Read this transgender's heartbreaking suicide note he posted hours before killing himself | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 31 December 2014

Read this transgender's heartbreaking suicide note he posted hours before killing himself

17 year old transgender teen Leelah (Josh) Alcorn committed suicide on Sunday Dec. 28th by walking in front of a tractor trailer on a highway in Ohio. A few hours later, her suicide note, which she posted on her Tumblr page through scheduled publishing, went up. In the heartbreaking suicide note, she blamed her death on her religious parents who she said refused to acknowledge her gender and forbade her from transitioning into a girl. Read her suicide note below...
If you are reading this, it means that I have committed suicide and obviously failed to delete this post from my queue.
Please don’t be sad, it’s for the better. The life I would’ve lived isn’t worth living in… because I’m transgender. I could go into detail explaining why I feel that way, but this note is probably going to be lengthy enough as it is. 
To put it simply, I feel like a girl trapped in a boy’s body, and I’ve felt that way ever since I was 4. I never knew there was a word for that feeling, nor was it possible for a boy to become a girl, so I never told anyone and I just continued to do traditionally “boyish” things to try to fit in.

When I was 14, I learned what transgender meant and cried of happiness. After 10 years of confusion I finally understood who I was. I immediately told my mom, and she reacted extremely negatively, telling me that it was a phase, that I would never truly be a girl, that God doesn’t make mistakes, that I am wrong. If you are reading this, parents, please don’t tell this to your kids. Even if you are Christian or are against transgender people don’t ever say that to someone, especially your kid. That won’t do anything but make them hate them self. That’s exactly what it did to me.

My mom started taking me to a therapist, but would only take me to christian therapists, (who were all very biased) so I never actually got the therapy I needed to cure me of my depression. I only got more christians telling me that I was selfish and wrong and that I should look to God for help.
When I was 16 I realized that my parents would never come around, and that I would have to wait until I was 18 to start any sort of transitioning treatment, which absolutely broke my heart. The longer you wait, the harder it is to transition. I felt hopeless, that I was just going to look like a man in drag for the rest of my life. On my 16th birthday, when I didn’t receive consent from my parents to start transitioning, I cried myself to sleep.

I formed a sort of a “f*** you” attitude towards my parents and came out as gay at school, thinking that maybe if I eased into coming out as trans it would be less of a shock. Although the reaction from my friends was positive, my parents were pissed. They felt like I was attacking their image, and that I was an embarrassment to them. They wanted me to be their perfect little straight christian boy, and that’s obviously not what I wanted.

So they took me out of public school, took away my laptop and phone, and forbid me of getting on any sort of social media, completely isolating me from my friends. This was probably the part of my life when I was the most depressed, and I’m surprised I didn’t kill myself. I was completely alone for 5 months. No friends, no support, no love. Just my parent’s disappointment and the cruelty of loneliness.

At the end of the school year, my parents finally came around and gave me my phone and let me back on social media. I was excited, I finally had my friends back. They were extremely excited to see me and talk to me, but only at first. Eventually they realized they didn’t actually give a s**t about me, and I felt even lonelier than I did before. The only friends I thought I had only liked me because they saw me five times a week.

After a summer of having almost no friends plus the weight of having to think about college, save money for moving out, keep my grades up, go to church each week and feel like s**t because everyone there is against everything I live for, I have decided I’ve had enough. I’m never going to transition successfully, even when I move out. I’m never going to be happy with the way I look or sound. I’m never going to have enough friends to satisfy me. I’m never going to have enough love to satisfy me. I’m never going to find a man who loves me. I’m never going to be happy. Either I live the rest of my life as a lonely man who wishes he were a woman or I live my life as a lonelier woman who hates herself. There’s no winning. There’s no way out. I’m sad enough already, I don’t need my life to get any worse. People say “it gets better” but that isn’t true in my case. It gets worse. Each day I get worse.

That’s the gist of it, that’s why I feel like killing myself. Sorry if that’s not a good enough reason for you, it’s good enough for me. As for my will, I want 100% of the things that I legally own to be sold and the money (plus my money in the bank) to be given to trans civil rights movements and support groups, I don’t give a s**t which one. The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the way I was, they’re treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights. Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s f***ed up” and fix it. Fix society. Please.

