it was a well executed ambush but introduce chemical weapons and it seems plausible. A few well placed canisters can incapacitate an entire unit.

  50. Stop ranting!! Wait!! How many of the soldiers that was killed during immediate past regime did you people honored nor celebrated?

  51. But where did FFK see pictures? Aren't these things supposed to be TOP LEVEL classified?

  52. Buhari the tribalistic Hausa Goat!

  53. Phwww....This is deep, but FFK made some very interesting points about PMB. He's making a lotta sense. As for the dead soldiers (even though the Army keeps saying otherwise) I couldn't agree more with what FFK said....."There must be accountability and respect for those that have made the supreme sacrifice just to keep the rest of us safe. Our soldiers deserve that much". God bless our soldiers....Amen.


  54. So true, I like this write up.

  55. we haven't seen cover ups yet by this beast of a party called APC, these wretched dogs who come in the disguise of change will destroy anything that is left of these fragile nation.

  56. We all know the North has an agenda of keeping power to themselves. God help Nigeria

  57. Sai Buhari this is just d beginning. Una never see anything from you

  58. God will deliver us from Buhari just like the way He delivered us from abacha

  59. God will deliver us from Buhari just like the way He delivered us from abacha

  60. I agree with you, but is Gej any better?

    1. Your. Question is very irrelevant!

    2. Comon shut ur smelly trap. Did he in anyway mention goodluck here......bzybdy!!!

  61. OK naa... where are the change voters? May God have mercy on my country Nigeria... Amen

  62. FFK should keep quiet. He is just looking for publicity.

    1. I pity ur life for saying FFK should keep quiet.

    2. He got publicity before u were born hard so you can b relevant in future ...ur still a broke ass right now ...don't u just like d Kardashian type of news ?

    3. Deal with the facts and not throwing insults!

  63. A little more patience, maybe.
    ~D great anonymous!

  64. Too long to read..

    *cute bree*

  65. FFK u have just said d truth , Nigeria is finish when babangida call Buhari a weak general some fools were complaining forgetting it was Idiagbon That was helping him.

  66. CAN THIS BE TRUE?? At viewer's discretion pls!

  67. FFK try harder! U will not be dignified by any response from the FG. Just make sure U see ur doctor regularly and keep check on ur BP, so U don't suddenly drop and ur cohort Fayose will say U dropped after a mosquito sent by the FG bit U. Thanks for recorgnizing the fact that U are a wailing wailer, and everyone who knows ur anticeedents also knows U are a lying liar, a crowned political prostitute. Those of us who know U well enough knows that if PMB had offered U a job in this administration, U would have turned ur cannons against GEJ and the PDP. It is coded in ur gene, it is ur trade mark - political prostitution. No vacancy for political prostitutes in this administration, the earlier U get that the better for U. Only the ignorant and ur fellow wailers will buy into ur baseless slanders against this nascent administration.

    1. First of all this is is speech he is known..secondly u forget this is all politics and politics is based on campaign and holding the peoples favor..the fact that this govt doesn't reply doesn't mean fayose is being means fayose and ffk have caught the government with their hands in the pot of soup.if ur logic was right why has tje buhari admin replied several times with shady when pdp said they spent 2billion on usa trip they denied(but never gave real amount.when pdp said soldiers were killed they have kept ur point that the government doesn't reply them is a lie.the fact government doesn't reply them on this means govt has no defense for this except blind supports of bats like u.lying liars......Linda please post my heartfelt comment to this imbecile bonaria

    2. @Anon1:08, the FG chooses what it responds to, and not cheecky tantrums reeled out by political jobbers like FFK and Fayose. The FG and APC responds to the PDP as a political body (and only when deemed necessary) and not disgruntled individuals displaying tantrums for selfish agenda.
      Cheers - Tony.

