Man chases away his 4 albino children and wife..after calling them a curse | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 12 September 2015

Man chases away his 4 albino children and wife..after calling them a curse

Salongo Kawuki Bwogere abandoned his wife, 35-year-old Faridah Nantumbwe and his children after she gave birth to the fourth albino child two years ago. Her told his wife that in their clan they did not produce albinos, whom he described as a curse. 

He also barred his wife from cultivating on their land. Nantumbwe, now resident in Mugongo, Uganda said she used to live with her husband at Kirume village Gombolola Kasambya in Mubende district where they had their children.

She narrated that after they had the fourth child her husband chased her and vowed to kill her and the children. "Although he decided to chase me away, Bwogere never provided me with transport. He just told me to find my way out of his house.

As a non-stipendiary, I had to appeal to people of good heart to bail me out of my burden of giving birth to albinos. However, through thick and thin I managed to get enough money for transport to take me to my home at Mugongo where I now live with my children," Despite her ordeal, Nantumbwe has vowed not to abandon her children like her husband did.

She is currently seeking financial and any other assistance from people of good will, to raise her children. "After all they are human beings like other children who are not albinos". Faridah gave birth to her first child, Ivan Ssewagudde at the age of 20. She said she was shocked to see that she had given birth to a 'white' child and so was her husband, little did she know what lay ahead.

Next came the twins, Allan Wasswa and Amon Kato now aged 8 years. After she had her fourth child, Joan Kizza Nakabugo, 6, her husband woke up one morning and told her to immediately leave with her children. Nantumbwe has become a case of stigma among her in-laws and the community.

They have branded her unfaithful to her husband else how did she give birth to albinos? "When I gave birth to other children of the same colour, it became worse; people in the community used to gossip about. me all the time. They considered me to be a curse. It is terrible to have children of albinism. I am terrified and I fear for them because they might develop problems as they do not have natural protection from the sun that affects them so much.

As a single mother I do not have money to provide the necessary feeding and clothing to protect them as they have tender skins. I need to monitor them constantly to make sure they do not get sun burnt. Now that the father of my children abandoned us, I appeal to all people of good will to come to my rescue because I love my children and I want to raise them.

They are lovely. I need to feed them properly and take them to school to have the necessary education, because they have the brains and they are intelligent. My husband’s family members also branded me a 'mother of ghosts'. So I have nowhere to turn to other than to people of good will and to the Government. Nantumbwe revealed that her in-laws have a history of albinism.

According to her, before her father in-law passed away last year, he had told her that his elder brother had fathered four albino children. "He encouraged me and said not to get worried as it was hereditary in their family." Unfortunately, he passed on before her husband chased her away.

Nantumbwe currently earns a meagre living from doing peoples’ laundry and gardening. "I feel bad my children are not going to school and sometimes we sleep without a meal or a drink. I call upon President Museveni to come to my rescue as he has always done with many other people in this country, because I am in dire need of assistance with my children.

We have nowhere to live decently," she appealed. She is grateful to those who have assisted. 11-year-old Ssewagudde, the elder of Nantumbwe’s children is also appealing for help. "Our father abandoned us, because he does not want even to look at us. We are a curse to him. We pray God to help our mother so that she provides for us." he said.

Source: New Vision Daily


  1. Mehn, they are really albinos o, but hw are they a curse? That man is stupid, no be wetin he put inside †ђξ woman she born???
    He needs to take several seats at d back

    #iT WiLL OnLY gEt BettER
    #iT MusT eNd iN PrAiSE

    1. It's called illiteracy!!! Foolish man. His next wife will have more albinos!!

  2. My goodness! The man most be a compound fool, can you imagine??? Some are even crying to God for just one child $ u are blessed with four lovely kids yet denying them cus they are albino huh??? Smh the stupidity of some men enh..... he should check the history of his cursed family gene!

  3. Mehn, they are really albinos o, but hw are they a curse? That man is stupid, no be wetin he put inside †ђξ woman she born???
    He needs to take several seats at d back

    #iT WiLL OnLY gEt BettER
    #iT MusT eNd iN PrAiSE


    ***adult content***

    Na wa


    ***adult content***

    I had a dream dat one day an albino will become d president of Nigeria...

  6. Quite unfortunate, what people do out of ignorance.
    May God bless their mother for taking care of them and not abandoning them like their dad did.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  7. When I saw the headline, the first thing that came to my mind was that this would be an African man, and I wasn't wrong.
    Why wasn't the man's picture shown here?

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

  8. Jesus Christ. too much albinos, no wonder the man ran away. watch out for, a dating site coming on is way.

  9. That man is so cruel. Albinos r also human being. I hope they get assistance ASAP n believe they will make it in life so they could put the man to shame.

