Psychologist Adejoro Olumofin launches Psychology / Consulting Firm | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 28 November 2014

Psychologist Adejoro Olumofin launches Psychology / Consulting Firm

Flamboyant Psychologist and Lagos Socialite Adejoro Olumofin launches Psychology / Consulting firm. Below is one of his controversial articles on women with pot belly in Lagos
Most young Ladies in #Lagos Nigeria have neglected their bodies and have developed "Pot Bellys" as a result of Excessive Eating and Lazy Attitude towards the Gym. Working out is a Necessity not Luxury.. Its always shocking when I see young Pretty ladies at functions; Parties, weddings looking like they are 3 months Pregnant when they are not.
As a guy who is quite Sociable I see this everytime and I've also overheard guys who may be potentials suitors to some Ladies complain about this countless times. Recent study shows that there are 7 Women to 2 men in Lagos.. We all know some Lagos Girls are not smiling so if you don't want to "Carry Last" and u don't want other girls stealing or competing with you for your Man I suggest you enroll in a Gym ASAP.

Primacy Effect in Psychology means Remembering First encounters more than late encounters.. In light of this Psychological Principle you may have only one chance to impress or catch a new guy or suitor.. If he walks past you and thinks you're 3 months pregnant or you look like "Iya Basira" he won't approach or follow up.. No Pain! No Gain!  Test your body.. Please Note that this is not about weight ; you may be slim and have a pot belly, and you be Plus Size and also have a Pot Belly.. #DoktorMofin #Psychology #LetterToTheLadies Vol 2

Read More on his Instagram Page - @joroolumofin



    1. Pls how is this psychology tho??? You Nigerians don't believe the hype!!! Any Tom dick and Harry can pull this write up.... Absolutely zero scholastic backings

  2. A lot of Nigerians need to visit that firm because 70% of the Nigerian population including our law makers are not sane.

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    1. You should be the number one person to see him cos u are so insane.. as in, you have lost your senses completely. Your brain is damaged.. You son of a crap. You are a product of mistake..fool

  3. And what exactly is his point? Any idiot looking for his 5 mins of fame

  4. That's a nice one psycho #onelovefromSnow#

    1. Get a life girl.......#Team Jonathan 2015#

  5. He might be good but his appearance doesn't portray the kind of image persons in such profession display.

    1. My thoughts exactly...

    2. I concur with u. Ppl in that profession are meant to look reserved and simple. But he doesn't look it. His beard alone.

  6. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Gud one bro.

  7. This guy is just a nincompoop. Somebody please tell him to go and marry. All his mates are married with children and he's still there attending events and functions looking for sexy girls to sample all over the place. If he catches HIV now, he'll start looking for an innocent girl to dump his load on, by then her pot-belly wouldn't bug him anymore. Nonesense!!

    1. U sound as if you have pot belly....

    2. my dear why are you bitter?? Is it bcos he mention you case as the main focus? Sorry you here Seorim say so

    3. Lol! You peeps won't kill somebody with laughter sha. Esh and anon 8:36am, I actually used to have a pot-belly; but that was years ago (almost 10 years ago, to be precise). I'm a very physical person, I love working out and and challenging my body. My husband and I go rock-climbing, cycling, running etc together. It was part of our attraction to one another to start with, you can say we are adrenalin junkies. We have a healthy eating regime we decided to stick to and raise our family with. So I'm nowhere near the kind of females this buffoon was describing and I don't need a man to notice me for marriage at any event either because I have that covered and we're happy; thank you very much. But I'm irritated on behalf of Nigerian ladies, especially the single ones. His write-up wreaks of pride, arrogance, lack of intellect, superiority complex, lack of exposure, topped with lack of home training. First off, you don't speak to anyone like that in the business world; talkless of potential clients. Let's call it what it is, he's trying to pit women against each other by giving that stupid ratio analysis of women to men, saying girls are not smiling etc. he's just trying to play on the already flimsy psyches of these Nigerian ladies, breaking them even more, making them feel worthless without a man except they do the things he says - load of crap! Fine, we know there are people in Nigeria who are physically out-of-shape but why would he just call out the (young) ladies as if all the guys in Nigeria are walking billboards of Boris Kodjoe? Aren't most of the guys walking around looking like they just swallowed a goat, especially ones that hit a little money? So why the talk- down at ladies? If a woman his age comes out with this kind of write-up, everybody will be yelling at her to go and marry; isn't that right? If he had any sense, he would focus his campaign on both males and females in Nigeria and not in such a condescending manner as this. And next he would focus on a healthy lifestyle for families- if he had any common sense. Or who's to say a slim girl with a nice figure and flat tummy wouldn't develop a potbelly in a couple of years, just like I had a bit of a belly when I met my hubby but through working out together and a healthy lifestyle as a family, I don't anymore. FYI, women don't prefer potbellied men, we also like them fit and looking good; so why only advice the ladies? If this guy wants to succeed, he needs to change his tactics, widen his target audience, change his attitude and develop some manners!