  68. God will bless this man called FFK. He also forgot to mention a suicide bomber that kill people along side himself by shouting sai baba. But come to think of it, the Yorubas are big stake holders in this country and are assumed to be smart. How come Buhari, a fulani of less intelligence was able to sold them a dummy. Yet they still crazilly support him even in his (Buhari) failures. It appears only FFK is still with his senses and Fayose. Am a middle belter, but I have been disappointed in the yorubas. Rise up and give us our country back. Trust me a fulani man has noting to offer. Fashola will make a far better president not this old dullard

    1. The fact is that when a person sells his or her inheritance for filthy lucre, he can't get it back. The Yoruba race and the middle belters have sold their destiny to the hausa/Fulani warlords. They sold it a long time ago and it is now that a few of them are realising that their destiny is gone. People like FFK and Fayose are now seeing the light. The Fulanis come to the yoruba land and rampage it and kill it's people, yet nothing happens to the murderers. Olu Falae was disgraced in his own land, yet nothing happened to the perpetrators. Buhari couldn't even utter a single apology, yet Obasanjo and tinubu shamelessly still kiss Buhari's yansh in public. The Yorubas should publicly execute these two disgrace of a person. They are not worthy to be yorubas but Judas Iscariot that have sold their inheritance to foreigners. All those that call FFK names, let them come out with fact and prove him wrong on all the accusations he has levied against the Buhari's regime. Just two weeks ago, a group of igbo traders were summarily executed by these same terrorist because of where they come from and couldn't recite the koran. And fools will say they shouldn't fight for their biafra when the north don't want any southerner in their land to thrive. If a citizen of a country can not reside freely in his or her country, what is the use being in that country? Let every tribe go their separate ways since we have accommodated one another for far too long

    2. The fact is that when a person sells his or her inheritance for filthy lucre, he can't get it back. The Yoruba race and the middle belters have sold their destiny to the hausa/Fulani warlords. They sold it a long time ago and it is now that a few of them are realising that their destiny is gone. People like FFK and Fayose are now seeing the light. The Fulanis come to the yoruba land and rampage it and kill it's people, yet nothing happens to the murderers. Olu Falae was disgraced in his own land, yet nothing happened to the perpetrators. Buhari couldn't even utter a single apology, yet Obasanjo and tinubu shamelessly still kiss Buhari's yansh in public. The Yorubas should publicly execute these two disgrace of a person. They are not worthy to be yorubas but Judas Iscariot that have sold their inheritance to foreigners. All those that call FFK names, let them come out with fact and prove him wrong on all the accusations he has levied against the Buhari's regime. Just two weeks ago, a group of igbo traders were summarily executed by these same terrorist because of where they come from and couldn't recite the koran. And fools will say they shouldn't fight for their biafra when the north don't want any southerner in their land to thrive. If a citizen of a country can not reside freely in his or her country, what is the use being in that country? Let every tribe go their separate ways since we have accommodated one another for far too long

    3. Thankyou very much. Una they see am? Yorubas Una no they see future at all. Come back to ur south and apologies to the Igbos we are closer to you and can use ur smartness better than the dullards

    4. Gbam!!! U just nailed it. Lets go our separate ways. We don too Tay together. We can't move forward with the north they are too backwards. The British government should take their time I am warning them this time around

    5. Who r u arrogant igbos that Yoruba will tender apologies to, aren't u the most confused nd corrupt in dis country ? Abi ara yin o ya ni? The Yorubas that sold out their rites knows themselves. Apology my ass! Oriyin o pe danu danu!

  69. Abeg this man own don dey too much

    1. Yes too much because he wants you to know.

  70. Abeg this man own don dey too much

  71. Hmmmmnnnnnnnnn! I am speechless. Nigeria go beta. We have been deceived.

  72. Hmmmmnnnnnnnnn! I am speechless. Nigeria go beta. We have been deceived.

  73. Kay, pele dear, anyway I heard PMB vowed not to give you any position unlike GEJ that you critised and cursed before he now called you to come and chop. Alainironu, talking from the two side of the mouth.

  74. Ffk should shut the hell up. He does not have the moral right to comment on the affairs of this country. What nonsense

    1. @Helen Konyeha, u see how useless u re in real life? Why will he nor have the moral to comment in affairs of this country? U pple say silly things all in the name of party, even when u see things going down u re still saying FFK should keep quiet, I pity ur full life. You think is fuck they re fucking here? Shameless prostitute like u. I will expose u if u don't take time, don't forget I know much about u

    2. @George Miller or what ever you call yourself just because of politics, you are insulting a lady using a condescending word which shows u are a tout from your choice of words. Is it not thesame thing that your mother did that she gave birth to your urgly self? When u disrespect a lady, it means you have no regards for your mother because it is a woman that gave birth to you

  75. Olufemi.Fani-Kayode,
    Did you guys sleep at all on top Burahi system of government..I could not comprehend why you guys keep grumbling on his government.

