BVN is Mark of the Beast? Lol. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 26 June 2015

BVN is Mark of the Beast? Lol.

What concerns Bank Verification Number and Mark of The Best kwa nu? Lol. Nigerians!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Jobless people wit their poor mindset dat instigate them against everytin. What a shame dat such notion of dis can arise. God help people dat believe dis.

    2. No mind am! E don go do bvn o, come here de talk mark of d beast! Make e no do na! He'll keep his moni under his bed by d tym de shut off his acct.

  2. Lol
    Wait till when ur account is blocked n u r still not raptured

  3. Make the world end for your head, zuma beezle!

  4. Religious bigots!

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  5. Everything is mark of the beast, is the BVN written on his forehead?

    For all your quality and affordable female wears, accessories, handbags and footwear,kindly add us on bbm pin: 2bb40d42, we deliver at ur doorstep thank you.

  6. I've been waiting to hear that. I'm surprised they took this long to come up with it.

    1. U v bin waiting to hear it bcos u tot so aswell

  7. Check out this blog...yveswish.the best ever

  8. Dat ndubuisi na mumu did the bvn enrollment mean mark of the best which is "666" or did the bank engrave it on our foreheads? Ewu like u

  9. That's absurd. Well. Dats his opinion... bt we should be careful wat we put on public domain. Cause it could be more demonic than our assumptions.

  10. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    Very funny dude....

  11. Linda if u read your bible you will understand what the tweet is about. Don't just sit somewhere and b talking plenty


  12. Mark of the beast buy everybody's number is different.

    Last time I checked, every one answers 666 as the mark of the beast.

  13. Lol some Nigerians sha.
    I don't joke with my money,I already got my BVN.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  14. If you ask me? Na who i go ask? Lol @ mark of the best

    it is well

  15. D gist has been on since last year MA got me goin sha

  16. When the time comes linda you will know what concern the duo..

  17. Ignorance is a disease. Most Nigerians r gullible people, who feel they know too much.

  18. that guy should give proof through the scriptures then we can believe anything he is saying

  19. nuisance... just wake up on the wrong side and start talking nonsense....

    meenah_wakil on instagram

  20. nuisance... just wake up on the wrong side and start talking nonsense....

    meenah_wakil on instagram

  21. nuisance... just wake up on the wrong side and start talking nonsense....

    meenah_wakil on instagram

  22. She's the beast.

  23. Monkey talk, seek intelligence, Men that wake-up great in the morning don't sleep at night, wise up, be diligent and creative you might change the pattern and make your own world.

  24. Nigerians will be very quick to read spirituality into anything they can't understand...But if you give that guy Private Jet, he will fly without knowing what flies the plane in the Air...Maybe DEVIL...

  25. And u have given him the attention he so much crave. Yall gon c him trendin soon!


  26. Backward idiot..........This BVN is a step in the right direction, with this, the security operative can have access to individuals pictures, info, finger prints and many more interm crime........ From now anybody who has a bank account would have all his data online, wch our security Niggas can use.......

  27. Backward idiot..........This BVN is a step in the right direction, with this, the security operative can have access to individuals pictures, info, finger prints and many more interm crime........ From now anybody who has a bank account would have all his data online, wch our security Niggas can use.......

  28. False teachings and reasonings. Let flee from it

  29. Identity collection and control, surveillance etc.
    For d greater but will eventually evolve into somtin more nefarious.

  30. Not sure if george orwell was christian but he predicted these things in his book 1984.


  32. lol...couldn't access my own money the other day at the bank,was asked to present my BVN, travelled back the distance to my house to get the damn number,since I didn't know it off-heart....smh! the cashiers don't even help matters...

  33. Long joor.


  34. i laughed out my ass the day my colleague said the same thing to me at work...

  35. Its one of d signs. Yes hes right

  36. One will nt b able to transct witout d numbers. In a way,we r forced to gt d number. Yes he is very right

  37. Olodo, apoda, oponu

  38. hrm paul ojeih26 June 2015 at 11:36

    Linda but com to tink of it dis shit bvn might be it dey just dey force us despite aving bank account no and secret atm pin na wa o

  39. I heard something like that before the CBN came up with it.

  40. Linda Ikeji you are just about the the physical,what is see is what you believe....Just wait and see how everything plays out when the time is ripe

  41. He is entitled to his own let move on



  42. nothing we no go see for 9ja. how bvn and mark of d beast resemble?

