Religion/Mumugiousity’ - by Charly Boy | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 17 October 2014

Religion/Mumugiousity’ - by Charly Boy

Article written by Charly Boy...enjoy!
For starters, don't pick up the dictionary to lookup ‘Mumugiousity’, I coined it myself but you go soon grab weytin I wan yarn.
As I approach this topic I want to be careful so readers don't get the whole essence of this write up, twisted. E no dey hard some people. Religion is a touchy subject for a lot of people and in my household it is generally not considered "polite conversation."

For some, an attack on religion is an attack on their god or gods. I only wish to put down certain points or aspects of organized religion I’m not comfortable with, I am not questioning anyone's belief in a personal god. 

In Nigeria, religion has helped us to remain sane or else we all for donkolowith the way our environment is stifling us. Religion can give people a sense of community and make people feel welcomed.  But life is never that simple sha. Kai! Oh lord.

In Nigeria especially, religion has turned a lot of my people into MUMU's.  Instead of learning to discern truth on their own and formulate their own mindset, they're told how to think. These are the people engaged in ‘Mumugiousity’. For them Religion has turned them into group soul's, sheep, cows and goat with their Shepherd as their pastors, who have erased their trust in their own intellect and gradually convinced them to put their trust in them(pastors) as the only true men of god, convincing them that without them they would be lost. Hummmm! They fall for this like very poor people would fall for a bag of rice. Odikwarisky…

You have become ‘mumurized’ when you can forgo the little intelligence you have and on top of all that, you become a hypocrite. Religion is filling mumupeople with fear; it is one of the main reasons why mumu people are afraid of living. And when I say ‘living’ I don’t mean just surviving. To survive is one thing, even stones do that, but to live is a completely different thing. To live means to be sensitive, it means to feel, to grow, to discover your potential and achieve to higher states of being each and every moment. These days nothing happens without it being remote controlled from the village, someone must have sent it, there are more demons waiting to destroy us, chineke God are you there?

Once you are a religious mumu you will not tolerate religious ideologies that are different from the one you follow. This is why you can see religious mumupeople fighting nonreligious ones.

To identify with a religious ideology, and call it the only truth and way, leads to tremendously negative consequences – hatred, tribalism and all kinds of violence. Just think of how many wars have been carried out throughout history by some mumu's in the name of God and religion.Abegi!
To live means to learn and life is a continuous lesson. When, however, you grow into ‘mumuship’, conditioned to believe what is right and wrong according to religion, and told that to doubt religion means to go to hell, naturally you become afraid of seeking true knowledge. You stop searching to find the truth, to learn, and hence to grow as a human being. You can't believe how many of us have stopped growing…Millions.

To blindly follow any ideology without asking questions simply means to restrict your perception, suppress yourself, and live in hypocrisy — in other words, to live in suffering and misery.

Many mumu people choose to follow, even though they suffer from this choice, simply because religion frees them from personal responsibility. To live spontaneously one has to take responsibility for oneself, and this is certainly painful. Life is made of choices, and to make the right choice is not always easy. So ‘mumu’ people prefer not to choose for themselves, but to have others choose for them. They prefer to walk on paths made by others, instead of creating their own path. But unless we stop having some of these wayopeople telling these mumupeople what to do or what not to do, some of us will never be free. And unless we are free, we will never be happy and peaceful.

Yes, you can have a personal relationship with God starting with giving love to your neighbour, just don't let some masquerades turn you and your life to ‘Mumugiousity’. Fire burn dem.


  1. This old Man don come again.
    ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  2. I never thought i will ever agree with anything that comes out of the mouth of CHARLY BOY. I do not know if it was the ganja or the daaadaa or the piercings but on thing for sure is what he is saying is very TRUE.
    I will watch this comments section and am sure one of the MUMU's will attack this man for been able to say something sane.

  3. finalky somebody has dis same mindset as mine. our pple has become so stupid and foolish in d name of religion.

  4. True talk...I don't always agree with Area Fada but he hit the nail right on the head!

  5. Am tired of this guy already
    Lily abeg tell him to go sleep


  6. true talk
    the so called men of God hav twisted the bible to benefit their way of life

    1. why do people get crazy when they hear that a man of GOD Is rich kai. if you dont know the bible please go to bible school. listen and learn, those days, there is a gate called the eyes of a needle because is very low to the extent that the camel which was a means of transportation then could not pass freely unless the load its carried were offloaded and it will now bend down and cross to the other side for it to be reloaded. the bible is saying its difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle meaning that gate, so any rich man that will make heaven must bend like the camel meaning humble yourself and offload pride and any sin that i besetting you. understand?