    4. This is the most beautiful thing I've read.

    5. This is the loveliest thing av read this year...... beautiful

  8. Make sense dude
    You encourage me in so many ways, psychologist in making

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

  9. Hope ur firm is in lagos nigeria if yes nice location #ice princess#

  10. its really a turn off to be honest, but nowadays women be like 'accept me for who I am'

  11. Not every person can afford gym membership, Oga Sociable. Just as some ladies look like they are "3-months pregnant", there are also some men who look like they've swallowed cows. Or do u think we ladies love to be seen with "3-months pregnant" men when men are naturally not supposed to be pregnant? If you can balance your criticism, then people may decide to patronize your firm.
    Moreover, if you are a professional and vast in knowledge, you should know that some medical conditions could also lead to weight gain, and not just excessive eating. Educate people on how to be fit with or without gym membership,without being judgmental then I can applaud your venturing into consulting.


    1. Lmao!@some men b like they v swallowed a cow,u r damn too funny!

    2. Dobbie thank you for this comment jare, God bless your knowledge

    3. R u dat pot belly lady dat loves blogging? **DION**

    4. Dobbie you took the words right out of my mouth. He sounds so biased and unprofessional. Apparently he knows nothing about his job except the typical naija mentality of food causes belly fat. Some men who by the way have never carried a baby 4 9mnths look very pregnant and not in the ratio of 7:2. Y0U WANT A G00DL00KING W0MAN? WE WANT G00DL00KING MEN. Every1 needs that fitness. And it may come as a surprise 2 u Mr Psycho but some of us have better things to compete 4 ----C21

  12. Nice #bright bravo#

  13. Wowwww...Very straight to the point, ladies will not like this but very blunt.

  14. Joro doing big Thangs

  15. Mr Socialite stupid idiot

  16. This Boy shaaaaaaaa

  17. Is this not the Instagram Celeb @joroolumofin that writes controversial letters ....he doesnt fear to speak lol...

  18. This guy was in my secondary school..very smart dude. Congrats but the ladies will not find this article funny tho...

  19. Tosin Majekodunmi28 November 2014 at 23:48

    Congrats Cousin...we are proud of you...

  20. Senior Joro. I love are very bold

  21. I saw this article on twitter and I was pissed

  22. not this tout again

  23. So so true especially Yoruba women lol

  24. The dude is fresh tho....I want....

  25. I love IG crush

  26. Hashtaq: Letter to Mr Psychologist.

    I am very happy with my pot belly, it has nothing to do with me being lazy but like my big breasts and large back side, fat seems to naturally want to settle on my stomach. I am not carrying last as my happiness is not tied to what a Nigerian man thinks of my physical appearance, if it was i would have been hooked on skin bleaching as well.

    As for the 7:2 Female to Male ratio,
    clap for yourself, did you calculate this in Sip or Escape?

    P.s Your not fine, what gym can solve this your problem?