  43. Yes, it may sound funny but that's why I've been dragging my feet with regards to getting it. I believ it'll aid the One World Govt when the time comes. Why are they forcing us to do it? Bc they want to have the data of everyone in the world and be able to estimate the world's population. Very soon, they'll connect it to the health sector. Everything is happening so fast. Rapture is imminent! Repent people!

  44. Misinformation of the highest order..

  45. Chai! My own bvn even ends with 666. I have nothing to fear joor.....

  46. Hmmmm!my Boss said same thing last week o!she was lik"are u a born again?that the BVN thing is a great sign dat Jesus is coming for his pple na so my hand fall mi o wa le so nkan nkan.dat Afta rapture 666 wil now start ni pereru.u guys shld enlighten us abt dis BVN thing Biko!.the bankers in d hse plssssss!

    I love Suppy maggie

  47. Madam Linda it's not funny,Read ur bible properly may b u will be able to connect d dots

  48. Madam Linda it's not funny,Read ur bible properly may b u will be able to connect d dots

    1. Don't be this naive...jasmine

    2. Please just shut ur stupid mouth.... Olofo!!!!

  49. Every day Z wakes up to another shit.

  50. @James Ndu...if u lyk no go register, u go quote bible tire b4 u withdraw

  51. hahahahahaha. i no fit laff abeg.

  52. The Bank Verification Number and Mark of the Beast has got a very big relationship, don't be fooled (LINDA)and everyone reading this. It is end time already and getting the mark of the beast(666) will be as easy as they introduced all 'these things' to us, making it appear it is for our good. The bible has said it all. Don't be ignorant! open your eye! everything in the www is traceable. Jesus is coming back SOON!

  53. Pple n der stupid mentality

  54. Pple n der stupid mentality

    1. just looking for an excuse to continue wallowing in your sin. Jesus is coming soon o.

  55. Some people just have their brains under their foot. Werin concern BVN concern mark of the beast. Thats why you dont move forward. Mumu

  56. Broke ass niggaz....

    Mark of the beast is very convenient for broke nigga.

    Bitch be like, "bae why ain't you take me shopping?"

    Broke nigga chorus "My account is frozen. I didn't get mark of the beast"

  57. These are the signs that follow... we know we are aware...
    because like the men of Isaachar, we understand the times...

    Even so, Come Lord Jesus

  58. Talk is cheap n free its ha view let ha air it

  59. Stupid mofo 👿 the BVN is it written on us head or anywhere on your body? Mumu for life.

  60. Hahaha up 9ja, nulfin I no go hear for this country, 1st it was the use of BlackBerry then the PVC now BVN hmmmmm na wah oo I the wait for the next story!

  61. Hahaha up 9ja, nulfin I no go hear for this country, 1st it was the use of BlackBerry then the PVC now BVN hmmmmm na wah oo I the wait for the next story!

  62. Kikikikiikiki....

    Theresa urateh#password ish#

  63. Wetin concern Agbero with overload?
    Some "christians" sha. Dem wan know pass God.

  64. Bcos wen dey hv hold of all ur banking details,u can't make any transaction without concuring to getting the beast mark. Think through,deirz an element of truth.

  65. He is correct...

  66. Honestly!!!...the fact dat u only need one BVN to operate all ur accounts got me thinking

  67. Me sef i thought of it before i enrolled. All these registrations for security identification is one way of getting d world familiar with IDs & numbers so dat they 'll ignorantly embrace d mark of d beast as one social or financial security PIN when it is introduced. Be vigilant, repent and accept Jesus today

  68. Lol.....that guy needs to be sterilized.

  69. Linda for real it's not a joke,it end time thing,it has been packaged in way we all just feel or accept that it's an improvement but seriously it's 'An Endtime thing'go read ur Bible/see all dat is happening now/how they present it to us to accept them.

  70. Linda. Time shall tell. Read your bible very well. Shikenah!

    1. i tell you the truth, i have some strange feelings about linda. i feel she's leading many to hell fire.

  71. James Ndubuisi is a fool..

  72. Too muchhome video......

    Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......

  73. Jobless people wit their poor mindset dat instigate them against everytin. What a shame dat such notion of dis can arise. God help people dat believe dis.

    1. i thought you were more knowlegeable.