  7. mtcheew,wot type of article is

  8. Preach sir!!!

    We should open our eyes o. Many people don't serve God but their religion and prophets.


  9. Nice one,wel done sir.

  10. Nice piece, but its quite unfortunate many Nigerians are so high on this opium of religion. After facing the harsh economic condition, they turn to religion for some sort of solace.
    Where they end up robbed of the little they have.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  11. Gbam! Imagine d shock when bonario started defending gays cos he's Catholic pope defended them..same bonario that was in total support of d 14yrs anti gay bill,saying malicious stuff bout gays.... Religious leaders brain washing Nigerians since 1867

    1. Get over your gay arse already

    2. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    3. And the truth shall set you free
      The plank in the eye it's easy to attack others when we are yet imperfect ourselves.

    4. Onyx I really do like you..but I just readin the bible that homosexuality is a great sin..I believe u need deliverance

  12. He just spoke my mind.

  13. U dis confuse man again! Instead of u followin d footstep of ur father, u r here sayin nonsense. Mtcheeeeeew.....

  14. this is the most stupid write up i have ever seen

  15. Fake Shepherds like d President of 'CAN of Worms' OritsejaFALL hahahahahahah Thieves in Robes lol

  16. Mumu calling others Mumu, ode oshi

  17. He's truly right religion has blinded so many people that fear now has become their watchword but Jesus Christ only is the way, the truth and the life

  18. this great Area fada... ‘Mumugiousity’ nice article

  19. I have always been dismissive of Charly Boy and his antics but this article just confirms that beneath all that facade of restlessness lies a mind that's truly deep. Nigerians'll truly be happy and fulfilled the day they begin to think for themselves. The present charade where some people live like the minds God gave them is a bad imitation while those of their religious leaders is approved/authentic is pure balder....
    Charly is so on point!

  20. Hahahahaha.. Very interesting and its making sense real good *Flora*

  21. For the 1st time charly boy is making sense. Pastors re now demi gods. Pastors 1st before God. That's how someone said to me the other day "God of Adeboye" nd the other one that's always seeing false vision didn't see in his trance when his church will collapse. Shame on u hypocrites. Let thy conscience be thy judge.

  22. come on Charly! you already sound like a non-religious bigoted zealot when you call other people "mumu" because of their faith. being exceptionally open minded also has it pitfalls especially for youths who can be mislead by t.v. and movies which have a tendency of popularising secular silliness.

  23. Charlie, U will never cease to amaze me, what did you smoke this time.
    But you make small sense shaaaa.....

  24. Charlie boy doesn't know he's d greatest mumu of all time. A bad influence to d younger generation. Only the fool can take your advise. Baba agwaya!

  25. I totally agree with Charlie boy on this, however, the kind of freedom that comes out of being responsible for your life choices and consequences can only be attained by a mind that is free from prejudice. You need to understand that majority of us have been conditioned in many ways by the society, and we never want to challenge these rules as they always come with some very bad consequences. It's called psychology of fear, this is what all these religious people capitalize on, it baffles me how people can lie and deceive people in Gods name. I have since come to the conclusion that all these so called men of God must be psychopaths. As long as people have challenges, these guys will never go out of business, the more challenging the environment the more profitable their business. That's why they do better in 3rd world countries, you can leave in Europe all your life and never need a man of God ( modernized baba alawo)

  26. I am not going to bother reading this post.

    But I have to say that God has given man freewill.

    He can use so wisely or not. The end will definitely tell.

    And my Bible tells me: Do not forgo the gathering of one another.


  27. This article is "mainly" for the Animals that call themselves Muslims that are Mumu pple that fight for their so called god by beheading and killing pple and disrespecting women like their animal leader called "mohammed" did......And it's slightly for xtains too that is always like "my pastor says" "pastor says"... without using their Brain............Religion has caused more harm than good.....May God help us all to think right, Lovely write up charly boy! *thumb up*

    1. This goes to show how myopic your thought is!
      As a matter of fact, you as an individual is worse than the boko Haram.

      Charly boy never mentioned any religion in particular, why call names? As far as am concerned religion has turned human into something else and they tend to go extra miles just to prove that theirs is the best!
      For starters the Christians who see his fellow christian as a sinner simply because he doesn't attend same church as him and believe in same doctrine as him is no different from those Muslim you mentioned. condemning a fellow christian to hell already isn't it worse that beheading a fellow human? You had better get you head straight and stop living in your world of illusion!!

