We challenge Buhari to a debate - By Reuben Abati | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 8 March 2015

We challenge Buhari to a debate - By Reuben Abati

Article written by president Jonathan's spokesman, Reuben Abati. Read below...
The last time Nigerians enjoyed something really close to an exciting Presidential debate was during the 1993 Presidential elections. I recall the colourful and memorable encounter between the late Chief MKO Abiola of the Social Democratic Party and Alhaji Bashir Tofa of the National Republican Convention.  At the end of that debate, it was clear who among the duo was better experienced, much more intellectually capable and more endearing to the electorate in terms of readiness for the job being applied for. That is what a debate, under these circumstances, is: it is a job interview.

The entire country is the panel and whereas actual measurement of impact may be tentative, especially in a developing country where there are challenges of illiteracy and access to mass media, the performance of the candidates ordinarily reshapes the conversation and can significantly influence voters’ choice. Unfortunately, in the lead up to this year’s Presidential elections, it seems certain that voters will be denied this opportunity for comparison, assessment, interaction, not to talk of the excitement and drama.

The man to blame for this denial is General Muhammadu Buhari, the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC). Getting him to debate the incumbent, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has been an uphill task.  To say that the man is scared, practically running away from an opportunity to debate his ideas against the incumbent’s, is to be charitable.  He doesn’t want it. Every effort to get him to the podium has been rebuffed by him and his handlers.

President Jonathan received, ahead of the INEC rescheduling of the dates for the 2015 elections, two requests for a Presidential debate. The President enthusiastically accepted and looked forward to both debates. But General Buhari was not interested. There is no gainsaying the fact that President Jonathan and General Buhari are the main contenders in this election. Every Nigerian would love to see the two of them debate. That would be good for our democracy.

The first group that approached President Jonathan was represented by John Momoh of Channels TV; Emeka Izeze of The Guardian, and Nduka Obaigbena of ThisDay, Arise TV and the Newspapers Proprietors Association of Nigeria. They said they were in talks with the APC. They needed us to agree to a debate. We checked our campaign schedule, and since Sundays were left free for review meetings and further consultations, we suggested that a Sunday date would be most convenient for us. That was when the drama began. The would-be organisers soon informed us that General Buhari did not want a debate on a Sunday, because according to him “he does not work on Sundays.”

I thought that was rather odd. President Jonathan works every day. The job of a President is a round-the-clock, all-year-round engagement. If a Sunday date would be inconvenient, may be a Monday then. Feedback from the Buhari camp: Monday was not okay either. Eventually, the contact persons reported that a Tuesday date had been agreed upon. This coincided with a day when we were supposed to have rallies in two states of the North. Nonetheless, President Jonathan directed that he will keep the date, and that rallies for the day should be fast-tracked. We adjusted our schedule and intensified preparations for the Jonathan encounter with Buhari.

Two days to this debate that would have been, I received non-stop frantic calls from the troika of Momoh, Izeze and Obaigbena. There had been a development, they said. The fresh development was that they had met that same evening with General Buhari and he did not agree anymore to a debate with President Jonathan. Rather, he wanted a town hall meeting, in which he would be the sole participant. Another town hall meeting could be organized the same day for President Jonathan and both could be aired back to back. That was his request and wish. Momoh and Co wanted the President to agree to this.

They’d rather have the two candidates say something on whatever platform than say nothing at all. The President’s response was that a town hall meeting is not the same as a debate. He wanted a face-to-face debate with General Buhari. He also told Messrs Momoh, Izeze and Obaigbena that if he wanted a town hall meeting, he could always ask his Presidential Campaign Organization to arrange it. And General Buhari was in a position to organize his own town hall meeting as well. Should there be a change of mind and an opportunity for a proper debate, he, Jonathan, would be available at the shortest notice. We haven’t heard from the trio since then.   

One of Buhari’s spokesmen later announced that he was pulling out of that particular debate because the organisers had been “compromised” by government and the integrity of the debate platform they were offering was therefore doubtful! Questions: The same media houses that grant APC disproportionate amount of attention, and which they patronize to push their propaganda? And who are the media managers on the APC side questioning the integrity of their old-time comrades, and one-time fellow hunters just so they could be seen to be committed? I leave these posers to the well-known parties involved to sort out among themselves, as they surely will when all of this is over.  

 The second group that invited us to a debate was the Nigeria Elections Debate Group, anchored by veteran journalist Taiwo Alimi in conjunction with a few media houses.  The NEDG has been organizing election debates since 1999, and has been so successful that it has been invited to do the same thing in other West African countries. The Buhari camp again rejected this invitation on the grounds that the media houses involved were pro-government and therefore partisan.

But of course, the puerile protestations of Buhari’s handlers are meaningless. A debate is what it is: an intellectual duel requiring skills, knowledge, comportment and the ability to persuade the listener.  The medium may even be far less important than the message and the messenger.  I have no doubt that Buhari’s handlers have enough sound knowledge of this elementary truth, but they are insecure. Each time they are asked to produce their candidate for a debate, they invent a ridiculous reason.