  76. Olufemi.Fani-Kayode,
    Did you guys sleep at all on top Burahi system of government ?? Because I could not comprehend why you guys keep grumbling on his government.

  77. Ds guy shud tak a back seat. Too much noise.

  78. FFK @it again. If BH can kill 105 soldiers am very sure they wuld hv cum out all dis while nd claim responsibility, just like dey posted d pics of d suicide bomber for kano explosion. chibok girls were missing for over 1month b4 his boss kuld say a word about it nd for over 1yr nutin was done to retrieve dem back. Mr Fani alwys looking 4wat 2say nd end up saying trash instead of looking for ways of building up dere falling party.

    1. I don't know if FFK is now d spoke person of bokoharam
      FFK is a apolitical prostitute giv him food and he will dance azonto for you
      He is just looking for appointment d way he criticise gej and he foolishly appoint him as his campaign director daz the strategy he is trying to adopt
      Ur name is sorry....

    2. Anyone who still believes there were missing chibok girls should examine their brain. For how long will the north kip decieving us? It was a grand deception. I regret voting this govt, their lies is nowobvious

  79. Is a shame to so many coward on this blog that still think this man is not saying the right thing. We must forget about party and speak the truth about this old man called Buhari. He should limit his travelling and focus on the people and his collapsing country that needs his attention. APC is like a church of Satan, they want to control every Dic and harry. APC is over using their power, they should face national issues, Power, security, terrorism, Economy, Employment and even fuel. We are not making Nigeria an APC country, instead let make it a better place. PMB has failed this country, still u see pple asking what's FFK talking about, I pity for this country. From time I always know Buhari have nothing good for the country after Boko Haram brought him out as their spoke man and Nigerias where too fast to condemn GEJ.

    1. @George, I think U , FFK , Fayose and all the wailers club should be ashamed and take pity of urselves for the following reasons:
      1) PMB's trips are no vacational trips but official as he represents Nigeria in the multiple meetings holding across the globe where heads of states are in attendance. If PMB , had stayed home and not represent Nigeria in these series of meeting , it still U wailers that will be spewing shit everywhere call him names for not representing Nigeria in such meetings of head of govt.s
      2) Has there been any terror attack unleashed by Boko haram that they have not claimed responsibility for since their inception? They have taken responsibility for even the most recent ones. Why have they not done so if truly 105 soldiers were killed by them? Every terror organisation around the world do take responsibility for their attacks as they see such as an achievement, so how is it that boko haram would be silent after downing as many as 105 soldiers? I guess even boko haram must be amazed and disgusted with the claims of the wailers club.
      3) How is it possible that the rot and mess of 16 yrs of the PDP misrule can be cleared in such a short time by a govt that has barely began, suffered numerous destructive criticism and sabotage by people of the wailers club before it even took its oath of office.
      If the intent of the wailers club is to pull down Nigeria because they are no longer in control to continue their looting and squandermania, it won't work. The FG is solidly focused to fulfil its mandate and will not disappoint the trust of those who voted them to power.

    2. Omg anonymous ur an idiotic fool smh

    3. @ anonymous 6 ; 30 u r so on point, so apt that I feel like giving u a hot kiss, pls keep educating the perverts amongst us. But let them all knw that this residence gonna pay off. #teamchange*

  80. FFK you just hit the nail on the head....that president is clueless thank God I voted for GEJ. I can sleep sound at night knowing I'm not and will never be a part of that APC "EVIL CHANGE"... God bless Nigeria ,I will join u in praying for the real change

  81. Femi Fani werepe you have come again,do you really think people care what you have to say.

  82. Femi Fani werepe you have come again,do you really think people care what you have to say.

  83. Can't read all this Shiv this coward is spilling, I get exams come Monday, make una wish me success o

  84. Up FFK, no be small something ...!!, I'd patiently read through your; may I call it article, publication, brief, or whatever and one simple thing is missing seriously, "Solution", or are you simply trained to criticise?, this is not to say you don't have a point, truth be told you may be correct depending on your source of info but if you have the time to identify the problems/issues you might as well have at the very least some suggestions to solve them. If you want Mr. President to create an office for you in this regard, ask politely, who knows, you just might have it.

