Listen to late Chaz B share his near death experience & battle with kidney disease | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 22 November 2014

Listen to late Chaz B share his near death experience & battle with kidney disease

Please if you can, listen to this...two years ago, Chaz B who passed away today, shared a powerful testimony of the time acute kidney disease nearly took his he fought so hard, went to India for surgery and getting a kidney from his wife. Listen. (He was actually on radio yesterday, so his death is so sudden)


  1. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Only if i have a glo 3g but i dont...... May his soul R.I.P......

  2. Phew! So heart rendering.
    He sound so optimistic,but man proposes,God disposes.
    May his soul continue to rest in peace.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  3. God told him, "Son go back, it is not yet time". Nah I don't believe half of this audio... RIP sir!

    1. My dear don't conclude till u have a near death experience...God is real and so is heaven and hell

  4. For real? Chaz B? Nawa o! Rest in peace bro. Abiola your birthday mate

  5. Oh my God!!!. I'm so sad over this. I lost my younger brother to this disease exactly two years ago. We were even discussing how lucke Chaz b was. May his soul RIP.

  6. Thank God for his life.

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  7. wat a lost again in Nigeria after m.c longs is chaz b again!. hard luck Nigeria ...R.I.P chaz

  8. Its so sad. Can't get his voice off my head.*sobs*.

  9. Oh My! This is so sad. Very pathetic. Sleep well Chaz B.

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  10. jeez! May his soul rest in peace

  11. I knew him personally, when I was downtrodden Chaz B said to me, Blessing, life is tough and rough, all you have to do is run! in the dark, run, you may stumble, you may fall but you will not stop! I will always remember that Chaz B... RIP... Oh! his beautiful young daughter, how will she cope?....May God grant his wife the strength to move on.... so sad

  12. This is rather sad, I can't just accept it this moment. I pray God strengthen that family

  13. Am really sad. PrettyWitty

  14. OmG too sad I love his programme (sharing life's issues with ChazB) RIP.

  15. I still heard him on the radio yesterday, this is so sad. RIP Chaz B

  16. oohhh!what a great loss.

  17. Hmmmmmm
    Oye Olorun......Rest in peace Chaz B.
    May God comfort your loved ones.Amen
    'Tis well

  18. Just when we were recovering from Myles,now Chaz B, Lord God i pray you receive these warriors in your Bossom...RIP Great men! RIP Chaz B.

  19. He was on the radio yesterday . I remember him having to leave early because he wasn't feeling so great . R.I.P Chaz B. God please comfort his family

  20. Wait! Is Chaz B dead? Someone pls make it clear 2 me#brassman#

  21. RIP. The world was a better place while you were here. You were an angel in disguise, a true child of God who impacted lives positively.

    I listened to him only once on radio, I just happened to be at the salon when his radio program aired. I remember listening in awe as he helped people get through issues by either advising them, praying for them, or even asking some to send their account numbers. I remember praying silently for him, that God should strengthen him, give him more grace to do even more. I'm so sad to hear this.

    I never knew him but for those 30 minutes I listened to people called in on the show, and how he soothed them, took on their problems as his, he was an embodiment of what truly a child of God is.

    May his family find peace, may they never know this type of sorrow again. May his acts of kindness continue to create a positive ripple across the world even in his absence.

    Once again, RIP. I'm in tears.

  22. Thank God you are resting in the heavenly places CHARLES were a rear germ on this touched my life in your program."sharing Life Issues".
    Rest In Peace!!!!!

  23. May his soul rest in peace.Amen......I loved listening to his shows......may the good Lord grant his family the strenght to bear the loss..Amen.God loves him more.

  24. Awww Chaz B, u will be greatly missed cos so many souls have been touched thru u. RIP

  25. Omg
    I can't play rhythm FM anymore

  26. May his soul rest in peace, God pls console his family

  27. I listened. Chaz B's life is one of testimonies & God's amazing grace. Now that the Lord has called him to himself to come & rest, it's my sincere prayer that God grant the family he left behind the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. Sharing Life Issues With Chaz B will never be the same again without this great soldier of our generation.

  28. Rip....pray God gives d family d strength 2 bear d loss

  29. May his soul rest in peace.

  30. When I read Chaz B...I was like errrr...didn't I just hear him on radio like Thursday???! Lord have mercy. RIP.

  31. Nothing guarantees long life,whether one is born again,a moslem scientologist, buddist,u just name it.I don't know what to believe anymore!I resign to fate. Even the people dat give us hope can go just like dat!

