Zoning Formulas & Our Polity - By Charly Boy | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 8 May 2015

Zoning Formulas & Our Polity - By Charly Boy

Article written by Charly Boy. Read below and share your thoughts
Really been thinking about this zoning thing since this APC drama on it and wondering why we have allowed this to eat so deep into our system that at every quarter, it always raises its head. To think that the Change agents everyone has been clamoring about are back to the same issue of zoning formulas and reports have it that it is fast wreaking havoc is a high. It makes me wonder why zone in the first place?
The 360 states in the house of assembly, is it not enough representation for any quarter of the nation. Why do we need to complicate issues further because one would have thought the primary concern when it comes to appointment should be competence? We have tried this zoning thing over and again but what better has it done us because I hear someone say it helps to foster unity and participation.
I think the divides are more obvious now with this whole zoning thingy than it was with our founding fathers. I'm probably going to rest this argument by drawing this analogy; Take a look at our team called Super Eagles! Has anybody ever asked that positions in our football team be distributed across zones, or that the position of the captain, or coach for that matter, be rotated between North and South, etc? That I think is clearly because everyone is more interested in the team winning. I ask myself why do we want this win so badly? What is the price at stake? A piece of metal called trophy I suppose.
How about the Struggle to alleviate poverty staring at our face? How about the fight to educate millions of Almajiri? How about the fight to eradicate polio and reduce maternal mortality to negligible numbers? How about the fight to increase power generation seven fold by 2020? We have so much more at stake in these fights that the Super Eagle will ever have yet we let something as flippant as zoning take the Centre stage over competence. So, how is it we can demand that the coach pick out best 23 for the World Cup, and yet tolerate less in our Government? I hope posterity does not judge us for our lack of objectivity and sentiments instead.


  1. Replies
    1. Charly Boy pls don't go there. Its essential, and crucial dat d zoning takes place in a country like Nigeria with diverse ethnic group wit different languages, and backgrounds.

      If u don't zone then how do u rationalise political offices witout steppping on toes of others frm other zones. We hav all heard of marginalisation, and all dat. So wht wil b our take if our ethnics group is b marginalised. Definitely we wil not accept it.

      Then as far as am concern zoning is essential, and its stays. We can't do witout it bcos its covers all ethnicity group, and avoid marginalisation.

    2. Yawns really, did you read that. People like you are the reason Nigeria never goes forward. If you have nothing to say then shut up.

  2. Una never evn sumtin...nkea ka bu mbido

    1. Go get ur family cleaned up,ur first son is suffering in Enugu,fool

  3. You are so right Charles,i still don't understand or see a reason for the zoning.really it's senseless

  4. Dont mind the dumb morons representing us... no one is there for the interest of any one nigerian out here, but for their stomach

    I am still trying to understand wat the fuse is all about. This country can only get better when all this bad eggs are flushed out... if not the next generation mayb worst

  5. True talk...liltemkid@gmail.com

  6. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Anything politics no concern me at all....

  7. Nigeria is a heteregenous country as such such zoning comes to the fore especially when issues of politics/ power are concerned.We dont get to hear about zoning in sports,nollywood or other areas because entertainment is very different from power.Thesame power that made OBJ wanna run for 3rd term? and the one that made GMB Abraham Lincoln of Naija? Or the one that made the "hero" wanna run again albeit he may not be the best man?its true credibility should be the watchword in selecting leaders and that is why even in the zoning formula, it is vety pertinent that only credible leaders are selected.As long as we have many tribes and 6 geopolitical zones,zoning still remains the best option.We just have to ensure that the rules are followed and best candidates chosen.

  8. Charly Boy pls don't go there. Its essential, and crucial dat d zoning takes place in a country like Nigeria with diverse ethnic groups wit different languages, and backgrounds.

    If u don't zone then how do u rationalise political offices witout steppping on toes of others frm other zones. We hav all heard of marginalisation, and all dat. So wht wil b our take if our ethnics group is b marginalised. Definitely we wil not accept it.

    Then as far as am concern zoning is essential, and its stays. We can't do witout it bcos its covers all ethnicity group, and avoid marginalisation.

  9. Don't mind all these Yeye politicians

  10. Charly Boy pls don't go there. Its essential, and crucial dat d zoning takes place in a country like Nigeria with diverse ethnic group wit different languages, and backgrounds.

    If u don't zone then how do u rationalise political offices witout steppping on toes of others frm other zones. We hav all heard of marginalisation, and all dat. So wht wil b our take if our ethnics group is b marginalised. Definitely we wil not accept it.

    Then as far as am concern zoning is essential, and its stays. We can't do witout it bcos its covers all ethnicity group, and avoid marginalisation.

  11. Wise sayings by Charly. You need the best team to win and not the most ethnically representated team.
    Buhari take note

  12. Brilliant Article from Big Charly Boy
    You spoke my mind.

  13. My sentiments exactly

  14. I honestly and totally agree with you sir.
    I think our problem is the fact that we lack the ability to make things work out fine.
    we just want to complicate issues and make the whole world laff at us.after a free fair election with hope that change would beginning to happen,they are talking about zoning.
    fuck them all.