  85. I took my time in digesting this write-up and I weep for my beloved country. I think is time for Nigerian youths to stand up to reality and stop supporting this party things (APC and PDP) enough is enough. Regardless of your origin, we should come together with one voice and let all these our so-called politicians know that we are no more babies. If our fathers couldn't fight for us can't we fight for our children and unborn ones? We can't continue in this suffering and smiling, pretending everything is ok why they are not. I don't even care from whom are all these instances pointed out are coming from, but they simple truth. Foreign investors are scared of investing in Nigeria, the ones we have been moving away, more joblessness, the youths are roaming about aimlessly no direction. It's time we stand up and speak in oneness (The truth). God Bless Nigeria.

  86. Fair message from wrong and corrupt messenger

  87. I am a Proud Wailing Wailer....No regrets.
    Down with the Change Scammers.

  88. True talk man. Let's see how far baba go slow will keep deceiving himself

  89. Ffk forget all this talk.the wicked man is their leader finish.better focus on ur wife and kids becos that cattle rearing fulani is probably plotting ur death.change ko change ni.....Aunt linda abeg deliver am

  90. Hahahahaha FFK my man. He never disappoints. If Buhari is guilty as he wrote, it means, the masses are in trouble, big one.

  91. Even you would post this rubbish spewed by an irrelevant psychopath like FFK. Have you never heard of classified information? Do you think this security agencies will blabber about everything that happens within their cycle?

    Hiding of info by security agencies is not peculiar to Nigeriaso none should start making an issue out of it.

    #RIP to d dead!

    1. My dear they blabber. Our security says everything online...even their next line of action. If they ever hide a thing, its cos it wnt favour them. If you are constant on LIB, u'l know. I didnt bother reading the article before I get annoyed. It's only prayers that can save this country.

    2. Very stupid for posting such, if your family member was among the dead, maybe you'll say differently!

    3. Very stupid for posting such, if your family member was among the dead, maybe you'll say differently!

  92. Perfect write up say.u are blessed.thought many nigerians were stupid but now I know better.not everyone is blind

  93. Let Buhari keep deceiving his follower, him yansh go soon open,pdp take control again. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

  94. I'm sure if boko haram did kill that much soldiers, its will be all over the news. So please quit ur poisonous lies

    1. Who controls the news and media platforms.. The government.. If they ask Linda not to post anything u think she would go against their word

    2. My brother is true. Many soldiers were killed by boko haram. Unfortunately they have been buried without their family knowing. #isawpictures. #iwept May God help us.

    3. @Sarah and boko haram has not come out to take responsibility of such? Pls use ur head.

  95. You said it all sir!

  96. PMB just became the president of Nigerian this year 2015 for cry out loud, so how possible could he destroy the country since democracy. FFK should retrace his steps cos it was he and his like that destroy nigerià it's economy, shares etc

    1. Did you read FFK well? Does PMB need another year to say the truth? We are talking about integrity here. You don't have to do much for us to believe that you have some good plans for us.

    2. Did you read FFK well? Does PMB need another year to say the truth? We are talking about integrity here. You don't have to do much for us to believe that you have some good plans for us.

    3. This is my submission. You people saying buhari just came into power this year and shouldn't be held accountable for his actions just yet are like the molested wife that keep giving excuses and hoping her husband would change with time. You ppl are stupid. I already said it that some of you would vote us into trouble. It's still u ppl that cry for Paris, but support ur presidents globe junketting in the midst of this chaos but whats my own when they reduce d minimum wage and increase the price of fuel id sit back n laugh at u ppl or better still run to ghana

  97. God bless u sir FFK, you about took the words outta my mouth

  98. God Bless u FFK. The Wrath of God is Coming Upon President Buhari for his Wickedness. He Deceived Nigerian

  99. Nigerians shine your eyes oo Buhari just came to power2015 and he is already been blamed for the crime the previous govt committed chai there is God ooo

    1. Crimes of the previous government?was it the previous government that order the nsa to release boko boys then brought the same man in as nsa.have sense boko has been on since yaradua and other problems can be traced to military time.6 months and nothing to show .shame.its u that need to shine eyes

