Photos: Pope Francis joins Muslim clerics to pray at Mosque in Turkey | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 30 November 2014

Photos: Pope Francis joins Muslim clerics to pray at Mosque in Turkey

Pope Francis, who is currently on a state visit to Turkey, joined Muslim faithfuls in Istanbul to pray at the Grand Mufti of Istanbul, Istanbul Blue Mosque yesterday. The Pope stood with his head bowed and hands clasped in front of him in 2-minutes of silent prayer inside the 17th-century Sultan Ahmet mosque, aiming to show respect for Islam and encourage stronger ties between the two faiths.


  1. Good for him, we serve one God #onelovefromSnow#

    1. Just wish he knws what dey thinking rite naw...

    2. We don't serve same people die for lack of knowledge.

    3. We don't have a common god. Point of correction

    4. @meetdrealevans don't be stupid

    5. My tots exaCtly!!! I'm feel pope has a clear mind but don't feel same wit d iman... The mind is soo deep!

    6. YHWH isn't the same as allah take note pls

    7. Y'all think you what's on their mind, there's only one God and what you think you know could be wrong.

    8. Y'all think you what's on their mind, there's only one God and what you think you know could be wrong.

  2. Good example

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

  3. Greatest and the best pope ever..Not a Catholic but dis man inspires me alot.....................................#KingOfKings #6ixGod

  4. Nice one##ONEWORLD

  5. Wtf....fuck up of 2014

  6. Now dis is wat a religion is suppose 2 b lyk.....somtin dat the muslim faithfuls can't do...

    1. The Bible clearly speaks against this. Allah is not God. Christ taught in synagogues he never prayed in them. You cannot serve two God's.

    2. Don't say Wat yu don't know, we serve one God. Allah means God in Arabic language, Dats just d difference.

  7. Nice

  8. God bless this man,well done His Eminence

  9. God bless u my Pope and all

  10. Awwwwwww....we r all one at d end of day

  11. That's cos we serve thesame God in different ways.

  12. Pope u better leave there before they strangle u

  13. He always lay a good example. God bless.

  14. If Nigerian christians will stop worshiping PASTORS, and practice whats in the scripture, NIGERIA WOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER PLACE.

    1. I pray we get to that level where we worship God not pastor

    2. God bless yu for yur comment of wisdom.

  15. This is a Pope that leads by example.

  16. what's he trying to prove? Working towards the new world order. Closely following up on the pope's plans tho!

  17. Dis pope has finished the they cm 2 the church 4 worship or bow 2 our God?cn see y d las pope b4 him resigned.

  18. let the pope try it in naija

  19. The pope should go and read the bible very well. He should not be equally yoked with unbelievers. Christianity and Islam can never be on the same spiritual platform. Instead of disgracing himself he should simply convert to islam. PERIOD.

    1. You are full of pain and agony. How do you sleep and wake up?

    2. I'm absolutely in support of is totally wrong; I mean is it not clearly stated in the Bible that d only way we get to God z through Jesus christ (unless y'all don't belive in ur bible)?tz obvious dt d Muslims do not worship d same God as we do cos dy don't pray through Jesus christ period!

    3. You r 100% right, anon1051. I don't hv anything against my muslim brothers n sisters but this pope just don't get it. Christ categorically said we r not worshipping the same God n so should not mingle with them spiritually. It is just like a christian going to d alter of a witch doctor n praying with him saying we r praying to d same God. ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION STANDING IN A HOLY PLACE. The book of REVELATION is being FULFILLED right before our very eyes. Real Christians, open your eyes to see n stop defending the 666

    4. This person must be from ananbra,

    5. You r the biggest fool as this year comes to an end.I ve never seen a person with so much disrespect.

    6. pls dig deeper into d bible.when christ came,which group of people was he regularly with.holy guys or sinners?paul said if u ve everything but u dont have love,then u ve nothing.
      Christianity is very personal rship with christ thru my best buddy the holy spirit.anytin else is political propaganda..

    7. Yes it is clearly stated in d bible...catholics b practising religion not christianity.

    8. So Jesus that said that He came for sinners is equally yoked ?

    9. You are so damn wrong bro. Christ ate and dinned with unbelievers. Read Acts of Apostles n understand how the appostles wer always with unbelivers n praying with the. .. christ came to save the sinners... pls read your bible with a clear conscience and understand instead of "MY PASTOR SAID"

    10. You re very correct anonymous 10:51. That's what popped outta my heart immediately I saw the news of the pope praying with Muslims. Catholics have failed to differentiate between religion and Christianity. Watch them attack you for speaking the gospel truth.