(Leelah) Josh Alcorn


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Kc said...

I feel so sad reading this

Ibjnr21 said...

Ah if it's just for that, safe journey to hell for taking your own life

Anonymous said...

Suicide should not be an option

dodo said...

Dead and gone. U did according to ur wish. Rip boy girl

Unknown said...

See madness

sassylisle said...


Unknown said...

The way people believe this transgender issue baffles me and to think he killed himself cos of that is outrageous

Unknown said...

Sorry to say ds, ur mum was so right God doesn't and never makes mistake.

Anonymous said...

What a great parent! Some people talk about death as if it scares God. He that made you is d one you should serve with your body,soul and spirit,if you have been polluted by demons,you are doomed to pay the utmost price....death! if BISI ALIMI had listened, he wont have come out as HIV +, the boy is selfish,he even blackmailed d good gestures of his parent in death

Cynthia Tasha said...

Awww...poor boy......parents n dia strictness..... had dis little kid received a warming advice from his parents... its couldn't have gone dis far.......buh d truth is.... ur death will not play any significant role in accepting transgended people in d society

Unknown said...

This fool isn't worth me minutes of reading. ....May whatever he serves forgive him..

Unknown said...


Andy de don said...

Eya poor boy

Unknown said...

So sad...but what can I say? I'm straight but have nothing against trans or gays. If only we can live and let others live, this world will be much better. Tried to figure out why people help God to do the judgement. Rest in peace (Leelah) Josh Alcorn.

Unknown said...

Sad tale, but God is still God he never fails.

Unknown said...

So sad...but what can we say? I'm straight but have nothing against trans or gays. If only we can live and let others live, this world will be much better. Tried to figure out why people help God to do the judgement. Rest in peace (Leelah) Josh Alcorn.

ujunwa said...

Devil at work, may God forgive u and accept your soul said...

U die for nothing @ A.K.A fela voice... said...

U die for nothing @ A.K.A fela voice...

Anonymous said...

all this confusion in the world today,mehn,am pretty sure the floods might come again,commiting suicide cos of what.

obietrezy said...

Shey you have killed yourself ni, oya go rest make we wey dey alive dey enjoy the world. Nnabe.

Unknown said...

Too much labeling in our world today. Too many people aiming to bring others down instead of help them out. It's just too sad. Looking through a persons physical attribute to see what is in their heart has become almost extinct today. Behind all these people that we victimize by making socially uncomfortable. If only we could give them a little chance to know how they feel inside. Every single person has flaws, just because the next persons flaw is socially unacceptable doesn't make the person worse than us.

As much as I know suicide isn't the answer. Sometimes you just can't blame these people. The oppression they got through everyday is almost unbearable. And even though we believe we have thicker skins in our country. It is till you are in their situation you would know that loneliness in whatever you are doing is quite harmful. Depression easily sets in and from there it's suicidal thoughts all the way. Just a way to end it all and get it over with. No matter who it is and what they do,

I just believe the best you can do is offer a better way for the person and not make their life a living hell. But this is just me though. Everyone has their opinion in life. if you are going through any life issue and don't know who to talk to. Talk to me and I would try my best to help. I might not have all the answers in the world but believe me, the fact that someone cares helps a lot.

Anonymous said...

This is an unusually long note o

Anonymous said...

Fucking guy went to hell just like that, stupid reason , of you ask me

Unknown said...

Don't put the blame on your parent,you did it to yourself or you should have waited until you are 18. Hell awaits you. Mtcheeeew.

It does not matter how slowly you go as
long as you do not stop. –Confucius

Unknown said...

@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone

Dave Mide said...

Ode omo! You should have reached out to Bisi alimi or miss sahara. How do you justify killing yourself for the wrong reason? You want a society where man would kiss man openly? Hold hands in the park with kids watchin, f**k yourselves in the anus like dogs? the thought of that alone is killing my spirit. Well rest in peace ...or not!

helen jubril said...

