Photo: Kidnapped girl found in Jos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 22 August 2015

Photo: Kidnapped girl found in Jos

The Special Task Force (STF) on Jos crisis named Operation Safe Haven today alerted the public of a girl who was found loitering in the state capital. She gave her name as Rukayat. When interrogated, the girl who is believed to be about 12-14 years old, said she was kidnapped from a destination she can not remember in March this year.

A statement sent out by the task force media officer, Captian Ikedichi Iweha today August 22nd, said the girl has been in their custody for two days now. They are appealing to anyone who knows the girl to come forward to claim her.

The statement in part reads
“The attention of the general public is by this notice called to help in identifying the person in this photograph. She gave her name as Rukayatu and she is about 12- 14 years old. She has been in STF custody for Two (2) days within which time efforts have been made to contact her relations. She claims has been missing since March 2015 and have been held against her will by unknown persons since then. Members of the general public who recognize her are please requested to contact the Special Task Force (OPERATION SAFE HAVEN) Jos or the Department of State Security Service, Plateau State Command for identification and further action.”


  1. Thank God for her life.. I dey jos make I go greet her!

  2. Thank God she's still alive to start with.

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  3. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    Thank God she was found though atlist thats all that matters....

  4. Thank God she ws found, r parents or relatives shd pls show up o

  5. Thank God she ws found, r parents or relatives shd pls show up o

  6. Tnk Jesus, shes in good condition, wots the essence of kidnapping her........WTF is she wearing by the way, take that thing off biko, u are to be wearing that thing

  7. I hope her family locate her soon!!!

  8. Thank God for helping the young terrorist girl.

    #sad indeed

  9. Thank God for helping the young terrorist girl.

    #sad indeed

  10. Wow, thank God for her

    it is well

  11. Thank God they found her, imagine she's been missing since March. The wickedness in this world

  12. Thank goodness her parents must have given up hope but she is still alive, I hope someone recognizes her and comes for her.

  13. Hope she is saying the truth. I no longer trust these small hausa witches especially those on hijab. Fear of the unknown

  14. What nonsense! How can a girl this big say she was kidnapped from a destination she does not know? How come she knew it's been since March? That's a mole planted into the STF base,quote me anywhere. Rubbish talk!

  15. They should be careful. How can a 12 years in this generation not know where she was kidnapped from. I find it hard to believe her story

  16. Thank God. But she should be properly medical examination.

  17. We thank God she is alive


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