Audu’s inconclusive death, Mugabe’s wheelchair by Reuben Abati | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 27 November 2015

Audu’s inconclusive death, Mugabe’s wheelchair by Reuben Abati

Very interesting article by former presidential spokesperson, Reuben below...
“You look sleepy”
“My brother, let’s just say I slept at a fuel station, looking for fuel.”
“For which of the women in your life, because I hear these days, to please a woman in Nigeria, you must be ready to supply the three major things lacking in the land: money, fuel, and happiness.”
“Leave that matter, please. My condolences on the death of your man, Governor Abubakar Audu”
“We thank God for his life. He played his part.”
"“To be so close to breasting the tape and then fall.”
“I know. I know. May be if he had not insisted on running again for the office of Governor in Kogi state, he would still be alive today.”
“The man drove himself too hard, publicly and privately. He ran for every Gubernatorial election in Kogi state since 1991. There must be something special in being Governor for him.”
“Don’t speak ill of the dead, I beg you. Simple etiquette.”
“But you know now?”
“I don’t know nothing
“Then the man went and married a young, 23-year old. If the election had been concluded and the man had won, the First Lady of Kogi state would have been a 23-year old lady! Those who seek public office should always weigh their lifestyle and their health against their ambition, but politicians act as if they are superhuman.”
“Can you stop?”
“A 74-year old man, with a 23-year old wife. That alone is enough to give anybody hypertension.”
“He was 68”
“Official age. He was 74, somebody told me.”
“Excuse me! Respect the dead, please.  Abubakar Audu was a democrat extraordinary, a courageous politician, a visionary, selfless, man of the people, and his party’s popular choice.”
“My view is that it is not the election in Kogi that is inconclusive per se, a supplementary election will be organized, a winner will emerge; it is Audu’s death that is inconclusive considering the many issues it has thrown up.”
“What kind of talk is that? Death is final. It is the cessation of all things, a necessary end.”
“Nothing has ended with Abubakar Audu’s death oh. Did you not see the desperate efforts made to get some Prophets to resurrect him? And some people actually believed that he could be the Lazarus of our time!  They started jubilating.”
“That is concrete proof of his popularity. But I was shocked seeing Nigerians will believe anything, and being so superstitious. Even the grave diggers stopped digging, waiting for the prophets to perform a miracle.”
“I hear there was a meeting of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on the Kogi election but the moment the prophets waded in, even INEC suspended its meeting and did not reconvene until the prophets failed.”
“Only in Africa!”
 “When the Prophets didn’t deliver, people got angry. They could have lynched those Prophets”
“Well, at least, some people will now know that the prophets are not always right in the age of biology and science.  Who could have been behind such a hare-brained scheme?”
“The man’s in-laws, for example.
“Oh, come on”
“Or persons who may have been promised appointments and contracts. Or it could be persons who invested in his candidacy. Elections in Nigeria are business investments. The investors must have thought of a last minute strategy to reverse the situation. Simple economics. ”
“You and your theories. The same people will do business with whoever eventually wins the election, anyway.”
“There is also the inconclusive matter of the 23-year old wife.  When the death was announced, many commentators on social media were more concerned about the young widow. Comments about how she will cope, what she would do next. One guy asked for her phone numbers.”
“Stupid, callous fellow.”
“Another fellow actually said he was ready to inherit all of Audu’s assets and liabilities in that regard.”
“Let him go ahead. Ole!”
“Besides, Audu’s death has turned everybody into a Constitutional expert. What happens if a candidate dies in the course of an inconclusive election? Who becomes the new candidate?”
“Simple. The APC will field another candidate, appeal to whoever is aggrieved within the party to step down until an appropriate candidate who definitely must be Igala, is identified. I don’t see the APC fielding any candidate who will automatically make them lose the election.”
“You think the APC candidate must still be Igala? But nothing is ever that straightforward in Nigerian politics.”