Sad sad sad. Lord have mercy on his soul.

Unknown said...

U cant rest in peace... simple!

Anonymous said...

what a sad rush

Anonymous said...

Thats very very sad

Unknown said...

Why would someone want to change from boy to girl vice versa! Taking your life isn't a solution to any problem
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone

Unknown said...

And now U will face God and explain y I took Ur life......children of this days sef!

Unknown said...

Straight cut to hell fo hell...

There is a evil spirit responsible for dis transgender and suicide. It has entry point's.

Once it tak possession of anyone it goes into full action and it no respecter of age, culture or nationality.

#Royal Priesthood#

Unknown said...

Sucide is never an option... We really to show love to everybody around us cos we don't know what they are going through

ukbliss said...


Unknown said...

I've never been a fan of such sexuality as I an asexual. But,this boy abi girls story is pathetic as I can feel his pain from the note.
Thing is; parents should be a shoulder to lean on no matter your condition. But reverse is the case. For the fact that they are whites should make his parents pardon his excesses!! They are sonless now. Is it the best? Mba!!

Mr Banks.

Zoë said...

RIP, the boy was delusional and depressed, he should have taken to real clinic. Imagine when we all start committing suicide, bcox of what people think about us, bcox of what we can't get,how many are we gonna remain in the face of the earth. I feel sorry for some people.

Unknown said...

My peeps "we wrestle not against flesh and blood...

Dis is purely spiritual problem dat shoud b handle in d same magnitude.

God hav mercy on our souls.

#Royal Priesthood#

Inside Out said...

Dats heartbreaking

gab2shoes said...

If you ask me, this gadgets we buy for our children so early is wrong, no laptop, fones and wateva DAT will take u to hyperspace, still u are 16, too much knowledge brings sorrow....I rememba having a scar on the head and DAT disturbed me since I was ten, my mum talked me out from Cosmestic surgey abroad, so hair cud grow back, I got all names from skool, but internet brought revelation to d best surgeons abroad, I grew older and the bible calmed me in Jeremiah, too much knowledge brings sorrow, today no surgery and its been restored my barbers carve the shit so nice...u won't recognize... This is devils work, cute josh....the life of a woman is hard ooo, u for go ask...this white children shld be sent to afrika, dis is d list of problem for any African child

Unknown said...

@The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the way I was, they’re treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights. Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s f***ed up” and fix it. Fix society. Please.

Oyo for you ohhhhh. Do I say rest in peace?or what? Na wa for Oyinbo and their mentality.

E said...

Quite foolish if you ask me ...she could have stayed to fight these rights she is wanting to advocate ... This is not s martyr move at allll it's more of attention seeking out of spite so that people feel bad.. Smh

Unknown said...

You shouldn't have killed yourself to matter what. A life you can't create

Unknown said...

A good reason to die.
It's always all about happiness. Parents take note


Awwww 2sad a story...N 2think his judgmental parents pushed him 2his death...the earlier d world realises dt whether they choose to acknowledge it or not,LGBT folks will always live amongst us the berra;wonder y so much hate for someone's sexual preference,4crying out loud ts not by force to like the opposite sex...may his soul Rip

Unknown said...

Depression has taken somany lives... Wats de remedy 4 depression. RIP leelah

Unknown said...

Hmmmm, poor girl

Anonymous said...

dt is very sad story

Unknown said...

Wow this bad. They should also be taught that anybody that commits suicide goes straight to hell


Young man u did Ur parents great good....

Anonymous said...

Hsi feeling like a transgender does not in any way justify his suicidal act. God is the owner of our life, he has no right 2 takhis own life. It's sad though.

Unknown said...

Nawa o

Unknown said...

God doesn't make Mistake He created all things and said they were good.Its a pitty the prince of the world manipulates feeling.May God help us all.

Anonymous said...

1 down, how many to go,

Unknown said...

thats a very sick MF there,burn in hell

Unknown said...

Small pikin.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

This Bitch Nigga is mad,in Nigeria you would not be buried.Fool

OMG!WOMAN said...

Nothing justifies killing yourself.

Anonymous said...

