Dear LIB readers: I slept with a married woman | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 28 November 2014

Dear LIB readers: I slept with a married woman

From a male LIB reader
About a year and half ago, I gave a lift to a woman and it happened that she stayed two streets before mine. After a chat in the car I discovered she was married and has 3 kids. I also told her I was married with a child.  We got friendly and exchanged numbers.
One thing led to another and one day my wife traveled and she asked to visit me. Another thing led to another and we had sex unprotected. We had Sex 3 more times on different days. Twice in my car, and twice in my house.
Now, one day I asked her why she was doing this... she said she doesn't sleep with her husband anymore and he had reported her to their priest but she doesn't care. That the husband doesn't satisfy her and she hardly looks forward to having sex with him. I felt bad and guilty and advised that we should stop seeing each other.
She agreed and said we should remain friends.
Three weeks ago, she called to say she missed her period and that I was responsible. I advised her that this would be disastrous to both our marriages and that she would have to terminate the pregnancy. Now she's refusing to do so even after I gave her 40k to take care of it.  She is promising to make my life a living hell and that she doesn't care what the world thinks.
Claiming that she loves me and that if I loved my wife I wouldn't have slept with her. However true this is... I love my wife and I'm not ready to crash my marriage.
I seriously have no idea of what to do. I practically live in fear cos she calls me every other day and my wife is getting suspicious.
This lady is not a Nigerian though but married to a Nigerian. Please advise


  1. Haa, Aunty linda! are you not going to sleep? keep it up, also doing my own here

  2. U Don enter one chance.just be man and tell ur wife that ur mr long John sweet die so u go look for person wey go sample am


  4. That some silly ass mistake u made,wut were u thinkin?anywayz try n sit her down and talk some sense to her and pray to God she listens.SLIM

  5. Tell Ur wife n ask 4 forgiveness, b4 she hears it from som1 else.

  6. Run as fast as your legs can carry you and take your family with you. This game smacks of blackmail and her husband is coming to collect, violently.

  7. Thats the Price you pay for not respecting ur matrimonial bed. Are u for real???? Sleeping with another woman in ur own house and having uunprotected sex? Gosh.. I cant deal. Thats the way you wayward men take STDs including Aids to ur faithful wives at home. You better start confessing to ur wife o. Its left for her to forgive ur wandering and shameless self or not. Peace out

  8. Oloshi, u better open up to ur wife because that woman is desperate, I wonder why some women can't stick to thier hubby

  9. your wahala has just started!oloju kokoro!!!u love your wife and you went chooking someone else's wife.if it was your wife who did that nko???you deserve all the trouble you get.shameless's a woman with three kids sef!what were you looking for that your wife couldn't give you????

  10. next time you will think twice before sticking your dick where it does not belong, nonsense!

  11. The mistake has already been done I advise u to tell ur wife. but y do men always cheat #scaredofmarryingsef *sigh

  12. I am not married yet, thus may not be the best person to advise you.... However, I would advise you to confess your sin to your wife because most women don't utter "empty" threat. The woman you committed adultery with will eventually let your wife know about the ugly situation.

  13. You need to tell your wife so you both can talk to that ladie

  14. When you had an unprotected sex with her what did you expect? Sorry, ur own don be!

  15. When you had an unprotected sex with her what did you expect? Sorry, ur own don be!

  16. Idiot what are you looking 4 in her dat u cant get frm ur wife,if 2 say she no get belle u 4 continue dey enjoy yourself ,sought ur problems urself fada of 3(4th one on its way) and ur wife deserves better

  17. Tell your wife the truth, it's not simple, but its the right thing to do. If not, Peace is the last thing you'll have. And just so you know, your wife will definitely find out one way or the other and that will hurt her more, so to save yourself from worse dramas, just tell her yourself and you'll know what to do from there. Just don't tell her it was the devil's handwork.

  18. I hope one idiot is reading this, then he will tell me oh but she is married, she is not stupid. Oh but she is married, with two kids! am I stupid? Yes you are! as stupid as the poster. Stupid baseless inferior men that need women to validate their existence n make you feel like a real man. Well reality check you are a pussy mofo, get that reconstructive surgery already! Wish i could call you out directly, but if u hv any sense left and you are reading this, you will know urself. Hypocritical, self righteous, chauvinistic bitch, yes! u r d bitch not me.