  28. U making sense bro charles

  29. This baba must get attention sha.

  30. Baba the Mumus will abuse you but you have spoken the truth and nothing but the truth.

  31. fair enough, he has some meaningful points, but just sounds lost and naive in other part of the write up

  32. thank you sir for pointing this out. your words are not only written for Nigerian's but the world in general.Too much religious war and hypocrisy. if any man want to practice serving any god. please start by being good to your neighbor.

  33. This is one beautiful write up...Religious fanatics have been so brainwashed that they are so scared to question even the illogical things they are asked to do all in the name of religion and fear of the threat of eternal damnation...I don't want to state my thoughts on religion here because some fanatics will definitely come for my head screaming the word "blasphemy".

  34. This is one beautiful write up...Religious fanatics have been so brainwashed that they are so scared of questioning even the illogical things they are asked to do all in the name of religion and fear of the threat of eternal damnation...I don't want to state my thoughts on religion here because some fanatics will definitely come for my head screaming the word "blasphemy".

  35. Hahahaha.......he has done it again. Well no matter how many articles u write on wisdom, a lot of ppl MUST continue to be mumus and will be led by any tin DAT claims to come from God. D bible teaches us DAT ppl will continue to be mumus and wisdom concerning the time of God is not for all.

  36. Linda never talk true about her friendship with Charley Boy. Why she always give him the chance to corrupt our mind with his unholy words is what I don't know. Or maybe she is his follower. Mitchewww!

  37. i no understnd jack.. abeg linda summarize i tey God beg u. #yawns

  38. Charlie boy, you should be making peace with God by now. Don't be deceived, my brother. The only way to God is through his son Jesus.

  39. Area fada God will continue to upgrade your wisdom as you continue to speak the truth to every one of us and more especially to our lost brothers and sisters who are in spiritually in captive by the so called men of gods.

  40. Pls can someone summarise dis

  41. Nt a fan of urs but i angry wit u perfectly,,dis has gone beyond religious differences to church differences,blieving in ur pastor as ur saviour instead of ur Almighty God#ignorance...#@shery parker

  42. The mumugiosity of some mumus make them more mumus than the people they are trying to cure their mumurism.

  43. Bulls eye!!! God bless you good sir!

  44. Charlyman this your write up is a very calculated and sublime article capable of supporting free thinkers which at the end of the day will lead the weak in spirit to the waiting line of those unconsciously bound to hell. It is not a good write up and coming from someone like you who says his virgins communicate with the angels then i can categorically state that you are gradually loosing your sanity. It will do you a lot of good to try and seek psychiatric help.

  45. We don hear,thing is we r all under d control of somtin/som1 but I prefer 2 b under d mumugiousity of a pastor dan d mumugiousity of d legions of demons controlling u

  46. Thank you for this writeup Mr. Charly, but no matter what you write or say mumupeople will never change.

  47. Before now, i always taught of you as wierd, but believe me you have said something that is nothing but true, Religion has enslaved most people in our generation, it's just unfortunate.

  48. U even look like a mumu ursef.attention freak#yimu#

  49. Some mumus will not see this write up an learn or say the truth. Charly is right some Mumus will never learn. Religion has turn so many people to minus.

  50. when you publicly call people you have never met "mumu" you will end up sounding like one. if you don't fancy religion fine, but don't call out those who practise it because from their point of view it helps them keep their sh@t together. most of these mumus make valuable contributions to the less fortunate and the disabled. religion can equally boast of transforming addicts, criminals, wild characters and horrible people into new creatures.

  51. " You
    stop searching to find the truth"what is truth?no one ever ask his mum or dad to bring them forth.find who hav in mind for u exist.find ur purpose in life and live,not for urself but for purpose u were created and one who creates you

  52. Thump up for dis article, Charly you're spoken many people's will still follow mumugiousity pls guys wise up don't let anybody deceive me you in d name of God, Almighty God is everywhere, call him and he will answer you

  53. Religion is d opium of the poor masses:so said Joseph stalin. We av allowed religion to blind us in dis countri. We choose to follo all these fake who are lookin for money @ d expense of God. Kp up d good wrks Fada! Gbam!

  54. Religion is d opium of the poor masses:so said Joseph stalin. We av allowed religion to blind us in dis countri. We choose to follo all these fake who are lookin for money @ d expense of God. Kp up d good wrks Fada! Gbam!

  55. Linda pls stop uploading comments with poor sentence construction..... orisirisi blunders....thump up#loool#

    1. I wish its not late for Linda to upload this my own
      I wish u'll pick out the log in your eyes before picking out the little one in another's......What is thump up??? bikonu

  56. Charlie! You no say I no be fool ooo,I don hear,I don in ma brian.

  57. Initially, he sounded more like an agnostics untill d last part dat av him acknowledged God.

  58. hmmm....true talk,the fact is Nigerians don't like to think and take responsibility for themselves...i think they find it easier to blame one old woman in their village or one non existant witch for their charly boi, this proves ur not a total waste....some of the "mumus" are alredi showing demselves. NIGERIANS LEARN TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES, jesus said he is the way, not your pastor or bishop...Gbam..

