After darkness, a glorious dawn beckons for Nigeria by Bola Tinubu | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 31 December 2014

After darkness, a glorious dawn beckons for Nigeria by Bola Tinubu

Text of the New Year message to Nigerians by the National Leader of the APC, Bola Tinubu...
As we enter a New Year today, it is all too easy to give in to despair and despondency at the current state of Nigeria. The gap between our tremendous potentials as a country and our actual attainments is depressing and disheartening. For a country as endowed with human, material and natural resources as Nigeria, the level of poverty in which the vast majority of our people live is appalling and unacceptable.  The voodoo statistics of illusory growth and progress peddled by those currently in charge of Nigeria’s affairs do not reflect the dire material circumstances of millions of Nigerians.
The ever widening inequality between the wealthy minority and the impoverished majority is fueled largely by a scale of corruption and outright theft of public funds that have reached unprecedented heights in today’s Nigeria. 
All of these are responsible for the large scale manifestation of sundry forms of violence and insecurity across the country that undermines the very foundations of the Nigerian state. Yet, the growing impunity of an arrogant, imperious and complacent presidency weaken the rule of law and prevent the purposeful and responsible governance necessary to tackle Nigeria’s severe challenges.
But then, despair is a luxury we can ill afford as a country and a people at this time. Despair breeds depression and a sense of hopelessness. This can only result in a paralysis of the popular will that will benefit those who want to lull us into collective inaction, so they can perpetuate their misrule of our much abused country. 2015 will be one of the critical and momentous years in the history of Nigeria. It must be a time to renew our hope in the possibilities of our country. Hope enables us to generate the strength to take the positive action as citizens to achieve the positive change Nigeria so badly needs today.
Another Nigeria is possible. A Nigeria where focused, visionary and competent governance vigorously tackles corruption, insecurity, poverty and promotes peace, progress and prosperity for all is attainable. After the current darkness, a glorious, new dawn for Nigeria is possible. But this needed change will not occur by chance. It can only be the result of deliberate and purposeful action on the part of our people to utilise democracy and popular power to achieve national liberation and transformation. 
If not urgently addressed, the stratospheric level of hunger, deprivation and inequality in the land will inevitably provoke a violent revolution in the land. Indeed, we already have a situation difficult to distinguish from bloody revolution on our hand. It manifests in the armed robbery, kidnapping, communal conflicts, religious extremism, terrorism and ritual killings rampant in Nigeria today. We have no choice but to be active participants in the common sense democratic revolution needed to salvage our country. It is a common sense revolution that must insist that legitimate power flows from the will people duly expressed in free and fair elections. Governments must assume and remain in power only at the pleasure of the people. That is the only way that democracy can promote development by ensuring that government is responsible and accountable to the people.  
My message to our fellow country men and women is thus simple: this year must be one of eternal vigilance on the part of us all. This is the price we must pay for our democratic rights and liberties as citizens. Let us make no mistake about it. The traumatic experience of the over 200 Chibok girls who have remained in captivity for over six months shows that plaintive cries to an impotent government to ‘bring back our girls’ have become insufficient. Rather, we must utilise the power of our vote to ‘take back our country’ from the predators and scavengers in the corridors and bedrooms of power that currently hold her hostage. This calls for eternal vigilance to exercise our vote and protect out sacred mandate at the polls.
As the careless, reckless, irresponsible and highly suspicious handling of the distribution of Permanent Voters Cards by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has shown, every effort will be made to disempower voters by a sinking and desperate administration. Millions of voters across the country have been disenfranchised in the flawed process. This subtle coup against the very foundation of democracy, voters’ power, must be challenged and resisted. Flaws in the process must be corrected. All eligible citizens must be enabled to exercise their inalienable right to vote for a government of their choice. This can only be achieved through eternal vigilance and persistence by the populace in insisting that the entire electoral process must be free, fair, transparent and credible.
Nigerians face a critical choice at the polls this year. We must vote for either continuity of the present decadent order or change. Yes, many state governments across the country have performed creditably in diverse sectors despite the meager resources at their disposal compared to the Federal Government. However, the PDP-controlled Federal Government, which controls the bulk of the country’s resources, has been an abysmal failure. It has failed to provide the necessary leadership for accelerated national development commensurate with its immense resources and its phenomenal powers under the present corruption. The Dr. Goodluck Jonathan Presidency in particular has been a catastrophic disaster.
The country today has degenerated to unprecedented levels of global obloquy as a result of the prevalent repellent levels of corruption, impunity, insecurity and leadership mediocrity. The greatest need of the hour is a drastic change of direction at the national level. It is the emergence of a visionary, responsible, patriotic, purposeful and competent Federal Government that will diligently pursue the path of transparency, accountability, respect for the rule of law, true federalism and justice without which there can be no national transformation. As I wish the good people of Nigeria a happy new year, I urge us to rededicate ourselves to the realization of the positive change on which the very survival of the country depends. Eternal vigilance must be our watchword this year.  
Asiwaju Bola Tinubu        