    11. Linda see evribody don turn anonymous no reply wit name again lmfao..dem dey fear 4 dei head ni,mk does Muslim broda no go trace them 4 FB nd chop off dei neck#me slf na anonymous oooooo#lol

  20. Dats My Pope, So Humble... God Bless U Papa

  21. Na so suppose be! Welldone Papa

  22. Where is the difference ...anyway the rivers are mixed up ...BABYLON metcheww...

  23. Pope francis gud job me likey...olubukola daniels aka blackmamamba...

  24. I wish all this talks about stronger ties between the 2 religion will take roots amongst its followers, but honestly right now, someone, somewhere is sticking their noses up at them!

  25. Nice one.

  26. Wooh dis is wot we call been faithful to God n serve with humility it is well with d Christians amen....

  27. Linda I'm surprised no one commented on this post. This should be an example to Nigerians if the Pope can pray in a mosque side by side with a muslim imam what does that tell us? We encouraged to live in peace and harmony after all we all worship one God no matter our different approach. May God help us understand lessons like this.

  28. Hmmm what of that verse of the bible that says do not unequally yoke with unbelievers. just asking

    1. U are d reason y d world isn't moving forward!!idiot

    2. Anon 12:49, itz not in ur place to mak d world move forward. As a chritian u shuld b more spiritually minded n less physically minded

  29. Muslims wil not do dis o. They a soooo insecure. Complex is dia 2nd name!

  30. This is bull shit! Stronger ties between the two faiths for what? Oya pope come to okija shrine and show respect to amadioha so that we will know ur pope! How many Muslim faithfuls show respect to our christian beliefs??

    1. God bless u for dat, let him com to okija shrine mtshewww

    2. Roman Catholic is a corrupt religion...even pope himself has recognized gay marriage. I wonder where we're heading too...what God is going to judge is immirimius..

  31. I love this Pope. So humble. True example of a Christian (living like Christ)

    1. Oh give me a break! No muslim will ever do this. Christian way my foot!

  32. End time things one world religion... Pope Francis we see u.

    1. Is there any difference between those 2 faiths?

  33. I knew right when he was elected that he would be an exemplary leader, may our good Lord continue to strengthen him to do better works. Like Jesus was, so he is.

    1. Abegi...He had mercy on dose who wanted to b saved n tot d word. he dint have supper wit witches or sorcerers

  34. I knew right when he was elected that he would be an exemplary leader, may our good Lord continue to strengthen him to do better works. Like Jesus was, he is.

  35. I can bet my dick on this,those horror bearded humans called Imams cn't do this stuff, dis shows christainity stands 4 peace...hope dose islamic terrorist groups emulate this

    1. Dude! If muslims are not peace loving pope Francis will nt be allowed entry into d masjid. So open ur heart to the truth.

    2. Anon 3:43 pls wot planet are u from?so dis singular act makes u feel Muslims are peace loving???

  36. Was the name of Jesus proclaimed openly? Besides the so called blue mosque was a church. So much for Islamic Jihad. Beware!!!

  37. Showing good example.........I pray d Muslims will learn n understand the word 'PEACE'

    1. If Muslims don't know or acknowledged Peace as a watch word, all the Muslim classmates you've had n colleagues and corp members n neighbours would hav made u history by now. So try to be fair in ur Judgment of Muslims and ISLAM

  38. This is d last thing Muslims will do, yet we show them love n peace.

  39. We Christians are very peaceful people unlike the muslims. Everywhere you go muslims are causing problems.

    1. Looool! A muslim ain't d president of this hell hole we call a country. And Christians are not the ones being bombed everyday in the north, so shut ur rats a## up.

    2. It started with xtians you know???

  40. Will this same Muslim cleric agree to worship in a church? Islam encourages annihilation of any other faith and therefore cannot pray with infidels. Big sham when they call it a religion of peace.

