IK Ogbonna's wife shows off bare tummy 2 months after giving birth | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 14 August 2015

IK Ogbonna's wife shows off bare tummy 2 months after giving birth

Amazing! Her tummy is even flatter than mine. *sigh* Read the rest of what she wrote after the cut...

"People that are too lazy to make changes in their lives will make you feel like there is nothing you can do to improve your life and if you dare to do so they will try to bring you down like being a mom isn't a blessing but an excuse to give up on yourself. Dont let people that never tried convince you that is not possible !!!! This IS NOT ABOUT SO CALLED BEAUTY STANDARDS ( as long as u find yourself appealing others will follow your example) ,nether physical appearance, but about challenging yourself to get the best out of you and to take your life into your hands until you look at yourself and say "Im proud!" ! Feeling is priceless!  Whatever is that you want,GO GET IT NOW!! You owe yourself that much!!!#8weeksPostPartum


  1. Replies
    1. That's her old picture, who is she deceiving? If not, photoshoped. No sign of stretch mark, no discoloration, make she tell that to dumdass Porto Ricans not sharp naija.

    2. Nice,but I'm still struggling with lower stomach fat.
      She should divulge her secret mbok.


    3. Razz idiot! Who did she epp? She epped ur fore fathers

    4. Millions of messages?????????

      Oriegwu ooo

    5. Lol@millions of pictures... Who knw u? Infact Hw many ppl knw IK? Lol

    6. This her inner pant na waya o! White turned brown like granny's pant. Do they still get such pants? So dirty looking. Phew...

    7. Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeew, why post this online? Nigerians and madness.

    8. Hun,u talk too much..wt again do u do fr a living? Oh "Iyks wyf" dtssit

    9. @the fool that said it's an old pix. Body differs. I have two adorable boys with no stretch marks, just huge boobs that has refused to reduce. Can't u see de slightly black line on her tummy? It's from childbirth, mine barely showed too cos am fair. Appreciate hard work and don't hate

    10. @ Anonymous above.. u have two boys and u just called someone fool cause of this common matter? I wonder wat u will be teaching ya kids.......

    11. @9:06, must you call the person a fool?
      Na wa o!

    12. Anonymous 12:33am- can't u see the pregnancy line on her belly?
      ~D great anonymous!

    13. One thing is for sure, she didn't give birth! she used a surrogate! who does she think she's deceiving? She gave birth and immediately lost tummy fat and was out and about.. I saw pictures.. she's a lying ass girl!!

  2. Wow! God oo,where re u?i nid dis

    1. So none of you LIBers observed her dirty panties? Choi!

    2. actually dats wat I was thinking
      In Edo,we call what she's wearing "oyegbe"lol

    3. Funny enough it looks neater than urs. @ anonymous 12:15.

  3. Nice tummy, hardwork pays. She for include the boobs sha.

  4. Good for her, although dem no dey talk true finish. Linda take note!

  5. Good for her, although dem no dey talk true finish. Linda take note!

  6. Bia dis expired Lebanese jekene nodu odu. Afo anu

    1. Why do u always talk like an agboro?no decency in all ur comments, av been observing shaa.ok bye

    2. Keep observing...u go soon die oh. Afo nsi! How bout DAT?

  7. Good for her, although dem no dey talk true finish. Linda take note!

  8. This is really amazing. Am happy for her. Hard work and dedication definitely pays.

  9. Good to know...next please!!

  10. Wow! All these sermon on top flat tummy.
    Like she put to bed just to celebrate post baby bod.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. First time I will agree with Bonario. I don't get all this post baby body pix. Do ur exercise and keep us out of it, we don't care.

    2. I wonder o. Like that's her ultimate goal

  11. Show us your face. That way, we can confirm that that's really your #8weeksPostPartum tummy.

  12. Ist time moms bodies snap back most of d time. No big freaking deal. I'm a mother of 3 with a bad body. Stop celebrating mediocrity. Na everything dey shack dis Linda.

    1. Am a mother of three but no one will believe I even av a child talk more of 3. Didn't exercise but dieting pays too

  13. Fake woman. Living her life on social media

  14. Bia this woman gbara ogwu gi nuo

  15. @least for the first time

    She just nailed it

  16. Ik ogbonna and wife are just instagram couple

  17. @least for the first time

    She just nailed it

  18. WoW!
    Just 8 weeks post partum n her tummy's flatter than mine.
    She should share her tips on how she did it.

  19. Linda oba elegbeda of egbeda is dead... died dis afternoon

  20. Still haven't gotten any help for the sewing machine I pleade for, please my fellow libers come to the aid of a sister. Gojinaka@gmail.com

  21. This woman will never make sense in her life, I wonder the level of her IQ. Just repeating same rubbish always. Babe u can never inspire any woman bcos u are fake and dumb.

  22. Wow! Really amazing

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  23. Dis lady can rant ehhh haba na only she don born b4

    Lib freak

  24. Lai Lai....she did not write all this .the English she speaks is different abeg

    1. Tank u, my that's exactly! Lol

    2. Lmfao.... anonymous u won't kill me o.... leave IK beautiful wife alone biko.

  25. Good for her.. Next story plzzzz!!!

  26. Whaoooooo, she said it all.

    Order for your beautiful bedspreads @ 5671CDBE. Delivery available nationwide.