  1. Replies
    1. Tinubu is the darkness in Yoruba land. His death will be give way to light.

    2. How wicked...and the death of all the people you love will give us more space and depopulate Nigeria. Wicked ignorant fool. You preach hate and 2015 will be filled with with hate for you.

    3. Yes he is d darkness, and truly his death will surely bring light to d entire yoruba nation.Used to like him but right now he disgusts mi @ very sight and comments from him

    4. Lolz, aspa hosea of prophet isaiah time,is well oh

    5. Anonymous 3:52pm what sort of human being are you? What makes you different from Anonymous 3:11 pm? I seriously wonder how people confidently curse sooo much yet try to portray the "Mr Holy" quality!!!
      Having said that, Tinubu is absolutely a good example of a "Machiavellian" political actor who would stick to the negative interpretation of " the end justifies the means"...Tinubu wants to rule this country by all means and that's why he supports the candidacy of a 73 year old man as president with his "boy" as vp, knowing fully well that the weight of leadership would hasten the breakdown of Buhari which could create a platform for his "boy" to take over. Now even the north clamouring for northern president would eventually lose out for another 8 years with Tinubu at the hem of affairs. Tinubu is smart man with foresight but too bad to be termed credible and reliable, he's been tested but not trusted.

      God bless Nigeria, God bless Nigerians


  2. Abeg, Someone should Read and Summarize oooo.. Not Interested..

    .Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

    1. Just shows you are the victim of the failed educational system. Sad!!!

    2. Illiterate. . i'm sure this is how GEJ started too. Pls read and be wiser.

    3. If dats how GEJ started, then Buharia is not left out, meaning all our past leaders are morons...including Buharia...

  3. Change we need
    Change we desire
    Change we shall experience

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. APC should go n pick back sit, the change ain't coming from them

    2. Which kind of Change? Positive or negative? Still waiting to see what Nigerians will say at the poll

      ~FromOutOfThisWorld ~

    3. Changes coming from PDP not APC

    4. With alal ur intelligence, Tinubu is the change u need. Pls look elsewhere not to mortgage ur future. Have u ever asked how tinubu acquire all this wealth. Is our sweet and tax he is feeding on. He decides every activity in South West. He is in charge of all taxes collected in Lagos. Don't be fooled my brother. Tinubu is worst and demi god

    5. APC may not be able to provide the desired change.. but i do believe they can stir Nigeria in a better direction than PDP and GEJ. who has brought this nation to the worst place since democracy. Tinubu did alot of road construction during his tenure... starting with Adeola Odeku which still remains one of the very solid roads in Victoria Island..and alot of other things.
      Unfortunately we need to demand more from our leaders cos at this point we are in.. we need to choose one of two evils. and for me.. its Buhari over GEJ.. APC governors over PDP

  4. Replies
    1. Yes o! To paid, broomless people like you. Pdp propagandist. Clear out of the way.

  5. He is capable of sweeping anybody.

  6. Baba, e ye fi bread Ko wa ni Obe je. Does he have a foundation? Does he give back to the society in any way?
    These are just few concerns that came to my mind, as I questioned why he should even have the audacity to send out a new year's message to all Nigerians.
    There is God oooo
    *** forst to comment aka ose ore mi ***