Obviously, General Buhari seems to be afraid of engaging every other Presidential candidate. He needs to be reminded that a Presidential debate will not require him to work out on a treadmill, or jog the distance, or recite the national pledge, or spell his running mate’s name. President Jonathan was and is ready. With Buhari fleeing the arena with his tails between his legs, there were suggestions that the President could end up debating other candidates from “smaller parties”, but he waved this aside, insisting that every candidate is important. As it then turned out, INEC rescheduled the election dates just the night before and the NEDG group on their own, postponed the debate.  

It is worrisome that any Presidential candidate will shy away from a debate out of timidity and fear of inadequacy. And yet a President’s work is one of perpetual debate. He will have to chair meetings, where ideas will be expressed and he must understand what works and may not. He will attend international meetings where he is expected to contribute to discussions, often in the format of a debate.  Without that ability to assimilate, process and discuss ideas, nobody should be trusted with even the management of a local council not to talk of the whole of Nigeria.  A debate also provides a candidate at this level, an opportunity to communicate his vision of leadership, and to explain to the electorate in his own voice, why he deserves their vote.

General Buhari needs to come out of his comfort zone and undertake this test. He has been campaigning on the issues of security yet his supporters preach hate and violence. He talks about the economy yet he couldn’t at a town hall meeting differentiate between the excess crude account and the foreign reserve. He projects himself as an anti-corruption angel yet he is surrounded by a large crowd of morally conflicted persons; to worsen it all, he doesn’t even know the name of his own running mate. When he grants interviews, his responses are cryptic and elliptic, demonstrating such shallowness that confuses an informed audience.

His deliberate avoidance of a Presidential debate is akin to an act of examination malpractice. It is not good enough for a man who wants to be President of our country. He is short-changing the Nigerian electorate by denying them the opportunity of assessing him properly in an open debate.  While a Presidential debate is not a constitutional requirement, it is an established convention that deepens and enriches the democratic process.

President Jonathan is ready to meet him in an open debate, any day, any hour, and at any venue of his choice.   We invite General Buhari to take up the challenge.

Abati is President Jonathan’s official spokesman and media adviser.


  1. GEJ did not debate in 2011, Heavens did not fall!!!

    1. Bross Abeg no vex ooo, even your mama knws that buhari cannot rule us again

  2. Saibuhari


  3. Fuck you Abati! He aint debating with you dumb asses! lets all meet at the poll and decide. It was ok for GEJ not to debate 4 years ago because u had upper hand, now u sense some defeat and suddenly wanna play "debate card" ....rot in hell sir!

    1. Desperation written all over them... let 28th come and let Nigeria choose... why the dirty games??? smh.

    2. @David - God bless u

      Sai Baba

    3. Fuck u foolish fool. U actually want a brain dead guy to rule us

  4. Same debate we challenged GEJ, during the last election but he opted for a Dbanj show, where he called Dbanj the best thing that has happened to Africa.
    Why not continue with your campaigns of calumny, or have you ran out of fallacies.
    BTW: happy international women's day to lovely LIB women.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. I like reading ur comments.. You fave the facts mostly..

  5. Linda let this reuben sponsor his posts
    You can't be giving free publicity for all this his senseless statements.
    How may debate did GEj go for in the election?
    Now he has serious competition he is now going up and down and visiting everybody

  6. Whatever you guys say about GMB,it wont close our eyes to your colossal failure.We're wiser to know that those media house you mentioned are loyal to the present govt.And we also know that the debate Is just an avenue to brainwash Nigerians with the most savoury lies.And who said GEJ never declined a presidential debate in his political history? Goan rest Abati.Let their deeds work for them and not their words.

  7. Did ur oga Jona appear in any debate in 2011?

  8. sorry gej did not debate 2011 why the headache now

    1. I wonder o, he preferred D'banj 2 debate den so y is he crying 4 debate now? He better call 4 D'banj again. Stupid ass set of pple

  9. Buhari cannot speak in english without "expo".The debate should be held in hausa language.

    1. Buhahahahaha! I don laugh so tay I mistakenly slap buhari.....

    2. Buhahahahaha! I don laugh so tay I mistakenly slap buhari.....

    3. Ode...check urself well....u get problem,having a terrible accent does not translate to not being able to speak good english...be there fooling urself wif ur daft comments

  10. Did Jonathan debate to be president? Please go and sleep and get ready to vacate Aso rock

    1. Come enter d aso rock Na. Na ur papa build am . If u like talk from now till tomorrow GEJ is still the president. U had ur chance with kwankwaso

  11. Buhari cannot speak in english without "expo".The debate should be held in hausa language.

    1. I repeat oooh!!! I don laugh so tay I kick buhari for balls....buhahaha! No be hausa sef....debate go be for fulani! Cow rearer!

  12. I still don't understand why we have only to 2 bad choices in a country with over 180million people.....

    1. Thank u....is it only gel n GMB dat r conyestiny for d post ....I just tire 4 Nigerians we follow reigning name a lot like dey r brand

  13. He will not debate. What has he to say to a clueless somebody ... No be debate be the thing now, let's get this election done once and for all .