  32. Awww! So touched by this news! Chaz B is actually the only radio personality I listen :( may his soul rest in peace

  33. Aww! what a huge loss. he changed so many lives. Rip Charles Bruce

  34. OMG!!! He was on radio yesterday evening. Heard him when he said he was strong and had to leave Chike and Stephen to continue with the show. I'm speechless!!!

    1. Yeah just tuned in when I heard him say he was strong n had to leave. He's in a better place anyways.

  35. Am heart broken...still short of words. Rip Chaz B

  36. That is what surprise me the most, I listen to his show yesterday... So sad.. Am really going to miss him.. RIP

    Watch and pray for the evil days are here

  37. His good wife donated her kidney.... I thought he was better for good....what went wrong again? Rest on Chaz B.

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  38. Make una see wetin chad dey do us:

  39. Ooooo my goodness!! I had the opportunity to share few moments with him during his Abuja days. He was such an AMAZING man, full of wisdom!!. Really sad that he still passed on after going through all these challenges. I believe God knows best. May he find rest in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ. And may God comfort his family.

  40. His testimony has made me understand what happens after death..i have lost both parents and people keep saying they are arround. .... they are still in the house and all that...but after listening to him...i am convinced they are in a better place, they have ascended to heaven.. their spirit is not roaming up and down the house. They where very good Christians and i thank God for that. Even in his death, he is still blessing people. RIP Chaz B

  41. It is really sad... we have lost somebody who was a voice for the voiceless, hope for the hopeless and a `bringer` of joy and love to many homes today.

    R.I.P Chaz...#With a heavy Heart#

  42. So touching....his wife is truely an angel, i believe its his TIME dis period...may his RIP��

  43. sooooooooo saddddddd...... What a world!!!!!!!!

  44. Can't be true! Chaz B on inspiration fm?

  45. He's an all knowing God and cannot be questioned

  46. Ders dis comment he alwys says @ d end of his show..abt d heart which I love bt can't seem to even rmeba.den anoda one he says as well"if each one can reach one n each one teach one,wat a beta place d world would u chaZ

  47. May his soul rest in peace. He was an inspiration to a lot of people through his radio programmes. I'll miss his voice.

  48. So sad...
    Continue to rest in the Bossom of Our Lord.
    You touched so many lives in so many ways

  49. My God. i cant believe Chaz B is dead.
    Finally, he has found peace in the bossom of The Lord.

  50. Hmmmmm,only d news of chaz b would make me ever do a comment on LIB. I love u chaz b,RIP

  51. eeya, such a sad, sad loss. he touched countless lives & will be sorely missed!


  52. It's unbelievable... GOD rest his soul.

  53. Linda, thanks a million for this post. Can I ve your email if you don't mind. 08108398111

  54. My heart is so heavy. RIP dear Chaz B, rest in d bossom of d Lord.

  55. I listened to this particular episode. RIP Chaz

  56. RIP Chaz B, if you are a born again, be that indeed cos no one knows the time or the hour that we will be called home becouse it's a call that must come without an excuse

  57. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life. That was his signing out quote. Will miss him terribly . As I was reading about chaz b I got a call that a friend died of breast cancer yesterday. I have been same since today. May their souls RIP. RIP Lady Patience Ozioma Amadi. I will miss your radiant gap toothed smile.

  58. May God rest his soul

  59. This is so sad.... May God comfort his wife and kids.. I will miss you Chaz B. Rip.

  60. omoma iserhienrhien23 November 2014 at 06:27

    I can't believe he is gone, God you have sent him back before and u can do it again. He has touched millions of souls and loved by all.

  61. What a sad new. Monaliza switheart and ur mummy may God comfort you guys RIP my mentor and Role model

  62. RIP...what a great loss...Safe Journey till we meet again to part no more...Adieu

  63. Aww, I heard of d news while I was in Osun state and I was like can this be true, but alas Chaz B is truly Gone. RIP, may God console ur family and every1 u touched with your program.

  64. It's amazing how short our life on heart is. Just on Thursday he was talking about his good friend Myles who tells him to carry when he leaves and he prayed that they will be at Jesus' feet by God's grace. Little did I know that it was time. The first time I listened to his program was 2010 when he was in FM 92.3 and since then I had become an ardent listener and even recommended it to many more people. God Bless your soul. The Lord who called you will take care of Monalissa, your wife and other kids.
    RIP Chaz B.

  65. RIP Chaz B. You had a lot of plans. the feeding of the poor at Ajegunle on Nov 29th. The night of worship. the Dr Ubah's church on Dec 7th. God knows best as your name (Chukuma) depicts


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