    1. Well said.. .I get more toasters wearing UK size 16 than when I was size 12.

    2. Lmao @ did you calculate this in Sip or Escape. I can't with this dude. Sounds so retarded!

    3. You are seriously mouthed.
      Well done.

    4. Right in the head.....word

  27. Hashtag Mr Psychologist...

    I am very happy with my pot belly, it has nothing to do with me being lazy but like my big breasts and large back side, fat seems to naturally want to settle on my stomach. I am not carrying last as my happiness is not tied to what a Nigerian man thinks of my physical appearance, if it was i would have been hooked on skin bleaching as well.

    As for the 7:2 Female to Male ratio,
    clap for yourself, did you calculate this in Sip or Escape?

    P.s Your not fine, what gym can solve this your problem?

  28. I see this dude on Instagram.....his articles are very interesting.

  29. oh ok..... **DION**

  30. Its hard these days to find a guy thats got swag and is also speak with alot of wisdom...its quite are an inspiration to alot of people out there...your letters I'm sure have gotten people out of relationships they clearly shouldn't be in...keep it up...God bless you real good....glad to be associated with you hun

  31. This one has been chopping money for generations...that's why he is opening his dirty mouth to talk rubbish

  32. So true : ( need to work on my belly . crying face

  33. Preach. Tell them Lagos babes that look like stomach madness is in vogue. Hissss. I love my slim, hot ladies lol

  34. Love dey say covers all things wether pot or flat d must important question is can she make a good home.dnt post things bcos u lust for slim shady.

  35. Joro attended my Uni. Socialble and very smart. Nigeria's Shrink. Congrats

  36. All I know you for is Instagram Celeb. Ladies will tear you apart.

  37. I fucked my best friends wife Dr Mofin pls advise me : ) I know you can help me I need a shrink to help me.

  38. Honestly this guy makes sense. Women need to look good not like a 9 months pregnant horse lol

    1. At least women do get pregnant. How about men that look like they are carrying triplets? What's up with that? O__o

    2. Even personal trainers don't talk so recklessly and there is a psychological component to what we do.

  39. I love my slim tummy babes. So Nigga ride on

  40. My babe has a big tummy : ( told her to hit the gym but she said I should free her. Mr Olumofin, Please help.

  41. Apt and Copious

  42. I hate to say this, as a psychologist this is blunt but will hurt the feelings of many women. Next time , make it less abusive.

  43. Rakish Psychologist.

  44. Pure. Bullshit.

    Is that what psychology is about? Abegi

  45. PSYCHOLOGIST or personal trainer? TF?

  46. Rubbish..... More crap putting pressure on women to look a certain way and fight for men....

  47. Seriously....this guy is supposed to be a psychologist/counselor? Wow!

    1. Ikr!! What the heck is this? Unserious looking fellow..counsellor ko,pot belly psychologist ni.

  48. What an ignorant and judgmental twat! And he is a psychologist?! He sounds like he either has severe narcissistic personality disorder or is a clinical psychopath. Classic attention-seeking behavior and egomania

    1. *applause* Thank you!!! He should stick to being a 'Socialite'

  49. He is quite right even though a bit condescending which shouldn't be if he is serious about being a psychologist..
    It's the girls who have pot bellies and don't want to do anything about it that will not accept this.

  50. If this is his fulltime job, hunger go kill this guy..

    *My R1.50c comment*

  51. That's sp true ooo my sister. It's now part of the trend for young ladies. Pot belly special

  52. How does he expect us to take him seriously when someone on his instagram who he describes as his sister is fat and with stomach so big that even under peplum we can see it?

  53. So happy for joro... I love psychologists

  54. What the fuck? #Thatsall

  55. Wow Linda. Is the rant posted on here a spoof or did a supposedly trained psychologist offer this as an intro to his services? I weep for patrons. No well trained and qualified clinical psychologist will offer one negative word when referring to the Conditions of current or future clients!

    1. Trained psychologist ke?? Pls guys he's not a psychologist talkless of a clinically qualified one.... Anyone can get a bs ms in psych doesn't mean jack!!! He needs to go back to school and really understand the concepts of psychology!!