  7. Goodwill message to all Nigerians....I just hope he did well during his time in office not just condemn others.
    ¤¤¤GUTS OVER FEAR¤¤¤

  8. Buhari is too Religious to provide us with the change we desire.

    1. Too religious? If u want to go by that trend, I think Jonathan is more religious than Buhari... Can we stop using religion as criteria for choosing our leaders? may God help us as a nation

    2. Reno-Go Fuck yourself. Your propaganda will NOT work! We are fed up of you sycophantic incompetent idiots. Why don't you tell us how much money you have in your California account since you joined GEJ administration. We have it and we will release it! Awon OLe! We need something different!

    3. Please educate us someq MORE on how he is too religious.

  9. Please you guys should shut it already.

  10. No difference between APC and PDP,but huge difference between buhari and GEJ!! Vote for change! 6yrs don pass GEJ no do anything, na 4 remaining years he go con do something?

    1. What do you know? Do you travel? All you do is sit and browse on your cheap fone. How have you improved your life?

    2. See this cranky nitwit dat doesn't know were Scotland is... Coming to analyse politics... Carry ur queer self from here fool... #DUNAMISEXPRESSION

  11. Thieves!Thieves!Thieves!thieves
    Team GEJ 2019


  12. I wont read all that but i know its all bout politics. Tinubu aint no saint or angel but at least he did some good while in government, he embezzled yet people felt abit good cos he effected so many changes. why cant oga jona do the same? and he was saying we will praise him after hes gone? we ll see bout that

  13. I can't read this long story.
    Anyway same to you

    1. One of our problems. . Citizens will no zeal to seek knowledge or be informed

  14. Nigeria problems isn't about putting up grammar to solve. All I know is there's no one who can solve this atrocities and disorderliness all over the place except God and only God.

    1. Don't worry, very soon God the father will become our President, Jesus Christ the Senate President, Prophet Mohammed the Speaker and the Holy Spirit our Chief Judge, then all our problems will immediately and miraculously vanish.

  15. Great one from the Asiwaju himself. This man is truly a progressive and a staunch politician with the interest of the nation at heart. He is a rugged and dogged fighter and i really love him.

  16. Too long to read abeg but I know he doesn't mean well 4 we


  17. Chaai...let ds election come and go already

    Let's declare @Good luck already

    All ds long epistle don tire me to read mbok


  18. Chaai...let ds election come and go already

    Let's declare @Good luck already

    All ds long epistle don tire me to read mbok


  19. Alright seen..... Democracy oo, tinubu looking Frosh

    ILcity's finest

  20. Tinubu, ur face scares me.. And all these politicians are aware of the predicament facing Nigerians, and that is why they always use it for their selfish interest..we are aware that Nigeria is a poverty stricken Nation, despite its natural resources..personally I won't vote for u guzs cuz ur all d same even worse..tell me what u did when u were on Sit?..u people are only interested in looting our money..

  21. What, is he a monster? damn it! I can't even read d message d face is to scary pls baba put on ur cap back then tell ur writers to reduce d message then we MAY listen to ur cry

  22. These present politicians have robbed nigeria and nigerians of so much. Change is what we need.

  23. And ur APC is d much touted change? APC missed it wit d substitution of Fashola as president. D fact dt GMB is in cahoot wit ur likes means dt evritin he stands for has been compromised. Comment Signed, Sealed and delivered by DatShapIboBoy

  24. Oh please shut up already! Linda am no longer enjoying dis blog o. Tinubu, d ugliest man eva liveth. Allow us rest abeg. Rubbish!

  25. Tinubu You and your blood sucking Buhari are the darkness that has held Nigeria hostage. All your antics and propaganda to seize power at all cost will fail come. Almighty God will disgrace you and ur cohorts come 2015 election.

    1. And God will disgrace your family too. Fucking clueless idiots! Madam Jona will give you a small bag and rice and salt and you will be happy. ode!

  26. tinubu sharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrap tief .

