Must Read! Abubakar Shekau: Nine Lives Or Nine Liars | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 3 October 2014

Must Read! Abubakar Shekau: Nine Lives Or Nine Liars

Article below written by Dr. Peregrino Brimah of Read below...
So long as the Francophone media is bent on dragging Nigeria to its begging knees, Shekau will never die. The controversy on the death of Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau is one that is entirely manufactured by Globalist media. It is nothing less than media terrorism by the desperate colonialists. But these globalist media cannot be solely blamed.
It is us who have Boko Haram sponsors in the Presidency and as our army Chiefs after all. Protected, supported and paid with billions by our President. We have no credibility and as long as this nation keeps such clueless and adamantly wicked men at its helm, the globalist media will continue to disgrace and terrorize us and will keep Shekau immortal.

The globalist media has stubbornly insisted on denying the fact that we have killed two of the very Shekaus they have themselves shown in videos as the actual person. They pretend not to notice the very different people who all impersonate Shekau in the many videos they release as a singular person, but when we kill these very people they just publicized then they say it wasn’t him and push out the next available video of another of his impersonators, gleefully, as soon as Boko Haram sells it to them.

The latest bump-head Shekau we killed has been promoted by them on many occasions as the one and only Shekau. Now they are releasing video of droopy left lip, almond eye Shekau. The minute we kill this one again, they will bring out the next and the next, in frank terrorism and with an ultimate plan to frustrate Nigeria into submission for foreign complete invasion and destruction as was done to Libya; thanks to our participant, wealth blinded, terrible leadership.

It is ironic that in 2011 when America “killed” Osama who we all know was already dead since 2001, and never showed us even a single picture of his dead body, none of these very media questioned the blatant lies. But now they invest heavily in giving our Shekau nine lives.

It’s not their fault; it is our fault for electing leaders with no shoes because we were colonially battered into a dumb foreign tribalist culture. With our President who scores world worsts every time, recently of note, doing abominable things like using the #BringBackGoodluck” slogan, how will they ever fear and respect us? After all, when late President Umaru Yar’Adua killed Mohammed Yusuf, the actual Boko Haram leader believed and touted to be immortal, dem no born any globalist media well (translated: No media had the guts) to broadcast video’s of his aspiring impersonators.

A little time, 2015 or 2019, this will all be over. #VictoryForNigeria. We stand by our Civilian-JTF and active soldiers, those engaged in the battle front, not the morbidly obese, cash bloated, Abuja barrack land usurping Boko Haram sponsor Army ogas at the top.

Dr. Peregrino Brimah; [Every Nigerian Do Something] Email: Twitter: @EveryNigerian


  1. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Who read make him summarise am for me.....

    1. But if na Monday Giveaway,you will read through and comment 20x.

    2. Could be different facial expression... But the thick lip and oblong head really obvoius tho

  2. Dis man again? He shud just go and fuck himself.


    1. This guy sounds so political Abeg... Story got the gods #2015ishere

  3. Well, its really weird that they have so many impersonators, these people do not want education in the society but they seem educated, I don't believe that illierates can gather and do what they have been doing, its not about killing the leader, they should kill more of his followers! This political game needs to end, the whole thing is just pathetic

  4. Hmmmm this is an explosive one.
    It takes so much guts to put down a piece like this.
    I pray they don't go Amaechi on you.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  5. interesting and i tow his line of reasoning, sentiments shared....

  6. Ndi aru na ekwe country ndo nu

  7. The head and lips tho to me seem different as predicted

  8. Mtcheeeew

  9. Nice piece.He is on point.This people (BH) are just playing with our heads ni.I stronged believed the real Shekau and the impostor are dead. Nigeria Army is working

    1. This shekau sef, if he is dead or not e no concern me, the terrorism should stop...

  10. Very trye, d western world wants to rule d world @ all cost! Those faces are different though they look alike. So d defence HQs was right after all dat Shekau was dead. Dats how dey came to our country wit their satelliites but couldn't locate d girls in Sambisa forest when people were clamouring 4 foreign intervention. D end of Boko Haram is near!

  11. 1st to comment @ferdcrisx

  12. 1st to comment @ferdcrisx

  13. Eh!!! this took guts!! As in this is worse than calling someone "controversial", this is calling into question the qualities and competence of our leader. He even called out America! This took guts and if more of our journalists took the bull by the horn maybe our fight for a better Nigeria would have seen fruition.

    1. You fit start this kind journalism na... Trust me you be locked up in the forgotten cell at okoh federal prison...

  14. Pls among the two pics which of them is late and who is alive?

  15. Well said. But as asari dokubo has said, it is 'mandated' for our president to have eight uninterrupted years of power (not authority).