    2. He is being blamed for not being straightforward, which doesn't depend on your predecessor ''s performance!

    3. I am sure intellectually you re not sound....And your only source of information is linda ikeji.

    4. I am sure intellectually you re not sound....And your only source of information is linda ikeji.

  100. FFK do u have a conscience? Will critizing d president of his promises help dis nation? Since u 've got d stage of knowing left frm right can u tell me dat u've always fulfilled all d promises u've made? Pls instead of wasting ur time to look for d president 's mistake, spend doesn't time to look for a way to help dis country, to correct the president 's mistake, If pple like u think u are in a comfort zone and d problems in dis country can't affect u, do u knw what ur situation will be tomorrow? Have u taught of ur unborn future if u don't have ur luxury again, plsss find something else to do Mr FFK

    1. Ode to look for presidents mistake??if buharis mistake isn't glaring to u then u have palm oil for a brain.even jss 1 students know how buhari is failing

  101. Linda u better approve my comment cos I knw u are happy FFK is praising u on tweeter

  102. The same way the PDP rented crowd to protest in front of chattam house in the UK during the elections, that's how LIB is under the rentage of the PDP, courtesy of FFK and Fayose.

    1. Poor man.everything na rent to u.u think everyone is out for sale becos u can be bought.idiot

    2. Not everyone is out to be sold "my dear".so apc doesn't rent crowds right.ur logic is pathetic

  103. We feel disappointed and sad enough regretting casting Jonathan out

  104. We feel disappointed and sad enough regretting casting Jonathan out

    1. U will remain a fool for ages, sure you're from that side where they are tribalist, debate sentiments, love money more than their blood, no unity in their region/ governance, coccaine pusher, all time 419, PMB hater. Awon ode alainironu. Ask Una how long it takes to build a business or make it a household name. PMB is not a magician, GEJ is a joker for life

    2. U will remain a fool for ages, sure you're from that side where they are tribalist, debate sentiments, love money more than their blood, no unity in their region/ governance, coccaine pusher, all time 419, PMB hater. Awon ode alainironu. Ask Una how long it takes to build a business or make it a household name. PMB is not a magician, GEJ is a joker for life

    3. Pls dont feel disappointed and sad regretting casting Jonathan out because PDP can never smell that seat again because of their corrupt practices. If i dont see APC party to vote for, i will rather vote for KOWA party or any other unknown party than vote for PDP

  105. FFK, you have said it all. You spoke for all the good people out there.


  107. Linda haven't u posted any of my comments? FFK is saying the truth

  108. Who doesnt know FFK has serious brain malfunction?

  109. Another entertainment for the wailing wailers club. Clown FFK ur fans are enjoying U. Ride on.

  110. Obasanjo minister? FFK Haba! Common!

  111. It is really sad, 500 Nigerians was deported from UK yet nothing is said about it

  112. ...............To a very large extent, most of d points he raised portrayed the true state of the present circumstances under president Buhari's watch! Buhari seems to be taking Nigeria & Nigerians for granted almost in every aspect of our existence. I think the credibility that gave him the present position has entered his head, whereby he now thinks nobody's credibility in the entire country can match his. He believes he is the elixir to our numerous problems, and whatever he says remains untempered with. Another thing that makes him carry on or behave the way he behaves now; are those his northern adherents who see him as their little god. Once he sneezes, they get extremely worried, doing everything within their powers to diagnose the cause.
    He should retrace his step by trying to locate where the rain began to drench him.............A. I. A.

  113. Stern and others were right.many apc voters have slowly started to regret.u adaobi otu were one of the biggest gej bashers and a buhari u u agree that gej and buha are same.well add this to gejs credit account,he told nigerians facts about problems but they didn't believe him while buhari kept lying on jona and still lies.and yes gej is better.its just been 6 months.if he had been mediocre in this 6 months u will be hearing give him time or let's wait.but he has been a complete failure this 6 months that's why people are tired and took 5 years for people to be tired of gej.even last year june he was still loved.but this aboki is gathhering this much outcry in six months.give him extra 2 years if this continues then ask urself again if gej is better or worse.right now if the election was recontested who do u think will win.well at least u are not a completely blind apc fan like davido driver,bonario ......linda please post this to adaobi the igwe of smelly yansh and mumu comments

  114. FFK. I tot u r a educated. U n ur cronies in d pdp should cover ur face in shame. Everything u accused PMB of about d economy is d after effect of d massive looting of u n ur team mates in d pdp. So pls shut up if u don't Av anything contructive to say about d economy.