  27. oh tinubu u tot we r blind abi ur tym is up.

  28. APC has been consistent in saying that the PDP has ruled Nigeria for 16 disastrous years in which corruption, impunity, insurgency, armed robbery and several ills of society held sway, but at a very close look at the APC, I am seeing Amaechi - 8yrs speaker; 7yrs governor under PDP, Atiku - 8yrs Vice president under PDP, Akume - 8yrs governor under PDP, Bukola Saraki - 8yrs governor; 2yrs Senator under PDP, Timipre Sylver - 5yrs governor under PDP, Audu Ogbe - 2yrs national chairman of PDP, Aminu Masari - 4yrs Reps speaker under PDP, Chris Ngige - 3yrs governor under PDP, Kwankwaso - 7yrs governor,3yrs Defense minister under PDP, El rufai - 4yrs FCT minister, 2yrs BPE chairman under PDP and to cap it all they went to OBJ begging, a man who spent 8 of the disastrous 16yrs as the maximum ruler of Nigeria to come and lead them on a rescue mission. It is now clearer that APC is a waste basket of the PDP, where the people who created and perpetuated the " 16 Disastrous years" are now dumped. please Nigerians what is the change in this APC? I forgot to add Tambuwal, PDP speaker HoR for 3+ years and Kwara state governor too. Up PDP Joor!

    1. Another clueless Ode you are. May you life be exactly the way Jonathan has ruled Nigeria. Fucking ignorant fool you are!

    2. You have a point. Still we have to caste our votes wisely.. we ain't going to get the British cabinet or American democrats to come and rule us. But we have to be able to demand the change we desire through the power of our votes. And for me that means booting PDP put of power for its consistent failures particularly under the GEJ administration. APC like you said may not be Better but that's the only option B we havr for 2015.. If they dont do any better.. we destroy them with our votes and hopefullt the power of the masses can begin to attract the change we so desire.. Unless maybe we aren't even ready for this change


  29. I. Hear u,but don't forget ya words.whichh states that if u loose the 2015 election dogs and baboons will be soaked in their own blood.aha! Dat reminds me of ur words which alsso states that an attack on the boko haram is attack on the north mmmmmmm mr nocorruption!!!!!!!!

  30. tinubu u r a bastard after rulin lagos 4 eight yrs wit toronto certificate .

  31. This old geezer should shut the fuck up, after draining Nigeria and looting her resources, you now have the impetus to rant such rubbish, where is boko haram, when they are needed to kidnap you, torture you and drive you into exile: History and God would surely judge you, very useless and stupid entity!!! Look at his frog eyes, ugly thing kmt!!! Whizman

  32. QUESTIONS I KEEP ASKING MYSELF ABOUT BUHARI, Can someone that REFUSED to ATTEND OPUTA PANEL when invited talk about justice??? Can someone whose statements are loaded with VIOLENCE assure peace??? Can someone who promised he would ensure that SHARIA LAW gets to all part of the country tolerate people from other religion??? Can someone that asked MUSLIMS TO VOTE ONLY MUSLIM be voted for by other religion? Can someone that put Shagari in HOUSE ARREST and DR Alex Ekwueme in PRISON be absolved of tribal sentiments? Can someone who used retroactive laws to KILL PEOPLE be trusted with our lives? Can someone who says FIGHTING TERRORISM is against his people be allowed to be in charge of this country??? Can someone who executed 75% of PTF projects in the NORTH and distributed the remaining 25% among other regions when he was the PTF chairman be allowed to take charge of all projects in the country??? Can someone who as a military head of state who knows he would be overthrown but COULD NOT DO ANYTHING because his deputy was not around be classified as courageous? Can someone who says ACN is corrupt but because of his presidential ambition now surrounds himself with ACN thieves be ABLE TO FIGHT CORRUPTION? Can someone who as head of PTF DID NOT KNOW how billions of Naira got missing be trusted with our entire wealth as president??? Can someone who could not allow the economic of demand, supply and internal production factors to determine the prices of commodities but used SOLDIERS TO FORCE price control be able to handle present economic challenges?? Can someone who did not allow his government be criticised and UNJUSTLY ARRESTED those who criticised his government be given that oportunity to lead again,etc????Honestly, Buhari is NOT the RIGHT person.

