Naija girls can be very annoying at concerts - as written by Etcetera | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 15 August 2015

Naija girls can be very annoying at concerts - as written by Etcetera

Etcetera writes below...
I was watching entertainment news on TV with a couple of friends and it got to a part where Tuface was on stage performing and a girl who probably was as drunk as a skunk, dragged herself on the stage and started hugging him and even took off her shirt . What is actually wrong with Naija babes at concerts? How do you expect your boyfriend to feel watching his girlfriend on national TV jumping around Tuface on stage like a chimpanzee wearing just a bra and with boobs wobbling from side to side?
Well, Tu-baba surely didn’t mind. He probably would have grabbed at those bouncy boobs if it wasn’t a concert. Twale Baba!!!

Here are some of the annoying things Naija babes do at concerts.
  1. Taking pictures the entire show: I get it. You want to show all your friends on Facebook and Twitter that you were at the concert. Fine. Take a photo. Take five if you want. But please, don’t take 1000! You always manage to hold your camera right in my line of sight. You don’t even look like you’re enjoying the show while you’re doing this. All your attention is on the pictures you are taking. And you know what? Those pictures are all going to look like nonsense, every single one of them. You’re too far away from the stage. You’ll probably never even look at them. Also, you see those guys right in front of the stage with the giant cameras? They’re taking great professional pictures. There’s really no need for yours.
  1. Taking pictures the entire show: I get it. You want to show all your friends on Facebook and Twitter that you were at the concert. Fine. Take a photo. Take five if you want. But please, don’t take 1000! You always manage to hold your camera right in my line of sight. You don’t even look like you’re enjoying the show while you’re doing this. All your attention is on the pictures you are taking. And you know what? Those pictures are all going to look like nonsense, every single one of them. You’re too far away from the stage. You’ll probably never even look at them. Also, you see those guys right in front of the stage with the giant cameras? They’re taking great professional pictures. There’s really no need for yours.
  2. Checking Facebook, Twitter and Instagram every couple of minute Unless you’re a surgeon who’s expecting an emergency call or message, everything can wait. Live in the moment. Enjoy the show. You paid gate fee to be here. You can tweet your friends when you get home. Also, your fake China phone emits a very harsh and distracting light. For the love of God, turn the damn thing off!
  3. Incessantly talking to your friends: You might not like whatever song is playing. You may be bored with the show in general. You may have been dragged here by your boyfriend against your will. But you’ve been talking all through the entire show, and I can hear everything you are saying. It’s driving me crazy. Please shut the hell up! I can’t tell you how many shows I attend where the girls in front of me are yelling in each other’s ear the entire night. Not only is my sightline blocked when their cheap wigs or weave-on come together, but I can hear their gossip. Take your chit-chat to one of the food vendor’s shed and stay there till the show is over, or go spread a wrapper under that pawpaw tree and lie down and talk till morning. I don’t care. Just shut up so I can enjoy the show. 
  4.  Yelling out requests: ‘Yaaay, I want Styl-plus to play “Imagine That”’. Hey girls, imagine if you shut up and stop screaming in my ear; most of the time, the song list is pre-determined, and they can’t even hear you from up there. They’re going to play what they’re going to play. Just go along for the ride. Damn it! 5.
  5. Yelling out the names of the artiste on stage: This is another level of irritation. This has never been funny. Maybe it was cool in the 80s. Now, it’s just madness.
  6. Pushing your way to the front: If a concert is general admission, the people in front earned their spots. They got there early and laid claim to their space. The people all the way in front might have even spent all day waiting by the doors, so when the show begins and you shove your way to the front, you’re being a huge distraction. Don’t do that. If you show up late and there’s only room in the back, you’ve just have to deal with it.
  7. Getting so drunk you puke: Girls these days drink like sharks. You see them at Felaberation smoking igbo even more than TerryG. I feel sorry for those who have to clean up the venue after the concerts. I can imagine the types of vomit and stench they have to clean up.
  8. Loudly complaining after the show because the artiste didn’t play your favourite song: This is actually one of the crazy things we see after each concert. Babes, try to enjoy the show you’re getting as opposed to the one you wish you were seeing. Besides, haven’t you heard “Kukere” and “Shoki” enough?
  9. Filming the entire show on your mobile phone: This distracts people even worse than taking pictures, and usually results in an equally horrid product. The sad irony is that people tend to film their favourite songs, but the smiles on their faces are gone when all their concentration goes into capturing these moments on film. Next morning, Instagram will be cluttered with crappy cell phone videos of every song from the concert. Stop tagging me to these crappy videos. I was at the concert for Christ sake! You paid good money to see a show, and you’re joylessly watching it through a tiny screen on your mobile phone. It just doesn’t make any sense.