“Of course, otherwise, it will be a walk-over for Governor Idris Wada. The Igalas have the numbers. Politics is a game of numbers. The stakes are high. I foresee many court cases”
“Let them field Audu’s young widow then”
“Are you out of your mind? Why are you so obsessed with this lady?”
“Or may be his son. Does he have any son who is qualified? Let them make it a family affair. If he had supported his son as a candidate…But people just don’t know when to quit and hand over to the next generation.”  
“With a 23-year old wife, he was definitely committed to the next generation.”
“Some people are of the view that his running mate should just run with the mandate, but I don’t think the circumstances favour him. He is from a minority group in Kogi state. He is a Christian, and the party may not back him.”  
“Poor James Faleke”
“Yeah, he must be troubled. What if he and Audu had won. And they had been sworn in. But now, there are no guarantees.”
“God’s will is supreme. That is one lesson we all must learn from all this. Remember Abacha? When it was time, God intervened. We are all pencils in God’s hands. You can amass all the wealth in the world, marry all the young women, misapply the people’s money, get so close to Cannan, but you can then fall sick and die. In life, things happen and all you have left is six feet, rich or poor, six feet.”
“Six feet”
 “I hope Robert Mugabe knows this. I hope Grace Mugabe knows.”
“Why Robert Mugabe?”
“Didn’t you read that story about 50-year old Grace Mugabe, First Lady of Zimbabwe, buying her Robert, a special wheelchair?”
“The way you pronounced Robert, you make it sound like Robot”
“Isn’t that what the 91-year old President of Zimbabwe has become, a Robot. Grace Mugabe’s Robot”
“Sad. In his days, Robert Mugabe, multiple degrees holder, was a shining star. And now, his wife is pushing him around” 
“She actually has a PhD, awarded in two months, without examination or dissertation, by her Robert in his capacity as Chancellor of the University of Zimbabwe!”
“Mugabe! A Pan-Africanist, who stood up to the British and neo-colonial imperialism; today, he is falling down at public functions, he reads the wrong speech in parliament, he is old and tired, and yet he won’t quit.”
“He should. Zimbabwe already has the oldest President in the world, and he has been in power since 1980- 35 years!”
“With a wife like “Dis Grace” Mugabe, he won’t. She says she is ready to push the wheelchair herself, just in case anybody is in any doubt.”
“I won’t put anything past that woman. Didn’t she once proclaim that any woman who wears mini-skirt and gets raped should not complain? Is that not the same woman who punched a journalist in the face during a foreign visit?”
“Mugabe has stayed too long and has allowed a woman to destroy his legacy. He is so smitten with “Dis-Grace”, he allegedly fired his Chief of Defence Staff last year for staring at her derriere!”
“That’s madness.”
“But the woman get am oh. The thing dey; very seriously. And you know in that part of Africa, the women don’t need to buy it and enhance it like Kim Kardashian, the thing just dey and you can lose your head.” 
“I think someday in Africa, we’d have to start voting for these First Ladies too. Voters should be given the right to choose the President’s wife, or at least they should be screened by parliament.  In Africa, the wives wield so much influence.”
“They do in other places too. It is the man that matters.”
 “When Mugabe sits in that wheelchair, Zimbabwe is finished!”
“For democracy to work, we need to worry about the leadership recruitment process in Africa.  How do we free democracy from a debilitating sense and culture of entitlement. How do we get persons who are still up to it, and who will not aspire to rule till they are on wheelchair or life-long medication.”
““All men who play God and who aspire to be God, let them be reminded, it is just six feet. In Cameroon, Paul Biya has been sitting tight for 33 years, in Congo, Nguesso has been in power for 36 years, in Equitorial Guinea, Mbasogo is almost a god in human form. And you have dos Santos in Angola (36 years) Bashir in Sudan (22 years) Museveni in Uganda (29 years), Idris Deby in Chad (25 years) and Jammeh in Gambia (21 years).”
“Six feet. Just six feet in the grave.”
“I hope they all know.”
“It is also a lesson for the poor, including those young ones who play God with their talents.”
“Absolutely. There are people these days who play God with their laptops, their pens and I-pads. Imagine some people jubilating over other people’s misfortune.”
“Six feet, my brother, not an inch more nor less. In the grave, all men are equal.”