  14. Reuben Abati should leave buhari alone.What less did he expect from a semi illitrate that scored F9 in almost all the subject he did at school including english and maths.

  15. Dz pple no dey tire!! Small tym now Fayose sef will start his nonense..

  16. Stfu Abati, didn't jonthing to didn't grant debate 4 yrs ago abeg go siddon 4 potopoto oloshi

  17. Really Reuben? Where was this same president when he was asked to debate with other candidates in 2011? Sell your candidate ideas and stop worrying about GMB

  18. Buhari should be put on trial for ordering his hausa brothers to slaughter thousands of non hausas all over the north in 2011 after nigerians rejected him at the polls

    1. Are you sure of what you are saying....you better ask God for forgiveness.

  19. Abati is a fan to president Jonathan.........challenge ko....debate ni

    Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....

  20. pls GMB accept the invite plssss

    But what I do not think about when I think of feminism is how Instagram is holding me down and not letting my nipple to be free on Instagram, as this to me, is a personal choice, not a feminist one. I also do not wake up in the morning begrudging men and the society for making me wear a bra, just for being a girl. It is my breasts that make me wear a bra, but should I ever decide to not wear one, it would again be my personal choice. Women’s breasts are beautiful, and although they are adored and worshipped by men, I am convinced that having them isn’t a conspiracy by men. A woman asking why men do not wear bras is like a bird asking why fish do not live in nests. We have breasts because we are women, not in spite of being women. Read what feminism means to me

  21. But seriously speaking, any Nigerian that votes for Buhari is a definition of a FOOL

    1. Just like your addicted ogogoro father, who always climb palm wine tree with his short trouser"

    2. Anon 9:33, what will you call yourself that is supporting a president that is clueless? You are a a dunce my friend.

    3. @ anonymous, you are the number one enemy of this country for even thinking of voting GEJ despite his clueless and failed administration. In 2011 GEJ refused debate and now he wanted debate by all cost. I pity him, his days are numbered in ASO rock with the likes of Abati, Okupe and other confused aids of his. Sai Buhari.

    4. Let me give you your drug. You will be a bigger fool if you vote for Jonathan

    5. Sincerely speaking any1 that vote GEJ is the biggest,dumbest and blind person in this world....lollz

  22. How do some nigerians expect an illitrate that cannot express himself in english to participate in a live debate.That will be a political suicide.

    1. Bombs r killin pple and u idiots r talkin of debate

  23. Linda. Of recent, you only post news from pdp. you are not their spokeswoman yet i guess.

  24. In 2011 Buhari, Ribadu challenged GEJ to a debate but he refused. so what is the big deal now? why did GEJ refused debate in 2011? This criminal party called PDP thinks they can always do and force people to do things at whatever time it pleases them. no way.

  25. That's ur own cup of tea,shey na jona wey dey talk rubbish for air wan debate...even tho buharii doesn't talk much the little he says he coherent and sensible while our so called presido campaign speech is like listening to a nursery rhythm Abeg na person wey wan debate be that?

  26. Nice one! Abati should know that GMB obviously is bereft upstairs. There is a difference between a sincere quest for leadership that brings reforms to people's life and an inordinate quest to wrest power just for the purpose of having power either for vendetta or pecuniary scores. It becomes a gruesome mix fired up when such entities meets those that want power fore the sole purpose of merchandising. It surely is a marriage made in political "haven" for the social destruction of a nation. When you don't have intellectual capacity you don't have it. All you want is wrest power, that's all! Blame everyother person for the ills of the nation and see yourself as the ultimate messiah. Then the largely ill-informed nigerians will throng with you.

  27. Is it by force? Mad man go rest

  28. You guys should leave buhari alone.He is not the only illitrate fulani man in nigeria.

    1. Education is not all about reading and writing. Education is the development of physical, mental and spiritual capacity of an individual to grow according to his God's purpose and to be of service to his people. Maybe you are an illiterate of the history of the fulanis empire? The fulanis or fulbe are one of the historical ethnicity in Africa, they are mostly nomadic, warriors and scholars. The fulani tribes are educated 500 years ago before the coming of white man.

  29. We had presidential debates in kenya, and really, what stood out most for me during the the debate was one presidential aspirant who said, " do you expect a thief to accept he has stolen"
    What I'm trying to say is, Goodluck can all the qualifications including a PHD, but he is using his brains not to help Nigeria but to milk Nigeria. Corruption is the biggest problem not only in Nigeria but Africa as a whole. Goodluck is more charming than Buhari, but charming is not in the job description.
    Sai Buhari!

  30. According to mallam nasiru el rufai,Buhari is perpetually unelectable.

  31. no debate

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

  32. Bh has pledged alligience to Isis Nd these ones are still here stressing over political propaganda .i weep for my country

  33. Lmao...I think PDP is scared of losing, this is a dead issue already nw

  34. We remember 2011 when GMB, Ribadu, and Shekarau had to debate without Mr. President. What has changed now? We are not fooled.