    2. Well said! I'm a psychologist and at first I was very excited, finally, a place I can pitch my tent...but this man is a hack! Hasn't said one word of encouragement!!

  56. I know @joroolumofin on Instagram. I like him but his articles are quite too blunt, you should encourage people not make them feel bad. Anyways Congrats

  57. Nice one. Congrats

  58. Fuck you ass hole.

  59. Nigerian men of today, just think because they have money can run women down. Idiot

  60. I want you to advise me on how to know if my husband is cheating. Save me Dr Mofin

  61. Oga instagram your mates are married

  62. This guy is riding off the fact that psychology is not that big in Nigeria. It takes a lot more than having a psychology degree & few topics that have come up whilst chilling with your friends to now be claiming psychologist!
    And the fact he always says 'and recent studies show..' which recent studies o, its so unethical to be making those kinda of things up

    1. Lol my thoughts exactly!! Which recent studies?? Like cite your source if you claim such scholastic backings. I would so look it up... He makes up crap and claims based on "recent studies" abegii go back to school get a refund on your so called degrees... Dr ko physician assistant ni

  63. Joro oh Joro, always attending party's u r not invited too. Which yeye socialite? Remember him in unilag days, dirty scruffy looking thing now feeling fresh and judging girls. Please go and park well

  64. See as you resemble chimpanzee. I pity anyone who marries you mr joro. Ugly children go full everywhere. All these ugly Yoruba boys sha

  65. He does not look trustworthy.

  66. Nobody wants to hear the truth these days. I don't think there's anything wrong with what he said, I would only affect you if you fall in that category. Go and lose that tummy and stop blaming someone that is simply saying the truth.

    1. Nothing wrong with what he said but he should stop hiding under "psychology" using that to justify his reasoning

  67. What a load of crap! Here is what we call an educated illiterate! Here I was thinking I was coming to read about mental health issues in Nigeria and I come and read some drivvle about women with potbellies. How ridiculous! Showing your ignorance. Granted, the lack of a healthy lifestyle is one reason why a woman could have a so-called pot belly. Not to condone belly fat (because it is dangerous), but there are diverse reason why a woman (even skinny ones as you said) could have the appearance of a potbelly. This includes Fibroids, Formation of thick Scar tissue from surgery, lose skin from excessive weight loss, A split linea alba (google it) from pregnancy, etc.

    Now, if anything I have noticed it's an increase in potbellied overweight men especially in our generation. There is this myth that women don't care how I look as long as I have money. Saw this whale 'swagging' on the beach the other day and he also had to guts to take of his shirt...looking like his due date was next week.

    Your statement(s) sound soooooo ignorant! Yuck! Please where is psychology? I was waiting to read somewhere how issues like Low Self Esteem might contribute to weight problems, but no....running your mouth about not carrying last and other woman stealing your man. Yuck! I'm done!

  68. Piece of advice: Get a PR or marketing team because if this is how you are getting the word out about your Psychology 'practice' (I use this term with caution), then you need to be muzzled fella!

  69. How about a firm for guys with man boobs and Potbelly's? The problem with men is they think women exist to satisfy their desires, the problem with most women is they are beginning to believe that garb. Yo bro! Show us ur six pack! Yeye pikin..mcheeeeeeeeeewwwww

  70. Nice one Dr. Quick one have you noticed guys who look very pregnant,and the last time i checked men don't get pregnant. or is there a new hormone that is available for men to look like over bloated hippopotamus. Or your advice is just for female. Next time when you need to air you "opinion" try and recite it a couple of times in your head.A..hole

  71. All these people making noise here and i.sulting will still go and try and work on their bellies. The truth is bitter!! Pot belly is not attractive. Embrace the truth, identify your problem and work on it! Isshhhh!!

  72. Wahala dey o! Bigi belle psychological doctor,oya u 4 sample psychological girdle ni...lmao

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  73. For real? And is he now supposed to be a pot belly psychologist?.. Nonsense.. Psychologist my foot!

  74. It's funny when a psychologist needs a psychologist. See this idiot who thinks he is all that. And when u check you will find out this mofo is flipping GAY.

