'Why our top pastors are failing in marriage' - Relationship expert Praise Fowowe explains | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 15 September 2014

'Why our top pastors are failing in marriage' - Relationship expert Praise Fowowe explains

Relationship expert, Praise Fowowe, who is a self confessed sex addict turned relationship and sex counselor, in this incisive piece gave reasons why the marriages of some top pastors are packing up. Find his thought provoking piece below
1. A man of God is not God, he is a man: Unfortunately, we treat our men of God as if they are spirits who don't live in human body. What do we expect when we saddle them with our numerous issues. Unfortunately, many are not wise to say no to church members whose lives will continue if they drop dead. Church members have academic, financial, and even marital problems, they go to the pastor as if the man is built to solve every problem and in our quest to prove that we are superstars, we also fail to embrace the use of professionals who are trained in these things because of our hidden fear of respect. What stops a man of God who knows his marriage is in danger to take a back seat and allow a church member whose marriage is a model take a message on a Sunday that marriage is meant to be discussed? You are not built to solve every problem.
2. Anointing does not give immunity to divorce: The same way anointing doesn't give immunity to sexual sins, it doesn't also give immunity to divorce. It takes more than anointing to make a marriage work. I have seen the people we refer to as unbelievers build a fantastic marriage why I have also seen loads of tongue-talking believers make a shipwreck of theirs. The most important ingredient to build a winning marriage isn't prayers, it is knowledge and if you don't have it, you can't pray it in. I tell people that your anointing wouldn't stop you from sleeping with church members if you have a sex problem. If you position yourself around babes consistently in the name of "My daughter in the lord" and you don't draw a critical line, it is only a matter of time. My story is everywhere on how I was a sex addict in church after being born again yet leading praise worship and leading people to Christ until I became real to myself and went to get help. Every counselor needs a counselor and every pastor needs a pastor who may not necessarily be  title carrying person because the problem with us is that in this part of the world, we believe that a laity isn't anointed as long as he doesn't pastor a large church. If you are beating your wife, don't pretend you don't have a problem, you need to get help from a psychologist or psychiatrist.
3. There is no relationship without communication and relaxation: So many men of God don't communicate with their spouses. You can't expect an abandoned flower to blossom without your attention. I think many of us saddle our wives with church work that they are not prepared for. I do not believe that because a man is a pastor necessarily means that his wife must be a Pastor Mrs. God's callings and gifting aren't by marriage. I don't understand the calling that will make a man of God remain in Nigeria while he sends his wife to Germany to pastor the branch of the church over there. Excuse me, you are a human being who needs emotional attention. Unfortunately, that is the reality in many ministries. You are a man of God on the pulpit but at home, you are a lover and a father to your children. So you might learn to drop the bible and Christianity on the altar so that you can communicate with your wife and your children in human language. I was invited to a meeting years back and I asked the Pastor's there the last time they had a dance with their spouses? I was shocked when they said it was during their wedding. 
4. Isolation isn't spirituality: Jesus never isolated himself. As a matter of fact, he was found in everyday places like our present day shopping malls and movie houses. I see a lot of young pastors who have aged faster than they should be because of Isolation. Something tells us that we need to isolate ourselves to receive a word for a people who are being "pastored" only during the service because many of them are being influenced more by their favorite musician than their pastor. Don't allow church members turn you into who you are not because you don't want to hang out with your babe. They would spread your story when your marriage breaks down. When was the last time you met your pastor in a bus, mall, a restaurant or a cinema? As a matter of fact, when was the last time he was stuck in traffic and you saw him? If your answer is no, then most likely your pastor is a spirit. If a man wants to live in isolation, he should please not get married so that we can save the body of Christ all this embarrassment.
5. Wisdom is in the city square: If a man of God is inadequate on a particular subject, It is not shameful to get help. It is humility to look for help from people that have studied that particular subject. Something to learn from someone we have categorized as sinner. So when I hear someone make statements like there is nothing an unbeliever can teach me, I often ask who taught you how to speak English and understand Mathematics. Age and longevity in ministry is not the same as wisdom.


  1. Here comes another Etcetera. Nice one.

    I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

    1. Very ryt dear!!!!*AMA Ghana**

  2. GBAM!! Verite!! Verite!! On point!!

  3. Shebi una don hear am? Maka ndi na efe pastor

  4. GBAM!!!!! Couldn't have been said any better...

  5. I dont take sex addicts seriously.............................#KingOfKings

    1. You must be a FOOL!

    2. Senseless mofo u are! A big fool! He's 1 million times d man u can never be! God bless u for dis article my bro! U said it all

    3. Y are u so aggressive mr anonymous

  6. God Bless you for this beautiful writeup. wish all pastors can read and practice this.

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE This piece!!!