Mumu, I don't blame u, because u r in a country that can transition you..they have doctors to carry out the surgery what if u are from a very poor african country .wld u even know if u r stuck in a man's body? hunger is killing kids everyday and ur probs is transgender mtcheeeewwe. Boredom. Talk less of linda. Come out of the closet already! You can bring out everybody's gist of who is dating whom and who is marrying whom but yet not one blog has carried ur gist on whom u r with and no blog has carried any news of whom u r dating. Linda you are gay!

Jay said...

May ur soul rest in peace.

Som Som said...



Anonymous said...

why call her a "HE" when you clearly know she wants to be addressed as a she?

Daralohi said...

So heartbreaking,suicide is a sin.

Miss indomie says so

Unknown said...

Sigh! God have mercy.

mchike said...

So touching, R.I.P Leelah

Anonymous said...

Very touching story. May your soul RIP.

Unknown said...

So sad buh dude looks better a boy..#RIP,my PO is dat trans being awkard in dis our society its not a societal flaw buh more of a breakdwn in our cultural values...take it back to the 70's n u wil see dat homos n trans are jst an ill revolution which me sef can't dig even until tmrw..

Unknown said...

What a shocking story I cnt beliv this is happening true

Blessing said...

The thought of killing yourself simply because you refused to look to the word of God for help, even for comfort from depression is simply demonic. People have made themselves God over their lives and that is the reason why everyone feels he/she must form an opinion of themselves which we must acknowledge for them to be happy. It is not so... Many times, it's the words that should heal which we may not get from man that is lacking. In times of confusion, it's best you keep your 'self' aside and find out what the Word of God says about you. God is not an author of confusion. I wish he could send a letter from where he is right now, if he now has the peace and acceptance he so longed for. Suicide is NOT the option. God made you, loves you and he wants for you to know that! If there is any confusion in your life, get to his Word!

Anonymous said...

Taking your life is never the solution. Your parents tried to deal with the situation the best way they knew. You should have brought your burden to Jesus who would have made it lighter. He says 'come all ye who are heavy laden and i will give you rest' . I pray your soul rests in peace...

Ryan said...

Mehnnnn...This is just messed up!!! ...all I can say is;

Thank God for life,
Happy New year pple,
God bless y'all...

Unknown said...

He Just Wanted To Die, Bye..

.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

Unknown said...

Suicide was not the best option, anyway rest in peace

Unknown said...

Linda i hope you do state your view about the LGBT community soon, you seem quite pro-homosexual because your reports on your media is highly partisan u remind me of CNN, lol. I heard the story from the LGBT community yesterday and i really felt it was bad.

Jesus Reigns said...

Linda, u truly have something for trans and gays. Just come out already

Unknown said...

This is serious
Afolabi Tosyne's blog

Bonita Bislam said...

Shocked beyond words.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. Sad

Richard said...

Really really bad.

Okoro said...

This is really sad.

Unknown said...

First,dissatisfied with his sex, second, dissatisfied with his life, Third, Killed himself. Be grateful to God for whatever he has given you less you end up in the land of the dead.


Unknown said...

Eya so touching
I feel for him.

Anonymous said...

May ur soul rot in hell fire

Ruthcindy said...

Hmmmmm! Dis transgender stuff is going out of hand. Dis cute boy suddenly decides he wants to be a gal! What a waste! #SMH#

Kponskii said...

Don't know what to say. Wish he had held on a lil longer.

me,masef and eyes!!! said...

u r on ur own bro...suicide is never an option....never!!!...RIP

yaxx said...

kai, nawaoo,,,,see dis guy, jst killed himself 4 nothing,, many of us are looking 4 opportunities to be loved by our parents with much luxury, and ur type went ahead to kill urself...u have d money, parental luv n care to follow d will of God,,a huge bank account n luvly home, n u decided to kill urself bcos u were denied of 1 stupid n foolish transgender nonsense,,,mtcheww, abeg rest in pieces joor,,let ur parents come n abdopt me abeg, i rlly need a help

Unknown said...

Oh my God am crying may God have mercy on u i will not judge

Unknown said...