  75. Anonymous at 2.31am, you just said it all. Speaking the truth in a condescending manner. And what is his fixation on women? Socialite my toes! This is the beginning of his hungry days. Half baked psychologists. Nigerians are reluctant to go to hospitals, is it your Yeye practice they will patronize? Wait on

  76. Anonymous at 2.31am, you just said it all. Speaking the truth in a condescending manner. And what is his fixation on women? Socialite my toes! This is the beginning of his hungry days. Half baked psychologists. Nigerians are reluctant to go to hospitals, is it your Yeye practice they will patronize? Wait on

  77. He's right.Truth be told he refers to ladies from his nativity*Yoruba girls*while you shld accept and follow his advice your busy insulting and ridiculing the guy....When will Nigerians learn to accept their faults?smh

  78. His stunt is working- all these comments already. ...

  79. Joro Olumofin or whatever your name is. Take a back seat and free women with Pot belles

  80. Is this not Joro Olumofin from Chrisland Primary school Estate, Ikeja (Adeniyi jones)???

    My man Joro wey dey stutter/stammer for primary
    School now doing big things.....

  81. You must be an ill educated psychologist. What you do not understand is a lot afro-carribeans have fibroids known and unknown to them. I cannot see you making it in this field because you are so uncouth and uncultured.

  82. My classmate from UNILAG days

  83. Even dirty joro wan open mouth talk. Joro from unilag that no woman wan touch. Chai! We have suffered.

  84. This guy knows absolutely nothing about psychology. first of all, primacy effect does not mean remembering the first encounters better than the last. primacy effect is a joint effect with the recency effect, which means people remember the first and last occurences better that the occurences in the middle (Glanzer and cunitz, 1966). Oga please go back to school. Also having a BSC and MSC does not make you a psychologists. Plus, everything else you said in between is total rubbish and biased!! please find yourself and alternative career, psychology is for a chosen few.

  85. Oga joro, oga Dokun, please go and find meaning work Biko. Two dirty things

  86. Egbami ke...razz boy of unilag days aka funbi's friend is talking? What has the world come to? Still razz and ugly

  87. You have some iota of truth in what u are saying but lacked the wisdom on hw to present ur case. To be professional, u have to be unbiased,
    don't in the process of handling a
    particular case, cause a bigger one.
    Hope u knw low self esteem could be a
    bigger case? Don't handle this case in
    a manner that could lead ladies with
    pots belly' to develop a low self
    esteem. Also remember that this
    profession is a very sensitive one, hw u
    look is how u might be looked at by
    your clients. Don't send a wrong signal.
    Ivon Pavlov, Sigmund, Erickson etc
    Pls don't make it look like u are oral fixating. All the same, i like ur courage to establish a such firm

  88. Senior joro inBMJS. I knew he will be big, that's his personality. I dont like his articles tho but he is gonna fly high so forget all the abuses and insults. Senior joro is a great famzer and that has worked so well for him. But joro its not everybody that u can preach to ooo, I have an idea of how many girls uve fucked especially all them juvies (secondary school girls) awon ti GAME ni unilag. I can open ur yansh anytime I want and publish every thing, so shut up. Remember what u did to me when u were in ss2. I will never forget. and dont think I dont know u. Trust me I do. Adejoro olumofin. Unilag psychology. u were driving a dead jeta that ur brother dokun passed on to u. ur dads house in ogba . Ur mum left ur dad and lives in yankee with ur 2 brothers. Eniolas ex bf. I hrd u beat that girl die. Thank God she left u. Senior Joro I can go on and on. Im still waiting for the perfect time to expose u. Anyway sha, im married now with 2 kids. My husband knows u weeeeell. lemme shut up for now. Will continue later. In short linda will post the write up on u. Fuck nigga. Famzer oshi. Thats y all ur old friends left u. U think ur new friends like u? U know u werent born rich so stop all the fake life. Hope many other girls will have the courage to speak out. Stop corrupting fumbi for me. U r not in the same class.