  10. Jesus Christ. too much albinos, no wonder the man ran away. watch out for, a dating site coming on is way.

  11. Such a wicked father and in laws. Albinos are human too.

  12. Beautiful kids with bright future, may God watch over u guys . Amen

  13. Some men are very funny... what was he expecting when he was busy depositing albino's sperm.

  14. This is really sad... May God in his infinite mercy, raise helpers for them. The boys are destined for greatness!

  15. Na wa oooo,wetin person no go hear for dis world.

  16. Those boys are so cute and their father's a fool. How does one help the mom if interested?

  17. THe Man is ill informed from the science of Albino the Man and the women must possess the Albino gene for thier offsprings to be Albino.I hope someone speaks sense to that man

  18. God will never leave you nor forsake you!

  19. Lack of education.

  20. Na wa o. It is well.


  21. Omashey o! This life sha! And dey are actually beautiful. I just pray they get d needed help AMEN

  22. 4 cha?... Na wa ooo. They're cute despite the fairness tho

  23. He is the curse. These children are gorgeous and will make a fortune soon. Jesus has blessed them already. Amen

  24. The man has thrown away his blessings due to his illiteracy and not wanting to know. Now that the whole world knows, let's hope the wife doesn't take him back when the money starts rolling in. The mother is a strong woman. May God bless her and the children.

  25. I pray that God will make these children great so that the ignorant man will regret his actions.

  26. Wow I feel so sorry 4 d woman

  27. Too bad

  28. choi --------------- no comment abeg ---- But if not at all --- Father God --- Give me those children

  29. Funny indeed,but to me he made a big mistake by chasing them away because of albino stuff.
    It' not the fault of your wife thou,but this albino thing is weird.......

    #sad indeed

  30. Albinism is an autosomal recessive trait which can only b dorminant in a child when both parents possesses the gene and passes it on to them. So for a child to b an albino, he/she has gotten the albinism gene from both parents. An exception to this where a child can get it from 1 parent is the deaf-mutism albinism type(child is unable to hear or speak) which is very rare. I hope i ve educated u guys abit so incase u ve an albino, know ur child got it from both u and ur partner:)

  31. A very sad story. How do we reach out to her? Her children are beautiful and happy. God is in control.

  32. Such beautiful children, adorable smiles! Linda take this as a project, speak out loud andhelp give these ones Nigerian citizenship, all that woman needs is a lifeline to take care of these beautiful boys who will excel one day. I challenge you Linda! I challenge you! Flag my comment and I'll open up a communication link with a bit of my support.

  33. One of the main causes of Albinism is too much exposure to x-ray..... the hospitals warn against it causes it causes genetic mutation.... the fault could be from the husband or even herself.... man is the architect of his problem...

    1. Chei Chinedu I thank God stupidity is not hereditary if not I for sorry ur offsprings!!!

  34. Aw cum? 4 abilnos! Choii sumtin mst b rung

  35. For window blinds, wallpaper and curtains please call 08160856785.

  36. Lolz, d man funny sha, albinos no b person ni?

  37. Lolz, d man funny sha, albinos no b person ni?

  38. They are beautiful children. The man is an ignorant idiot. Linda if you set up a just giving donation page or hear of one set up for the kids I'll donate.

  39. Miss linda, which one is her told his wife



  40. Omotola dat blasted our government for not responding to the death of d unilag girl oya over to u travel to Uganda and go and help dis family as a matter of fact shey omotola na un ambassador make she call out this woman's husband and president

  41. Omotola dat blasted our government for not responding to the death of d unilag girl oya over to u travel to Uganda and go and help dis family as a matter of fact shey omotola na un ambassador make she call out this woman's husband and president

  42. Hey!, I feel for d family and I blame it on nature. Lets be honest, no one will be too happy seeing them

  43. If only we can chose hw we want to come to earth

  44. Since her uncle had albinos too, it's hereditary and very dominant in her genes. God will see her through.

  45. Heya not fair. Protect these kids
    ~D great anonymous!

  46. This is really really serious, four albino's from same woman, just hearing this for the first time. But what I know of a truth Woman the lord is ur strength even as ur husband has abandoned u remember God can never abandon u that I know

  47. The mother lacks melanin..... The essence of good anti-natal

    1. Hewu u r an illiterate!!! Any way u can't even spell ante natal so why am I surprised??

  48. This story is very touching if only I knew how to help I would. Pls Linda when you put stories like this, also give a direct link on how people can help. I will love to help but dnt know how. May the Lord continue to look after them for he gave her those kids for a reason.

  49. thats not fair naw buh mehhnn

    Aunty linda....

  50. thats not fair naw buh mehhnn

    Aunty linda....

  51. thats not fair naw buh mehhnn

    Aunty linda....

  52. Dis is a job for their government. All the best to them. Linda take note!

  53. Dis is a job for their government. All the best to them. Linda take note!

  54. Dis is a job for their government. All the best to them. Linda take note!

  55. Omg! So touching! dat man is so heartless

  56. He'd better come back and take up his seeds....what nonsense!!

  57. Whomever wrote this article needs to be fired!! What kind of journalism is this? Are there no editors to proof read and correct errors?
    The beginning of the article states that the woman had her last child 2 years ago, yet it also states that the youngest child is 6.
    Also, this same piece of writing mentions that she gave birth to her first child at 20, and since she's presently 35, that would mean her oldest is 15. However, prior to the quote from the boy, this news piece describes him as 11 year old.