  1. Still haven't gotten any help for the sewing machine I pleade for, please my fellow libers come to the aid of a sister.

    1. He said it all and wht else to say...
      I usually call dis tins dat crazy fans do to show their luv towards their music star's.

      He surely knows how to write well. I wish him all d best and God bless him for dis nice write up. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

    2. He said it all and wht else to say...
      I usually call dis tins dat crazy fans do to show their luv towards their music star's.

      He surely knows how to write well. I wish him all d best and God bless him for dis nice write up. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

    3. Have some chill gal! A month or two months pay in any menial job can get you a sewing machine. The money for data you probably spend doing online begging can do transport fare for you. Get a job and work for some time and invest in yourself. A butterfly sewing machine is just 15k for christ sakes! No LIBer is obligated to help you, cos no one owes you anything. Stop doing this to your destiny plsssz

    4. Etcetera you too get mouth, choi! Why finish dem babes lyk dis nah??? Linda take note!

    5. Etcetera you too get mouth, choi! Why finish dem babes lyk dis nah??? Linda take note!

    6. Etcetera you too get mouth, choi! Why finish dem babes lyk dis nah??? Linda take note!

    7. I am led by God to send you a sewing machine. What's your phone number, il call you. I live abroad so how do I send it to you? This is not scam and I don't need your money or any personal details from you, just how to send it to you.

    8. U cld av simply sent her email

    9. True words but not factual... The truth is that the hasty generalization of the girls has led to so much trouble... You're an idealist and I respect that fact your words express the gradual evolution of man as no one takes their time to read important things anymore but believe everything they see on screen... I'm shocked to find out that my African sistas buy into the ideas of formidable acts and leave doors open for insults.. But etcetera you need to accept the fact that people will be different in attitudes... The only role model for the misguided youths, now a question for the lib readers... Is etcetera misguiding, misguided or lying... (it's a rhetorical question everybody has different opinions) if not why are the youth misbehaving and caught up in wierd behaviours.. I think we all know the right answer please let this man speak and the smart guys would get knowledge and wisdom(too old school for our youths today) while the rather unlucky ones get what they get!... I rest my case

  2. Replies
    1. He said it all and wht else to say...
      I usually call dis tins dat crazy fans do to show their luv towards their music star's.

      He surely knows how to write well. I wish him all d best and God bless him for dis nice write up. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

    2. Naija babes are dumb I swear. Then they go turn babymama for the same artiste con dey expect may guyman marry dem.

      Finally these groupie hoes only act like ashewo for celebs....and are looking for regular guys to marry dem under guise of no sex before marriage

  3. Will this man ever marry? He is an irritant, always criticising.

    1. Instead of you to go to mfm to deliver you from joblessness. I know you're waiting for LIB giveaway

    2. It shows that the guy dosnt buy VIPER ticket cos I wonder how he saw this? He must have been at the popular side buhahahah

  4. I've always read every article written by u but hardly see nothing in u but pure criticism. Which I guess it's one of the major reasons u never made it in the entertainment industry. Like ur name implies ETC when guns in the industry are called u end the list etc.... Focus more on ur career rather than be a ranting social network champion. Get more busy with productive things.........