Oh my God am crying may God have mercy on u i will not judge

andre kelvin said...

GOD didn't make a mistake.

Zükk3i said...

What a pity. May he RIP. What I see is that he was a troubled teen that added selfishness and hatred for his parents to his problems. To kill yourself is a personal choice and no one least of all his parents would have wanted him to do that. Blaming his parents in that letter for a decision he took all by himself is just a way to get back at his parents because he was angry at them for not allowing him to do as he wanted. He is not the first person to do something that their parents don't approve off, so why not wait to leave his parents house then do as he likes, like all others like him. Everything he did was too well thought out. I pray the parents have the fortitude to bare this and move on especially as their child made sure that with his death, people especially the LGBT society, would hate them especially for their strong christian beliefs.

Unknown said...

Nawah o.. This is deep

Anonymous said...

So pathetic she had to end her life ds way. Parent bias have also led so many to pursue wrong career in life.

May God comfort ur family

Unknown said...

Goodnight. I wish you can come back and give us a report of what you see at the other side.
I know it is all regret for you now. To your parent please dont grief.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

RIp but blaming your parents for your suicide is blah blah blah. You had a choice and you chose suicide so blame no one but yourself. My words may appear blunt but it is the truth. In every situation we face there are always options, some people just prefer the easier way out

bassey asuquo said...

Rip dude

bassey asuquo said...

Rip dude

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I pity d way Devil will welcome ur stupid soul in hell. Ur parents gv u d right advice & u were forming westerner baaa. Y on earth will u challenge God. #dtsnoneofmybiz.

Unknown said...

RIP leelah

Unknown said...

sometimes i do hate all dis white folks cos of the way they think, they are too vulnerable, hence suicide evry now and then.

Unknown said...

This is sad. ....i jumped into conclusion before I read this.......don't knw what to say.may (should I say her).....RIP

Unknown said...

Nawah o.. This is deep

Anonymous said...

You think you killed yourself for a noble cause? Well, Boko Haram people think the same way too, that's why they blow themselves up.
So if you feel like a black man trapped in a white man's body, you're going to soak yourself in coal tar, or tattoo your whole body black, abi?
Children of these days need to learn what contentment is. What makes you think you are better off as a person with a different gender?
I feel sad for this boy and his family. Needless waste of a precious soul.

Unknown said...

Good 4u... Have a nice life wherever u re

Anonymous said...

Wot a waste

Unknown said...

Please, anyone going through tough times shouldn't opt for suicide. The fact is you can find some relief from the thoughts and circumstances that are troubling you

Shola Lad said...


SalmaLena said...

Depression...feel really bad for the dude...but what does God say concerning one knows and they keep saying all sorts...I have nothing against lesbians, gays and transgenders. And I only hope God doesn't punish me for accepting them and not helping. R.I.P to the millions of people who have died concerning these issue.

shayne said...

stupid boi

Unknown said...

Too bad! What do they really feel like really? Smh

Shola Lad said...


Anonymous said...

It's sad that he had to kill himself, cos every life is precious to God no matter what. But it doesn't change the fact, that being gay is totally wrong , and if anyone finds themselves in that situation , d person should seek the face of God and his family or whatever should not abandon him, that only gives them an opportunity to not do the right thing

miss ella said...

too lengthy joor

Anonymous said...

Congrats. Uve just solved all the problems in the world by killing yourself, well done. Enjoy your stay in hell.

Eze said...

Earth minus one confused fella, the way this white kids grow both physically and mentally is amazing, just at age 17 and u are already planning of transforming ursef to the opposite sex, i blame technology for this, now ur parents can have peace if mind, I doubt if most Nigerian kids of 20yrs knows what suicide is, This what happens when u don't FLOG ur kid at an early stage

Unknown said...

eyah what a pity... May his soul rest in perfect peace!!!

Unknown said...

what a pity... RIP

ary said...

Selfish and uncalled for! So he never heard about running away from home or getting emancipated? Guess when you got everything handed to you, you want more! Obviously he lived his life for others, that's why having friends mattered more to him than staying alive to fight a cause he believed in! If his parents didn't want his transforming, he should have moved out instead of living a lie! Linda this isn't heart breaking but annoying as f*ck!!!! Suicide and you expect me to be sad for him? F*ck him!!!

dharmmy said...