  58. Oh my!....*teary eyes* cold cold world! Sorry love.

  59. Hmmmmm...

    I so feel for her and d children.
    I wish them all d best and I pray God provide for them.

  60. Na wa 4 dis man o shey children na blessing frm God?e no daper jor

  61. U birthed 4 healthy boys and chased dem away bcos of dia skin pigment, aw wonderful of ds idiotic man.

  62. Life! And some people dey find anyone. May God have mercy on that man.

  63. Awwwhhhh they look so cute! Ugandans are funny sha, how can you accuse her of infidelity in this day and age where there is internet everywhere to satisfy your curiosity and illiteracy. Governments in Africa should help these people integrate properly into the society, and raise awareness amongst expecting mothers to have an insight into albinism.The stigma they face is too much. Imagine the lady that committed suicide in Festac area recently.People should read more and share knowledge to correct these misconception.

  64. I am moved by the prayer of d little boy...may God's helping hand locate them

  65. Children are gift from God
    Oga take note

  66. D heart of a mother.may God in his infinite mercy provide for u and ur kids Amen

  67. Linda this comment is for you alone . On two occasions now have seen things like"An LIB reader" pls desist from that its an eye sore. Now let me explain, in English language the indefinite article 'An' only precedes a vowel sound such as 'a e i o u' an apple an egg an iron an orange etc. The indefinite article A precedes all consonants of which 'L' is part of. Pls stick to this and you won't be making such elementary mistakes. Thanks and God bless you.

    1. Lol u seem to be slightly mental

  68. I don't know if I have the mind to blame this man. Four albinos seems like a curse really.

  69. Eeyya innocent children, I pray they get help soon!!!

  70. 4 abino chai! Did she or husband offend abino?

  71. Which is the 2 years old child in the photo please?

  72. Please which one amongst them did she have 2 years ago?

  73. Na wa oooo...4_really???God help the mother!!!

  74. Is it me ? but does the 4 children look like quadruplets?

  75. Esau was born red(white) the bible said,while Jacob's colour wasn't mentioned meaning he had d normal colour they had then which is black...Esau has no melanin just as d whites,wc is part of him that was wasted thus d Greek meaning of esau..Esau and Jacob are 2 nations conceived by Rebecca and d bible said one would be stronger but d oda will rule d stronger,blacks are stronger but whites rule but our strength still makes us thrive than d white..think abt dis,2 black people can give birth to a white skin(red) I.e albino but two white has never given birth to a black skin be it black albino..So Isaac and rebbeca were definitely black..Adam and Eve were black,Jesus was black...d white race started from esau who was born red..Jesus was tortured before nailed to d cross,only a black man could go tru that length of torture....d whites enslaved us,most inventions bk then would have been ideas of black ppl but stolen away from them cos they were enslaved...they fooled us making us believe Jesus was white,Now we all worship d white Jesus..we Africans are the true isrealites....we re still going to rule d was dominated by d whites bfr,but now black all over and d,boxing ,formular one e.t.c we re going to take all bk......#Etymology reveals and facts gotten from d bible...

  76. They are so adorable!!!! I wish them well.

  77. Be strong for your kids ma! I see their father begging in near future. God will provide.

  78. Hmmm, where did the albino gen come from?


  79. really sad news, it is not the woman's fault naa....

  80. Adorable albinos, God will punish that man

  81. Hmmm but it is not her fault but fault of the husband. It is said that any man that sleeps with a woman who is doing her period will surely produce Albino

  82. Ignorance mixed with poverty...aha what a shame.


  84. This is so sad and so wrong, seriously wish I could help. This is one of our problems in this part of the globe, we fear what we don't know and we try to kill it as well. There are scientific explanations for this lady's kids but out of ignorance, shit like this happens, It's like being born with, alopecia or autism or paraplegic or even gay, we are prejudiced towards things we don't understand, I wonder how terrible these kids feel now, thinking about how they are being chased away by their own father. God please give these kids a hand. Wish I could do more. so sad.

  85. Ur wife didn't give birth '"problem.she gives birth'problem..i dnt like dz O ,any problem from a home they will blame it on d woman..what nonsense

  86. Education is key...he needs to know it is genetic and dat he is also part of the reason they are albinos!!!

  87. The man is crazy, why didn't he go for DNA tests for all the children & find out if they are truly his. God will be with u & ur children woman.

  88. How unfortunate that we still have myopic people in the 21st century! Curse my a**

  89. How unfortunate that we still have myopic people in the 21st century! Curse my a**

  90. Oh what a sad story I pray the govt comes to their aid ASAP

  91. This is annoying and pathetic, just feel for the woman.

    That vuvuzela P guy

  92. That man is cursed, this kids are so beautiful.


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