'I'm planning a heinous act that will be remembered forever': Killer pilot's ex-lover claims he said before crash | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 28 March 2015

'I'm planning a heinous act that will be remembered forever': Killer pilot's ex-lover claims he said before crash

A former girlfriend of killer pilot Andreas Lubitz claimed the pilot told her once that he's planning an act so heinous his name would be remembered for ever. The girlfriend said Lubitz was a tormented, erratic man who was a master of hiding his darkest thoughts and would wake up from nightmares screaming ‘we’re going down’.

The 26-year-old Germanwings stewardess, known only as Maria W, revealed to a German newspaper how Lubitz ominously told her last year: ‘One day I will do something that will change the whole system, and then all will know my name and remember it.’ Continue...
When she heard about the crash of Germanwings Flight 4U9525 on Tuesday, she remembered Lubitz’s menacing prophecy. ‘I never knew what he meant, but now it makes sense,’ she told Bild.

Maria told the newspaper that she met Lubitz when the pair flew together across Europe and said they dated for five months last year, spending 'several nights' in hotels.

She said he was a 'nice and open-minded' man but claimed there was a difference between his professional and his private ego, with him being 'soft' and needing love when the couple were alone but becoming 'someone else' when they talked about work. 

She added to Bild: 'We spoke a lot about work and then he became another person. He became agitated about the circumstances in which he had to work, too little money, anxiety about his contract and too much pressure.'

His personal problems and erratic behaviour became so severe that the flight attendant decided to call the relationship off after fearing his increasingly volatile temper.
'During conversations he'd suddenly throw a tantrum and scream at me,' she said. 'I was afraid. He even once locked me in the bathroom for a long time.' 

Despite parting from Lubitz, Maria said previous conversations with him suddenly 'made sense' when she heard about the crash.
She said: ‘When I heard about the crash, there was just a tape playing in my head of what he said, “One day I will do something that will change the system and everyone will then know my name and remember me”.
‘I did not know what he meant by that at the time, but now it’s clear.’

She said he had 'never really' spoken to her about any illness but had told her he was getting psychiatric treatment.

She added: 'The torn up sick notes make sense now to me and were a clear sign that he did not want to admit that his big dream of flying as a captain was over.' 

Police will want to interview the air stewardess in detail about the pilot’s state of mind, as well as his most recent girlfriend who he is said to have lived with in a smart flat on the outskirts of Dusseldorf. One report claimed they had been together on and off for seven years and were engaged and planned to marry next year.

Lubitz had reportedly ordered two new Audis for them just before the tragedy in an apparent desperate last attempt to win her back. But she appeared to have rejected his offer, as only one car was ever delivered.

It comes amid claims that their relationship broke down because he was secretly gay and was suffering torment over hiding his homosexuality. One report claimed he was taunted by fellow pilots for previously being a 'trolley dolly' airline steward and dubbed 'Tomato Andy' - a derogatory gay slur - by colleagues.

The startling revelations that Lubitz had long-plotted a spectacular act adds weight to claims the pilot concealed a medical condition that should have stopped him flying.

It comes after German investigators yesterday revealed the 28-year-old should have been off sick on the day he deliberately condemned his 149 passengers and crewmates to their deaths in the Alps.

Investigators revealed today that medical sign-off notes were found at Lubitz's home - including at least one that covered the day of the crash - and Dusseldorf University Hospital confirmed he had been a patient there over the past two months, although it would not disclose his condition.  

Culled from UK Daily Mail


  1. Read thhis on yahoonews, rot in hell. Lindaobserve

    1. He took one way ticket to hell. To hell wit him, and everytin dat concerns him.

    2. This guy is a motherfucker

  2. Sick man.. Sorry sir but you're going to hell. Rip to the dead and take heart all d bereaved...

  3. Ex?? oh she should shut it already....

  4. And she couldn't say it out or alert the authorities before now...i think she should be arrested if you ask me.

    1. I can see u reason through ur anus. Arrest her for what? U need help... And should be arrested 4 such careless talk. D did has been done. So sad. D question is, when we notice someone is nt his/ her usual self, do we care to kw what bothers them? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  5. His name will be on same list as Osama Bin Laden and co

  6. All this pple are jointly responsible for this mess
    Why is all this coming out now

    The doctors that treated him, this girl now, why dintt they say something earlier
    Innocent lives have been wasted for some dumb fick

  7. Fat lie. Peeps take any Lil opportunity to do or say nonsense. Why didn't u say it after the crash. Not until is every where on news. Engr Emy

  8. N he ended up wt dis murderer act? He ws born by mistake

  9. N he ended up wt dis murderer act? He ws born by mistake

  10. And he really achieved him aim and took may lives in the process.

  11. U where dating a potential terrorist sweetheart, u for report him then.......one don't have to be a moslem to be a terrorist.......

  12. This is what happens when a man gives in to frustration and pressure. He perhaps was destined to be known- but then he could have been known in a great and positive way. What do you think?