    1. Ehn is oputa panel you are concerned about in 2014? When Nigeria is burning and lives are lost everyday. Even an unborn infant is better than Jonathan at this stage. Your phd president and is greedy fat wife are incompetent and clueless, period. We Want Them Out! Again we known you are the same person and you are paid by pdp. It won't work.

    2. Again.. you have a point. but incase you missed it. Nigerians are looking to the future. All these things you have mentioned (mostly false) is a tip of the iceberg compared to the disaster GEJ has been over the past 6 years.

      Lets be wise.. 2015 is crucial for this nation.

    3. And you are paid by the APC? I pity for this nation

  33. so u tot u can deciev us again after instalin ur mother sister as d iya oloja of lagos comon tief like u jst wait and cee.

  34. I can't stop loving APC, see reasonable campaign. we real ve to b vigilant this time. we can't continue with the clueless comedy of joanathan administration. before the day runs out i bet u pdp will come with nothing but insult as reply - foolish people.. they have no agenda (manifesto) for the country..

  35. we need dis change darely and by God's grace we ll get it coming 2015. jona is not fit at all

  36. cee somebody dat was sopose to berry his head in shame is still comin out to advice us how to vote well thank u oga tinubu we all know how to vote idiot ole like u wit toronto certificate.

  37. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    To be frank, this man face no follow but interesting piece though.....

    1. Rotflmao.......these libers will not kill me with laughter........see comments......

      Totally cracked up with "To be frank this man face no follow"...hahahahahaha

      On 2 the Next!

  38. after lootin lagos for a whole eight yers so u still hav mouth to talk abi foool like u ole

  39. what an eloquent speech......thumbs up

  40. tinubu go and die wit ur loot u tink u can deciev us again

  41. No sir your propaganda will not work, you paid and dispatched some e-rats to go from blog to blog to give false popularity impression of illiterate bokohari, it will not work, he is so entering the book of record of a person who have lost election 4 conservative times come 2015. I only pity those especially your gullible kinsmen whom you are deceiving knowing fully well that Buhari can never win any election in Nigeria. I don 't care if all Yorubas are voting for him, that can never make any difference as they have always done so in the past, I know many of you will die of hypertension when GEJ remains in office after the election and that is as sure as the day.

    1. Hahahahaha. Hi five for u my dear. D old man should die already so dat his boko haram boys can bury him with a mat. Ah! We don tire to hear e matter o

    2. Spot on @ Anonymous 12:21 pm you have said it all, Yorubas have always had their own party and have had the tradition of voting en block for their party except during Obj second term, they did not vote for him during his first term and it didn't make any difference then and will make no any difference now that we solidly know

    3. Characters of GeJ and PDP you possess. always about religion and ethnicity.

      As the popular saying goes..

      May your 2015 go the way GEJ has made 2014 for Nigeria. Can i get an Amen?

  42. Your heart is black tinubu and it only means evil for Nigerians please make peace with God

  43. we don need ur advice oooooo tinubu go and die wit ur looot

  44. cee pot callin kettle black oga tinubu can u tell d whole of us what did u do in lagos state for 8 yrs.plzzz

  45. tinubu r u not ashame of urself u only rule lagos state for 8 yrs wit toronto certificate now u r talkin tief.

  46. ok just point at one tin dat tinubu did durin his tenue as lagos govnor plzzzzz i want to know ooooo plzzzzzz

  47. d jagaba of bodilon want to return power to d north by force don worry we know how to cast our vote foooool tinubu ole.

  48. dat is correct oooo my broda he wanted to foool his family idiot tinubu.

  49. Another silly piece after loads of hard drugs and sex rumps. Tinubu go siddon for dirty.

  50. Jagaban himself, you are torn in PDP flesh

  51. APC will never smell Aso Rock.

  52. tinubu is a common tief u will cee ur end.