    At poster u r not sorry, just sorry you are about to get caught. 3 more times eh. You dnt love your wife, dnt kid urself. Wife that hoe already, u deserve each other.

  19. Na waa ooo. Stop sleeping with pple's wives.

  20. Trouble dey sleep iyanga go wake am, hehehehe, I just don't know what to say, but face ur demons. When u started we were not there, now belle don come, u need our advice. LWKMD.

  21. Bored Housewife!!28 November 2014 at 03:20

    Serves you right!!! Next time you'd think well before having UNPROTECTED Sex with a TOTAL STRANGER!!!

    You are in soup and I guess you r not in naija so child support would soon come along so start saving up!!!

    I wish this could happen more often to naija guys!!! They'd think well first before giving in to the temptation of new ass... this one no even new sef!!!

  22. Better pack away time.

  23. Its unfortunate my her n convince her more...

  24. Start saving up for a naming ceremony party and pls invite LIBERS. .. we will be there to rejoice with you lol. PUNK!!!

  25. It is a pity.It is wicked meeting another person`s wife/How will you feel if another man have sex with your wife?Since she want to bring the whole thing to the open,two of you should be ready for whatever comes out of it.Be ready for the second wife.Don`t abort the baby.

  26. 1. Married Men just want to F**K not love but married men can only cheat on their husband if they have fallen in love with the daft lover.

    2. Your own don finish. your D**k don finish you.

  27. ... If it is true that u realy love ur wife.u wouldn't av fall for her at the first place. But u just need God's mercy, keep on praying

  28. Story, story, story! meanwhile, Gov. Akpabio does this always...

  29. so what do you want us to do. see in the bible there are people the bible address as fools. So I am officially telling u that u are a fool

  30. This is my story.... your criticisms are welcomed but kindly still advise honestly. Thanks Linda

  31. Ogneni carry ur cross o

  32. Go to God in prayers. Is the only one I still run to. U have messed up big time. Be prepared for the worst and still be hopeful.

  33. See Gobe!! Temptation!!...u fall...just prepare for d worst!! Linda u nor dey slp!!*winks*

  34. Ho and beg for forgiveness of dins.

  35. Wo! I can't judge you but if you must go that far with a married woman which is a sin but what of condoms? What if one of you had Aids?.

  36. When you were sleeping with her everyday you were enjoying it, now she is pregnant you need advice hmmmmm your wife will not forgive you o.

  37. The truth will set you free!!! Even though it is hard confessing to your wife, the best step to take is to confess your sins and ask for her forgiveness. She will forgive you if you confess and you are remorseful. That woman may be lying, but assuming she didn't lie, by confessing her hold on you has been broken. She does not have anything to lose, she has a marriage only in name. You have a lot to loose and that is why she is threatening you. What you did was wrong, but don't let the devil use it as a further step in to your life. Get your wife on your side. You will see that are tone will change once she knows your wife is aware of everything. Just my 2 cents

  38. This is really catastrophic! But bro, you were a sharp shooter. However, I think taking time to explain to your wife what happened could be better because as things are going now, your wife might find out soon. You know the implication would be more severe and denting if she does find out herself. So, call her in a quiet time and explain to her. No one is above temptation. I have once been in your shoe, only that I pulled out on time after my first sexual experience with a married woman and resolved never to do it in my life again inasmuch as she continued to put pressure on me for us to continue. Like I said, let your wife know before she hears it from another source. Then try to tell her how unsure you're about the pregnancy allegation the other married lady is laying against you. Be brave. Stand firm and fearlessly as a man. Deal with it and good luck.

  39. Please tell your wife about it, who knows, she might be lying to you.

  40. Enemies at the gate of marriage. You give em A CHANCE, you enter ONE CHANCE.

    Now my Advice: Ask for God's wisdom in this case and please discuss this with your wife first before anyone does and make know you crossed the line and you do feel EXTREMELY GUILTY. God help you

  41. Bluff her. Even if she crash your marriage, is not force that you marry her. After all you both enjoyed the secret affair while it lasted.

