Death toll in Paris Terrorist massacre increases to 158, all 8 attackers supposedly dead | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 14 November 2015

Death toll in Paris Terrorist massacre increases to 158, all 8 attackers supposedly dead

Terrorists wielding AK-47s and throwing explosives executed at least 118 people inside a Paris concert hall at the Bataclan late Friday night, in a massacre that followed coordinated attacks that killed at least 40 more people, rocking the French capital, prompting President Francois Hollande to close the entire nation's borders and declare a state of emergency. The death toll has increased from 60 to 158 according to latest reports.
Eyewitnesses said the terrorists all looked young, they walked into the theater and started shooting at people like they were birds. He said they stood at the back of the theatre in black clothing without covering their faces with any mask. They kept shooting and reloading for about 10 to 15 minutes.
The victims had gathered to see the American rock band Eagles of Death Metal, and a handful managed to escape through the roof and wherever they could.
They said the killers shouted "This is for Syria!" and "Alahu Akhbar!" as they cut down patrons from a balcony before the band took the stage.

The band members are said to be safe.
People said when the police arrived, and the terrorists knew they were cornered, they all blew themselves up with suicide vests. 4 of the terrorists killed themselves at the Bataclan, 3 were killed at the stadium while 1 was killed at a café.
Another eye witness said:
“It looked like a battlefield, there was blood everywhere, there were bodies everywhere," Coupris said. "I was at the far side of the hall when shooting began. There seemed to be at least two gunmen. They shot from the balcony.
“I saw my final hour unfurl before me, I thought this was the end. I thought, 'I’m finished, I’m finished,'" he said.
The terrorists reportedly used AK-47s, grenades and suicide vests to carry out this horrible event.
French authorities said all five attackers were "neutralized, one arrested and more could be at large in the combined attacks. Now they are trying to identify people who may have helped the terrorists.
As many as six other attacks occurred, involving shootings and at least two suicide bombers, including one who detonated near the city's Stade de France soccer stadium where the French and German national teams were playing in a match attended by Hollande. The French President was at the stadium to watch the match and was securely removed without any incident.
The death toll from all of the attacks is expected to rise.
“There are lots of dead people," said a witness believed to have been at the bar of a restaurant that was the scene of one attack. "It’s pretty horrific to be honest. I was at the back of the bar. I couldn’t see anything. I heard gunshots. People dropped to the ground. We put a table over our heads to protect us."
The French President has given authority to the French Police to knock on doors of Parisians and interrogate whoever they think might be a suspect.
The Police shot 1 of the attackers in the Bataclan theater and he blew up when he fell to the ground, 3 others blew themselves up in the theater.
3 blew themselves up at the stadium and 1 blew himself up at a café.


  1. Wat the f**k. Terrorist attack every part of the world. RIP to the dead

  2. Now the world would want to stand still for Paris, but boko haram has been killing hundreds no one said anything. End time things

  3. It will not be well for the wicked. *sad*

  4. Omg....

    My heart goes out to the pple in Paris

    No whr is safe any more...


    Meenah_wakil on instagram

    Meenah83 on snapchat

  5. Omg....

    My heart goes out to the pple in Paris

    No whr is safe any more...


    Meenah_wakil on instagram

    Meenah83 on snapchat

  6. Oh lord nawah for the Syrian refugees smh allahu akbar my foot

  7. Linda gdmrng, up early as usual. Kpele well done!! I'v bin awake since 3am.

  8. My heart goes to those killed, those who witnessed the killing because of the psychological trauma it will leave on them. Having said that, I believe France as a whole should have been more security conscious after the Charlie Hebdo incident. From Paris, New York, London, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Lagos we all need to learn something from this. Terrorism is an organized crime to disorganize and disintegrate an organized society along certain ideological lines. May God watch over us

  9. Terrorism is really getting worse by d day.God save us

  10. Terrorism is really getting worse by d day.God save us

  11. I used to travel a lot but hardly these days cause I'm so petrified with fear. It can happen anywhere anytime! What on Earth is going on Biko ?