  115. Soldiers that died fighting for Nigeria are always honoured every year in Nigeria. It has always been so in Nigeria. There is always gun shots during the ceremony in January every year while people wear a red and green eblem to honour and remember them. FFK was in government and is supposed to know. I am surprised that he is not aware. He was probably busy looting government funds that is why he was not aware.

  116. FFK you are a lawyer and you know fully well that lawyers work with evidences not mere rumour or speculations. So pls can we have a video clip or something tangible as evidence? Because we are actually tired of your lies and empty ranting

  117. FFK you are a lawyer and you know fully well that lawyers work with evidences not mere rumour or speculations. So pls can we have a video clip or something tangible as evidence? Because we are actually tired of your lies and empty ranting

  118. Watin na beans? How can boko haram just capture a whole 105 soldiers? Were the soldiers not with guns? Are they mumu that one of them couldnt even shoot or run? Abeg tell me a better story FFK

  119. This 105 soldiers rumour is PDP plan to use it to bring Buhari's administration down by spreading the rumour but their plans have failed in Jesus Name

    1. Slave like u. Slave for life . Ur forefathers error in the past is already affecting u

  120. This 105 soldiers rumour is PDP plan to use it to bring Buhari's administration down by spreading the rumour but their plans have failed in Jesus Name

  121. The article is too long to read. (Yawns)..... Next please

  122. If it was another PDP supporter that wrote this article, i would have read it but since it is FFK, i ignored it. Lunatic tins

  123. PDP losers give up. Your time has past. Let another person rule na. Six months is too young to judge someone biko

  124. PDP LOSERS TRY HARDER. Hahahahaha

  125. Mr President please clear the air and let the ovation keep standing high.

  126. Did GEJ & all of you that misled him have a conscience? All these things you listed above were a fallout of GEJ poor governance style.So shut up & go eat the little money you got from the campaigns.

  127. Ffk,ffk,ffk,ffk,hmmmm always trying to be relevant

  128. If u have been in power b4,u have no single right to criticize.period

  129. This man called FFK is a fool. U want to be noticed eeh. After all u said about Bianca Ojukwu and now you have started with Precious. Woman rapper. Why can't you leave ibo girls alone and go to ur yoruba girls. Now u don't want to leave PMB alone to do his work. Busy body.

  130. Nigerians has been deceived big time. Linda post my comment oooo

  131. Plis LIB readers let's use our brain critically b4 we cast d 1st stone at Buhari. We all knw whom FFK is. He is a very controversial man with multiple personalities. A man whom can't even handle his own family affairs. If truly 105 soldiers r missing den it wud hv already gone global by nw. We r all educated let's try n work based on.facts rada dn on speculations. Is FFK himself a saint??? Hv we forgotten so soon dt dis same man critized n insulted Good luck? Plis rather Dan we looking for faults let's pray instead bcos most countries in d world r facing d same plight as Nigeria. May God help us.

  132. FFK is a bastard. FFK is a fool. You bera face your egregious family issue

  133. FFK is a bastard. FFK is a fool. You bera face your egregious family issue

  134. I am disappointed in FFK for complaining about Buhari's travels. Buhari has a vice president that sits in for him when he is abroad attending important meetings. That is the role of a vice president. If you are well educated and if u are not one of those educated illiterates, you would have known the job of a vice president. The last time there was a bomb attack, the vice president visited the patients while Buhari was in a world meeting aborad discussing how to stop the terrorist attacks. We all know that Buhari is not travelling for pleasure or holiday, he went on official assignment. I shouldnt be explaining this to you FFK because you are not in primary school na

  135. I think what is eating PDP wailers up is the fact that they still cant get over the SHOCK that they lost the election. Hahahahahahaha

  136. This FFK na tout sha. Una sure say the man no bribe lecturer buy him degree? Choi

  137. Na wa for my people, "FFK is saying the truth, FFK made a point, PMB is taking Nigerians for granted, etc. Do you know what GEJ's administration took Nigerians for ....?, the extent of damage done.....? why do we still have people from GEJ's administration still returning looted funds ... While some others are busy trying to cover their tracks, my people, don't be distracted, don't be deceived.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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