  89. God should make sure his business fails because the crap he's writing isn't healthy or helpful in anyway to people. This man is the devil in disguise claiming to be something he isn't. Psychologists ko!!

    And loool at Sip or Escape - he probably got his invalid facts from there. Please go back to primary school, secondary school, college and university to learn the basic skills of research. Mountain Goat of life!!


  90. This guy is certainly desperate for fame!!!

  91. Nice one Joro ... You making us proud . remember our days in Unilag .. Apache!!!!

  92. How is he a psychologist, if all he has is MSc, Psychology? That does not make him a doctor. He must have PhD in Psychology, to be a Psychologist. Misleading representation!

  93. Smart guy...

    He got people talking.

  94. Wonders shall never end!!! This joro that used to do tuale baba for fashola

  95. I swear i cant stand dis guy and his brother (Dokun Olumofin) both of dem are party crashers, dt Dokun is soooo fake, he went to a school in festac Tender Touch but he will be denying he never went dere, follow his instagram page and he is such a famzer oshi saying things like celebrity friend Captain Tunde Demuren or my banker friend from Atlanta in America..... Pls who does or says dat, i really cant stand d both of dem, dey are everywhere, stupid boys

  96. Anonymous said...
    #NowSinging Joro Joro Olodo why u fall my hand!!! Mr you gasta feel me by force! Mr. turn up by any means necessary!!! Kudus......when is the opening party abi u don't want to host people to turn up, u just want to be crashing others.....

  97. You think joro sends all your comments I doubt. Busy playing basketball while you guys are hating lol. He and his brother are bullet proof niccas....they don't give a dam lol

  98. How can you say Olumofin was not born rich, haters always talk. But I trust my boys to ignore the haters. Congrats joro

  99. Olumofin brothers Fashion Kings.

  100. Lol I know people hate on Joro and Dokun but we must say the truth. Them dey dress FIRE and they are from MONEY.....

  101. I am following joroolumofin on Instagram, I love his articles and dress sense. His bro Dokun seems cool also. Congrats joro

  102. Joroolumofin nice strategy. Released the controversial article first to make them talking then his Brand. Congrats bro

  103. Dear Joro Olumofin, we know you are from money even though your haters don't like you. Put your head up and fuck them up with your post on IG lol. Love you. #1 fan

  104. Joroolumofin Lagos Socialite and Flamboyant Psychologist. I hail you though with haters coming for you, you still shine. Fuck them they have nothing on you.

  105. Joro we attended chrisland primary school together. I remember your pretty glamorous mum with her sport car and your dad with husky voice. I would have blasted you but because you were nice and easy going in school, I will support you. Besides all that newspaper publication is true being from Ondo State. All you fucking haters take a back seat, Joro is going places and he doesn't give a toss about your Opinion. Bye haters

  106. Akeju Majekodunmi30 November 2014 at 01:53

    Cousin Joro. Fuck the haters. Write on. if your pot belly is massive get rid of it. My cousin is from a distinguished political family, if you don't like him. Fuck off.

  107. My FAM Joro. Love you and ride on. We are 100 percent behind you. God bless Linda for this Post.

  108. All you fucking haters. Write your names let's see your background, search for me I am not hiding. Joro Olumofin is a Yoruba boy from a rich political family he might not be perfect but he speaks the truth. If you are going to attack him have the guts to put your name. Congrats joro

  109. Pot belly women running their mouths lol. Joro causing wahala on social media

  110. Linda thank you for posting Joro. God bless you

  111. Joroolumofin people hate you are your brother Dokun. Because you are flashy but trust me, in a corner they want to be you guys. Stay flying #1 Instagram fan

  112. Joroolumofin and Dokunolumofin are my friends trust me they don't give a fuck about your opinion lol. Follow me on Instagram

  113. Yetunde Atobatele30 November 2014 at 02:09

    Joroolumofin and dokunolumofin have crazy money even though they are quite annoying but I can't testify to the cash they have. So while you are hating and writing gabbage. Brothers are smiling to the bank.