  27. Soo @ de end wat did she do xcatly,gym diet or drug slim teas

  28. This lady should take several seats pls.So women who don't get their bodies back are lazy Hun?like really?is she that dumb???Bitch just go back to your country!WE HAVE SEEN

  29. Amazing body i must say and i commend her for that but please what the hell is those tiny stuffs on her navel that looks so irritating. ( goose bumps)Seriously am asking and not trying to insult or bring her down.

  30. Congratulations
    Lucky u

  31. Why do I think this was her pre-pregnancy stomach?? If it's real then it's good genes. Not that u can't get ur body back, but to hav it already toned in 2months??! She shudda shared her routines too nau.lol. im not a mother yet so I dont quite understand d yearn to want to flaunt body goals when I'd b carried away carin for that bundle of joy. My Body goals are my mine not for one social media craze....Congrats Sonia. Buh I think the right thing is, Ladies belly fat is one of d most difficult to drop, nd u must drop it so work out aggressively as healthy as possible nd shed that weight in time, it's not magic so it will take a while,for some longer but in d end u win. Am saying this so some ladies don't start to compare nd feel bad abt ther bodies.

    1. That for sure is her post-pregnancy body. The faint line that leads from her navel down usually appears during pregnancy n starts fading after a woman delivers her baby. Stop hating! Big ups to you Sonia

  32. Wow..This is a challenge for me oooh, I need more exercise

  33. Wow..This is a challenge for me oooh, I need more exercise

  34. Wow..This is a challenge for me oooh, I need more exercise

  35. Gurl u talk too much mehn! Hush!

  36. Shut the fuck up already.fool. wo even gave you right to talk hier? Because your married to dat damaged nose Ik should not make you part of our culture. And I guess you used a translator to write dis cos your damm poor country don't even understand the word (Thanks ).ok.

  37. Shut the fuck up already.fool. wo even gave you right to talk hier? Because your married to dat damaged nose Ik should not make you part of our culture. And I guess you used a translator to write dis cos your damm poor country don't even understand the word (Thanks ).ok.

  38. Was the boob show necessary? Ehn mummy?

  39. Show a picture with ur face please, just wanna be sure

  40. Her English is very good for someone who grew up in South America or wherever you said she's from. Her abs look good.

  41. Okay
    Pls check out my blog guys
    Thanks a lot

  42. Cover your tummy madam. Not important mbok

  43. Vivian Simon. U r vexing o. She's trying to motivate women n she actually made a point but she spoilt it wen she started "Over sabi" talk.

  44. Good but take note ur postpartum of ur first pregnancy is neva d same as ur 2nd or 3rd. Trust me u may have a flat belly but ur belly will bw wrinkled. D beautiful prices we pay for our miracles as mother

    1. U just took d word outta my mouth...especially d 3rd..am a mother of 3...its flat buh its abit wrinkled...flat lik hers,nt lukin frash n smooth skin lik b4

    2. Endy ur sooo right. I just had my 4th child, my stomach is flat already but the wrinkles are out of this world. Wen i saw this pix i was like WTH. Guess d wrinkles get worse as u progress in baby making

  45. @vivian simon you just took d word out of my mouth. #dumbassbitch

  46. Ok, i don't get wu asked her for a pic in d 1st place. Most of dem usually get liposuction afta gvn birth abroad so wat is al ds shit she is showing off.

  47. Wash your pant and tuck your Ara in. The scatter happens after the reshape. What's that on your navel. Biko mechie

  48. Anybody can have flat tummy while lying down she for stand up take am.

  49. Anybody can have flat tummy while lying down she for stand up take am.

  50. Na wa ooo. Just 8 weeks post partum n her tummy's flatter than mine. She should share her tips.

  51. That ornament on her belly button though

  52. Please stop making this illiterate Serbian or whatever poor country she came from feel special for nothing

  53. A lot of haters and they are mostly women.

  54. What of her boobs? It appears they are so thin and flat to be slipping through the bra.

  55. Linea nigra don waka too? Issokay.

  56. Wow, she tried. It is not an easy task.


  57. Hmmmm...but I wish she should have showned her face let's see..

  58. Thank you for inspiring children

  59. Adonbilivit! Millions of messages? Who is she please,can't find her name in current affairs.

  60. ok linda i have to speak up now this is getting too much. This ik ogbonas wife that is always naked everywhere all in the name of pregnancy and post baby body ah ahnn.. this does not agree with our culture at all why are you celebrating her? I dont even know who ik ogbona is but i hav not one atom of respect for this his so called wife. ah why is she always naked? is she a sex worker? so she must show her boobs too abi? onelove to all women with good post baby body sha x

  61. She's deleted most of her photos from way back before she started dating Ik. Those pictures looked like she's a runs girl traveling about with her porn star friends to exotic countries etc. she's obviously jobless otherwise which busy woman would spend her day shoeing off her post pregnancy body? Who is she impressing? And to think dumb skull Nigerian women now worship and thank her for telling them something they've never heard before. Good for her! Are we talking about the same woman that moved to African immediately she met this fraud called IK on Instagram. I thought Facebook was bad to meet people, not until this one moved from Instagram. Ik is busy worshipping her baby and no one knows about the other baby...one day one day e go happen. Aluta agbogho achupu agadi. Instagram marriage. Let her ask Omotola how she's kept her marriage rolling for 17yrs +

    1. Nna mechie onu gi there, it seems u r the one to separate them


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