Bishops recommend more Inclusion of divorced Catholics after 3 week summit on family | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 26 October 2015

Bishops recommend more Inclusion of divorced Catholics after 3 week summit on family

Catholic bishops called Saturday for a more welcoming church for cohabitating couples, gays and Catholics who have divorced and civilly remarried, endorsing Pope Francis’ call for a more merciful and less judgmental church.

Bishops from around the world adopted a final document at the end of a divisive, three-week synod on providing better pastoral care for Catholic families.
It emphasizes the role of discernment and individual conscience in dealing with difficult family situations, in a win for liberal bishops.
Conservatives had resisted offering any wiggle room in determining, for example, whether civilly remarried Catholics can receive Communion since church teaching forbids it. While the document doesn’t chart any specific path to receiving the sacraments as originally sought by the liberals, the document opens the door to case-by-case exceptions to church teaching by citing the role of discernment and conscience.
The three paragraphs dealing with the issue barely reached the two-thirds majority needed to pass, but conservatives couldn’t muster enough votes to shoot them down. That will give Francis the manoeuvring he needs if he wants to push the issue further in a future document of his own.
In a final speech to the synod, Francis took some clear swipes at the conservatives who hold up church doctrine above all else, and use it to cast judgment on others who don’t measure up.
Francis said the synod had “laid bare the closed hearts which frequently hide even behind the church’s teachings and good intentions, in order to sit in the chair of Moses and judge, sometimes with superiority and superficiality, difficult cases and wounded families.”
“The synod experience also made us better realize that the true defenders of doctrine are not those who uphold its letter, but its spirit; not ideas but people; not formulas but the free availability of God’s love and forgiveness,” he said.
The document is the culmination of a two-year process launched by Francis to put in practice his call for a church that is more a “field hospital for wounded souls” than an exclusive club for the perfect.
The bishops took his direction, finding “positive elements” in couples who live together even though they are not married. Rather than condemning these couples for living in sin, the document says pastors should look at their commitment constructively and encourage them to transform their union in a sacramental marriage.
On gays, the synod document repeats church teaching that gays should be respected and loved and, in a novelty, says families with gay members require particular pastoral care. It strongly rejects gay marriage, but omits references to church teaching that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered.”
Only the 275 synod “fathers” were allowed to vote — none of the handful of women invited to participate — even though one of the “fathers” with voting rights wasn’t even a priest, much less a bishop.
“If this synod were the church, I would say that it’s the end of judging people, the end of a church that passes judgment on all the situations,” said Belgian Bishop Lucas Van Looy. “It’s a church that welcomes, a church that accompanies, a church that listens, a church that also speaks with clarity.”


AC£S said...

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Hope it stays dat way said...

hmmm..the best for the church and people is needed

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Unknown said...

Good of him

Unknown said...

Nice one

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Unknown said...

Good for them. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Nice one...carry go, very nice idea

Unknown said...

Good for them. Linda take note!

Northern Princess 7 said...

Hmmmm, What more can I Say

who's Next ?

Unknown said...

A less judgemental church and not a worldly one please!

Bonita Bislam said...

We are getting there gradually.Soon, there'll be no sin in the world coz the bad has beeen garnished to being the new right

Unknown said...

Yes gay people should be welcomed into the church, but not for marriage o!, jesus came for sinners after all.
The bible say we can divorce on the grounds of unfaithfulness but if you sleep with someone else you're committing adultery. So if you can't stay without being with someone else, then don't divorce. But I think special consideration should be given to those that divorce on the grounds of domestic violence. Even the church annuls force marriage.

Project Topics said...

Lets leave judgement for God

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Blog It With Olivia said...


#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE

Unknown said...

That's a good one, but I don't like the acceptance of gay couples. I like this Pope.


Unknown said...

Oky observed....

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


ary said...

Good move

Unknown said...

We r equal and d same in d eyes of d Lord and dis is y judgement is solely unto d Lord.

Anonymous said...

You have just given a one-sided view of the synod proceedings and succeeded in quoting the synod fathers who backed some of these changes. I am very certain you have not read the full report. I have done so and the beauty is that the Church doctrines and teachings remain intact and none was changed. The final address of the Pope stated that much also. Why did you deliberately ommit the comments made by thePope concerning the so called liberal bishops. You can confuse some, not all your readers

adol said...

I love this Pope abeg...

Unknown said...


yawanow said...

The doctrines of the church remains unshaken and they try not to sound judgmental on gays. I think its a good decision than trying to accept the unacceptable.

Unknown said...

Nice talk.

Aviky said...


New post


hope it works out

Miss Boss said...

Endtim tns!

Unknown said...

There is no way to bend wrong to become right. What is wrong is most definitely wrong. The devil is bringing these new doctrines to continually shepherd the people away from the truth. This nonsense about do not judge is getting old. Homosexuality and cohabitation is a SIN. No one is judging them they already judged themselves. God is no respecter of persons. His doctrines cannot be changed or sugar-coated. God's presence is holy and we are not worthy to stand therein because we are sinners. But we should not twist God's clear instructions to accommodate what God has clearly condemned.

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