    1. What have you even said? Do you make sense to yourself?

  16. Hear hear, words that enlighten. An endless cycle of conspiracy and lies... @chukarrh on instagram and twitter

  17. We must stay strong #deeparticle

  18. President Good luck Jonathan is in trouble. Every problem in this country, they must involve the President. Why nah? It's not fair o. The guy is really trying but some of us that are bent on taking him out of office will never see dat. Nigeria we hail thee!!!

  19. you spoke my mind. God bless you sir

    1. Ah ah... All this things been dey your mind.... #yimu

  20. Media sells , readers believes one cares to research more on the matter ..That's the root of all this

  21. hmmm..... indeed an eye opener!!! God will help this nation !!!

  22. Nawa o....buh wait the first place the pilot of a̶̲̥̅̊. Jet shot down nd burnt escaped without any scar nd it gt missing september...nd his face z clean lyk țħåț...mtcheww

  23. Na them sabi...make all this politicians all die so we go know the way forward.... I don tire for them we can teach or show people coming behing us how things are done aba.....boko fire....ayomide

  24. A well written master piece to put end the Boko Haram Controversy....
    The reality of the matter is that Abubakar Shekau is long dead.He was killed like a mere rat by the Nigerian Army, few weeks ago. He his presently swimming in the lake of fire with so much pain that cannot put in to words. The name is now been used as a "TITLE" showing that the boko haram has elected a new leader. One thing for sure is this "Everything that has a Beginning surely has an End. The federal has already mentioned it that it a now a crime to inherit such title. For the title is for the futile ignorant myopic animals called "BOKO HARAM"...

  25. You are right about most of the things you pointed out but you should understand that the two pictures there is the same person. Its also true that Osama died a long time ago. Benazir Bhutto said it and they killed her. These people just want it to continue like you pointed out but you shouldn't insult the president.

    1. is it dat u dont see? how can u say the two pictures are the same. pls go wash your face and come back

  26. Well what can I say!

  27. Well done Dr. Peregrino Brimah. Both pictures are obviously of different people. Let them keep bringing more Shekau pictures!

  28. Men, this guys are original fakers!!!


  29. Nonsense article

  30. I know for sure that the devil Shekau is dead he in-fact died a long time ago. Now Mr writer, must we blame Mr President for everything???!!! Must we???!!! Soon when your wife refuse you sex you will blame GEJ! Did APC aka angry peoples congress put you up to this? You all have failed because he who God is with the world can't be against. GEJ till 2015! If you don't like it GO AND DIE! ( in oshomole voice )

  31. This list is HILARIOUS! Oblong head vs Fat head! Loooool!! Arrow head nose lolz. But it describes perfectly that the two men are different. You can't fool all of the people all of the time.


  32. There's some truth about this guy's article, but God have mercy on my country Nigeria.

  33. Dr. Peregrino Brimah or what ever your called let me ask you a very simple question I know you will ignore it or linda might not post it, do you remember matasina ? Or you have short memory of Hausa Fulani lies and terrorism? The truth of the matter is that boko haram is Hausa Fulani ideology and can never be defeated just like it's father Islam can not be defeated via arms or peace so is boko haram which is just slogan because the real holy war began century ago with this people. He who do not know his history will go against his ancestors Hausa Fulani knows their history they do not go against their ancestors who re jihadist and holy war machine, from uthman dan fodio to belewa to shakau the empir is violent inclined. And who told you killing a terrorist or ideology pilot is eliminating it ? Did the killing of hitler end racism or facisim ? Or did the death of yusuf stop shakau from emerging ? The British forced people who re not meant to be to whether together and this is the result. The worst is around the corner when their fellow Arabs Muslim will immigrate to fight for them like their doing in Iraq then you shall relies what this is, my next point you know you lot like to point finger and hate truth who is army general that sponsor boko haram ? Can't your common sense tell you this is Hausa Fulani ways from inception they want Islamic state, you lot spend naira or what ever it's called with Arabic on it you don't know what it means and you claim one Nigeria, the army coat of arm or logo has Arabic on it who are defending and who re you fighting ? Boko haram is more sufficated than any Africa army, the solution is the word and question you don't like or want to hear separation that every country or nation maybe protect them selfs. The killings going on in Hausa land has never happened any where else apart from Biafra war. Every year Hausa Fulani has a riot killing people unrest in that part of the world is woofful. I personally do not associate with Nigeria because I'm aliens to the lies and deceit going on there, it's time bomb waiting to explode and it will definitely explode and when it does it will be too late, I wonder why Biafra was not allowed to live in peace as they did, Britain went and forced Biafra into this unholy union of masscar, cage of destruction and the very man guiding the cage called Nigeria don't want to tell him self truth. This is beyond his ability and ability of any president when Hausa is done Yoruba will begin when they re done Biafra. This is zoo Nigeria is worst than Islamic state because no one is reporting it, corrupt media full of lies and bribe takers shame on you

    1. Good write-up but why must you stereotype? Don't be mistaken boko haram can be wiped out. You can't clearly compare Isis with boko haram na, boko is politically motivated and can be curbed easily. Just cut their funding that is pretty much it..