  12. R.I.P to d departed...#PrayForParis

  13. God please wipe islam away from this world.

  14. End times. Revelations

  15. this was really bad

  16. America caused the problem, Europe suffer the punishment, be wise Europe, stop being an ally to America

  17. America caused the problem, Europe suffer the punishment, be wise Europe, stop being an ally to America

  18. Oke Adedamola Temitayo14 November 2015 at 05:26

    Wow this is barbaric, in this era of freedom of speech and information.. . So many lads are having access to ammunitions and they are massively sponsored as well. .. ... am sure thier sponsors will be drinking expensive cognac right now for the panic created. .. may God help us all

    Oke Adedamola Temitayo

  19. OMG!

    Dis is really tragic and sad...
    Biko y Paris and y attack all dis innocent people...? RIP 2d dead and speedy recovery 2d injured.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  20. To think that these could have being a few of the refugees welcomed into France! We truly are at world's end.

  21. Wow! Dis is xoxo horrific! I tnk God for his protection ova me n my family because we were in Paris 2 wks ago.. Lord.i bless ur Holy name!

  22. Isis, crisis, even the power of money is failing...the end is here....

  23. This is serious. Who is after Hollande? May the souls of those killed RIP

  24. Yes Muslims are the problem of this world stupid religion, ISIS BOKO HARAM AL QADEA AL SHABA etc useless religion of peace indeed wicked people

  25. Omg God have mercy on us pls finish all dis wicked heart Killin innocent pple

  26. Muslims please dissappear. I'm so scared and shocked.

  27. Muslims please dissappear. I'm so scared and shocked.

  28. Why do pple again happiness put dia fellow human on so much pain,,,,,,,, noted......

  29. My yansh dey shake..............involuntarily

  30. Can Islamists please I beg for God's sake find out what wrong with their religion. Killing people for what? Gosh!

  31. Wow... This is crazy what news to start the day with. May their souls rest in peace.

  32. May the souls of the dead rest in peace. The wickedness of man against fellow man is just unimagineable. The crazy things people do in the name of religion gives me shock to the bones. Men, fighting for "god" because it is definitely not the God I know.

    Busy Fingers.

  33. Jesus Christ! This is heart breaking, a whole Paris😳 Acountry that has such high level of security and all could suffer such damage ...#iprayforparis#iprayfornigeria#iprayforworldpeace

  34. Lord Jesus my eye is filled with tears,am speechless,rip to the dead. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

  35. Why are muslems wicked? RIP to the dead

  36. We are in the last days, no where is safe,give your life to Christ so eternity is secured. How can a band call themselves eagles of death and people paid money to watch them. God forbid.

  37. Signs of end time. May God help us. RIP to the dead.

    1. I dey tell you, all these happenings is in the book of Revelation in the Bible. The world is gradually coming to an end. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!

    2. I dey tell you, all these happenings is in the book of Revelation in the Bible. The world is gradually coming to an end. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!

    3. I dey tell you, all these happenings is in the book of Revelation in the Bible. The world is gradually coming to an end. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!

    4. Terrorism at its very own peak.... it can never be stopped except we keep fooling ourselves... Yes attempts to subdue it will be made over and over and over but terrorism is just what it is........

    5. Jesus wept! I don't even know what to say anymore, what happened? What went wrong in this world where people used to be happy to travel anywhere to see the world? Now people are afraid in their own countries, states.. God please intervene, this is not even funny anymore.. Their God should wipe them all outta the face of the earth like our God did Sodom and Gomorrah.. Our prayers are with the people of France..

    6. I always say it, Islam is evil and blood thirsty. God pls wipe out this evil

    7. I always say it, Islam is evil and blood thirsty. God pls wipe out this evil

    8. Muslims must not be given visa to any country. Whether we like it or not Islam is a fucked up religion

    9. Muslims! Muslims! Muslims! Ur ways are wicked...

  38. God save us all...this is indeed sad😢

  39. Lord have mercy...nowhere is safe

    1. Jesus! My heart wept seriously, this is inhuman.

    2. If France can be attacked like this, where else is safe? Dear LORD!! RIP to the dead.


  40. Replies
    1. And someone out there will say Islam preaches peace..

  41. Muslim is the problem with the world really smh'

    1. I concur, u don't see Buddhist or hindus or any other person from another religion act in such an insanely barbaric manner...I mean Wth nau!! My God!