  41. Love this pope......peace be to the world.

  42. Wish they could do the same.lets see... nah I don't think so!


  44. The Bible says don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers doesn't mean that we should find a common ground to leave as civilized human beings...
    Do not misunderstand the scriptures... even Jesus went and sat and ate in the house of sinners and unbelievers am sure the pope is not stupid and he has the scriptures in his head....
    The only thing we should be looking at here is the wisdom he is applying to situations like this... which he is exhibiting well for example you didn't see him opening his hands... during prayers!

  45. Catholics and Muslims are the same,they have secret agenda against Christians and Jews! Check google for articles u will be amazed to see what happened in the past. Catholics are not Christians they believe in purgatory and worship a goddess called Mary,they claimed she is the one that will save the world and not Jesus christ

  46. @ anonymous 1051
    Do not be equally yoked with unbelievers means whta? Can you explain it?. You forgot how Jesus christ worn over sinfull people like Mary, Martha, even some of his disciples initialy. He did not meet all thses people when they were saints. Faith is by woirks;we should be light to the world. You don't know if this singular act of christianity will touch someones heart and turn them to christ?. He is absolutely right because Christ did not come for righteous people like you; He came for the so called sinners.

  47. Do not be equally yoked with unbelievers means whta? Can you explain it?. You forgot how Jesus christ worn over sinfull people like Mary, Martha, even some of his disciples initialy. He did not meet all thses people when they were saints. Faith is by woirks;we should be light to the world. You don't know if this singular act of christianity will touch someones heart and turn them to christ?. He is absolutely right because Christ did not come for righteous people like you; He came for the so called sinners.

  48. This is bound to mislead many as seen in the approving comments. #smh

  49. The are not many roads to God,the creator of the heavens and the earth but Jesus Christ. John 14vs6.That it is morally right does not make it right with God.Our opinion does not count with God.He asked the Israelites to are carry the Art of Covenant
    on human shoulders and they taught otherwise it led to the death of Uzza. Jesus Christ taught us to love those that hate us and pray for them.He did not tell us to go to their mosque and worship their god.He came to save the world but not to condemn it.1corinths5vs12-13 is very relevant "what business is it of mine to judge those outside the church?Are you not to judge those inside?God will judge those outside."Paul also says "no-one can lay any foundation other than that already laid, which is Jesus Christ".The idea of worshipping the same god with anybody who does not proclaim Jesus Christ as God,Lord and Saviour is antithetical to Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  50. This goes to show how powerful,wonderful christians are.....
    No shiekh or strong muslim can try this,,,Never
    Long live his holliness pope FRANCIS
    Long live the CATHOLIC CHURCH
    long live FERNANDEZ.

  51. Pope shudnt be with dis unbelievers, muslims don't blive salvation is through Christ Jesus so pls wat da f**k is he doin in their mosque? U tink dat man he is standin with can enter a church to pray with christians? Neva !

  52. There are not many roads to God, the creator of the heavens and the earth but one -Jesus Christ. John14vs6.That it is morally right does not make it right with God. Our opinions do not count with God(Roms9vs17-21).
    God instructed the Israelites to carry the Ark of the Covenant on human shoulders but they thought otherwise and it led to the death of Uzza. Jesus Christ taught us to love those that hate us and pray for them.He did not say we should go to their mosque and worship their god.1Corinth5vs12 says"what business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you(Christians) not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. Paul equally admonished "no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already,which is Jesus Christ".The idea of was worshipping the same god with anybody who does not proclaim Jesus Christ as his God,Lord and Saviour is antithetical to the gospel of Jesus Christ,the son of God.

  53. If only the Pope could see their minds...Its all good tho.

  54. But if a Christian steps his/her foot in a mosque they will attack and harrass the Christian like a stray dog

  55. Anonymous 14, Nov 30: 10;15am. Good comment. The Pope is just fulfilling the scriptures, Anti-Christ. All this is Revelation, d sign of d end time, the man of peace in the eyes of the world, but Anti-Christ in d spirit. Is only the Bride will understand.

  56. Y will he do dat eh,muslims r evil nd we shuldnt mingle wif dem....m nva a fan of ds fake pope so watz ma own sef..... Evil + Evil = Satanic pple

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

  57. The world is gradually becoming one. Lord have MERCY on me and my family. Rapture us at the trumpet sound. I pray we will not be here when the world shall become one. SOME PEOPLE HAVE REALLY LOST IT. MERCY LORD!!!