    2. OF point way ur write has any connect with his.

    3. Mr. Anonymous, may your wishes for Nigeria be your household portion. As you prophesy war in every tribe of Nigeria may it go back to your head. As for Nigeria, peace of God is her lot. You are a bloody blood sucker and this is the end of your counsel over Nigeria in Jesus name. Amen

    4. You can't comprehend truth, for this reason debating Islamic fanatism or why Islam is synanmouse with violent is waste of time. If you undermine history it bound to repeat it's self, they called Nigeria their ground father estate and you think it's ends there. This people has long history of holy war and Yoruba people should testify to this. They conquered Yoruba land in kwara,

      Here is a message I got this morning I know it might be propaganda but with element of truth

      Read for your self and examine their truth.

      Sir and ma,greetings.Just got this for us to read and pray. UNBELIEVABLE! A MUST READ!

      It Is Either The Koran Or The Sword - ALIYU GWARZO

      ''When I say that the Presidency must come to the north next year I am referring to the Hausa-Fulani core north and not any northern christian or muslim minority tribe.

      The Christians in the north such as the Berom, the Tiv, the Kataf, the Jaba, the Zuru, the Sayyawa, the Bachama, the Jukun, the Idoma and all the others are nothing and the muslim minorities in the north, including the Kanuri, the Nupe, the Igbira, the Babur, the Shuwa Arabs, the Marghur and all the others know that when we are talking about leadership in the north and in Nigeria, Allah has given it to us, the Hausa-Fulani.

      They can grumble, moan and groan as much as they want but each time they go into their bedrooms to meet their wives and each time they get on their prayer mats to begin their prayers, it is we the Fulani that they think of, that they fear, that they bow to and that they pray for.

      Some of them are even ready to give us their wives and daughters for one nights sport and pleasure. They owe us everything. This is because we gave them Islam through the great Jihad waged by Sheik Usman Dan Fodio.

      We also captured Ilorin, killed their local King and installed our Fulani Emir. We took that ancient town away from the barbarian yoruba and their filthy pagan gods. We liberated all these places and all these people by imposing islam on them by force.

      It was either the Koran or the sword and most of them chose the Koran. In return for the good works of our forefathers Allah, through the British, gave us Nigeria to rule and to do with as we please. Since 1960 we have been doing that and we intend to continue.

      No Goodluck or anyone else will stop us from taking back our power next year. We will kill, maim, destroy and turn this country into Africa's biggest war zone and refugee camp if they try it.

      Many say we are behind Boko Haram. My answer is what do you expect? We do not have economic power or intellectual power. All we have is political power and they want to take even that from us.

      We must fight and we will fight back in order to keep it. They have brought in the infidels from America and the pigs from Israel to help them but they will fail. The war has just begun, the Mujahadeen are more than ready and by Allah we shall win.

      If they don't want an ISIS in Nigeria then they must give us back the Presidency and our political power. Their soldiers are killing our warriors and our people every day but mark this: even if it takes one hundred years we will have our revenge.

      Every Fulani man that they kill is a debt that will be repaid even if it takes 100 years. The Fulani have very long memories.''- ALIYU GWARZO


  34. I have never seen a more confuse write up than this.Video evidence show that the Govt caught their fake shekau alive,why did they kill him when common sense would have told them that this will happen,unless they too are hiding something from the public.What about finding our girls?you had their captor alive yet they prefer killing him without using him to get our girls back first.So me think both the government and shekau are playing the same game.

  35. Bros pls tell dEm more. God will surely vindicate nigerians.# PaynEz wan mama

  36. Good observation until u started stating ur own unconfirmed theories and accusing the same government that's fighting boko haram of sponsoring boko haram! So federal government is sponsoring them to score low in security and fighting them to show they can protect the citizens. Yes, AFP may ve better explanation as to why they are the only ones always receiving clips from boko boiz. But plz dnt add fuel to d already burning fire jus yet

    Braska ( 7417675A)

  37. i see an article written from a boko haram ravaged village.wen u keep hiding info from nigerian army ,wat did u expect?now ur village has become ghost town u are blaming ogas at d top.but i advice u around u for the sponsors of BH who have caused ur woes.u hausa fulanis are the hardest nut to crack ever.pelee

  38. Hmmm.....*leaders with no shoes* amused me. God will help somborri o

  39. Interesting and thought provoking read.

  40. this is serious. this man is a nightmare for Nigerians.