  8. I too much agree..... Nice piece!!!

  9. God bless this MOG.He said it the way it is.We've removed our gaze and focus from christ and placed it on mere mortals.Why won't they stumble? Expectation hurts

  10. Well spoken, knowledge wisdom is very important. Prayer still remains d key

  11. You are on point,Praise Fowowe."I know all"and "holier than thou" are a big problem in christianity.

  12. hmmmm well said so true

  13. GOD bless u, I also have that Bordening in my heart wanna meet u dude

  14. This is really interesting I think we have placed our ministesr too high than a normal human being. I truly agreed with this writer. Pastors should tried to listen to others and not think that they know everything.

  15. Ok
    You try
    Make some point anyway


  16. Wow, this man spoke A LOT of sense, especially with Pastor's wives automatically taking the pulpit when their preaching is whack.

    But one thing wrong though: Jesus DID isolate himself a lot, he fasted alone in the dessert for 40 days and often went by himself to secluded places to pray. But I get his point sha.



  17. U av spoken gud sir. But it dosnt alwys has to do wit saying, it has to do wit actions... A lot of divorcees are relationship experts wen u ask dem for advice

  18. "Words of widom" Thank you for writing! This is more philosophical than religious. Christianity & religion are not the same. People practice more of a religion than christianity. Jesus never isolated himself while on earth. HE was flexible & active. Arrogance & self aggradisement have purblinded our Pastors. Most of them even assume the status of a demi-god as their church members worship them instead of God Himself.

    1. Thanks for that point. And these pastors will sit there receiving the glory that belongs to God. Remember when the apostle Paul was about doing obeisance to an angel. The angel had to quickly stop him telling him he was a fellow worker but these so called MOGs will be accepting all the praises and worship from their congregation. I CALL THAT IDOLATARY.
      Sorry for deviating.

  19. u are indeed a counselor..a lot of Christians worship their "Pastors"..u hear my pastor said dis..my pastor said dat..u hardly hear the bible said dis n dat. One man of God is a principal, a vice-chancellor, a counselor, a teacher, a business man and seek advice only with himself..and if they make reference to someone else, it shld b a pastor like them.our pastors nowadays are everything. I tink it has to do with our skin..Our parents feel they have seen it all, our bosses feel they know it all and our pastors are polymaths..and at the end..they lose it all!

  20. u are indeed a counselor..a lot of Christians worship their "Pastors"..u hear my pastor said dis..my pastor said dat..u hardly hear the bible said dis n dat. One man of God is a principal, a vice-chancellor, a counselor, a teacher, a business man and seek advice only with himself..and if they make reference to someone else, it shld b a pastor like them.our pastors nowadays are everything. I tink it has to do with our skin..Our parents feel they have seen it all, our bosses feel they know it all and our pastors are polymaths..and at the end..they lose it all!

  21. Nice lecture here. I hope our people will learn from your advice. Thank you.

  22. I admired n fell in luv wit ur writeup

  23. Truth be told u are very right. Most church goers believe their pastors are mini gods who don't need prayers. Bless u mr fawowe

  24. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This dude really hit the nail on the head.... Niceone man no doubt.....

  25. Pastor, you nailed it.

  26. He jx hit the nail on the head.

  27. So true, I totally agree wit him.

  28. Seriously this man just wants to be famous. OK now that use gained it the cheap way park well

    1. if u don't have any thing to say den shut ur mouth! Did he write the post for Linda or Linda saw it somewhere and decided to post cos he made a lot of sense? Ur just soo shallow minded

  29. The best part of the write-up....

    "The most important ingredient to build a winning marriage isn't prayers, it is knowledge and if you don't have it, you can't pray it in"

    Waow! Those are words on the marble. There are some things prayer can't solve. I learnt this the hard way. *SadFace

  30. Thats ma papa tawking!


  31. Tru talk,seek help wen u need it,we christians are bzzy gvn God hrtache,I wonder hw He feels somtyms wen we do tyns dt bring reproach to His name.God av mercy on us all

  32. This is brilliantly said, Pastors should not forget that they are also human "beings", the "ing" there means work in progress. No one is perfect and should not live their lives like it's a country's constitution....No wonder ladies don't really like to marry Pastors. They should be flexible but not be carried away with worldly things.

  33. God is no man. Man is no God. God is God. Man is man with a woman in charge. Man is smart, woman is smarter, God is smartest.
    Man is at the bottom of the human food chain.