  42. This one na double wahala for dead body and the owner of dead body. My dear brother, you have to ask God for forgiveness first, then you have to tell your wife the truth too. She will forgive you.

  43. Which kind advise u need? U got wot u asked for.

  44. Well, I guess there's no point reminding you that what you did was evil. However, you should confess everything to your wife.
    Before that, prepare the grounds first by showing a high degree of remorse and evidence of your repentance. You stand a better chance of saving your marriage if you confess than if she finds out as she surely will.
    For all you know, , that hustler is not even pregnant. Even if she is, you may not be responsible for it.

  45. Y on earth wuld u sleep wiv a married woman unprotected? Its a very big slight to ur home, persuade her to do d ryt tin aii. Gud luck

  46. Bettter come clean with ur wife b4 she finds out from someone else. If she forgives u then I believe ur marriage have seen d worse, if she doesn't forgive u,who can blame her. But spill it ASAP

  47. You are in trouble! What are u doing with a married woman with 3 kids? You don enter wahala and she better not abort that baby! Having sex with another woman without protection. Anuofia!!!

  48. Ghoro mkpuru I kuru nwoke m. Reap the fruits u have sown. Good for u. May she really destroy ur marriage so that in ur next world, u will know the true meaning of love and be able to protect ur marriage. Love don't sleep around. U can give ur wife disease u know? Shame to u.

  49. Ok well I think the best move now is for the guy to be the one that tells his wife abt d situation. It will be doubly worse for him if she finds out through a different source - worst of all if its from the other woman. He doesn't want to crash his marriage? Too bad, he already put that in motion when he dropped trou. This way he can be a man about it and face the consequences of his actions. Besides, if he fesses up to what he did, the wife may not flip out as much as he thought. U would be surprised how much shock women can absorb. Nevertheless, the news needs to come from him otherwise that will be unfair of him to let her get ambushed with the information, and that's Hw people end up in " domestic accidents ". The deed is already done, so there is no need for sentiments. Tell her now if not for anything, at least so she doesn't get an embellished version of the whole shabang. That will be bad for u mehnnnn

  50. Does having a child outside stops ones ur eye bro..

  51. man just be sure she isn't setting u up. my advise is u tell ur wife before she finds out herself

  52. Nonsense. Face your problems. You brought it upon your self. Let's hope your wife will forgive u

  53. My friend you should of thought of your wife & kid before putting your weiner into someone else's wife. Well now that the situation has gotten to this its best you tell your wife your self, at least show some decency. Don't let her find out herself

  54. You sef why would you have unprotected sex with a stranger? Never of thought of dangers of STIs?

    Well, deed is done. First thing you must do is CONFESS TO YOUR. WIFE. Take the power she has over you. You cannot hide a child for too long, so it's best your wife hears from you first.
    You however need to genuinely repent from the sin of adultery.

  55. Open up to your wife now you have the chance to before she finds out as she most definitely will. you guys can sort it together....she will be angry but if she loves you , together you'll find a way to deal with this rather than living in fear

  56. Playing Without Fire And Expect Not To Sweat?? Hmmm!! Oboy Dance In The Rain!!



  59. Guy kill her troway and have your life back.......................ALIWAHAB

  60. your long plik (prik-dick)don landment u for wahalacious eeyah pele u go soon learn yeye wen u dey cut yansh for inside car e dey sweet u eewww u lo get m for shame most women are devil in on g-string
    but wetin me go tell u be say if she realy dey tretin ur life abeg tell ur wife da truth b4 everthing get out of hand cos na she fit save u na devil we dey take pursue devil
    as linda dey talk

  61. I think u should just tell your wife everything because the truth can"t stay hidden for long no matter how you try to hide it.

  62. Lol..u caused it fr urself...u better take responsibility for it

  63. all i just want to say to you is "L😂L!!!" you love your wife but u slept with another woman more than once. One time i would have pitied you and called it a mistake. your wife should leave for real.