  35. This is ridiculous. I wonder what PDP is feeling like by this disgusting statement. I challenge mama peace and Buharia's Wife to a debate not on Nigeria base media but on CNN. Gbam!!!


    1. Hello dear, I sure love to be friends with u and meet u. U make d most sensible comments on dis blog. Kudos

  36. You must be stupid Ruben.Debate my foot....Hope our card reader is ready?sai Buhari

  37. Lmaoooooo....Abati give it up already, we wont debate...the painful part is that the 'illiterate' will still win ur pay master with a landslide...live with it...

  38. Cool story bro, Mr president that is capable for debate, what has he done to our economy down fall, inflation and many more, I beggi u guys should go and rest jawe. GMB for president 2015.

  39. Oh, does Abati have amnesia? It has suddenly become a sin to refuse to debate. Didn't Jonathan refuse to debate and eventually organise a solo debate (town hall meeting) for himself in 2011?

  40. Buhari should get his lazy old ass to debate with President Jonathan! It has been suggested that since he is comfortable with Chatham House, the debate can hold the or whatever he wishes on his own terms! I wonder why he can easily run to UK to go and read a speech (prepared by consultants) to foreigners that doesn't even have PVC but is too coward to participate in debate here and tell Nigerians what he intends to do for them! Does he think that the one-minute rantings he does in his campaign grounds is enough!

    And for those brainless and brainwashed Buhari supporters that rant that Jonathan didn't participate in the debate in 2011, that is the most stupid excuse anyone can give! We are 2015 and Nigerians want to know what he can do! If you didn't complain for Jonathan absence in 2011, we are complaining of Buhari jittery attitude towards the debate today!!!

  41. Abati has sold his Birth Cert bcos of Asaro. Where were u (Abati) when GEJ was debating himself the other time, whereby the Koko-Master was the interviewer?

  42. Abeg Mr. Sycophant Abati, shut up. No be dis be di man wey no wan debate last time because him hold upper hand? Now him want debate so we go hear more of his lies and fake statistics? Abeg, return to Otuoke Sharp Sharp. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 pounds.

  43. I wish someone can remind this parrot that in 2011, Jonathan didn't go for any debate

    1. It is not about Jonathan but Nigeria and Nigerians.

  44. God 4bid I finish dis long tin.smbody,anybody shld summarize 4 me.buh b4 then,Reuben n PDP shld park 1side n wait 4 28th of March.

  45. I beg make dem ask Abati for me how many debate Jonathan reject before he turn president people nor dey try for debate lose election? Linda something more intrestin please maybe a Fayose blab will do...

  46. Ha abiakwa. Allow dis man 2 drink water nd keep cup na


  47. Dr. Reuben,Now we on the subject, Pls tell us what happened in the 2011 debates...

  48. Reuben, I want to believe you are aware that there other candidates that president Jonathan should debate with. If GMB is not willing or ready for a debate, leave him alone - it's at his own detriment. After all, presidential debates were held in 2011 where GEJ was no where to be found. How come he still won the election? Let GEJ have the debate with the available presidential candidates on that day and stop making noise on GMB. Buhari is not the first and won't be last to turn down debate offer.

  49. Ishamali Bendebel8 March 2015 at 10:18

    In 2011 debate Buahri, Ribadu and Shakarau all attended. GEJ refused to attend. No issues were made out of it.

  50. Ishamali Bendebel8 March 2015 at 10:18

    In 2011 debate Buahri, Ribadu and Shakarau all attended. GEJ refused to attend. No issues were made out of it.

  51. BUHARI is a military THUG that seized power in 1983 with his GANG by means of GUN! BUHARI is the DICTATOR that STOPPED FREE FEEDING in Nigerian UNIVERSITIES! Now he is courting the YOUTH to vote for him! I wonder the worse things he is PLANNING to do if allowed to come back the Second time!!!

  52. Ishamali Bendebel8 March 2015 at 10:22

    Madam due process and Charles Soludo have challenged your government to a debate, you did not oblige. Leave GMB alone pls.Debates do not translate to any realities on grand.

  53. Ishamali Bendebel8 March 2015 at 10:23

    Madam due process and Charles Soludo have challenged your government to a debate, you did not oblige. Leave GMB alone pls.Debates do not translate to any realities on grand.

  54. Ishamali Bendebel8 March 2015 at 10:23

    Madam due process and Charles Soludo have challenged your government to a debate, you did not oblige. Leave GMB alone pls.Debates do not translate to any realities on grand.

  55. Ishamali Bendebel8 March 2015 at 10:24

    Madam due process and Charles Soludo have challenged your government to a debate, you did not oblige. Leave GMB alone pls.Debates do not translate to any realities on grand.

  56. Ishamali Bendebel8 March 2015 at 10:26

    In 2011 debate Buhari, Ribadu and Shakarau all attended. GEJ refused to attend. No issues were made out of it.

  57. Ishamali Bendebel8 March 2015 at 10:26

    In 2011 debate Buhari, Ribadu and Shakarau all attended. GEJ refused to attend. No issues were made out of it.