  59. area fada true talk jaree, d mumus don dey attack u already

  60. Charly boy (boy???) has a huge Baphomet tatoo(look this up) on his chest, and he's only doing the work of his master d devil.
    This sly.., open ur mind... Free urself to new possibilities.... carve ur own path... mantra, is not new. Eve started it in the garden, and look where it got her (and us), new age people hv repackaged it into different titles, and now, Charly boy is setting the stage for new converts here.
    He who pays d piper dictates the tune. Look at Charly boy from head to toe, what tune is he dancing to?? What path is he on? And how many of u want your children to follow that same path.
    The devil is truly sly. No good can come of rebellion. Be alert.

  61. I see religion as another way of life just like CULTURE. Ability to learning to discern
    truth on their own and formulate their own mindset is why we are made human and back it up with d religious books. But some pple have taken religion FIRST frgetin why they are givin wisdom nd knowlegde to make way fr themselves not to talk of why they are giving EDUCATION..critically talkin MOST of them are hypocrites.

  62. These are kind of atricles I like seeing. From many xtians these days you don't hear things like God said or the bible said but my pastor said. Keep exposing the oloribruku pastors and removing the wool in the eyes of the fanatic & unsuspecting xtians of our time!

  63. When the demons expelled by Jesus shouted ' this is the Son of God', Jesus told them to shut up. Reason is because it wasn't proper for people to hear from the mouth of demons that Jesus was the Son of God though that was true. What Charley Boy has said is the TRUTH. The only thing wrong here is the PERSON saying the truth. Charley Boy also needs to 'FORMAT' his life so that he ceases from been an esoteric 'MUMU'.

  64. Charley is really correct...

    Please if you want to make Good income outside your normal monthly salary, please visit this link.Thanks linda

  65. Charley is right to some extend...

    Please if you want to be making an extra income weekly outside your normal monthly salary, please visit this site.Thanks linda

  66. this one make sense

  67. When the demons expelled by Jesus shouted "this man is the Son of God, the bible tells us that Jesus told them to shut up. The reason is because Jesus would not accept a complement from the demons albeit the truth. What Charley Boy ha said in this article is the Truth, kudos to him. However, what I find wrong here is the demented mind mind speaking this truth! Charley Boy should 'FORMAT' his life so that he too can in his words stop 'existing' and start 'living'

  68. this one make sense

  69. i have taken my time to read the comment of some of us and i laughed at the feeble mindset some of us have. if you take a close look at his closing remark " you can have a personal relationship with God starting with giving love to your neighbour, just don't let some masquerades turn you and your life to ‘Mumugiousity’. Fire burn dem". YOU will notice that he careful the way he used small letter(g) to describe god and gods meaning that he was talking about idols and later he used G for GOD, meaning he recognised the fact that there is an almighty GOD. He also said that we should start by giving love to our neighbours, which is to show that he has an idea of what the bible says. Now ask yourself, would you prefer to select the word of God that makes you feel GOOD and reject the one that corrects you when you go wrong?. my brothers and sisters this your so called area fada is trying to sell free mason to you. the bible says least the devil take advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices. it is true we have many fake pastors and prophet, likewise we have fake alfas, fake native doctors, fake medical doctors, ghost workers, its everywhere but GOD has giving his children the spirit of discernment to test the spirit and know if its of GOD. It is also mumu people that think everyone that is into one religion or the other is hungry. lol, haven't you seen or heard of rich people in the house of God that are not pastors and even some that prospered after giving there life to God. you have not received because you dont believe and how would believed if you have not been preached to. JUST AS YOU THINK PASTORS DECEIVE YOU, ALSO HAVE IT AT THE BACK OF YOUR MIND THAT ITS POSSIBLE THAT THIS MAN TOO MAY BE DERAILING YOU.

  70. There is a huge gap between stimuli and response.

    When i read this beginning of this article i saw the fact that charlie boy hinted that the religious will condemn him for this article. He didn't pick on anyone, for you to react with so much pulse to his words, it simply means you are the subject he his referring to without him knowing before now, its a strategic way to get you to identify yourself.

    Charlie Boy is simply saying God is not in the church, neither in the mosque nor the temple or religion. God is in in your heart.

    You will not be judged by anything else but by your works that dwells in your heart.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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