  58. The world is gradually becoming one. Lord have MERCY on me and my family. Rapture us at the trumpet sound. I pray we will not be here when the world shall become one. SOME PEOPLE HAVE REALLY LOST IT. MERCY LORD!!! ADENIKE TINA

  59. This Pope is confused. Please we do not worship the same God, let's get that straight.

    Bowing to another god in the name of peace is the dumbest thing for a person like the Pope.

    Please let him proceed to okija shrine next. SMH

  60. This is spiritual fornication.... anyway, Roman Catholic was never a gathering for Jesus Christ,but of idolatary and demons.

    1. You see yourself? If you don't have any responsible thing to say can't you just close that carnal you call mouth? Yeye fowl.nameless object.

  61. *sigh* the grand mufti is a person not a place.

  62. God teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your gettings, get understanding. Understand why Pope Francis did this. Why the blood shed? Why the killings? We can live in peace nomatter our religion.

  63. I believe u, Roman Catholic are not, D Pope, Son of Perdition( Revelation) Anti Christ. Soon he will sit on EU to role D world on the throne of David. Christ coming is at hand, scriptures are just fulfilling. Nation against Nation etc. Just get ready.

  64. The Bible says the greatest commandments are "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.This simply is an act of love. The ignorance in some comments is appalling.

  65. God bless you Linda. Thank you for sharing these pictures.

  66. A number of points to note. 1. These two faiths believe Jesus is Messiah and will come to judge. But some people will be going to join those who don't. 2. It seems the Muslims invited the Pope to their mosque and he went. Good for both of them. Now let the gesture be repaid and let peace be multiplied. 3. Reading the comments, people like @1051 represent the problem because they believe Heaven is for them alone.

  67. There is only one living God, whether you are a christian, hindu, buddhaism, zoroastrian just to mention but few. We should live together as brothers. One love !!

  68. Can you see that he is the only one laughing? Hummmmm them de vex oooo.

  69. Why is he the only on laughing? Pls somebody should remove this post before Muslims in the north sees it and start killing Christians. Before you kw what is happening now they will start fighting that their pope has discreet their altar.

  70. Y r ppl judging like this.....tho in all honesty i probably wldnt do this except need be but y r ppl being so bitter abt it. Dont judge cos u r not God neither dp u know Francis' motive behind y r ppl referring to the pope as 'his holiness'.....ion get it.....may God answer his prayers....but this shldnt b an excuse to insult muslims or anyone. It's unfair.....seriously.....let's learn to stand for love cos Christ gave us perfect love n lets learn to stand for wat is right at all times!

  71. Am nt surprised cos Roman catholics do not know their rights from left! Imagine a whole pope doesn't even know the word of God on which he stands on! This is damn wrong! What is he trying 2 prove! Catholics are in darkness! Still wonder why people can't see!

  72. For those saying the Bible said not to mingle with the Muslims should please point it out in the Bible and who are you to judge the pope and Muslims? The Bible says touché not my anointed and do my Prophet no harm, all those talking about the Pope that is for you. We keep saying the whites treat us bad yet we ourselves are the sole perpetuators of our own racism same country divided over culture.
    And who says the Muslims are not being bombed or killed too? please let us think before we open our mouth.Thanks

    1. May Allah reward you...pple like you are the reason there is hope for this country...God bless. I wish pple will focus more on gaining knowledge from their various holy books than come on here and say all sort of stupidity

  73. And yu alone carries light right? After taking alcohol n pork? Havin sex outside marriage? Yu still tell lies n somehow feel compelled to judge wen u r as dirty as a swine? Are u normal at all?

  74. This day has been coming and is a sign of things to come! Let him that has ears hear but alas they have been wilfully blinded!
    Remember the mountains and the sea! They will spew out he who runs to them for refuge because they themselves would like to hide!!

  75. there is know Christianity in the bible, beside we all serve one God, Nigeria christian should stop following pastor,

    Jesus himself didn't know what is called Christianity

    I really like the pope because he understand we only serve one God

    The bible was writing by someone, and he try to show his follower to love other religion because we all have same blood running in our vain

  76. I'm so sad about this post.
    Without love in your heart, u are empty.
    What do people mean by equally yoked with unbelievers? Did the pope lay on their mat? Did he hold the Quran? Did he count the testbil?
    Someone even said Jesus preached in the synagogue but never prayed there. Do u think Jesus was serving himself here on earth? Jesus was a Jew and served Yahweh in the manner of the Jews and like every jew around him. The only difference was his act of love. Jesus was accommodating. He showed love to the prostitutes, tax collectors, sinners. Dey saw his love, they beheld him as the son of God and wept at the mercy and love he showed.