    1. U said it all.. God bless you

  5. Not. Only is my sightline blocked when their cheap wigs or weave-on come 2gether. Now that is very very insulting. I have always enjoyed ur write up but u must be careful with ur choice of words.

  6. Huh?!
    All this epistle to prove say you go school abi say you get beef for Naija babes

    Why bother? Its their life! Get one. Haba

  7. Dis Ectetera wetin be ur work sef

    1. I was waiting for sm1 to ask. Abeg. Wats his work biko.

    2. Maybe he's unemployed. Always criticizing people. If he was any productive thing doing we should know..

  8. Dis guy weycdey speak so so grammar li nda take note

  9. Lol. This is hilarious!

  10. This guy is a problem. .....and why Linda? Why do you promote his rubbish?

  11. Word. Oh yeah and on wigs, please ladies take the time out to care for your hair, it is inexpensive than spending 1000 Naira on disgusting looking hair crown. If you are not deceiving me with your hair like is your real hair then that thing is fucking ugly. Stop!!!

  12. Shuush your gutter mouth

  13. Lol..this guy has come again. 2 face has suffered. Bia etcetera, if it's annoying you like that, pay for VIP seats and leave the girls alone. It's nt your business what they do, like you said, they paid their money to come in, wt they do is their business and if it's annoying you, you either do yours or get a VIP table ALONE

    1. As innn! Dey chop paracetamol ontop person headache. Get a life jaree

  14. This article makes me wanna sleep. *yawns*

    By d way, don't stereotype. We still love our naija girls

    1. Gotta love em

      The way one Unilag babe suck my prick last night. Never had such sucking before.


  15. Wearing 20 inch high heel shoes to the show and going back home on bare blow guy no be by force..

  16. Why is he hating Naija girls? African girls do same to Psquare, American and European girls do same. So why the hate on your people etc.

  17. First time I will make a comment to this guy's article, he's so stupid for this. Did they(d girls) use ur money to buy d ticket? Its,a friggin concert dude! Pple are meant to scream and shout, if u want silence and decency to to d opera or broadway.
    Everywhere in d world pple do all these, not just Nigerians.
    Dumb ass dude

  18. And u went dere to observe ur nt an artist ur only pained ur nt d one girls love.

  19. This guy needs to be admitted to rehab asap!

  20. Who's this pained ass? Hope he gets paid for his stupid opinions?

  21. Sounds like something localised from a Marie Claire magazine.

  22. Shut up already. Wetin concern u. Linda pls stop make this jerk popular

  23. Ecetera is just a sadist and a pessimist. Does he have a wife or a girlfriend? I hope not. I mean, u can put up this hater. If he is taking note of things that does not concern him, did he really come to dat concert to have fun abi to sight see. As what na? As supervisor abi bouncer? Who cares what he thinks? Always begging for attention. Biko sister linda, I think u and other blogers are encouraging his sad/malicious thought and write up. Ecetera should not even be seen in blogs at all. My mama will say, "if u can't say anything nice, don't talk at all". I rest my case...

    1. @Anon6:46 if always want to hear "nice things", then go live in pluto, U don't belong to this earth.

  24. na true ooo, but why with 2face a example.

  25. Etcetera or whatever your name is,you have a very big problem,you talk too much and generally complain of everyone,are you now saying,you are the only one good in this whole wide world,pls go and take several seat jor...

  26. Linda,who is this guy again?I think he should fake his death!..

    1. Hahahahahahahahahahaha... Libers!!! Una mouth na Double-barrel.

  27. This guy is always so bitter, he needs medical attention.

  28. #fact...most especially igbo babes

  29. We get it, you were hurt by some chick. Because I don't know how you are oblivious to the fact that some fellas, especially in our generation, do these things as well. Isn't in hypocritical to chastise the chick who when after Tuface, and in the same breath, you say "Twale Baba!!"? I can smell your pig snout from far away bruv! Now back you your trough chauvinist!