  53. tinubu ur plan will not work ooooooo idiot common tief like u bastard.

  54. u betta go and retink cos ur plan has fail oooo tief ole tinubu

  55. plzzzzz who is dis man call tinubu self wit toronto certificate.

  56. tinubu r u not ashame of urself without achievin anytin for eight yrs rule in lagos state wit toronto certificate.

  57. Nice piece but we need change

  58. tinubu leeeeev us alone oooooooo we dont neeed ur advice jst go and die wit ur loooot ole common tief

  59. Apc stands for change, buh their presidential candidate is a man of the past. Most of this apc members have been in government at one time or the other, what change did they profer. Still curious about 2015 though...

  60. Thank you Asiwaju... You dont need to tell us.. Change is imminent, We cannot continue like this, for the wealth that is meant for the whole country be enjoyed by few.

    I am tired of reading lavish wedding of children of corrupt politicians on Linda Ikeji. I want to do wedding too

  61. tinubu go and rest ole olodo wit toronto certificate.

  62. u tink u can be a yoruba leader by putin everybody in ur poket and loootin d state we know u r a tief.

  63. linda plzzzzzz we don want to cee tinubu face on dis blog plzzz its signify evil evil evil plzzzz note

    1. Go and bury your face in dame Jonathan's pussy. We know who you are, same person writing all These anti apc comments. We know you have been paid by that crook called Reno Omokri who California police is looking for. Awon ole!

  64. tinubu u tink u will not die abi let cee now

  65. cee who is talkin ooo comon tief like u tinubu ole bastard.

  66. tinubu abeg park wellll jooooo tief

  67. who gav him d platform to speak tinubu u r a tief trully u tink we dont no fooooool u r tinubu.

  68. he should channel all his time, resources, smartness and anything else to Buhari's support.

  69. we all know oooo my dear broda

  70. after created boko haram wit buhari to distabilise gej gov now he is advisin uson how to vote u must be mad.tinubu

  71. Is only pdp pple that with type 10pges all to prove that jona is working!!!!!!!

  72. Tinubu, please go fuck yourself. You are the face of what needs to be leveled in Nigeria. We need to take that Illgotten wealth of yours from corruption and share it around equitably. Until you relinquish all your "nepotic" wealth, don't write another Ill-advised letter to Nigerians youth. Option 2 is for you to publish how you made every dollar you have and prove to us that it was by plain old God has been good" means.

  73. See how bad this Nation is
    Even big thief like Tinubu. The most corrupt individual in nigeria is opening his mouth thinking he is so wise to deceive us. You better watch the mirror and see how ugly you are and repent for ur sin, else u perish with ur corrupt wealth

  74. Abeg! This hypocrites should step aside!!

  75. Pls some one tel mii wat if mean cos d story to long

  76. in lagos state i will vote for jimi agbaje to expose tinubu and for d precident my vote goes to gudlock ebele jonatan simple buhari no vacancy in aso rock oooooo no to boko haram no to sharia ooooo thank u

  77. tinubu get ready ooo for d shock of ur life.

  78. tinubu what legacy do u want to left behind 1i will return power to d north dat is it foool olodo.

  79. tinubu u can neva be yoruba leader cos u are a common tief.

  80. as for me ,,gej all d way. he can b clueless like somepple say,,, wat mks buhari a beta candidate. wen it comes down to it,,,most of dis cheap rumour mongers wil vote for get @ d very last moment.

  81. as for me ,,gej all d way. he can b clueless like somepple say,,, wat mks buhari a beta candidate. wen it comes down to it,,,most of dis cheap rumour mongers wil vote for get @ d very last moment.

  82. as for me ,,gej all d way. he can b clueless like somepple say,,, wat mks buhari a beta candidate. wen it comes down to it,,,most of dis cheap rumour mongers wil vote for get @ d very last moment.