May your soul rest in peace, but I still don't understand this "transgender" stuff, if you want to b gay, be gay( M not against it) but changing your appearance???? That's really scary.... like I said, I don't understand.

Goziem Oh LORD said...

Goodbye boyi

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm....sad but definitely not a reason to kill yourself

Unknown said...

Sorry. That's not a good reason for u to kill ur self. If na so Madela for kill him self for prison na

Unknown said...

I wonder how people think suicide is the best way they could get out issues of life. May his soul rest in peace.

Edenorganics said...

don't know what to sae no more

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Thanks be that you have killed yourself before u start infecting other kids with ur nonsense. I wish all of you will just do dis n clear off the face of this earth. I Don tire.

Unknown said...

This touched me,I cried

Mz steph said...

Awww...This people needs love and not to be cast out. That is the result of not being understood. I pray he finds love whoever he is now.
Onyx we all love u. Don't mind the cyber bulling.

Unknown said...

Quite depressing but suicide has and will never be the solution to any problem!

Anonymous said...

Some people dey craze

Anonymous said...


*** forst to comment ***

Dimples said...

Hmmmm! most kill yasef? he shud av jst waited till he is 18 n move out. Am api bin straight.

Dimples said...

Hmmmm! most kill yasef? he shud av jst waited till he is 18 n move out. Am api bin straight.

Funmi Aiyenuro said...

God doesn't make mistakes. You killed yourself over nothing. Rest in peace.

Mz Lolo... said...

Awww! Ds is sooo touching... depression is a killer.

Unknown said...

Yeye boy

Anonymous said...

He was mad,May God forgive him n becos am not judging but from my believe he's already in hell fire

Unknown said...

May his/her soul RIP

Unknown said...

White people and their self created problems... Jus live & let live...

African foodstuff and Raw Materials said...

Heya! RIP o, what a waste, dnt worry Ʊ will hate urself more wen Ʊ get to hell,am sure he will be so dissapointed he has no escape route dis time... All is well... Some idiots won't tink abt wat he will face after death, but y his parent lead him to suicide, trans pple, gay nd co, learn 4rm dis, he is going to hell, HELL and HEAVEN are REAL.... God will av mercy on us all...

Unknown said...

Choi...ama ndi ana eze ooooo uwa di omimi..Devil e no go beta for you.

bella said...

Cute little boy....ds oyibo ppl slf suicide too dey quick them as if na hobby *sad

Anonymous said...

In fact, starting from suicide bombers up to just committing suicide because of one thing or the other is being controlled by an "evil spirit"! No matter what the reason is, it is still EVIL!!!

TheOjukwu - Signing Out!!!

Unknown said...

Its so sad...some parents need to start giving their kids some breathing space...and allow their kids express themselves

African foodstuff and Raw Materials said...

Heya! RIP o, what a waste, dnt worry Ʊ will hate urself more wen Ʊ get to hell,am sure he will be so dissapointed he has no escape route dis time... All is well... Some idiots won't tink abt wat he will face after death, but y his parent lead him to suicide, trans pple, gay nd co, learn 4rm dis, he is going to hell, HELL and HEAVEN are REAL.... God will av mercy on us all...

Sam Akpologun said...

friends, this is utter rubbish. This western trick of letting children have their way has destroyed their society and they are trying to sell it to us. "Parents should never tell their children what they should do; Everyone is entitled to their opinion; You are a god to your self"... and all that rubbish. A home or society without rules is not worth living in and children should be thought to obey their parents while they live under them. Our African society fared better that way!

Before the technology of gender transition came on board, kids didn't kill themselves for feeling like the opposition sex. Its all selfishness and the age long sin of trying to be god for yourself, determining what is good and evil

Even then, if he was so desirous of being trans. why not wait one more year and change into whatever he wanted. He was evidently under the bondage of darkness and the inexperienced counselors did not know what he needed was deliverance not just counseling.