  74. Dig ur money in d ground while u re @ it pray to God 4 better understanding

  75. Thank God i don't have bank account lol

  76. Actually there is no smoke without a fire.


  77. Some people are just jobless....Am sure his one of those people that have all this brain washing pastors ..if u like Dont register then u go believe when the time come

  78. He is correct. I foresee that eventually, the bvn will be required to be imprinted on pple in the near future just like the bible said it...and I am a banker.

    @linda...i fear u re using ur platform for antichrist purposes without knowing...pls reestablish ur contact with God...the other day, u ran a story glorifying a child's Cathryn sex transformation....all these are the devil's way of controlling pple's mindset on what is right and wrong...

    He who has ears shud hear...the world is really coming closer to the rapture real soon...

    1. you just spoke my mind.

    2. @ ayo, treasure island keep quiet, u ain't a banker but a lawyer, u still lying and talking about end time

  79. Mark of d beast or not, i'm glad i save my money in an earthen ware pot. #bite me

  80. Nawaoo, na only Papa God go save us

  81. Mark of the beast kwa? Nothing wey per no go see 4dis life

  82. God please take poverty out of my way because its a disease. Broken Bobo I doubt if he even have bank account. Lolz

  83. Which means even ur phone number, BlackBerry pin u re using is mark of the beast

  84. Which means all the numbers u are using like ur phone number, BlackBerry pin is mark of the beast

  85. God bless whoever posted that comment... As I read all ur comments all I did was shake my head to the blindness and ignorance of many and how easy its gonna be to get y'all boxed up into falsehood and destruction in the long run... Please for the wise hearted, who will not jump into insulting me, as I know most of u will, take out time and study Revelations 13 from verse 15...

    15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    The people I sorry for the most are those who will interpret this portion of the bible in its literal context and be too blind to see and know that all these things we (Nigerian govt) are copying from the west is all geared towards the realization of Rev 13. Simply put, a fulfillment of end time prophesies. And those who just go with the tide of civilization, urbanization, fashion and globalization all in the name of security, peace and a new world.. Take it or leave it, BVN is a step in the direction towards realizing Revelation 13:16-18.

    You welcomed and accepted d idea of a having a bank account, then debit card, then credit card, then everywhere and everything, bio-metrics then now BVN, and in America, RFID chip.. and all these seem good and makes lots of sense and they keep convincing us of the benefits accruable from these... The bible equally mentioned how easily they will deceive many to accept the mark unknowingly - 'even the very elect'.. If ur waiting for someone to come place a mark, tattoo, writing, or even a chip on ur forehead or right hand literally, then ur of all men most miserable. 'Watch and Pray' is what the bible admonishes. IT IS THE END OF TIME, DONT BE DECEIVED! He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying.

    1. Ur head is NT correct...u betta go to d street to evangelise Dan posting on linda blog....fools

  86. God bless whoever posted that comment... As I read all ur comments all I did was shake my head to the blindness and ignorance of many and how easy its gonna be to get y'all boxed up into falsehood and destruction in the long run... Please for the wise hearted, who will not jump into insulting me, as I know most of u will, take out time and study Revelations 13 from verse 15...

    15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    The people I sorry for the most are those who will interpret this portion of the bible in its literal context and be too blind to see and know that all these things we (Nigerian govt) are copying from the west is all geared towards the realization of Rev 13. Simply put, a fulfillment of end time prophesies. And those who just go with the tide of civilization, urbanization, fashion and globalization all in the name of security, peace and a new world.. Take it or leave it, BVN is a step in the direction towards realizing Revelation 13:16-18.

    You welcomed and accepted d idea of a having a bank account, then debit card, then credit card, then everywhere and everything, bio-metrics then now BVN, and in America, RFID chip.. and all these seem good and makes lots of sense and they keep convincing us of the benefits accruable from these... The bible equally mentioned how easily they will deceive many to accept the mark unknowingly - 'even the very elect'.. If ur waiting for someone to come place a mark, tattoo, writing, or even a chip on ur forehead or right hand literally, then ur of all men most miserable. 'Watch and Pray' is what the bible admonishes. IT IS THE END OF TIME, DONT BE DECEIVED! He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying.

  87. ndi ara..ignorance is really a big disease..

  88. You all plus linda are very dumb and daft people....of course bvn is mark of the beast it's happening just the way it was revealed...that everyone will have a number to be able to bank and to buy and sell, y'all just wait until they ask you to come and start collecting the numbers on ur hands and foreheads....dull ignorant rats

  89. Some people actually believed this and refused to get


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