    2. Do you know there are Hindu terrorists too even Catholic terrorists
      And did Linda even write they were Muslims
      Islam doesn't teach killing people
      Does that do it in the name of Islam are going to hell or any other religion

    3. Y not kill all the whole muslims in this world! Nonsense somebody,gerrarahere mehn!#PRAYFORPARIS

    4. Shut ur mouth u bum....don't say dat, ahm a Christian tho with muslim friends....better u pray for paris nd quit being judgemental...dumb twat

    5. U are a big fool for saying islam doesn't teach killing. Produce d Catholic terrorists u no idiot. Muslems are the problem in d world

    6. If Islam teaches us to kill we would have finished all the non Muslims by now. Mind you there are over 3 billion Muslims in the world, so shut tha fuck up.!

    7. Unknown plz which religion says allah kubar, abi u dint read through

    8. @ unknown 7.15am : u didn't read that they were shouting 'allahu akbar' abi?

    9. @anonymous 7:23 you are worse than the terrorists killing in the name of religion. Ask for forgiveness before it is too late.

    10. Muslims are not the problem of the world, terrorist are may God save us

    11. @ Unknown, which other religious sect chants "Allahu Akhbar". Certainly Islam. That's is a religion that preaches violence, and fanatics heed to that voice. I'm so angry right now.

    12. @Unknown, only Muslims use the "Alahu Akhbar" phrase! So Anonymous is correct. There are the problem the whole world is facing presently.


    13. @Unknown shut d f**k up. Which religion has killed people in large numbers. I said SHUT UP!!! I'm so pissed with all this killings, so don't tell me other religions kill too.

    14. At UNKNOWN u are a fooool..which religion chants Allahu Akbar .stop being a half frown adult..stupid libber

    15. @UNKNOWN tell ua something bout Hindu,budhi or Catholic terrorist like u stupidly proclaimed...mother fucker

    16. Mr unknown then why did they chant Alahu Ahkbar if they are not Muslims??? Abeg you ppl shld go Jo. You keep saying they are not Muslims yet millions have been killed in the name of your Allah! Better accept it and talk to your people to stop this nonsense! You ppl should stop killing!!!! It won't be good for all of you especially those that refuse to call others to order. Stop it ah ahn!

    17. All muslims yoruba ooo hausa, igala, etc r terrorist. Muslims r the problem in the world today.

    18. I always say it, Islam is evil and blood thirsty. God pls wipe out this evil on the surface of the earth

    19. I think it's best to pray that God should demolish these terrorists instead of coming here to say Islam is bad, Islam is evil. if u fail to understand that Islam does not preach terrorism, use your time to pray to God to wipe the evil ones instead wasting time here saying what you don't know. I pray that God should destroy the terrorists and show the beauty of Islam to the world.

    20. Islam is d problem wwith the world today. I dont know what kind of religion is that and what they teach. Its crazy that is ok to kill pple and kill demselfs. So devilish.

  42. Replies
    1. Not Islam but terrorist

    2. I always say it, Islam is evil and blood thirsty. God pls wipe out this evil on the surface of the earth

  43. God please help and protect them.

  44. Oh lawd ave mercy....RIP to d dead

  45. Muslims are wicked ohhh..I hate them.

    1. Muslims are not wicked terrorist are pls.

    2. I hate christains too.

    3. Muslims are demons! Stupid fools.. Motherfuckers. Bastards. Smelly idiots. Senseless pigs. All of them. No exception! Some will come here and claim ppl killing are not Muslims! Kiss my behind. Stupid idiots. God punish all of you!

    4. I always say it, Islam is evil and blood thirsty. God pls wipe out this evil on the surface of the earth

    5. If you hate them then go and kill yourself. Islam and muslims will live till the end of this world.

    6. If you hate them then go and kill yourself. Islam and muslims will live till the end of this world.

  46. World war 111 is coming may God help us from these vampire who love to see blood flowing from their fellow human

  47. Wat does Islam teach dis ppl dats making dem act like animals all over the world...may dey RIP

    1. Islam doesn't teach violence, terrorist are the ones teaching violence

  48. Sometimes I just wonder why their is no superman,batman,spiderman,or even incredible hulk. To save those human begins dieing in Paris #prayforparis 🙏

    1. Wanted to say the works of MARVEL hasbeaten deep into ur brain..buh i wish those superhuman did fed up of waking daily to such UNGODLY news ..God help us

    2. Too much of film has eaten u up

  49. friday the 13th is always a bad day!