    Likewise Paul who sat and ate with the gentiles. And after that visited their temples to observe what they were doing and corrected them with love.

    Pope Francis has proven that love cuts beyond all boundaries of religion. He went to the islam place of worship and prayed to God most high to bring the light of his peace to the world once again and touch the heart of those who kill God's creature in the name of 'God'.

    **Bonaparte NN

  77. I wonder how some people read their Bible,Christ was accused of eating with Unbelievers and tax collectors,do you think your are a better Christian than Christ who mingled with them all ? Viva Papa Franchesco !!!

  78. One world religion knocking on the door. A huge sign of the end time.

  79. so many dumb nigerian youths. Read your bible properly n understand. God bless his church

  80. This Pope is a disgrace!!!!
    Never seen a Pope far removed from the Christian purport...
    A Pope that campaigns for the integration of homosexuality into Christian liturgy...
    And now, this stupid head of the Catholic Church goes to a mosque to bow his head to the dragon called Allah in a gambit of solidarity with Islam...
    He goes to town proclaiming that Islam is a religion of peace; whereas the Qur'an in its chapter 47: 35 says, "Ask not for peace while you are having upper hand."
    How can an anti-religion ever be peaceful???!!!!
    What is peaceful about the history of Islam???
    Even here in Nigeria, Usman Dan Fodio foisted Islam by bloodshed...
    And the story is the same everywhere you find Islam...
    How can a religion which derives its meaning simply from being antithetical to the Judeo-Christian system ever be a religion of peace?
    I could have called this ass an apostate, only for it to dawn on me that he had never been a Christian in the first place...
    It pains me that it is this thing that the Catholic Church has for a leader!!!!
    There is no amount of rapprochement or dilettante or appeasement or diplomacy that can make Islam a peaceful religion!!!!!
    And that is as much the curse as it is the power of that Satanic religion!!!!

  81. I love this Pope, he is showing the muslim that we worship one God, to be in peace with one another. That is what Christ taught us. I hail the pope for his humility.

  82. The Holy Father, the Pope is only living the Gospel taught by Jesus and echoed by St. Paul in Heb. 12:14; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. It is a very profound way of sharing the Gospel of Christ, who tolerate people in order to win them over. so those of who with your conspiracy theories of New world order etc. do not know that the Church as the leader and elder brother has always stooped to bring others out of darkness, not as a sign of weakness but of strength. If we all could be more tolerating and respectful of others and not think that we can fight for God, who is the Father of all, even those we think are wrong, the world we be a better place. We can win over other by making them our friends. Those of you who a Muslim will not do it. Arafat the former Palestian present before he died had always attended Christmas Mass in Bethlehem. He is a Muslime but honours the birth of Christ every Christmas by going to Mass. Truly great people see beyond the divides we create for ourselves without compromising their believes. That is what the Pope teaches us, just as Jesus did, who ate with sinners and entered the home of gentiles.

    Fidel - (fideb2008@gmail)

  83. I never use to believe in spell casting until i met lord aguma the powerful spell caster who helped me to be a happy person again. My name is Mariana and i reside in CANADA. After 3 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with three kids. I felt like my life was about to end" because of the stress and pain i was going through , i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a Great spell caster called lord aguma which i met online on one faithful day when I was browsing through the internet, i came across a lot of testimonies about this particular Great spell caster how he has helped so many people. he has helped people to bring back their Ex lovers, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, HIV and other sickness, and so on. I also came across a testimony, it was about a woman called Wayne, she testified about how his spell made her to be pregnant after so many years of bareness and at the end of her testimony she dropped lord aguma’s email address. After reading all these, i decided to give him a try and i contacted him and explained my problem to him and he assured me that after the spell cast it shall be like a dream, after two days my husband call me and started begging for forgiveness but i thought it will not work. just as lord aguma has said. This is not brain washing and after the spell has been cast, i realized that my husband love me like never before and the spell caster opened him up to know how much i love him and how much love we need to share. We are even happier now than before. lord aguma is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem you want to solve feel free to contact him now on he will help you solve all your problems.
    Once again thanks to lord aguma for his good deeds and may his good and powerful gods always reward you for your good deeds.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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