  64. Guy confess,tell ur wife,it may not go well but u will be free of guilt

  65. Serious Gobe..ill jst sit n read comments but wait ohh in ur case dont u enjoy sex wif ur wife...dats d fin with men

  66. Wen u were busy fornicating, didn't u knw de repercussion? De only advice 4u is 2 let ur wife knw wat's going on.

  67. When you were sleeping with a married woman, you did not seek permission,now you want us to advice you,oga na only you waka come so face your music,

  68. When you were sleeping with a married woman, you did not seek permission,now you want us to advice you,oga na only you waka come so face your music,

  69. When you were sleeping with a married woman, you did not seek permission,now you want us to advice you,oga na only you waka come so face your music,

  70. The only advice I av 4 u is to keep ur m'fuking dick in ur pants,wetin u cook don done so eat am...

  71. U are a big fool and useless man

  72. wahala dey well well but remember, thou shall no kill. This child is here to stay.

  73. 'O ti tu Ile agbon,o di dandan ki o rija oyin'.You have steered the hornet's nest.Just come clean with your wife.Except you want to do it the maffian way.

  74. Its obvious she is out to destroy ur marriage since she does not care abt hers anymore.

  75. Baba u don enter one chance.. LMAO


  76. Hmmm...tell ur wife d truth n prepare ur mind 4 d worst #mytwocents

  77. Contritely tell your wife the truth and plead for her forgiveness..... and, please, mean it.
    Then, with your wife on your side, let her bring on her rubbish.
    Be ready to take on the kid when it's born.
    She'll be the one to totally lose out through and through.
    Foolish woman.

  78. Bros u mumu gann....
    but the obvious soln is to tell her u want out now b4 is too late.

  79. OYO
    I guess she want to keep your baby.
    Find out why
    This will help u to tackle the issue

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE


  81. See gobe, serious predicament lol. Na wao, dunno what to say oooo hmmm

  82. hmmmm....don't no wat to say

    Cynthia Tasha

  83. You are an adventurous guy you are going to have an adventurous child it's a good experience, be a man that child is divine break the news to your wife

  84. Hahahahahaha! You should have kept your dick inside your pants if u love your wife as u claim. Wicked man!

  85. This your story get K leg ....nollywood film or Bollywood film ...jump and pass


  86. Tell your wife and be prepared to welcome your new bundle of joy into the world. If you don't fess up, the woman will blackmail you for the rest of your life.

  87. I will advice you to relocate with your family...

  88. This married women of nowadays they aint loyal at all. And the most funny thing is that they all have the same story line that their husband is not good enough, their husband does not have set with them. They force all of una to marry dis men? Yeye women. Dude learn from dis and also be guarantee that the same pain you curse d married man, you will also receive that pain, which is someone will fucking your wife soon and then u will realise if what is did is good or not.

  89. Report her to your priest.

  90. U in big mess don't know why u got urself involved in shit like dis dats y dey say when u play with fire u must surely get burnt dats for ur conscience to judge u everyday

  91. Well....I so wish i was sorry for you but i'm not. You should know that whatever has a beginning also has an end. Of which in a case like this it can never be a good one. There is really nothing you can do. Both your spouses didnt know you were both cheating so hey!!!! this is what we call GOBE. Just hope your relationship doesnt crumble after this tho.

  92. See gobe ..better shop off your john Thomas ..unprotected sex???? ..are u not afraid of infection or HIV??

  93. story for the gods. ur prick no wan stick to ur wives own naw you have endes up causing a mess. dnt just knw why men and women of this days cannot be faithful to their partner. that woman is a devil and I will advise you to tell ur wife what happened. you are even so shameless to sleep with a married woman even in ur car. After this one. whenever you see a married woman and ur dick is about to rise, you will beat it and say man respect ur self. so my final advice is to tell ur wife the earlier the better. as for the devil incarnate. settle with her but dnt marry her unless she is ready to be a second wife. and let her not live in the same house with ur real wife so she wont poison them or bring confusion cos some women are more wicked than the devil . oya mr ife nsoli carry ur cross. linda make sure you post this.