  50. Replies
    1. Nigerians need to stop being hypocrites....I am not a bad person and I don't pray for evil to befall any country or citizen but come to think of it, we've had countless massacres in the northern part of Nigeria that hasn't been reported by the western world and now it's Paris, France and everyone is going #prayforparis how about #prayforborno even now rumours have it that boko haram sect is now in Lagos and unilag is the number one target...*God forbid evil*
      P.S you are a Nigerian first before being a world citizen........

  51. Muslims need to,do something about this attack to their name

  52. Muslims have never been d problem and will never be d problem but people do evil under d disguise of Islam.

    1. Story! Deceive yourself! They are all Muslims! Haba in broad daylight you are still in the dark. All your people killing are not Muslims abi? They've just decided to attack Islam by killing millions of Christians abu? I hear you. Ode!

    2. I always say it, Islam is evil and blood thirsty. God pls wipe out this evil on the surface of the earth

    3. Muslims are wicked pple ode. They dont like peace. They are killers. U better open ur eyes and change ur belief. Wicked animals. Its just ok for u guys to kill people that is what they teach you.

  53. Na wa ooo this is the beginning of the end.....God please. intervene

  54. Wherever you see Muslims just know there won't be peace, **CK that religion.
    How can people be so heartless all in the name of religion. They are fighting to rule the world.

  55. I still don't understand the reasons behind these terrorist attacks everyday,y can't we just let peace rain n love one another, nobody deserves to die this way. God will save us

  56. Muslims are not the problem actually! Religion is! Religion has always brought war right from bible and koran days it was always religion that brought war! We need peace!

    1. Ta! Gerrout there. Muslims are the problem all day everyday!

    2. I always say it, Islam is evil and blood thirsty. God pls wipe out this evil on the surface of the earth

    3. I always say it, Islam is evil and blood thirsty. God pls wipe out this evil on the surface of the earth

  57. Anon 6:47 it is people with your type of bucal cavity that is the problem in this world

  58. Dear Lord have mercy!!! So much hate & violence everywhere! When will these extremists end these massacres? Yet they know nothing about creation....Hate cannot drive out hate,only love can.#PrayForParis

    1. For d sake of HIS sorrowful passion, have mercy on us, on d victim and on d whole world.

  59. Oh Lord pls save ur people. Will terrorism ever end? Horrific news on regular basis. Saviour pls v mercy. Rip to the dead.

  60. Imagine the world without this religion called islam

  61. Omg! Y??? No where is safe! Stop blaming anyone for terrorism,we must save the world by helping ourselves...BH,ISIS,ISIL must be wiped out! Even al-qeada was not as terrible as this

  62. How. On earth do Muslims expect me to belive Islam preaches peace wen every terrorist attack that happens is always connected to them??? Seriously that religion is cursed! No wonda Britain refused them uild their so calle. Mosq

  63. iiiiiiissssssssLAM.... y not gv d world peace????????????? OMG.

  64. I guess now the EU and US would realise that they have a bigger problem in their hands than they once thought. The only way out is send in ground troops ASAP plus more air strikes.

  65. I Hate Islam God hv Mercy.....

  66. these isis at it agn...prayforparis...God help us


  67. What a horrific moment! Precious lives are wasted, France is mourning, the world is in shock! Terrorism has no borders, but I doubt if the war on terrorism is carried out with all sincerity. These monsters can't break us, the world must come together and fight.#PrayforParis!!!

  68. Islam and blood is synonymous! Blood sucking demon! Why always islam?

  69. God will punish that bustard called Muhammed. For bringing a fake religion into the world

  70. Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad all entered this universe through a vagina. My opinion is that we are all born by woman and simply the same way, in my own sense am a god too a superhuman. Religion is not the path to God, religion is the root cause of most wars on earth #PrayforParis.

  71. muslims are not terrorits, yet every terrorists is a muslim...I FUCKING HATE THOSE PPLE...WONDER WHAT THE QUARAN TEACHES THIS PIGS.... all over the world they only kill, maim n destroy....TUFIAAAAAAAA

  72. muslims are not terrorits, yet every terrorists is a muslim...I FUCKING HATE THOSE PPLE...WONDER WHAT THE QUARAN TEACHES THIS PIGS.... all over the world they only kill, maim n destroy....TUFIAAAAAAAA

  73. Welcome them,give them food, shelter, water I mean give them everything including permanent stay/passport to please them , they will slit your throat once they are ok. Germany take note .Germany has been welcoming every body into Germany the same way France and UK did but today what is happening to them. Rest in peace for the dead but make una open in eyes