  34. Well said!! Pls tell them more. They should stop dis gracing the body of christ in the name of holiness.

  35. Somebody plz give this dude a chill pill


  36. Gbosa!!! U said it all. They who have ears, let them hear...I feel so sorry for those who always see them as a mini-God.

  37. GBAM!!! Men of God are so verified in this country, you'd mistake some of them as gods

  38. in my own opinion, he has said the truth. Nigerians will go ahead and say funny things

  39. I am one of those people who read but do not comment on this blog. But this article pushed my “comment button” so hard that I couldn’t help but comment. I concur 110% to the write up! God bless you real good Mr. Fowowe for sharing this wisdom packed piece. One more thing, Linda I’ll appreciate if you can add ‘like’ icon on your blog as will enable us to like previous comments. Bella naija has added it and I think it very cool.

  40. All this fake Pastors should stop pretending to be who they are not.

  41. Nice One sir......God will continue to help us all.

  42. Would've clicked 'like' if there was a link:)

  43. True talk, tnk God its not etceteral (abi wotz dat his name agn sef) diz tym arnd... *Flora*

  44. This is d very truth that has been said, todays christians have more problems with marriages, bcos they see everything as spiritual attack. A man won't feed his family and othet marrital responsibilities, he claims its d devil. I had an experience with my hubby, instead of giving us feeding allowance and pay school fees, he will give d money to church and pastors,then d family goes hungry. I cld mot take it any longer, I had to move out with my kids and himself and my pastor started saying I was used of d devil to stop d work of God. Christians shd pls know when.to draw d line. God bless

    1. With all due respect, e be like say bomb dey your pastor head.

  45. You have given these advice at the right time,its not adviceable for pastors to leave. Seperatly from their spouse,make out. Time for your family and mind how close you are to the unmarried,don,t go visiting single girls alone at home.

  46. Linda, pls how can I meet dis man, I want him 2 help one man of God I no dat has challenge in sex area. He has tried so much 2 stop.

  47. Thank you! Totally on point. And I agree with EVERYTHING you wrote. God bless you, Sir.

  48. Mr Analyst weldone ehhh. Take your seat at the back no one wants to hear your rantings. Must everybody talk?

  49. Wooooow!!! Highly impressed with his write-up. Very cohesive, to the point and valid.
    Someone who has said it as it is, in lay man terms without insulting the church...
    Lmao @ he's a spirit (if you haven't seen your pastor on the bus or in traffic...)

    Why get married if truly you would end up living apart from your wife?
    It's in the bible, when a man meets his wife, they become ONE BODY, forsaking everything (parents o, distractions o, distance to a point). This is to reduce temptation between both (esp the man).
    Your husband/wife is your COMPANION

  50. Wish some of our pastors will create time to browse and learn from sites other than Christian/bible based websites.This is a good/realistic writeup, an eye opener.God bless this pastor with more wisdom.

  51. This is the most reasonable post I have read on Linda Ikeji and I quite agree with you Praise. We need to tell ourselves the truth. There is a man before the 'Of God' was added. Jesus also found himself in the flesh and cried out to God that if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Welldone Praise. May your oil not run dry.

  52. gbam, it cant be said any better. no body is immuned against any form of sin at all. as for pastors and infact everybody, your life and family is the first church that other people are looking up to. God help us oooooo, @opyfasco

  53. What a write up, let them continue running away from the truth, being a man of God or pastor does not make you flawless or immune to fall to temptations. Let He who wants to live in isolation not get married. How can one separate himself from his immediate family and still seem it right. SMH

  54. When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18:22)

  55. My dear a lot of unbelievers here agree with you which makes your point invalid from a Christian and a spiritual point. Was peter not following Jesus everywhere and even preached the gospel everywhere he went and was even seen as the leader of the disciples yet his marriage never crumbled or reported to have had issues. Was his wife always with him? The problem of this age is that a lot of women don't want to submit. All they want is to compete with the head pf the home. Some of them think they are wiser than God who has made the man the head. See the issue is beyond what you have written and even this blog isn't enough to use and address this issue. This age is wild, no patience, no wisdom and a lot of people think marriage is as shown in movies. See, the foundation is faulty, a lot people's minds are filled with evil and you know what? its a terrible issue. Generations before us had people that worked out their marriages irrespective of distance and callings. I agree that couples shouldn't be apart but is that the only cause of divorce? How about financial issues etc. Bros abeg don't delve into people's marriages because you don't know where the shoe is pinching them and you are not in their hearts to see whether the real reasons for the divorce is actually what it is. Humans men, Damn

  56. 1million likes!!!!!! Praise fowowe! Even on love lounge! Always articulate and on point! *hugs*

  57. Great Piece! Regrettably so many pe who r suffering in this light will read this piece and hiss their way out without making a change. May God open your eyes

  58. I once attended an evangelical crusade by the late Rev Ernest Angely he told a story about when he was building a church in the heart of London, he was so consumed by his zeal to please and serve God that his marriage suffered, he had no time for his wife, relationships on this earth is not spiritual it is carnal, physical like talking, relating,gisting, hanging out, just the real carnal stuff, by carnal I don't mean only sex but just being around each other, if it where spiritual why is there no marriage in heaven.