  1. Allah Ya sa ka huta, rest on Abdullahi!

  2. After all said and written, may his soul Rip. We that are alive, lets live right. Matt 6:33

  3. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    I die say i read all this things... Rip shah...

    1. u need read masterpiece be this..this man is really good with words..I think this one is better than the other one he wrote some weeks ago

  4. Hahahahaha. I love this article. He was so sarcastic practically about everything. Αи∂ †ђξ part that was deep is that official age of 68 but for real †ђξ albino was 74?
    I can imagine the smirk on Abati's face while he was writing this.
    Αи∂ all these young ladies marrying their grandfathers mates because of money or to gain political name αи∂ influence, y'all should continue o....una case no dey for here.
    Just imagine how this pretty girl ruined herself...yes she's now a mess αи∂ who will wanna marry her again? Probably no one. Its alright, like they will say, don't talk bad about †ђξ dead even if they committed †ђξ most heinous crime of all times, nope, don't speak evil about them.

    Anyways, may †ђξ Albino that was once black RIP

    #iT wiLL oNLy gEt bETTer
    #IT MuST eNd In PraiSe

  5. The write up is ok but the writer lacks integrity as he is part of those that sank this country in the last administration. When he was in government we never had write-ups like this from him, sycophants.

    1. You are so pathetic! It is write ups like this that brought him into government

    2. The write up is everything
      but he forgot to include patience Jonathan, controling her husband while he was in power.a writer should always be objective.

  6. This man is a great writer, I loved the comic/humor angle of the story, the depth and the finesse. Abati is a man filled with WORDS.

  7. Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD ( November 2015 at 08:32


    Dis is absolutely master piece in writing and I wish to b dis good. Biko someone link me up to him so dat I can go for a short course in wirting wit him, lolzzzzz.

    Indeed we r pencil's in d hand of d Lord!
    Biko I don't think there iss anytin more to say or add for he said all dat need to b said in dis write up.

    I apr8 reading dis write up and thanks so much Linda for bringing dis to ur reader's. Thumbs up and more power to ur elbows.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  8. Pls @abati1990 needs to go and lecture Adesina and Garba Shehu on the art of writing. Classic and satirical.

  9. Hahaha.very good reuben a BAT.but many won't be able to grasp the lessons behind this.and those who can will also get bored.but now reading this I now believed edwin clark when he said u slandered jona daily and mercilessly till he gave u a job.He should have arrested u.u are right about apc though.Linda abeg post am oh

  10. I see Abati has gotten himself busy.Good for his blood pressure

  11. Good written, it could Av make sense if he write about patience jonathan then ( mama war, mama throwing stone) contunue

  12. Well spoken, we can't play God.

  13. Nice one 😊 @Rueben Abati.

    1. I don't really read long write ups..buh after I read the one he wrote some weeks ago ..I fell in love with his write ups

  14. Wonder, Didnt fell like i want to stop: this man can write sha.

  15. Abati n his satires. Vintage Abati, not d one dat worked wt GEJ. At least now wen pepper don rest he can write again.

  16. Hahahahahahahahahahahbabahahahahaa,,,, hilarious!!!! I really hope we all get the point of this article!!!!!!

    1. Thoroughly enjoyed this write up. I hope he has published books.

  17. I love this write up,swear down.....serzly interesting and Abati made sense,sincerely hope there was a way to Fax this write up to Mrs 'Dis' Grace Mugabe.....i used to love Mugabe,but he's really tired already

  18. Ok we see you Abati.I see a woman is an object even to you that has a wife who has stood by him through all his gibberish.Its always a womans fault isn't it?Like it was the fault of Dame,Deziani and Stella Oduah

    Sir,you criticized past governments so much one was disillusioned enough to appoint you,I don't think that strategy will work again.

  19. best from Reuben

  20. makes a whole lot of sense.

  21. extremely insensitive comment! At a time when his family and people are in mourning, you are mocking the dead. If God is to mark iniquity, Abati and his co-travellers in the last administration should have been the ones that should have been long dead first, nonsense man

  22. extremely insensitive comment! At a time when his family and people are in mourning, you are mocking the dead. If God is to mark iniquity, Abati and his co-travellers in the last administration should have been the ones that should have been long dead first, nonsense man

  23. Funny but really true. we walk on the earth forgetting we are mortal. Allah says : "Kullu nafsin zaikatul maut" means – "Every soul shall taste death" -(surah 3: verse 185). May God Almighty help us.

  24. Allah says : "Kullu nafsin zaikatul maut" means – "Every soul shall taste death" -(surah 3: verse 185). we all forgotten we are mortal. that is why the world is like this with corruption and all these disasters day in day out.
    "Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]." surah 30:41

  25. What is the problem with these Ruben abati?

  26. Buy it and enhance it like kim kardashian?
    Is he trying to say the circumstances surrounding audu's death is diabolical...and how did mugabe being controlled by his wife pop up.

    Didn't get any useful info. I feel like I wasted my time.