  94. And you think LIB is the place to come to for the solution.? Your stupidity is of. Advanced extraterrestial proportions! I am speechless as to how idiotic u are. Congrats on ur new baby...

  95. See gobe u ar in trouble, officially u av to 2 wives. Tie ti ba e.

  96. Since you are an adult, you have to own up to your actions and face the consequences of your sexual escapes.

  97. Since you are an adult, you have to own up to your actions and face the consequences of your sexual escapes.

  98. Since you are an adult, you have to own up to your actions and face the consequences of your sexual escapes.

  99. U better tell ur wife now so she ll stand by you. People make mistakes but u shud neva be blackmailed by anyone. Though its not easy but that's the logical way out here bro.

  100. What u did was disgusting and u deserve whatever u get out ìt. Ur type of men are d reasons why women generalise that men are cheats. That aside, I have a feeling the pregnancy may not even be yours or she may not be pregnant even. Are u telling me she didn't sleep with her husband thu same period? I advise u take her to an hosp to confirm d pregnancy and then tell her u will go paternity test after the child is born. U will also need to tell ur wife. Whether ur life will be a hell in the hands of the strange woman depends on ur wife.

  101. You Berra pack out of that hood.but you sef,twice in the car!!!!#redeye

  102. You don't love your wife, you are just afraid of being alone. If you loved her you wouldn't have cheated on her 5 times, once would have being considered a mistake but 5 is just foolishness! You deserve whatever is coming your way! I just sincerely hope you ain't got kids!

  103. that one Na gone oooooo, truly if u love ur wife nothing can tempt u cos u will make her d most beautiful Lady on earth. one thing leads to another thing which leads to sex(unprotected) cos u feel d excited , one thing don lead to another as a result of ur lustful act. u gave out money to kill an innocent soul(baby) hmmmm may God forgive u. wat if I d lady dies along f process? or u contacted aids hmmm definitely ur wife will share in ur problem. my advice is to find a way to accommodate her and earlier u inform ur wife. May God help u

  104. Condom is not DAT expensively. Awww shoki

  105. This gobe dey very serious, i don't evn knw wot to say. Hold on make i think, will get bk to u.

  106. You have missed it!

  107. U are a greedy fool! Did u call us when u were parting her legs? Bear the consequences abeg. Oniranu! Alai ni te lorun

  108. Oga park well! What kinda advise do you need? You aren't a baby, you slept with her without protection not just once, what were you expecting? Please don't cover one sin with a larger one, get to meet the woman, visit the hospital together so u will be sure she is pregnant, invite elderly people from your family if possible your wife' too, tell your wife about it, letting her know you don't intend and will never marry another wife, just for your baby. Honestly this may be very difficult and so many people will never buy my idea, but it's better u sort it out now, than allow the woman make your life a living hell. Sorry bro shit happens. Cheers

  109. Kasala don bust for you. Without deceiving you, you don get second wife. Weather legally or illegally. Oniranu onisekuse agbalagba.
    ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  110. Abeg my people. ..lets help dis man....his bafana bafana has implicated him.

    #ihe di na skirt..

  111. You fucked up big time why did you not use condom...if you love your wife you will not have slept with the woman but the best thing is to sit your wife down and explain things to her but I pray she understand,men and their wahala

  112. U don buy market!!! Probably sees you as being more comfortable than the husband. U go turn ATM, shior. Wetin u find reach married woman pant sef? I think you should call her bluff though. Alternatively, confess to your wife before the matter blows open. Good luck.

  113. She's evil,eventhough u didn't do right either! I'd advice u relocate sharply!

  114. You gave lift you dey happy okay now till the day carry bird wey dey turn human being Lol. @YachamBulus

  115. my brother,try and face it like a man ok..

  116. So what should we now do for u Mr man. Pls kill yaself!

  117. You go carry ur cross be dat oo...nxt time u go behave whn u see woman, sorry for ur wife

  118. May God hv mercy on you.

  119. its tough but talk to your wife asap

  120. Tell your wife. She will skin you and probably feed your balls and scalp to vultures but its what it is. If you can't do the time don't do the crime. By the way, natural says, you fuck someone else's wife and sometime down the line your wife will be fucked.