  58. When Gej opened the doors to refusal of debates who questioned him? Who challenged him? Wasn't it you people that adviced him?

  59. abati, you are a big fool. A disgrace to journalism. Because of a plate of porridge you sold your dirty fat self. We are waiting to see your fate after May 29, you big for nothing traitor. Buhari may have mercy on u, but we wont. You are talking of debate, lol. in 2011, Did your clueless jona attend a debate organised by NN24 and other stations where ribadu, gmb and your min of education did. Between jona and GMB, who is more articulate and intelligent. Your jona speaks without thinking ala stealing is not corruption. He is the gaffe master and is never to be taken serious. I dont support GMB but if u ask me who is more debate friendly, I would go for a GMB cos he thinks and talks carefully but ur jona is a disgrace to this country. his wife is a crude disaster already happening. And you guys are hypocrites, eye-service mofos. Better dont disturb our cyber space with this your nonsense writeups.Wasted our goodwill after 5 years of doing nothing, railway ko, railway ni. useless man

  60. team Gej.......with or without debate,credoGej.................Tinubu where is malam buhari,lol as for Amechi...get ready for your exile

  61. How can no certificate man debate,buhari is loser.

  62. Buhari should be left alone. Let this election come and go so that we all can have peace of mind.

  63. Challenging him to a debate won't still change people's mind. We all know action speaks louder than voice.

  64. If he doesn't want debate leave him alone, after all Jonathan didn't attend debate in 2011 instead he hosted Dbanj in the villa

  65. FOR YOUR FASHION TIPS CHECK https://smanjana.wordpress.com

  66. Debate depends on power of preparation and eloquence.Words alone are not enough for what the problems of the country. Who wants debate? We want Buhari and that is it. We don't care if he debates or not. Abati, FFK and Okupe are working for their salaries. They are paid to spread propaganda and distort fact. We dooooooont care about debate.

  67. Debate depends on power of preparation and eloquence.Words alone are not enough for what the problems of the country. Who wants debate? We want Buhari and that is it. We don't care if he debates or not. Abati, FFK and Okupe are working for their salaries. They are paid to spread propaganda and distort fact. We dooooooont care about debate.

  68. Abati is a shameless man.Did GEJ agree to come to any debate in 2011? He snubbed every debate he was invited to.Guess it's time for him to get a dose of his own medicine.Pls.know this, we are not electing GMB to speak English at a debate.We want to elect him on his strength of character & integrity.Your man can go debate with himself. Mtcheeew!

  69. Well said. I agree with Abati 110 percent.

  70. We no want debate,we want change,make Bihari come arrest all u thieves

  71. The summary of this epistle right here is that Buhari should debate abi? Ok. Let Buhari rest

  72. We won't listen to what GEJ has to say... Lies Lies, Lies,if he still surrounds himself with people like you,Okupe,FFK,Nigeria is in trouble......March4Buhari...

  73. Please keep your debate oga Reuben we are not interested, no president as performed in this country based on any yeye debate...instead of promoting APC why not channel una energy into campaigning for your candidate and leave the opposition to do theirs.

  74. It is not about debate ..we are tired of your boss .. The last time did GEJ come for debate ? NO .. So why are you crying now .. Sai Buhari }

  75. After all the noise you are still admitting that the presidential debate is not a constitutional requirement. Why are you so restless over this debate issue. You claimed that Buhari doesn't work on sundays but Jo works every day and that the job of a president is a round the clock all year round engagement. Big deal. Massive unemployment, near zero electricity supply, glaring malpractices NNPC and the oil sector, Boko Haram's unhindered terror attacks, general impunity and moral and economic decay alas all for the fact that our president is working round the clock and all year round the clock. Give me a break please! President Jo is Nigeria's leader with the highest academic qualifications but compare his records with the not-so-qualified past leaders like Abacha, Gowon, Babangida then judge for yourself. Na paper we go chop!? Jacob Zuma of South Africa only had primary education but he is a true leader. Former US president Harry S Truman, Britain's Winston Churchill and even John Major all had one thing in common - almost zero formal education but they were great leaders that history recognises. Talking about Zuma's educational qualification an opposition leader of Democratic Alliance of South Africa once said "character overcomes qualification" when it comes to leadership. For goodness sake Buhari only recently addressed a gathering at Chatam House and had a question and answer session with journalists. It's not the debate that he is against but the PDP's unholy gimmicks. Abati please find a better way of justifying your position as an adviser to the president. Just last week Mr Jonathan was ranting that 80% of his advisers were not helping his cause. He obviously forgot to include his wife.

  76. No debate, silence is the best answer for fools!!! As a General, we do more talk less.

  77. U plp say buhari iz sick...hez brain iz dead and dt he wont win,i totaly agree wif u plp bt plz nd plz lt de man run hiz race....Jona no fear

  78. Is it only Buhari that is contesting? They should go and learn mannerisms first. Linda take note!

  79. Is it only Buhari that is contesting? They should go and learn mannerisms first. Linda take note!

  80. But why won't buhari want to do a debate? ! He should organise one then since he feels other channels are biased. I really don't get his absence in most gatherings organised for him. The march yesterday. , the London gathering, debates. I need a strong reason to vote out the incumbent .I personally need to watch a debate to cast my vote.