  74. Islam .. the inventor of terrorism

  75. My heart goes out to the people that lost their loved ones in the ongoing attacks in France. However, this Js goes further to show the level of hypocrisy in the world today. This news is like saying "Good morning" in the Northeastern part of Nigeria. That's how common a news it is and has been for more than 2yrs now. There's never a time I saw any article saying the G8 leaders or world leaders are in shock over the frequent news of BokoHaram killing hundreds upon hundreds of innocent lives here. NW its happening in France and virtually the whole world and all the so called celebrities, world leaders are jumping on social medias, newspapers, TV and radio to express their shock.

    God knows best!

  76. With all due respect to good n law abiding muslims across the globe, Islam is the problem;no one should say otherwise. If not, why is it only muslims usually involved in violence against others as a result of religion. I don't get it, pls explain to me. All you muslims saying Islam is a religion of peace, I understand that it's your religion n u must feel insulted when pple ridicule your religion, but look at the stats, it's clear for all to see. So don't take this personal. If you're a gud person no one is referring to u. These pple back up their crimes by quoting verses from the koran example koran chapter 9:5. Tell me something i don't know. Something needs to be done to rid the quiran of verses like these. It should take a collective effort of muslims across the globe to address this menace before it gets out of hand. Muslims stop deceiving yourselfs, these crimes r being committed by your pple.

    As it is, non of us are safe even u the muslims.


  77. They are just bunch of sick people and ds is d height of it. RIP 2 d dead.

  78. Why the exaggeration news reporting agency out there has reported 200 deaths so where are u getting your figures from love?!?!

  79. Am a Muslim and a proud one and I don't think a real Muslim will support dis callous act. Many of the teachers of the Quran never in away supported dis, most of u will come out and say even the prophet did dis and that but truthfully non of u can actually bring out a part of the Qur'an where d innocent where murdered or tortured. This acts can be attributed to week individuals who hide there ugliness under d disguise of religion and perpetrate dis evil act. And may Almighty Allah punish all of them.

  80. Islam is d problem of this world. They r too wicked.

  81. Eagles of "death"...You go to a concert performed by a band with that name n end up ironic.

  82. Am a Muslim and a proud one, it is a very sad event where pitiful individuals will take another's life under the disguise of religion, Islam scholars will let u know that our religion as never been that of violence but of peace. The fanatics and the weaklings hide under d religion but carryout all dis hideous act and may the Almighty Allah visit them with so much venom that dey may never know peace, here on dis earth or the world hereafter and may he expose all d individuals who help dem in whatever way to carry out dis act

  83. This is terrible! God have mercy!

  84. This is terrible! God have mercy!

  85. Na wa oooo,this na jack buer season 10 ooo,God help us ooooo

  86. i think they should wipe out the whole of syria,i dont care if it extreme or not these people are wicked and they dont deserve any pity. just one atomic bomb will do the job. and for the other syrian in other part of the world death by firing squard. so the rest of us can have peace.

  87. I hate Islam as a religion. DEAD RELIGON.

  88. Islam the religion of peace indeed

  89. This is as bad as boko haram,in Paris no less.damn shame

  90. End time oh! If you don't know Christ there is no better time than now .This are not humans they have been taken over by principalities and powers. You can only fortify you self in Christ.

  91. If Nigerians spread "pray for Nigeria"d way dey r spreading "pray for Paris" mayb BH wld hv been a tin of d past...buh pole like anon 6:47 were busy faulting d dey were d one dt gave birth 2 d terrorists as Muslims.God wl soon expose all dose hiding under d roof of Islam 2 perpetrate evil...and shut dose critics of Islam.

    1. Only Muslims will wish for people to be shut because they feel their religion is been criticized. You guys Berra change ur ways.

    2. best comment. you are sensible. prayer is what we need. not just coming here to say what we don't know about a particular religion yet terrorists keep terrorising

  92. Another good reason to take a second hard look at the thousands of 'refugees' now inundating Europe from the Middle East. If this is what France repeatedly gets for generous assimilation of Arab/Muslim persons then other European nations especially Germany'll be wise to think again. Totally abominable!!