  83. And he wrote and I quote "The ever widening inequality between the wealthy minority and the impoverished majority is fueled largely by a scale of corruption and outright theft of public funds that have reached unprecedented heights in today’s Nigeria"
    Pls who is this man fooling? Yea, I know his agenda, to put Nigeria under his family the way he has done to Lagos; (His son-in-law a house member, his wife senator and his daughter iyaloja, is there no other person in Lagos?) and the rest of APC controlled states in the southwest? Or is Buhari the Messiah? A man who said in 2011 that Nigeria will become ungovernable if he loses, and is Nigeria governable up till now? They know the solution to insecurity and they couldn't help the government up till now? What if they loose again come 2015? Then we would have to wait until 2019 (if they'll win anyway) for them to talk to their sect? They talk about equality and Richard Okorocha after loosing presidential primaries returned to take back governorship ticket which was won by his son-in-law. I say without fear or favor, PDP=APC. They are all birds of a feather. God help our Nation

    Proudly Nigerian!

  84. Evil man...
    Tinubu oleeeeeeeeeee

  85. APC has been consistent in saying that the PDP has ruled Nigeria for 16 disastrous years in which corruption, impunity, insurgency, armed robbery and several ills of society held sway, but at a very close look at the APC,

    I am seeing Amaechi - 8yrs speaker; 7yrs governor under PDP,and now APC..

    Atiku - 8yrs Vice president under PDP, and now APC..

    Akume - 8yrs governor under PDP, and now APC..

    Bukola Saraki - 8yrs governor; 2yrs Senator under PDP,and now APC..

    Timipre Sylver - 5yrs governor under PDP, and now APC..

    Audu Ogbe - 2yrs national chairman of PDP,and now APC..

    Aminu Masari - 4yrs Reps speaker under PDP, and now APC..

    Chris Ngige - 3yrs governor under PDP,and now APC..

    Kwankwaso - 7yrs governor,3yrs Defense minister under PDP,and now APC..

    El rufai - 4yrs FCT minister, 2yrs BPE chairman under PDP and now APC..

    Tambuwal, PDP speaker HoR for 3+ years and now APC..

    You know guys are all bunch of recycled thieves that wont stop looting from our treasury.... WHAT HAPPENED TO FASHOLA, RIBADU, SULLIVAN CHIME AND OSHOMOLE.I mean THEY HAVE PROVEN BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT THAT THEY CAN GOVERN AND PEOPLE SAW IT BUT THIS BUNCH OF OLD AND BLOOD SUCKING THIEVES WONT LET THEM BE OUR PRESIDENT...we need people like this and not some bunch of old 72 yrs you still want to be president. honestly Nigeria is about to see the worst if this guy becomes our president....


  86. na wa o tinubu. i sure say u nor say pple kn u like dis o! u 4 just nor open yur mouth dey advise pple. anyway, nigerians nahin know wetin dem want. sha leave dem. dem to stubborn! pele!





  91. Tinubu u are a part of the darkness we are facing in Nigeria* its only in Nigeria that those who rip our economy still have the guts to walk like they are godfathers*

    We all know who controls Lagos and who rips off its resources* You have no guts to seek for our vote Jagaban you don't have the moral requisite
    You are as corrupt as other politicians that there be* You want power by all cost and you can't have it*

  92. A word is enough for the wise

  93. Useless shameless goat.when you ruled lagos for how many years what did you do but to carry lagosians money and built hotels.isi aki if not fashola I wonder how life would have been beast.God punish your dirty mouth there.collecting toll gate fees at lekkI.oloshi buruku.all you want is to go to aso rock to disturb buhari if at all he ll win as your doing fashola.onye ara.Apc is so so desperate .God will deal with all of you.anuofia

  94. This Guy! I like you, you are way ahead of your peers, continue like this!

  95. Change in deed .. in as such we are craving for change. does the change will come from Tinubu who has turn Lagos to his private. business... own alpha beta that 10% of all lagos tax receivable come to his personal pocket or the lekki toll fee or the imposition of his wife has lagos senitorial candidate or imposition his daughter as the Iyaloja general.Nigerian shd be wiser and don't be blind folded by pple who want power by all means.. Linda if chop my message as usual. na u sabi

  96. Tinubu .... want power by all means .. we can see ow u ve turned Lagos to ur private business.. pls u dont av guts to request for our vote . You are nt better either. I m sure u wil be disappointed.