  27. Whao, I disliked Reuben when he worked for GEJ..he has won my heart back...What a piece! I had a good laugh reading this...

  28. Buy it and enhance it like kim kardashian?
    Is he trying to say the circumstances surrounding audu's death is diabolical...and how did mugabe being controlled by his wife pop up.

    Didn't get any useful info. I feel like I wasted my time.

  29. Allah says : "Kullu nafsin zaikatul maut" means – "Every soul shall taste death" -(surah 3: verse 185). we all forgotten we are mortal. that is why the world is like this with corruption and all these disasters day in day out.
    "Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]." surah 30:41

  30. Abati (deliberately) forgot one good example when he described presidents that were controlled by their wives... U know whom I'm talking about... Madam Patience..and his former boss - GEJ. Leaving them out of his jesty article makes his article also "inconclusive"...Shikena!

  31. The writeup was worth all my time.

  32. That's a very good and brilliant article from u Ruben. Pls kindly email this to one of party member too( David Mark). He needs to quit and give room for someone else. Thank u very much and God bless

  33. I hope u understnd ur article, especially, d six feet n dat all men ar equal! U all ar bunch of liars!! If Reuben Abati can write dis n understnd dat dia is sumtin called six feet.. Then why runnin gov lik its d end of the world? U all knw d truth but d questn is!! Do u practice what u preach? Thunder fire all of u.. Liars!!!

    order for ur bedsheet and duvet @ Dainty sheets n Deco contact No 08137451907 and bb pin 2B490A1C

  34. A fantastic write up.... they sure don't know when to handover. I love the part where he said if Audu has supported his son to run for the election, yes he might still be alive!!! Food for thought!!!!!!

    1. Absolutely fantastic write up! Abati is a genius!

  35. U need to take ur time n read this article,very very interesting,funny n inspiring!

  36. i had to read to the end...a very interesting dialogue..6fit dat 6fit all men are equal

  37. It is really amazing that Reuben Abati can write about the wives of other Presidents, whereas when Patience Jonathan was behaving like a lunatic, making unguarded statements and single handedly using all of Nigeria's wealth and resources for her private gain, he was nowhere to be found. Pls, Shut up Sir!

  38. I have never read anything so true from a Nigerian who have been in or worked in government

  39. what a word------->Beautiful!!!!.We all gonna die one day...#yolo

    1. Let those that have ear to hear let them hear. #Ihiala

    2. This one you are hash tagging ihiala, with this your grammar, I hope you are not from there cos I'll be ashamed

  40. Waoooooooooooooooo,
    I haven't read such an interesting article in anywhere,
    He couldn't have said it any better,
    This is food for thought, and yes, buhari needs to read this, cause I for see ......., may God guide him, and I never knew that this politicians actually know God or remembers death, maybe, God use this man's death to teach our politicians some lessons,
    Thank God for man kind, if not for God: ALU AKA EMEEEEEE

  41. I find this article highly inspirational.. very true! Its six feet at the end of the day no matter who you are... the world has indeed lost it!!!!

  42. Wow...that's a very lovely write up...educative, witty and very funny.i enjoyed it so Tey I no wan make e end but then again I remember nothing lasts for ever cos in d end, it's still gonna be six feet and nothing more or less...I hope the whole of nigeria, Africa and d world can read d way Linda, when are u gonna invite a brother to ur mansion...I am proud of u gal and I hope someday I get to own a property that's that expensive and even more expensive...bless ya

  43. Wow Reuben you're proven to become a literary genius

    It was all fun way down big ups!!!

    you should remind our politicians that vanity upon vanity........

    lemme say it again #FREE NNAMDI KANU

  44. Abati u are such a good thinker, i like your words. YES SIX FEETS SIX FEETs SIX FEETS is what we should all fear

  45. Well articulated and quite interesting....this man is too much!

  46. wooow!! soul searching article. but why is it that this politicians only have sense wen they outta power? Reuben abati is also as guilty as all he mentioned above.

  47. Reuben Abati, u are a frustrated person who is looking for relevance after selling your conscience to work for JEG after you had written so many bad articles about him while you were at the Guardian. Pls, respect the dead because death can befall anybody at anytime .George USA

  48. Reuben Abati, u are a frustrated person who is looking for relevance after selling your conscience to work for JEG after you had written so many bad articles about him while you were at the Guardian. Pls, respect the dead because death can befall anybody at anytime .George USA

  49. Reuben Abati, u are a frustrated person who is looking for relevance after selling your conscience to work for JEG after you had written so many bad articles about him while you were at the Guardian. Pls, respect the dead because death can befall anybody at anytime .George USA

  50. I love this piece.....words so full of wisdom....

  51. one of the most interesting long chat you will always wana finish when you start.