  81. Abeg whatever. I'm just tired of all this political jamboree.

  82. Buhari we need to hear you speak in a debate with our president..b4 march 28


  83. Buhari must debate

  84. Mr Abati,Buhari wud rather kill himself than commit suicide,lols! Two weeks campaign,two weeks rest in uk!! Hnmmm APC their is God o...

  85. Indeed "Buhari is fleeing the arena with his tails between his legs". Wht a shame.

  86. General Buhari needs to come out of his comfort zone and undertake this test. He has been campaigning on the issues of security yet his supporters preach hate and violence.


  88. Dis write is well written and d killer points is "When he grants interviews, his responses are cryptic and elliptic, demonstrating such shallowness that confuses an informed audience."

    Pls someone tell GMB to stay retired and leave politics for d younger generations in Nigeria. Definitely after March 28th he wil learn in a hard well after GEJ defeat him hands down.

  89. I am not keen on debate. and I am next president Buhari is not either. When Nigerians asked GEJ for such last election, 2011, he gave us one where D'banj was interviewing him. President, interviewed by "koko-master", I for one was insulted. For the same reason GEJ didn't grant an interview from the experienced and seasoned people of the media house in 2011, he should go sleep.

  90. See as he serious, hungry dey fire poor man u dey talk of debate. We are tired of GEJ admnstrtn... WE WANT ANOTHER PERSON. Na debate we go chop? Mtchewww

  91. See as he serious, hungry dey fire poor man u dey talk of debate. We are tired of GEJ admnstrtn... WE WANT ANOTHER PERSON. Na debate we go chop? Mtchewww

  92. Desperation! Apparently the feedback is still not looking comfy for Jona and handlers and anything to score a cheap one they'll happily latch unto.
    Despite all the rabble rousing though we know the President isn't the most eloquent canary around. A man who fidgets and needlessly stutters whenever required to make off the cuff remarks at campaign stops should be mindful of being overly advertised as an oratorial heavyweight. Who knows, the APC may just take up the gauntlet and unravel whatever little cred he lays claim to by taking him on at the last minute. Should that happen, this contest'll be over even before the polls. Reuben Abati beware!

  93. There is no point debating with a man who is not in charge of his home.

  94. Were these the same reasons Jonathan did not come out for a debate in 2011?

  95. Oya buhari take the challenge that's what ready minds do

  96. Let us call God to rule this country for us. http://tinyurl.com/pfgxd4d

  97. Shoi?.Na by force?? i just like Gmb sha! inspite of all ds drama,d guy is as calm as ice.

  98. If only the debate,can change the mind of the people toward their demands for change. I still so much believe that Gej hasn't done much to deserve second term, and GMB is d angel we don't know, am really scared of both of them.

  99. It was a constructive and open debate between the Lagos state Governorship aspirants JImi (PDP) and Ambode (APC), I was very enthused with the level of their intelligence and what they intend to achieve if elected as Lagos state governor. Can someone educate Gen. Bokohari that There's nothing wrong with a debate, it shows your preparedness to govern your country. His just a dumbass and I pity those who will waste their vote on this old dictator

    Lin Lin my love!

  100. It was a constructive and open debate between the Lagos state Governorship aspirants JImi (PDP) and Ambode (APC), I was very enthused with the level of their intelligence and what they intend to achieve if elected as Lagos state governor. Can someone educate Gen. Bokohari that There's nothing wrong with a debate, it shows your preparedness to govern your country. His just a dumbass and I pity those who will waste their vote on this old dictator

    Lin Lin my love!

  101. He's entitled to his right of not accepting the invitations to debate@GMB just like GEJ had his right not to accept any in 2011. No raising of dust please...........

  102. Is this the same *bati that said "he who eats doesn't talk"? When ,Buhari was availae for the last presidential election,did Johnathan attend? Pls,Abati should spare us this charade. #snoring

  103. Yes he must come out and debate with his dead brain, time to prove that brain is working or not...mumu Nigerians be queuing behind him and his senseless party members...they want to take us back, God forbid!!! God will disappoint them....Forward ever my Naija.

  104. Is it about debate? U pple said buhari is takin is back but u cant accept the use of card reader and dts technology. The same idiots that want to use tech to fight corruptin r d same ones avoidin d use of tech to fight riggin. Now u want debate. Go to hell

  105. When thEy invited GEJ in 2011 and he refused to come but rather came and debated himself nko. Then when he was criticised he went for self debate again hosted by the koko master. Abeg make we hear word. He set the precedence. Plus it's not a constitutional duty. Saying and doing are two different things.

  106. Pls Reuben shld shut up. Why didn't Jonathan debate four years ago? Instead he gve dbanj question to ask him. Rubbish. Jonathan is sooo dull. We dnt need another 4yrs of him as president.