We've helped people with such demonic obsession including homosexuality. they are happy now haven been delivered from that demonic bondage.

Anonymous said...

Linda post my comment ooooooo #Very Touching #smh

Unknown said...

This is sad

Anonymous said...


joy Egbunu said...

Quite touchy! His/ her parents will live with the guilt for d rest of their lives!


Unknown said...

lol death dey hunqry yhu die ni.

Unknown said...

so bad, go and face the devil in hell

Anonymous said...

He looks better as a girl tho...

Unknown said...

Damn, so naso this dude just enter hell fire. Sorry man but enjoy the groove....

Unknown said...

Parents ehn..

Unknown said...

Na wao, what do these people gain from this transgender bullshit, I'm pissed offf, arrrgggghh, u just killed urself for nothing.

Unknown said...

Hmmm am speechless in dis one oo

SANDRA said...

U have no excuse wat so ever to take ur own life, I consider it wickedness. U didn't even tink of ur parents nd loved one. No excuse justifies sucide

lady bee said...

uhmmmmm what way to end ur little would be promising like. it was never worth it anyway.

Anonymous said...

sick. they should fix their self not society.failed people always blame others.

Michael said...

Rest in peace dude.... Suicide ain't the answer.....

ILcity's Finest

guzy said...

I really feel for this guy, it's a pity u had to go this way.

Unknown said...


Bsals said...

Eiya his parent cud av talked him out wit love even if dey dnt like it nt condemn him.. Are dey happy dt he committed suicide ..

Unknown said...

Dame..,this is so #Sad. Lots of misunderstanding..!

Irvin Bet009 said...

I won't blame dis boy 4 his death buh I ll blame dis ugly world 4 giving ppl hope by promoting mediocrity and stupidity,if he was in the 14th century where dere was no technology or transgender shey he ll come out to say dis garbage! Dis boy or girl(confusion!) Is surely gonna rot in hell! 4 not only commitin suicide buh 4 also trying 2 change what God has made him! And 4 cryin out loud! GOD DON'T MAKE MISTAKES! Stupid brat!!! I don vex sef!


Unknown said...

Na wa o!

snowflix said...

Can you imagine! You parents were so right please. Since you have decided to take your own life all in the name of stupidity then good for you. I will never support transgender because God created everyone the best way he could. #onelovefromSnow#

Princess Charming said...


Unknown said...

Its d devil at work

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Complete madness

yabsy said...

So Saad. Rest in peace Leelah. Parents, please let your kids be. Let them find their sexuality. Everybody deserves a chance at happiness. If my friend comes out as gay, I wouldn't stop being his friend

Unknown said...

Na MUMU kill am

Unknown said...

D Devil ministered to him.

Unknown said...

God didn't make mistake creating u as a man... I don't see any reason y u shud transform into a woman... So ma nigga RIP if u can

Unknown said...

Na straight to hell be that.

eingraite said...

I don't understand how a guy would love other guys. It beats me.

Unknown said...

So long but I hope pple will understd ur reason some day. Rip josh

Bliss said...

What a waste of life, you allowed the devil deceive you, what would you tell your maker? RIP

Unknown said...


Trendyify said...

too lengthy couldn't read

someone please explain to me

Unknown said...

I Love the First Pic... She Looked Beautiful... Sorry Babe... Buh seriously u shouldn't have committed suicide... Anyways... My condolences to Her Family.... I Hope she rests in Peace....

Anonymous said...

This is outrageous

Unknown said...

wat can one say....May he/r soul rest in peace....Amen

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Vanity upon vanity.....What a waste. May God guide us and our loved ones.

Anonymous said...

Way to hell kid! Way to hell...U will never be remembered. Never ever.

Unknown said...

You die for your head oloshi omo jati jati

David Daudu said...

Long worthless note...some think they can just take their life to prove a point, highest level of foolishness...

*MrDoubles Photography*

Anonymous said...

God knows best. Sad story

susan chukwuka said...

Soooooo sad, parents pls devote time and teach your children well. am short of words, really sad.

Unknown said...

Mtcheeew! Abeg park well


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