  52. He that have ears, let him hear


  54. Well written. Critically expressed and concluded. 6feet beneath awaits every man, irrespective of your earthly achievements.

  55. Wooooow!!! Very interesting n gud write up

  56. Gbam, Okwu gi kwu oto ka st. morrists.

  57. My Egba bros is looking for a job as a writer.

  58. no the reading type tho...but this got me going till the end.... great article

  59. Abati at it again. If we had to vote for first ladies, your Boss would have been first-lady-less...

  60. Rueben - Rueben, your pen is still sharp. Well articulated and interesting.

  61. very interesting, all politicians that turn themselves to principalities and powers, some to moving shrine to get power should read this article. six feet is the final destination to all.

  62. All the do is talk while people are suffering out there. 'Useless' politicians. My take Ruben's ass is jealous of all the shit that comes out of his mouth.

  63. Dis article is da bomb!!!! Tot I will get bored while reading , damn interesting and serious food for thought. Six feet after everytin , regardless of ur class in life. Hmmmm

  64. yeah, for everyone, it is 6 feet.

  65. This is highly inspirational. May god bless d writer. Six feet under o

  66. Interesting write up by Abati,its a reminder write up on death, the major leveller for all human. He also tried playing god with his former boss and wife especially in the south south and in Porta. He came up with a change of voice when he got there and never sounded as one we use to invite at UI to give democratic speeches to better Nigeria.Lets all be reminded,one day it will all be overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  67. Food for thought

  68. oh my God, this write up by Reuben Abati is profound. life indeed is vanity, 6 feet no ni for both the poor and the rich. it is a journey all mortals must go. my dad just passed away and it reminds me again that nothing indeed last forever.

  69. Interesting article!

  70. I didn't waste my time in reading this....lot of sense

  71. Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD ( November 2015 at 11:41


    Dis is absolutely master piece in writing and I wish to b dis good. Biko someone link me up to him so dat I can go for a short course in wirting wit him, lolzzzzz.

    Indeed we r pencil's in d hand of d Lord!
    Biko I don't think there iss anytin more to say or add for he said all dat need to b said in dis write up.

    I apr8 reading dis write up and thanks so much Linda for bringing dis to ur reader's. Thumbs up and more power to ur elbows.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  72. Am beginning to love Dr Reuben Abati's write up every time i read it I laugh so hard.

  73. nice write up, wanted to ignore it at fist glance but read to the need it all vanity upon vanity

  74. I like when he mentioned 6 ft. We all should remember it.

  75. What a mind boggling write up. Do our leaders have the ears?

  76. hmmm>>>>>>>>>>nice one

  77. Our great father Prince Abubakar Audu First And Second Executive Governor of kogi state
    Adu Oja One Of Kogi State may your soul rest in perfect peace

  78. Thank you Mr. Reuben Abati, well said. However it doesn't just end at six feet feet, it goes further to God's Judgment, the Bible says 'it is appointment to man once to live and after death comes Judgment' and after this comes Heaven or Hell, that why the Bible also says fear him that is able to destroy both the body and the soul in Hell fire. The fear of God is what every individual should earnestly crave and pray for.

  79. African leaders are shameless, how are you president for 36yrs? 36 friggin' years. I wish they cld all be put in same room and blown up! Absolute madness!!!

  80. Too long and boring. (Yawns). Next pls

  81. You have said it all people here in idah kogi state never gets over he's death.........everywhere, is still quiet like a grave yard........when the rumour of he's resurrection spread people where so happy that so sick persons was well over nyt......but after some minutes everywhere became quite again, that he was not resurrected........people of igala land really missed him that there at the sectariate, we the corpers couldn't stay for our normal Friday community development, that we were ask to leave that the chairman is having some scores with WADA after decamping from pdp to APC and now that Audu is no more he wants to go back to pdp, but was thrown out..........death is inevitable.......may his soul rest in peace....

  82. Whao, Abati, Wielding words like crunching stones. But why is the Naira 236 to a Dollar. Are we not missing it with this Clueless Administration??????

  83. Wow! The last sentence struck me. All men r truly equal.


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