Thief dies 'twice' in hospital after being stabbed in stomach by house owner | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 19 September 2015

Thief dies 'twice' in hospital after being stabbed in stomach by house owner

A thief 'died' twice in hospital after being stabbed in the stomach by the owner of a house he had robbed. The thief, 38 year old Craig Norman, spent nearly six months in Manchester Royal Infirmary and is now facing the threat of being jailed.

The courts heard how he used a spring-loaded punch to get into the home of 44 year old Lee Fellowes and his wife Kelly, 33.

Mr Fellowes went into the kitchen of their home after hearing the sound of smashing glass and when he looked towards the front door he saw a hand reaching for a bunch of keys in the lock, said prosecutor Subhanur Chowdhury. He kicked out at the hand but Norman managed to grab the keys and disappear.
“Bare-footed and in his pyjamas Mr Fellowes ran out of the back door. On the way he picked up a kitchen knife to protect himself and his young family,” said Mr Chowdhury.
Outside he saw a vehicle driving away at speed and thought the intruder was driving.
So Mr Fellowes went back into the house and that was when he saw his wife struggling with a masked man dressed all in black and armed with a hammer.
Mr Chowdhury added: “Mr Fellowes ran at the man. Instinct took over and he pushed his hand holding the knife into his midriff. He pulled the knife out of the man’s body and it fell to the ground.”
Despite his serious injury, Norman managed to escape and on reaching home was covered in blood, it was said.
In court, Maggie McCormack, who is Mr. Norman's lawyer, said “Norman suffered a life endangering wound. And after being admitted to the MRI twice died. He does have a record but he takes issue with some of the evidence against him.”
Norman, she said, pleaded guilty to burglary and the theft of keys valued at £50. He was bailed and due to appear at the Crown Court for sentence on October 6.


  1. Hahahahaha + he'll fire if care is not taken. God have mercy. RIP.... *theif

    1. Oh! Son of man y d u allow ursef to b missused by ur ungodly passion. He should b punished accordingly.

    2. I care less if he dies till eternity. Serveshim right.

  2. He'll die a a 3rd time. Now na morning, ole!

  3. Hmmmmm, nkan nbe things. Nna na wa o! Linda take note!

  4. Hmmmmm, nkan nbe things. Nna na wa o! Linda take note!

  5. Hmmmmm, nkan nbe things. Nna na wa o! Linda take note!

  6. I'm still not yet clear on how he died twice here.Funny enough it even forms the headline but the info about the dying twice isn't more than one line

  7. Died twice..I wonder how that sounds tho

  8. ".... admitted to the MRI"??

  9. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    At that age he still never get sense... Serious matter... #NowPlaying cassava: jumabee.....

  10. God have mercy... May his gentle soul rest in peace.... Or what do you think?

  11. The owner is not smilling atal,im Rita 23yrs, just moved to Lagos, very bored ,i. need friends add me on BBM 2B08726B

  12. Hian! That house owner is a very brave man.

  13. The thief is lucky to be alive.


  14. The thief is lucky to be alive.


  15. The headline doesn't seem to reflect the report. Abi do I need new reading glasses?

    Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

  16. I don't get how he died twice!

  17. Read through, still don't get how he died twice.

  18. Died twice? Still confused tho, but he deserved it sha...he would av killed the man's wife if the man was not brave enuff. #singinavemaria

  19. I don't understand? Is he dead or not? *scratching head* Mo-1

  20. If he does not repent he will die finally the 3rd time!


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