  107. After your epistle(couldn't bore myself with your epistle Mr Free Mason) with aaaaaallll the grammar wey Jona de blow, aaaall the debate wey he de win, wetin don comot?
    Dollar N227
    Pounds N 32
    PHCN nko?
    Jona keep winning debate!!!

  108. Buhari must debate, I so much wish they debate. Geg 2019

  109. #NoDebateNoVote

  110. It stupid and idiotic for Pdp and it's memebers to be talking about debate when Nigeria is in disarray due to imcopetence of our president and also the Pdp presidential candidate.
    We lost hope on Reuben Agbati after accepting to work with a family he once advised the head to caution the wife because she is power drunk and displays naked power till date.
    Am still waiting for him to tell us why his Oga refuse to participate in 2011 presidential election debate.
    It's obvious that Pdp has been rejected by the Nigerian people and nothing will save Jonathan from defeat on 28 of march if he like let him relocate the seat of power to Yoruba land.

  111. These guys would not stop diminishing GEJ. A whole general would be shy away from a debate out timidity and fear of inadequacy. If u can fathom what it means to be General, u will have little respect for Nigeria army. Anyway what those guy are eating has entered their brain.

  112. Talk is cheap! Debate doesn't mean shit.

  113. Let buhari take up this challenge right now and prove him self .we are waiting for sound debate from both parties

  114. Where were u when Jonathan refused to debate in the last election?....Olodo

  115. The man no wan do na! No be by force! Haba make una find another means to use disgrace am!

  116. I think GEJ is a good guy and can't be expected to perform beyond his intellectual capacity. He has given his all to Nigeria but sadly, it's not good enough as this is the biggest job in any nation. Just like organisations want the best candidates from a recruitment process to get the job, the best man should rule a nation. GEJ was not and still isn't that man quite simply.

    But the problem he has is his own advisers and handlers. That Abati chose to expose the pressures they are feeling and literally begging GMB for an interview just shows cluelessness. How can an incumbent be begging a contestant for a debate? How could Abati openly admit to the failings of this government without even realising it? Is Abati really this dumb and foolish?

    Does Abati even realise GEJ did exact same thing 4 years ago and so all the things he's accused GMB of actually apply to GEJ. This is really sad to read. Mr. Abati, you say a debate will be good for our democracy, true. Let me tell you what else will be good....how about GEJ investigating the Ekitigate tape? How about big madam Petroleum minister come out to explain the reasons for fuel crisis or is that not her ministry? You talk about debates showcasing the competence of candidates, true but the various campaigns, interviews and speeches by GEJ already exposed his own cluelessness and incompetence for the job.

    Abati really is foolish and sad!

  117. When Jonathan shunned 2011 presidential debate which General Buhari attended, were you not in Nigeria? why didn't you write this then. GEJ has shown us that whether you debate or not you can win election so why is GEJ so desperate to have a debate this time around. The desperation shown by PDP about this debate is why Buhari is not going to attend.
    Abati is President Jonathan’s official spokesman and media adviser. Is his job on the line?

  118. 50 people died yesterday in Borno,na debate be your problem

  119. Democracy, ghen, ghen ! Then let us hear the APC side.

  120. I personally, cannot stand with an doctorate degree holder with my school cert for a debate.

  121. Ruben you were against Jonathan govt. And always write concerning his wife bad English. I am suprise when accepted this z job.

  122. Buhari can't speak english. GEJ till 2019

  123. We say no to any biased debate.. if BBC OR CNN is anchoring the debate, i am sure buhari and APC will agree to it... We all know AIT, NTA and maybe channels are all biased towards APC... REUBEN, I CAN SEE YOU ARE BACK FROM YOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT IN GERMAN

  124. Useless people .What of when GEJ refused to debate in 2011?????? Nonsense

  125. Debate doesn't translate to problem- solving skills, I personally think the president should direct the energy he' s saving for debate to the pressing issues our nation is facing and leave BUHARI alone

  126. Mr. Abati, I was one of those who stood in support and defended GEJ, when He refused to join in the debate in 2011. Same way I am standing today in 100% support and defense of GMB not debating. #Shikena

  127. I don't understand what the noise is about, its not like if this debate hold GEJ will speak more eloquently even with his fish Phd. Buhari should accept if only to shut some naive people like Ruben Abati up.

  128. Action speaks louder than voice, a debate won't point out the realities on ground... Debate or no debate, nigerians will still vote for they want.

  129. Fellow citizens of Fed Rep of Nigeria, to be honest , Buhari is not fit in many ways to be Nigerian President! GEJ is still our best option , far much better than Buhari! Buhari is weak and cannot stand the presure of the office of the President! And Tinubu knows this! We have able and active candidates like Atiku, Kwankwaso, -why didnt APC support these active men! GMB has tried. He has contributed his quota to Nation building. He needs to go and res . HE CANT BE PRESIDENT!! Cos he CANT!! he is weak , old and frail. His candidacy will end up being another fraud! Tinubu if you read this, you know what am talking about!. Fellow Nigerians , please remove all forms of hate , and for the love of this our only country, vote for GEJ, cos he clearly remains the best option! In 2019 which is just 4 years away, we will wash our eyes and select a sound , healthy candidate from our North , that will continue to pilot the affairs of this country! GOD BLESS NIGERIA!!