  97. tinubu ur tym is up.

  98. tinubu a common tief like u is still talkin in public r u not ashamed of urself after killin funsho williems bcos of power , cee d ghost will continue to hunt u till d rest of ur misrable life.

    1. Learn how to spell you idiotic anti APC troll.. Its obvious you are the same person commenting with the way u spell "cee" and "tief" in all your comments.. Only illiterates like yourself see nothing wrong with the mighty corrupt ways of the GEJ administration.

  99. tinubu u cannot excape it oooo jst take note .

  100. tinubu ur days r number oooo jst wash out.

  101. It is good that Tinubu has even bothered to make comments in am era when politicians don't even care enough to comment has they feel they have outmost power and can do as they please.
    Not only do they do as they please but also get away with doing has they please. Forgetting that there is Karma!
    All his talk is politics t in my opinion. He has put anyone he wishes despite the wish of the people in positions of power to do as they wish. Also his ill mannered wife .
    Some for 12 years or more .despite people that can do better .
    GOD almighty will judge them . All of them, politicians loot this country while the masse suffer. They will use that stolen haram wealth to nurse I'll health, drug addiction etc because God is a God of vengeance .
    If you do not post my comments again , I will confirm that you are as evil .
    Only after money despite that lives are destroyed. You forget that there will be Karma and that The money Weil never bring you happiness!

  102. See ehn..
    I am a PDP person, however they have disappointed me repeatedly to the point that I have decided to vote for Buhari in 2015 BUT if Tinubu keeps showing up on public platforms to talk about change, it may make me change my mind!!!
    Ugly liar! Change ke! Tinubu bawo? When he has turned Lagos into his personal cash cow! Abeg am only voting APC in 2015 because of Buhari's proven record of having a zero tolerance level for corruption.
    That alone trumps a supposed President who keeps embarrassing this country and making billionaires out of people who should be rotten in in jail!.
    A President who says stealing is not corrupton.

  103. Tinubu your not God.the God we serve will expose you.Apc have killed lagos state.look at this toll gate u know how much this people collect per the end tinubu and his wicked people will share it.see d ikoyi toll gate dat leads from lekki and the first toll gate close to shoprite.heard they are building another one.this is horrible.I know so many people that ply that very road every second going to work and dropping thr kids to school and's just horrible.May God help us in this country.ole!

  104. Tinibu should go and die joor. .. all the ur bad deeds will always hunt because of personal interest. u will never see peace .. The way u ve inflicted so manu pain on to the masses in Lagos. Just remember nothing is permanent. God is nt sleeping.

  105. Buhari defeated them because it was found out that he founded the terror group. It was col njoku that led the fight then. Read well before you write

  106. Mr. Tinubu you too. for about 18yrs you have taken from Lagos state and still taking. Why are you so greedy sir? You want to extend you corrupt tentacles to the entire nation? Iro! Go and rest. Guess you need it. God will expose and disgrace every secret and open troubler of this nation in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  107. Look at him preaching change! Hand picking all political appointments within the state of Lagos. Giving only his wife, children, niece, nephew, relatives and their cronies political apppintment. Tell it to the birds.

  108. Look at him preaching change! Hand picking all political appointments within the state of Lagos. Giving only his wife, children, niece, nephew, relatives and their cronies political apppintment. Tell it to the birds.

  109. these old politicians should just retire and give the youths a chance. we are tired of the slogan "future leaders of tomorrow" when is that tomorrow, haba

  110. Bold Tinubu does not have the moral fibre to say any word concerning corruption, hope or change! He is one major reason some people will not vote for APC. He is the worst example of a leader! He reeks corruption! He is corruption personified! He shd just shut up!

  111. Bola Tinubu is just a stupid idiot. What gives him the audacity to issue a New Year message.

    This man is corruption personified and he is accusing GEJ of corruption.......Can he tell us how much GEJ has stolen from Govt or how many contracts he has awarded to himself? All this APC propaganda is hogwash!!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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