  114. Olumofin brothers My IG favourite Brothers. Fuck them up. I love you both even though you haven't followed me. I still love you.

  115. Fuck you joroolumofin. I will fix my belly at my own time.

  116. Professionally average bluntly 100percent.

  117. I am from Ondo State, I know Olumofin DK. Who ever says Dokun and joro are not from money has lost touch with History. Anyways its only thieves and cultist that reign these days. Joro i don't know you personally but I know your family. Congrats joro

  118. Haters always Hate. Joro Congrats

  119. Joro I told you haters will swallow you but respect your honesty and doggedness.

  120. Olumofin brothers Fashion Trendsetters. #1 IG crush

  121. Haters running their mouths but 10 kobo in accounts. Congrats joro.

  122. Joroolumofin and Dokunolumofin Killers of Fashion.

  123. I am following joroolumofin and dokunolumofin on Instagram i love them and respect their hustle. #TheMoneyTeam #TMT can't wait for December. Congrats

  124. I hate haters that lie. Olumofin joro and his bro Dokun Olumofin are from an illustrious Yoruba family. Stop hating and do something for your self. Bloody haters and next time put your real name. Congrats joro wish you the best.

    1. Lol! I see you've been working over-time commenting as different peeps under different names, even anon. It's such a pity, not only are you dense but also childish and jobless enough to be making pretending to be different people under your own post. Mr "psychologist", did you also buy your own fakery or you were just expecting others to fall for it? Fake ass!

  125. Joro Congrats but tell your bro DOKUN Olumofin to go and marry lol. He needs a wife to make him calm down from the luxury and party he lives. Besides what happend to his Political Campaign Team ?

  126. Olumofin Brothers . Generations of Wealth and Pedigree. Love you joro and dokun. Congrats

  127. This guy needs help

  128. Insult these guys from now till tomorrow... they are doing their thing and it's working for them. go and find what works for u and stop hating.

  129. I love this guy and his brother... if they are famzers then I like their famzing.

  130. Dokun and Joro Olumofin you are Low life, scum of the earth, dirty filthy boys, with no money. We know you have had sleepless nights commenting and trying to write good comments for yourself. The majority comments is a true reflection of who you really are. You live in Ogba trying to cross the bridge silently to go back home after a night out in your rickety Honda. Always wanting to go to pples houses. Why dont you invite pple to the dump you live in. Awon Oloshi, Oniranu. Go get proper degrees before you go and talk.

  131. Who knows you???. Joro and Dokun Olumofin...Do you not go round begging for peoples aso ebi fila to wear???...Dirty, filthy, jobless low-life things. Your father is a failed broke ass lawyer. You are all poverty stricken. Waring fake designers from head to toe. We know you have both been comming here to write good comments for yourselves

  132. Dokun and Joro Olumofin...The only words i have to say to you two is remember the saying " The evil that men do live after them|"!!!! Cowards! Dirty filthy beings.

  133. Jesus! See as pple finished this guy here...I don laff tire. LinLin, your comment section is seriously way more entertaining than some of the stories @times. I was depressed when I started reading the comment section of all your posts I can read tonight, now I feel way better. Keep up the great job Linda. God bless u.

  134. Lol go to @dokunolumofin and @joroolumofin page on Instagram. Those boys don't give a toss about comments here they are busying posting pictures lol.

  135. WOW these Olumofin brothers are doomed. This was an interesting read. Clowns

  136. Lol this is funny. So the dude has been coming here to praise himself using different names. But he's forgetting to time the comments. One one minute between comments lol. Dude must be pained. Psychologist my foot. With no tact.

  137. i know joro from secondary school days(BMJS) He is cool person. people stop hating on someone who is trying to do good for himself, what ever he writes, it is his own opinion, he has the right to express his thought, people should stop insulting or cursing him or insulting his family members.

  138. It is Obvious that these brothers have haters. Jeeeeeezzzzzzz.

  139. Not just haters these Olumofin boys have most likely stolen their girl friends or fucked and dumped some ladies because see HATER nation.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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