  121. U've let d cob Web fell on ya head...
    u gotta get ready to face it's predicaments, buh why on earth should u sleep with aarrived woman? She's not even a Nigerian... If I'm u I'll go change location and contact information, depending on d info she got about you.

  122. I think you need to keep this as low key as possible, money might not always be the solution

  123. Start buying Pampers Lol. And start saving for School Fees too you Male Bitch!! Shebi you wan fuck abi? Lmao!

  124. You love your wife but your dick could not stick to her hole. Asswipe, it's time to deal with your mess. I only pity the innocent woman you kept at home.

  125. Guy you have cheated on ur wife not just ones but on different occasions with a married woman. Now that she has refused to terminate the pregnancy u also avoid her at once there's nothing she can do but go ask God for forgiveness. This days most married women are hell of a trouble mostly when u ve a car.

  126. You need advise? Well, you are already in hot soup

  127. Hmmmm story dat touch, I guess it's time to pay for ur sins, just tell ur wife d truth n if she luvs u she will forgive u. Pls don't allow a desperate woman break ur home, be wise.

  128. Linda abeg publish my comment. This' the first time am commenting on this blog though an ardent reader. I just feel I have to say something to this asswipe that can't keep it in his trouser or better still in his wife's hole. Whatever happened to the use of CDs. I wonder

  129. Hmmmm stories dat touch, I guess it's time to pay for ur sins, just tell ur wife d truth n if she luvs u she will forgive u. Pls don't allow a desperate woman break ur home, be wise.

  130. Tel ur Wife the truth! Bt b4 u do dat go and meet a man of God that can help u tell ur wife, I believe she wil 4give u.

  131. Talk to ur wife abt it so she gets to hr it frm u

  132. Confess to your wife and beg her for forgiveness. Tell her u will never do it again. Also pray to God to intervene in d mata. Good luck

  133. U better sit ur wife down and confess to her b4 its too late

    #######LIB MY BADT HABIT#######


  135. Hahahahaha I hope she is not Akata,I f she is you are finished .

  136. U have made ur bed so lie on it.... Original GOBE!!!!

  137. mehn had a dinner date with the devil. if you have an understanding wife guess you should talk it out with her. marriage is for better for worse, that was your worse.

  138. I am not married or anything like dt. But hunnay u hve to do everything in your power to save your marriage. Even if its to move out ur house and. Change locations chnge ur number as soon as possible. but b4 dt. Handle her beg her or wat so ever. Promise her d love shes askn 4 til u cn get a hold of it, say nothg to d wife ur family is your life now dont mess dt up. Finally pray to God cs ur sh*t jus got real boo boo. Tammy

  139. you're a very stupid man. u knew what you were getting into from d very time u guys exchange numbers.

    B.E.S.T say so

    Oya Linda my Love post my comment before I slap ur yarns.

  140. wow...I finally get to comment on Linda's blog after much try, now I have to be screened.

  141. Gud for u. Dat tin wey u look for go another married woman skirt wey ur wife no fit give u don catch u.

  142. This is disastrous. My advice for u is dat u should confess to ur wife about it if u truly love her because it will be worse if she finds out from her. u also need to pray about it. But really u shouldnt ve done it in d first place.

  143. u even knew, u both were married...u deserve good cane..however as ur wife she deserves to know derz nufin u can do abt it...tell her dat way d oda lady will stp d blackmail buh if you need good advice visit since linda dosent give any visit sdk blog n send her a mail..she wil post it immediately dont xpct her to pamper d matter she might b rude buh will tell u wat to do

  144. Wow u in 1 deep shit brother
    When a woman wants u, its only jesus dt can save you o
    I tink the best option is to tell ur wife no matter how hard it is, shes the only one that can help u fight her off,
    My 2 cents

  145. Secretly relocate to anoda location, say nothing and explain nothing. Second option If u are an actor I say play by d books, don't let her locate ur fears, play like ur wife is aware, and trick her into having a chat wth ur wife, she will care....u also go to her house and play like u want to have a chat wth d husband, u bring her walls down....gv no mini let her fix herself, afta all two played d game.

  146. story for the gods...
    when u dey do u no know?