  30. Now I am convinced this guy is sick

  31. Beyonce would love your post I remember her telling one of her fan during her last tour "put the damn camera down !!"

  32. MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o

    Etc abeg free our Naija girls jare. Your own criticism don dey pass be careful.

  33. Seriously I can't relate to anything he's saying cos it doesn't make any sense to me at all. Whatever happen to freedom of expression? If u know u can't with the girls doing all that den u sit in your fucking house..... SMH Linda please stop posting stories like this cause as far as I am concerned we didn't learn a thing from that.

  34. I love u et cetera.

  35. Who Cares if Etcetera thinks differently.
    Naija babez r nt Americans, so let then act Naija

  36. Hahahahahahahahaha.... abeg dis guy no go kill me with laugh ooo....i can't help but laugh till I carry my silpass for hand....all dis yabbings for Nigerian babes?

  37. For once I agree wit etcetera on this. As a girl I sometimes do this at concerts and I feel bad now.

    1. I do it an will continue
      I paid to see d fckn artist, so I will dam well use my fckn phone to capture whatever I want, flip my fckn hair and scream as much as I want.
      If he doesn't like it pls move far.
      He's just pained cos he's not a big celeb and nobody will jump or scream his name.

  38. Pls take a back seat etcetera. Attention seeker

  39. Exectral dont tell me you have run out of stories and jsgons to write??now is naija babes you are yabbing??lol I no fit shout oooh any way I got your point but thank God I dont attend all those stupid shows in naija.

  40. Okay. Mabinu


  41. Just dnt knw y, I dislike this guy. He act like he his the MR KNOW ALL. Igbo guys wit funny attitude, I wish sum1 can tell him to shut up cos he his an opportunities.

    1. Choiiiii, gbagaun of life, on top yabbing an igbo guy, pig!

    2. Why is it that people always want to create problem by involving tribal reference in such opinion? Say Ur mind BT Dnt invovle others in it.....FOOL!!!

  42. Na wetin dey vex this guy like dis now?

    ...NA ZO

  43. I love reading this guy's articles seriously lolz. Dose dat hates him will still always read anytin he drops why? If u don't like him den pls stay off his stuff !

    1. He must really hate ladies! Eyaaa! Etcetera ndi oh! Hichaa anya mmiri GI.... Onwero ife IGA emenwu maka ya. If u no fit endure, nwanne I get sniper. Drink am

    2. We wanna read, linda forces us to by bringing it here. Do u think pple will go out of their way to read it he got his own blog or something? NO

  44. Pls Mr. Etctera, can u take several seats at d back???
    This is actually why we are girls, αи∂ we enjoy every minute of whether snappn photo, moving our expensive wigs/weavon, αи∂ every other crazy thing we do out there. Its just d fun of it....
    So pls if ladies irritate u that much, I suggest u stop attendn concerts, afterall u'v seen d videos of such artiste perform, so no need carrying ur dead body there since u can't stand d sight of Ladies doing what they like.
    Its ur problem, deal with it Sir


  45. I thought d same abt d stupid girl too but then abt that ur list, wetin concern u? Saying it won't change anything. It's a concert,and not urs even, u can't force people to act d way u want.

  46. Geez guy, go and get married nd stop disturbing plp. Be sure 2 pick d 1 dt is perfect.

  47. What's wis dis abeg he shld go nd sit down nd shut up already he is beginning to piss me off wit his write ups must he talk abt everytin mchewwwww

  48. I hate dat part they always shouting and recording the entire arena in2 thr fone! Lookin for dressstyles n hairdos tu copy!

  49. And your point is? Trying to stay relevant, fine boi wey bitch pass woman! Its not only in naija that such happens , so stuff it!

  50. Etc u r on pt. Was laughing loudly through out the entire time I was reading. That is just the fact.

  51. So sorry for him, I know vhevis pained cost nobody recognize him or request for his music again

  52. Oloshi nii e...all dis rubbish ryt up...Abeg wetin e teach us

  53. As far as am concerned! What ever u call yourself, you are just an attention seeker & disrespecting our girls only makes it worse for you Mstchewww!