  15. Chai! Bros Charly you are always on point & my respect to him. Linda take note!

  16. I honestly and totally agree with you sir.
    I think our problem is the fact that we lack the ability to make things work out fine.
    we just want to complicate issues and make the whole world laff at us.after a free fair election with hope that change would beginning to happen,they are talking about zoning.
    fuck them all.

  17. Chai! Bros Charly you are always on point & my respect to him. Linda take note!

  18. so true!!!!

  19. Which one is Zoning formulas again? That's wrong grammar nah.

  20. Area father always right lol

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

  21. I'm with Charly on this one, all zones are already represented in national assembly, ministerial appointments should have nothing to do with zoning

  22. To be honest, this is a very poor article. I can't believe Charly wrote this. Tenses are misplaced from A-Z.

  23. Excellent write up.

    The issue of zoning is evident in our every day of life.

    Why for example do most documents ask for state of origin?

    Why are certain positions -(in schools and government organizations )kept for certain states ?

    We`re all Nigerians and that should be all that matters.

    It`s time we start to pay more attention to competence rather than continue to hide behind a finger and refuse to face facts.

    The job should be given to the best man or woman irrespective of where they come from.

  24. Charly boy should pick better examples when he writes, the analogy of the super eagles is probably the worst possible he could have picked, our soccer and its management especially at the senior level has been destroyed by tribal sentiment, political and personal considerations.You only need to look at the team that Keshi took to the last world cup to confirm that, at no time in recent history did any Nigerian coach pick the best 11 without personal or tribal sentiment.The last time we had a Super eagles that was inclusive of the best talent we had devoid of any bias was under Clemens Westerhof, a foreigner.(The Yekini , Siasia, and Amunike era) and you can see how great that team was, even then it was still hampered by political interference which led to its downfall, before that the late great Otto Gloria took Segun Odegbami, and Christian Chukwu to nations cup glory, our last nations cup win under Keshi was a fluke as far as i am concerned, we just simply went downhill from there. Please Charly boy find a better example for national character.

  25. Once again, well said. Our leaders find new ways everyday to widen the lines that divides us, yet they say they want a united country. Because of the selfish interests of our leaders we now identify ourselves as first tribe, religion and now party lines. What will they look for next?!

  26. What's 360 states in the house of assembly? I have never seen this type of article before. Who edited this for him? Doesn't he even have an Editor? No nah...

  27. My eyes are paining me so I can't read all that
    Thanks buh don't mention

    I Rep 27th May

  28. My charlie boy if buhari release his list and there are no igbo or igbo are not well rep on the list you will be the one to start shouting marginalization or anti igbo govt. Unfortunately that's how it is in this country zone comes b4 merit. This is a country that's too divided to be a country. Division is one of greatest problem of this country. As large as America is, they speak one language, there are not divided along ethnic line by rivers, no wonder they are successful.

  29. Linda, this country is framed in such a way that u can not do away with zoning... It is necessary for the sake of unity country.. I am a Northerner and I ll tell you that if you abolish zoning, majority of the elective position will be occupied by the north. You have to accept that Nigeria is not yet ripe to do away with it. Maybe before 2019 but not this very moment...

  30. Area Fada, which side you dey sef?

  31. Well said, i agree with you. lets forget about ethnicity or religion and focus on building a better 9ja

  32. Dude still bitter bout APC winning the election and he's trying 2 mask the hating behind some valid intellectual discussion as perfectly highlighted in the above text which i also find enlightening.
    Go take a chill pill Charly n be optimistic that the Party (APC) gon Unite the Country once and for all.

  33. Dude still bitter bout APC winning the election and he's trying 2 mask the hating behind some valid intellectual discussion as perfectly highlighted in the above text which i also find enlightening.
    Go take a chill pill Charly n be optimistic that the Party (APC) gon Unite the Country once and for all.

  34. I heard in APC if things never fall in tinubu favor dey will not reach agreement. So pls let ask him weda d change to favor only his selfish interest or its for d country at large

  35. Go cut that your smelling hair old man,or you might as well go kiss derenle

  36. Well said Charly Boy. And for those of you that have a problem with the Analogy, understand the point he's trying to make about people letting go of tribe and focusing on the major issues which is for the betterment of all.
    The best man who is competent and capable of doing the job effectively should be allowed to irrespective of tribe. Only this mentality can move us forward.

  37. I have thought of this too and see no sense in allowing this zoning thing be a barrier to our democracy and life challenges. Like He said, all we look forward to is having a better Nigeria.

  38. Make an open or close letter to oga at the top.

  39. Charly papa ur right. But zoning in Nigeria was made important if not the North will continue to rule because they have this fake population that makes them win when they support any one. We have failed to correct this in the CENSUS.

    Imagine kano is said to be slightly more populated than Lagos with all the things that brings population to an area schools,banks,offices,industries,universities,churches,recreational centres,markets,hospitals,tourism,media houses and yet they claim kano is more.

    Ok jigawa was created out of kano yet kano is still more populated than lagos. heheheeh i dey laugh

    we need to do resource control so that things can be correct. we need to do con-federal system of government so that the center will be week .

    all states will just pay tax to the center .

  40. Got bored Afta reading it for a few seconds

  41. All that is not a problems to them


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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