  130. We all know Buhari is not well learbed& it's most likely that he'll be defeated in a debate but that's not the case...

  131. We don't just want to be persuaded, we want the actuality of those words... Let the right man win.

  132. There is no way Buhari will debate because it is clear as day that the Nigerian media is biased. Newspapers, TV and radio stations all picking sides, when they ought to be neutral. What is the guarantee that the debate won't be conducted by someone bought by PDP? If we can get an assurance of a fair debate then it might happen but until then, let's meet at the polls sir.

    Secondly, like people have already pointed out, GEJ was not open to a debate four years ago but now he wants to debate why? Oh so that he can use his acts of desperation of the past few weeks as strong points, nah! A debate would have been very fair before the 14th of February, the original date slated for the elections before GEJ moved it so he can pull some last-minute miracles in a bid to deceive himself because Nigerians are no longer deceived. He pulled a fast one on us with his shoelessness but his incompetency can no longer be hidden, everyone can see it and he needs to go.

  133. na by force in 2011 pdpig and jana refused to bedate with buhari now they are crying for the debate they say not to in 2011, so what happened now why not go for Dbang again Dbang is still alive.CHANGE WE WANT ,WE CANNOT CONTINUE WITH THIS INEFFICIENT AND CORRUPT GOVERNMENT

  134. Did i hear you say "INEC rescheduled the election dates", or you dumb a** made INEC to do it.
    Also you already relegated yourself and your party to second to "Smaller Parties", i will give you A1 for that.
    Lastly, debate or no debate, my advice for you and your nonsense party is to start wrapping up, times; up, gather the little weight you need, 'cos come June 1st, you and your cohorts will be in my farm as prisoners clearing all the bush (LMAO).

  135. I Ogunleye Abayomi challange u GEJ to a Debate...smh...where were u 2011...nw u don dey bold small...

  136. If Abati likes he should go to international newspapers to publish same article, he should bear in mind that Nigerians are wise and we don't forget things so easily, remember GEJ refused detate in 2011 and now because it is obvious that GMB is a

  137. Have You guys noticed That its only "toto eater" and otokoto king of thrash dat are running for There clueless broda? Imagine Name wey person dey call himsef. Oshi

  138. There is already a great debate between Jonathan and Nigerians. The debate is what happened in the last six years of his governance, especially the last four. After he has attended to the Great Debate with Nigerians, only then does he have the moral rights to challenge any of his opponents to a debate.
    Q1. Why were the oil subsidy thieves not prosecuted till this day by his government?
    Q2. Why is the Minister of Interior under whose ministry several job applicants die, not relieved of his post till this day?
    Q3. Why was Stella Oduah's case of purchasing 2 bullet proof cars at fraudulently high price, and bypassing due process swept under the carpet?
    Q4. If 4 years ago, under his watch, the Naira that was exchanging for about 100 to a dollar is now at N200 to a dollar is that a sign of economic progress for the citizens of an import dependent economy?
    Q5. If the Nigerian Army has the vigour, energy and vitality to crush Boko Haram, as it now appears to be doing, why has the President as the Commander In Chief, allowed several thousands Nigerians to be killed before this sudden military onslaught?
    Q6. In what way has rebasing (re-evaluating) the economy brought improvement to the lives of average Nigerians?
    Q7. Should a sitting President be judged (and supported or otherwise) by his performance in Office or by his religion and region?
    Q8. If in 6 years of governing the country the electricity situation has gone worse, what is the assurance that it would be better in four years?
    Q9. Why has Jega (and INEC) that conducted elections that brought you in 2011, now become odious to PDP? Are we to assume that he rigged you in in 2011 but unwilling to do same now?
    Q10. Don't you think as the party in power you owe it a duty to engage in issues-based electoral campaign to lead by example, instead of engaging in mudslinging, character assassination, mundane distraction, obscenity, etc as exemplified by, Femi Fani Kayode, Ayo Fayose, Dame Patience, etc
    More questions after this time out.

  139. Pounds 322
    Dollar 227
    Fuel Unofficially 100
    Reuben Abati kontinu de organise debate u hia make Jona de win so so debate.
    Toothless bulldogs! Empty barrels!!

  140. I don tire for una.... You said GEJ refuse to debate in 2011 now you say he is a failure... and you want to vote for another man who is refusing debate? Are you listening to yourselves at all?...... mind you there are other candidates, if you prefer them, then vote for them.... and leave our president alone..... GEJ

  141. It seems that the APC has hijacked the media. Am not surprised but there is no way in this world i would want a Fulani man to rule this country. Chukwu aju bikonu. Sai GEJ.

  142. Am not surprised about all these Buhari supporters here. You guys are only but a handfull. GEJ till jesus comes.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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