  54. Didirin agba! Linda u sef too do abeg! No dey waste our time with all these rubbish writes up Lmao

  55. For ur information he s nt frm Akwa Ibom. To whom it may concern

  56. Well said ETC...

  57. This guy is just a noice maker! No wonder banger of N10 blow pass am!

  58. Cheap man! Your mate dey vip dey relax... u dey regular dey complain.

  59. Na wa oh imagine all comment from my senior men/guys club etcetera might hav an altitude problem but lets focus on the comment you siting with your woman in a show she leave you there jump on stage with 2face shaking her booty repeatedly backing 2face shaking with different style backing 2face he might even hug her and you siting down there looking on and you see nothing wrong with that na wa o ma shey oh men indeed no wonder the society is mess ......

  60. I like this guy, I enjoy some of his work, but I really do jot agree with him on this. The reactions of Nigerians (both males and females) to celebrities is nothing compared to what happens overseas.. celebrities are been worshipped and in a bid to do so too many crazy things are done. What that young lady (who like he rightly pointed out did to tuface) is nothing compared to what is been done to celebrities overseas and it is not being viewed from the angel our talented writer here is viewing it, not because there are no talented writers over there, but because it is just a normal thing. I mean what do u expect from a groupie? So I feel our friend didn't research properly before writing on this one...


  61. Mr ETC, not all naija babes. I'll be d last idiot to do such...

  62. Made some points though but the rest are just hate talks mtchewwwwww. Etcetera go do something better with your time!

  63. Uncle Ode! It's not only 9ja girls behave like this.ur write up is a waste of time!

  64. Lol.....he is kinda right though. He makes lotta sense most times.


  65. Lol.....he is kinda right though. He makes lotta sense most times.


  66. Etcetera you too get mouth, choi! Why finish dem babes lyk dis nah??? Linda take note!

  67. Etcetera you too get mouth, choi! Why finish dem babes lyk dis nah??? Linda take note!

  68. This guy is sick

  69. Pls tell those duck brain girls

  70. Mr etcetera, its unfortunate that no sensible naija girl wud to be with you for real! You are so bitter ur career in the entertainment industry took a nosedive, no shows, no album, abi u be producer or actor now? Cos u are irrelevant to your self and to the society..all these ur relevance seeking or notice me or i making u look like a joke than a man! With ur empty pocket and zero account balance..u will lose ur friends cos u no longer have fans...look at ur self...talking rubbish like a child. If u have been to concerts in US and other parts of the world .you will see worse than all the things u put up here...why are you angry with nigerians generally? They did not make you unsuccessful! You clearly have nothing to offer,go get a career as a reporter, who knows you might turn out successful atleast with your mouth, yeye dey smell...and pls shut up and save us your irrelevance..we have boko haram in nigeria to deal with..dont be another nuisance.

    1. Who ever u are God bless you. The guys is an extreme irritant. What did Nigerians do to him that makes him criticise everytime he sets paper to pen... abeg!!!! Get a life ectera.. infact i need his email .. just so i can send him a long curse out mail.. nonesense somebody... has turned it to something else..

  71. Etcetera nwannem o!!! Jiriya nwayo o.... lol!

  72. Replies
    1. Just like your dead English! Smh

  73. Av been dying to say this " your face is funny"

  74. The one i hate is the movie theatre talk. Nigerians can be bush and local talking in movie theaters.

  75. What's your real name

  76. Lool... I feel this bloke... ~ceze

  77. Gerarahere mehn!!!next time just tell us DAT u ave bcom a writer alwayz criticizing ki o to she irun so ori bi t'ede sori all ye DAT doesn't understand Yoruba Mr etc

  78. I don't understand why this man is even allowed to give an opinion on anything at all..always saying nonsense

  79. I didnt even read the title! I Just ROLLED MY EYES!!!!! as I saw the name. Shaking my head for this guy! GET A LIFE BRO!!!!


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