  147. Think its time you have "the talk" with your wife before the other woman informs her....

  148. Tell your wife before it becomes much more disastrous.

  149. okro soup nr reach u, u sy u wn drink pepper soup join. Oya na

  150. this kind of stupid story make me is bad enough that you committed adultery,that you did unprotected underscores the fact that you are most irresponsible and deserve whatever you get and the least should be the crashing of your marriage STUPID MAN.

  151. Trust me, she's not pregnant. Just ignore her. Try and be faithful to ur wife. If she insists, tell her u will report her to her hubby. M

  152. You where not able to control your cock, so your cock controls you now. Have fun Mr fucker

  153. Mumu you should have given her the 40k instead of sleeping with her..#brokenmarriagevows#

  154. Small pikin wey kill elephant.... Suppose know how to chop am.... .

    I'm out..

  155. Just go straight and tell ur wife wat has happened.

  156. Small pikin wey kill elephant.... Suppose know how to chop am.... .

    I'm out..

  157. bruh u don enter one chance......

  158. My dear I won't bother going all out 2 condemn u but I'd rather u pray 2 God for forgiveness and find d courage 2 confess 2 ur wife d deed is done and can't be undone. But u really messed up

  159. U're an infidel so face it

  160. This 1na serious gobe. All i can say is "RUN TO GOD"

  161. Have you been to her house to know if she is married as she told you. ..

  162. This is wat we call gbege

  163. This is what igbo people will call..... "iriba go motor n'di oshi"!!!!!! lol

  164. I feel your pain and I refuse to trade blames. I think you should ignore her for a while, she's trying to blackmail you. If situation gets worse, just tell your wife and pray she doesn't leave you cos this matter is complicated. If your not a gentle man, there are other razz ways to handle this without letting ur wife know...I swear when your done with her, she will run away from Nigeria. She's wicked and should be treated in a wicked way. Think man!!! Think...

  165. Y r u bodering us with your problem....wen u started dis Sinful affair did u come here ask for advice? wen slept wif her ova nd ova again did u ask for advise wen u should hav used your common sense....u beta dance 2 ur music....nd face d consequences......d only person I pity is your Wife....

  166. face it, tell ur wife or back it, run away to another state n change ur number....gbam!
    oluseyi oludipe

  167. ehh ohh big trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  168. nigga,tell ur wife mehn. plead with her. she might forgive yo ass.

  169. nigga,tell ur wife mehn. she might forgive yo ass

  170. How cud you cheat in your wife in the first place and How you say you love her.
    bro, if you really loved her you shudnt have cheated. so now you have, bear the consequence.
    I'll advice you to tell your wife about this instead of keeping it as a secret coz it would surely come out clear someday and am sure you wudnt like if sum1else told your wife first, so tell her and ask for forgiveness and it she really loves you and still wants you,she'll forgive you.
    but pls don't try this ever again.

  171. You don jam oyinbo lepete.... Men learn to control your dick... Women are temptation!!!!

  172. U hv to come clean wiv ur wife

  173. Now wat do u want us to tell u? Okk here's the truth, keep d baby!!! Face ur shame nd let d baby serve as a reminder for ur infidelity mayb next u wil think bfor u act or Prolly abstain

  174. See gobe, Omo see gobe eh!

  175. Did u ask for advise before u slept with her? If we advise you, you'll become sensible. You dont need any advise. Carry your load Fam!

  176. This was inspired by the late veteran broadcaster Chaz-B.

    Listen to lady.mp3 by user753119877 #np on #SoundCloud

  177. I think best thing you should do is invite her for discuss and make her see reasons why both family should not know about it but if she pressed harder, please tell your wife first before she does so. But the issue of abortion, am not okay with that.

  178. Sorry. You made your bed. Now lie on it.

  179. Guy if na chris jenner you go tell us ?

  180. e nor na ofe...... ofe nsala

  181. Confess to your wife. Its going to be difficult but that is the right thing to do. Ask God for forgiveness and also to help your wife forgive you.

  182. Tell ur wife everytin she will understand rather than her finding out. Cos soon dan later she will.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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