  93. This is so bad. May their soul RIP #endTime

  94. Make una continue to allow them into Europe you hear

  95. OMG! dis is terribly sad. This is nothing short of a disaster. It is bizzare and barbaric! The end is no longer near, it's here! # boko-haram-in-Nigeria#Alqheda-in-Paris# all in d name of Islam, SMH. It is well. May God protect us.

  96. God save us...May there so rest in peace ..Amen

  97. What is it that the bible said about ishmael descendant again??!

  98. This is for Syria? Really..Did France start a war in Syria. If you make your bed, learn to lay on it and stop blaming other people. If from go problem, if they don't go another problem.

  99. For the sake of sorrowful passion, have mercy on us, on d victims and on d whole world.

  100. Let kill all the Muslim in the world, cos any were there's Muslim just know that there will be no peace. God punish Islamic religion, all of them thinks like animal.

  101. I find it very difficult to understand why this pple re killing innocent souls, WHY??? What did the killing change? Did the killing convert pple to Islam or it even build more hatred in pples mind towards Islam and I don't think Allah will want this. God pls hv mercy, save us from all this killings

  102. The Antichrist has been around since 760AD.He who denies Christ as d son of God is d Antichrist. Islam denies Him as d son.The Antichrist is here already. What is happening is beyond human reasoning and understanding. You can't just understand why?cause it goes beyond d physical.

  103. Repent!!! For the kingdom of God is at hand, nation shall rise against nations and kingdom against kingdom, but at the end Christ shall appear, he shall will come and take Is own...are you His? Is your name in the book of life?? if no say this prayers,"Lord Jesus, I come to you today, I realise I cannot save myself..i confess my sins, save me, come into my heart, come and be my Lord and personal saviour. Holy Spirit, cleans me from every guilt and shame, remove my name from the book of death and put my name in the book of life" thank you Jesus! I am now bore again. Heaven is rejoicing with you if you just gave your life to Christ! Welcome to an everlasting life that ..find a bible believing Church and fellowship. God bless you!

  104. The war in Syria should be brought to end, ISIS annihilated so that the refugees could be herded home. This is to prevent this being the order of the day in the next few years. Oh if only Ishmael wasn't born. Patience is important

  105. Muslims are not the problem of the nation and just so you know, im a christian all the way...these are just endtime signs and some muslims are one of the scape goats for devil's work in the last days...These things must happen, go and study your bilble you will see it there...just dont make yourself available for the devil and run to your God if you have one because ,more horrific things will take place..listen to your therapist

  106. My question is why shout "Alahu Akhbar!",or is it what they are being taught in thier religion to say when executing their inhuman act?

  107. Muslims!!!dey r jst a violent set of pple.not all of dem tho bt most of dem.wat do dey teach them???Sins Abraham dcided to brith dat child called Ishmeal wahala jst start

  108. This is quite unfortunate,this ppl r just devilish .let them go and die alone,if they tired of this world.instead of taking ppl along

  109. I hate to see one or two muslims seperate themselves from such acts. If truly Muslims are against such babaric act, they should all stand up all over the world and condemn it. They should let the world know that these people are mere defender of the Arab world and not true Muslims.

  110. May the Lord have mercy on us, every country need prayer cos this whole thing might lead to third world war.

  111. But if only Father Abraham hadn't given birth to ishmeal.. Well, God knows best.

  112. It is a shame that these ignorant people kill others in the name of Islam. The Islam I practice totally condemns killing in any form. These murderers will face the consequences of their actions. May the soul of those killed be granted rest and their families comforted. I can't stand these so called "jihadists".

  113. GOOD for them. Abi they are looking to accept muslims in the thousands?

    moslems will not comment again.
    stupid @Odunewu Oluwatobi... Moslems are terrorists and they are shouting Alha bukar. Is that not proof enough? mumu.

    This is small, the next will be the USA, Germany and UK. Muslims are evil. Like it or not. They are killers!!!!

  114. Hmmm...few weeks ago when France bombed Syria without consulting with anyone, I saw this coming, thank God I didn't make any comment then..there for Don come pick me up by now....d french president was too hasty in bombing Syria, it didn't consider it's citizens, it should take a cue from the US... u just don't go about bombing anyhow... so sad this has where is safe.

  115. I am safe during Paris Terror Attacks in Paris last night glory be to almighty God

  116. I am safe during Paris Terror Attacks in Paris last night glory be to almighty God

  117. Dis is very much scary.... God save dem please


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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