  13. Why didn't he open up to being gay and have peace?



  16. Sick... Need google adsense? pin:2869895B

  17. He looked sick tho,, too bad beautiful people died cos of his useless heroic act

  18. All dez emanating stories sef. D did has been done let everybody go and sleep

  19. What he did was awful,words can't even describe it.

  20. he screams from nightmares, he makes weird statements and you did not think it was a good time to speak to someone about it

  21. This is just sad ! My sympathy goes out to the loved ones of the deceased. I'd hate to believe that this guy crashed that plane because his girlfriend jilted him! White people's and their psychological issues!
    He ordered 2 Audi's and was still complaining about little pay? He should come to Africa and see hunger and suffering ! If he was tired of living, he could have committed suicide , rather than kill hundreds of innocent souls!

  22. Then the guy is not normal in any way

  23. I still fail to understand why the airline didn't request for his medical report directly from the hospital before allowing him on the plane! Mcheeeeeeeeew! Linda take note!

  24. He shud pls get help...b4 he kills more people

    1. Last time I checked he died, my dear. Read again.

  25. Hmm if this guy was a muslim or even black the bad act would have been linked immediately to his religion or nationality. Now dey r pointing to his mental health as the cause. Biased fools

  26. The world is at awe that the employers of this pilot in this 21st century were negligent to have allowed a psychiatric patient to pilot a plane and waste almost 150 innocent lives just like that! It's a pity!This has taught the Air line Operators and Governing Body a costly lesson!Henceforth, all Pilots should be regularly tested of their mental state before mounting on a plane inorder to forestall such occurrence. Also, i hear that a new policy have been adopted by Airline operators to mandate that at every point in time there should be at least two pilots at the cockpit! If one goes to ease himself another will immediately replace him!!!

  27. I think she's lying. his family would have had a hint of what what he was about to do plus friends and family claim he was a nice and outgoing guy. he would have told maybe his current girlfriend or mother whatever he ALLEGEDLY told her. pple are not afraid of lying against the dead o!

  28. To be remembered for d wrong tin.

  29. Go n sit down abeg, Y didn't U say this b4 now?

  30. The guy is a terrorist. If he was from Arab or a black man he would have been termed such. May the soul of the departed rest in peace.

  31. The guy is a terrorist. If he was from Arab or a black man he would have been termed such. May the soul of the departed rest in peace.

  32. Really sad, must he kill people to be remembered forever. He should have just killed himself

  33. Now she tells us

  34. World of hypocrisy we live in....Had it been the pilot was a muslim, they would say he is an ISLAMIC TERRORIST....Fucking double standard...God help us...

  35. The family of the people he killed will never forget him

  36. well... it gets more and more complicated now , doesnt it?

  37. The guy was just wicked.

    Busy Fingers.

  38. He ws mentally sick,wicked soul

  39. Hmmmmn... Had the pilot been a black man....just saying!!!

  40. This guy was a lunatic. Why take other people's life. He should have just taken his own life.

  41. crying over split milk

  42. And we say God does not reveal the future any more. He speaks through the mouths of people. But many are so entrenched in sin, they know not a prophesy even if it hits them in the eyes. Unfortunate that you are telling about this now. If there had been a system for you to anonymously have him scrutinized, then 140 something people will be with their families and loved ones these weekends. I am actually annoyed to read of this your revelation as it is worthless. Same thing with the guy on MH370 who gave his wife his wedding ring and told her to give it to the first of their sons to wed on his wedding day. Are you telling me that guy did not receive a message that made him do that on of all days the day he was going to board MH370? We have to be attuned to the holy spirit's ministrations. The spirit communicates with all - sinners and the righteous alike. Even if you serve the devil, you are still a child of God and he continues to communicate with you. Even the demons in the spiritual are fallen angels so they also see the same as angels. Look through the bible. When Saul consulted a medium, was he not told what was going to go down? Was it not correct? Please, don't waste the voice of God. When he speaks to you, use it.

  43. I don't comprehend how whites reason. May heavens forgive this pilot for deliberately taking the lifes of 149 passengers. How sad! Eternal rest grant unto them o Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their soul rest in peace.

  44. I don't comprehend how whites reason. May heavens forgive this pilot for deliberately taking the lifes of 149 passengers. How sad! Eternal rest grant unto them o Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their soul rest in peace.

  45. Shebi his name is now famous okwa ya?

  46. Ok he has finally made a name

  47. This is bullshit. It's obvious the airline is framing this dead guy for the crash so as to avoid getting shut down. The plane probably had engine failure and they know if it is found out, they will be in trouble. So now they are saying he's crazy, paying people off to spread lies and manipulating the media. unfortunately, dead men tell no tales so we have to believe what they tell us.

  48. @5:23pm, I see your point, but wouldn't the lawsuits come no matter what? Once that plane crashed, the airline will have to settle with the families. I'm with you in thinking that they need to be looking at all the possibilities because it's very early to zero in on one person and theory.

  49. Emike you are stupid....so cos she is ex then she should not talk? And u idiots saying she is to blame get a life.....so u will just go and report somebody foe saying he will do something to be remembered....how do u know if it is positive or negative? His state of mind obviously never affect his work and he was able to pass all safety management systems in place to certify you for for flying so this is one situation no body could have predicted......they can only improve on the system after this terrible tragedy.....u people should use your brains before vomiting rubbish here


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