  41. God bless this writer, this is what our so called leaders fails to understand mostly this GEJ tenure, the man is a total flop and Nigerians need a change

  42. Some stuff you read, all you can do is to take a deep breath...

  43. Some stuff you read, all you can do is to take a deep breath...

  44. Let's keep our fingers crossed.. I pray dis idiot is dead.

  45. these are obviously 2 different people... no doubt

  46. This guy make sense die. I just fear 99% of Naija peeps won't even be able to decode half of what he means. As a test, lets count the number of dumb comments this will generate ("too long", "wetin consyne me" etc). And therein lies our number one problem. Ignorance

  47. akuko a nile okwa otu onye?

  48. Gbam! doktah peregrino. dats ryt !! @ last paraghraph. And they must free the mutinous soldiers.

    i agree 200%

    ms snead

  49. This guy is dead .... its a blatant lie. Abeg make den park well. Kudos to our military joor.

  50. I support your piece buh calling out the president with such allegations??? Nope

    Pls stop making fun of his not wearing shoe ish..... it was only a motivational story dat u can b who ever u want to be despite your beginning

    The only reason boko haram lasted this long is because the government I believe dint want to engage in a fyt wth dem wich will apparently lead to d dead of many pple but its war d haramites wanted afterall, and now dat it has been given?? They are losing it

    I believe their sponsors are behind dis video ishh to instill more fear on an alredy won battle

  51. the truth of the matter... well said.

  52. Wonder who to believe on this?

  53. This Dr. idiot na fool....bringbackgudluck# 4 life joor.
    whether you like it or not Jona has already won 2015..

  54. And we refused to sink untill we run them down. Nigeria will come out stronger than it ever was and our enemies both internal and external will be put to shame. They ll be made to pay for every single innocent blood shed on our Land. Our corrupt politicians will answer for every crime committed against humanity and our People.
    Proudly Nigerian, God Bless my fatherland Nigeria. United we stand and divided we fall.
    PEACE! #FREEDOM from Hatred and religious violence.

  55. Uhm.. Please who wrote this?? You are making some point anyway but with the wrong motive!
    Sounding very bias and there is this personal interest on this writing , well... this a Democratic world , everyone and his/her opinion but why blame everything on the presidency ? And saying his weak side without even saying one of his good deeds.
    Referring to him as "leader with no shoe"
    My dear who send you??
    #Nomzy's Voice

  56. aggrieved peopls party on d move , so na jtf kill shakau second whatever gej till 2019

  57. D title shud have been ''I hate jonathan and am an APC dog''

  58. This clueless hordes have now resorted to psychological warfare; their end is in sight. Even a blind man can see the difference between the two pictures. #Godpassthem

    Visit my little corner :

  59. As Usual Linda mofo Ikeji onye APC has refused 2 post mi comnt! Tot wt u r runnin hia 2 z a democractic blog? Mtschew! Dunno aw much APC pple paid u buh com rain kom shine, GEJ z d best civilian president 9ja eva had n if d change u want z 4 ur APC brodas 2 kom in2 power kom nxt yr, mi sister beta get ready 2 drink bleach kos it aint hapnin!

  60. Three things
    cannot be long
    hidden: the sun, the
    moon, and the
    ride on Dr. Peregrino Brimah

  61. So please which Shekau just sent a video yesterday? Is it the 1st dead Shekau or the 2nd dead Shekau? Or na whole new Shekau? USA still have a bounty on Shekau's head but we choose to believe the people who have not been able to deal with Boko Haram since 2009 till date but claim they are winning the war against Boko Haram. I live in the north and it's not a pretty site. The islamists are killing people regardless of religion or tribe.
    I am without sentiments nor with any rubbish party since they are all the same: Thieves and liars.

    They should put an end to these animals and stop lying about everything.

  62. Nicely photo shopped!!! Same person.....but I salute your ambition

  63. We'll said Mr Peregrino. Developing a respect for your write ups. some clowns on here need to get their heads out of the sand and see clearly. Weak president and tribalists who can see any wrong with him. Nigeria need help, if it's not a Muslim president with a secret agenda to islamatise the country it's man with no shoes with no clue about GOVERNANCE, insisting on a third term ,to continue to devalue any real prestige left of the country. Where is DONALD DUKE anyone or Fashola I hear you say. Fellas pls step up and rescue your country from what is left of it.