    Back to Ernest Angeley he said while he was rushing out one day to go to the church, the holy spirit arrested him by admonishing him that he the Rev should not marry his church for him, the church being us Christians that he should go back home and be an attentive and affectionate husband to his wife. He said he marched right back home and found his neglected wife sitting on the kitchen chair crying. He repented immediately and started making amend. He had to find a balance as in serving God and being an attentive husband and father.

    Our pastors are human too and we should not put them on pedestals of being super human,people should stop expecting them to be problem solvers and miracle workers only, we as Christians should have personal relationship with Christ and study our bible, the pastors are here to guide you into strengthening the most important relationship of your life, with your maker not to solve problems, a lot of people have turned God to father Christmas and not he who we should have a relationship with.

    Please a word for the wise.

  59. WELL SAID FOWOWE! @- Bishop Dammy, I can't find your COMMENT here, plz do...

  60. Hmmmmmm, Paul was married?

    Is he not the same person who said it is beeter to remain single becaue marriage will distract you from serving God fully? exactly what was mentioned in this article, if you want to live in isolation and put Ministry as priority over any other thing, then DO NOT MARRY.

  61. @ANON 11.22 Shut up if you don't have a meaningful comment, are u saying many of the people commenting are unbelievers', you are a fake xtain my dear. Please repent.
    This article is a wonderful one ,why stay apart. Please tell your pastors to stop embarrassing Christ. Do u know how many would have left Christ becos of this divorce issue. Christ admonishes us to be light to the world.

  62. The person saying Praise Fowowe is seeking popularity must be very illiterate not to have known him before now. He doesnt need a blog to be popular cos his works speak for him. Haters abusing everyone without respect. I havent met Praise but I have read his books. No matter what you write or put up here, people must criticise you, but the truth is that those whom the message affects take what they want from it while the others criticise without knowledge or prejudices. If you feel living in different countries is d best, try it and you will know the truth. For those who run to their pastor wen mosquitoe bite them, have you ever asked yourself if pastor is God? Make una free the pastors too. I dey go church but I dey use my brain too. I believe my pastor but that doesnt mean I take him as God. chachakwa! God is the only one we should believe all He says without doubt. No matter how you wanna look at it, This article nailed it. If you feel otherwise, please write your own cos we wanna read.

  63. Whaooo!that's the raw gospel undiluted for who cares to listen.We have too many talkers but few doers....tanx Mr Fowowe

  64. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.Selah


  65. most of the pastor failed in their marriage due to taking most thing spiritual.

  66. I would have believed all that he said, but would counter what he said aboit anointing not being an immunity.
    I can only say that prayer and supplications and discipline can help.
    Also we should not forget that the bible says that we should work out our salvation with fears and trembling.
    However, I understand what he is saying....
    I also have a story but GOD delivered me from the spirit of masturbation after many years of masturbating, before and after marriage, even while pregnant.
    Only GOD can help us.
    I am totally free now,Praise GOD

  67. if obama can make out quality tym 4 his family, i see y no 9jirian pastor can do d same..lol *jst say* nyc article, thumbs up

  68. It takes one who has been there to understand. Thank you for your write up. Every so called "man of God" should understand first, that they are men before they were called to pastor others and after being drained by the demands of their duty need the comforting arms of their wives to bring them back to full strength. The truth is that many do not know the power of sex, it is healing for those in marriage and can help them draw inner strength and balance their emotions.

  69. 9ce write up broda.1 tin i believe is dt 1 will keep on learnin in life no matter hw big u r,u must learn.if nt,u will cum back here n share ur bita xperience.

  70. Nice writeup. I don't quite agree with the line "Drop your bible and christianity at the altar' ....there's no such thing! Christianity is a lifestyle, its how we live as believers! its not an outfit we wear and drop at will. Communication is essential in marriage and shouldn't be masked with spirituality without addressing issues that arise in marriage. Being a christain should give us an edge and make our marriages examples for others! A Great Marriage is not a fruit of the spirit, neither a gift of the spirit its hardwork, smartwork and with the help of the HolySpirit is FUNwork!

  71. You have spoken well my brother but there is still more to it..


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