  64. Anonymous 7.04 we'll said. One keep seeing phrases here like- " e go better sha," , " wetin concern me", GEJ go win 2015 wether you like it or not". Or "aunty Linda when I go get my share of the prize money". Or the very classic 1st to comment". Nigerian youths need enlightenment.

  65. God Himself is not tired of cleansing Nigeria off shekau. Let him resurface as 20 in one.NHS will be dead. Because Shekau is evil that that pleases devil. XxxxxxxxxxNdubuaku

  66. Some Fifo Can Just Like To Hate On Jona...God Is

  67. Dear Dr Brimah: what evidence do you have that our army chiefs are the boko haram sponsors??and what makes you not think that The Australian Negotiator could be an enemy of the State?? And what makes you Think that once Jonathan steps down That terrorism will sTop??Terrorism is world wide phenomenon being used aGainst the majority...its time we stop complaining and find a solution to our problem*Is jonathan the cause of the failed security situation that sTarted in borno??or is he responsible for arming the thugs that metamorphosed to Boko haram???

  68. Dear Dr Brimah: what evidence do you have that our army chiefs are the boko haram sponsors??and what makes you not think that The Australian Negotiator could be an enemy of the State?? And what makes you Think that once Jonathan steps down That terrorism will sTop??Terrorism is world wide phenomenon being used aGainst the majority...its time we stop complaining and find a solution to our problem*Is jonathan the cause of the failed security situation that sTarted in borno??or is he responsible for arming the thugs that metamorphosed to Boko haram???

  69. This writer is d biggest fool.can't you state ur point without insulting the president....I don't blame you, u can spew this shit bcos you have a decent democrat like Jonathan as president....dem born you well to write abt Obasanjo like this when he was @ d helms of affair..........Anuofia!!!

  70. Naija wif dia action film..... D lies of our politicans

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

  71. Mehn whats the real truth about this ?

  72. Another deluded writer, APC mouth piece... Please I challenge u 2 come out with prove dat d president is sponsoring bokoharam...irresponsible nd seditious writers like u shud b locked up

  73. I meant GEJ till 2019!

  74. Well, I know now that it's only a matter of time............ jst so sad that the innocent ones keep dying. smh!

  75. Well, I know now that it's only a matter of time............ jst so sad that the innocent ones keep dying. smh!

  76. The truth of the matter is that shekau is dead and gone for good. The video was pre recorded, In case he lost his worthless life in the battle

  77. We don't know what to believe again in this country, God help us

  78. How did boko haram acquire sofiscated arms, tanks, it's not easy to acquire these items, why is an individual allowed in law to be richer than its state and country, when too much money is in the hands of a man he begins to feel godlike, democracy is been abused and the West knows it, And it's used as a modern weapon to enslave the entire world, terrorism, Ebola biological weapon testing started in Africa to test it's efficacy, they are checking and studying our body resistance before releasing the modifies form in the future.the future have just started. Your modern mobile phone are been used to profile you your Facebook account is been used also to profile you and link you to others, these data are been stored in a central Internet server for future use when the great war will begin, your phone is built to spy on you, gps as good as it is follow your daily movement patterns, your android phone activates recording when certain words are spoken, the world is been watched for those that will go against the future movement, population is systemically been reduced, free health care is tagging our new born babies and injecting them with modified DNA and nanobot for future wars, these children act on certain impulse when commanded to. Mind control is used all the time to manupulate one through music and videos, sex and fear are 2 things that have full gateway access to one's mind and this weapon is used in the media seriously to cause breakdown of every society,in the cartoons your children are been made to be recognise aliens, a young man into sex does see anything to acquire in life both to get money and go for more free sex, summary is something not human is taking over humanity let be on guard at all time, terrorism is used by the West to put all non cooperating countries to their knees, the above are coded use your sense gays right hmm, even giving them right to abduct healthy children not gay. For what purpose, u are been made to buy modern gadgets with your hard earn money to make sure u are broke at all time, the young man thinks of car instead of a home if the makes money all for people look for more money because the stored cash is depleting faster than they thought, people are been made to compete with one another rather than putting resource together to better the world. Nigeria have become the West enemy because of non conformity to world order. This is because too many ethnic diversity in one country. And we are paying the price. Boko haram are the soldiers of the west, Nigerian don't play this type of scripts we don't know how to write it yet. We love our selves too much. Shekau is not a Nigerian script.

  79. God bless the writer.....more of u is what Naija needs


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